My project today has me ready to cry or scream…I can’t decide which. I think I’m going to have to draw the pictures for it and take a break for a while.
But with writing side effects. It’s stuff from my mother’s never ending divorce mostly, that and residual effects of my laptop blowout. I was 300 words short of the halfway point for this next book when the laptop went down. Then I had mom stuff land on my desk just after got up and running again, so I’ve been an hour’s worth of work away from a major book milestone for about two weeks and it’s starting to get to me.
I’m going to get the 300 words done this afternoon if it kills me, just so I don’t have that little milestone staring at me any longer. At the moment I don’t even care if they’re good words. I can always just rewrite them later.
If you’d like me to send you some, I’ve got lots of spare bunches of 300 words that aren’t any good. π In fact, I’ll bet I could send you almost any number you need.
Good strategy. My wife and I decided a long time ago that it’s a lot easier to edit words that are written down than to edit words that are still in your head somewhere. A lot easier to get them published too. π
I think Daily Kos should front-page my diary so that maybe we could finally have a discussion about how Judith Miller was nothing more than a member of the WHIG.
Was Judy given a security clearance in 2002? If not, why did she see information that was classified until July 2003? And why did Scooter have to ask permission to show her intelligence she had already seen?
They’re glass?! I didn’t know Chihuly did anything that wasn’t suspended in air, lol.
I’ve been fine, thanks, just busy starting promotion on the book that comes out on the 18th. Yesterday, for instance, I drove 3 hours to Wichita to a librarians’ convention, attended it for two hours, then drove the 3 hours back, getting home just before midnight. And tomorrow I’m off for a morning speaking engagement in Emporia.
You’ve got my sympathy on that. My promo stuff is mostly SF cons in the Twin Cities and that’s only 80 minutes each way. That or stuff in Madison and I usually stay at least a night when I get chance to get down to Wisconsin’s liberal heart. Fabulous food and a really outstanding convention hotel make that a pleasure. I’m not sure how all of that’s going to change going from being a relatively well published short story writer into novel promotional land, but I suspect that I’m not going to be thrilled with the added work and travel. Of course, it’s way better than the not having a novel in print to promote problem, so I won’t complain. Now, I’ve really got to dig in and get to work.
Yeah, there are plenty of them around here. Go figure. I always thought this:
was a Chihuly, but a search for “Chihuly safeco field” doesn’t turn up any results and the site I got the picture from says the bats are plastic. So, I could be wrong once again.
I love snapdragons. Have ever since my mother had them in her garden and showed me how to make them “talk.” We had a bunch of snapdragons along the front walk last year that I hope went to seed and will come back this year. If not . . . well, I guess it’s off to the local horticultural establishment.
Not much is flowering yet this year. It’s still a bit chilly and the trees are just starting to put out leaves, although the cherry trees are putting out blossoms. Beautiful sight.
Long afternoon ahead…trying to finish a presenation on how to prepare grant proposal budgets…and then trying to explain numbers to non-number people!
Long Friday…and still doing client taxes this weekend. My punishment for having so much fun last weekend. I’ll actually hand deliver 3 of the returns by Sunday!
Kind of a crazy week for me. Two job interviews. Got the big “No” from one already. Biting my fingernails waiting for the results of the other.
Also today is the one year anniversary of my husband’s heart attack. We almost lost him due to inaction at one of the the country’s supposedly best ERs. He has had an amazing recovery, though, and is in fact out of town on business.
I was surprised by the cascading emotions I feel today.
When he comes home I’m going to surprise him with red wine, red candles, red roses and red paper hearts scattered around the house.
What you’re doing for him tonight is so sweet. It really speaks of how grateful you are to still have him around. It’s wonderful to hear that he has recovered so beautifully.
The Word — The Beatles
Jesus is Just Alright — The Doobie Brothers
Orinoco Flow — Celtic Woman
Sonata in F-Sharp Minor: II. Poco andante (comp. CPE Bach) — Christopher Hinterhuber
Peace Train — Cat Stevens
Intermede (comp. Debussy) — Bennett Lerner
So Much Love/Underture — Blood, Sweat & Tears
I’ll Tumble 4 Ya — Culture Club
What a Wonderful World — Kenny G., Louis Armstrong & Orchestra
Smut — Tom Lehrer (“I do have a cause though — it is obscenity. I’m for it.”)
THanks kansas. And can I say that you’ve reached new heights of respect in my eyes when I saw a hardcover book of yours at Goodwill. They usually only carry John Grisham and Stephen King and other mega-sellers, so maybe it portends something great about your upcoming book?
Wow! Those are truly gorgeous images, SN!
Thanks so much for posting them. It’s lovely to see these — & the other colorful, vibrant images here — on this greyest of grey, wet mountain days.
Hope you’re back in good form soon! This certainly wasn’t the best week for us, in terms of our health & well-being.
I have these growing at Lowe’s garden center, but I visit them often and they tolerate me taking their pictures. For now all I have in my yard is forsythia, pansies, Carolina jessamine, marigolds, azaleas and some prize dandelions.
I was going to load up the camera and get it ready to haul around today, taking pictures of some of the local sights . . . but when I tried to turn it on this morning, nothin’. The batteries were dead. (That is the only drawback to a digital camera, in my book. They eat batteries like candy.)
So I had to put the batteries in the recharger before I left for work and will just take pictures later, I guess.
I need to find a good way of remotely sorting through the pictures I have at home. There are some nice butterfly and flower pictures in there, among the shots where my granddaughter decided to take a picture of her own nose to see what it looked like. (She now has her own camera.)
Hey there, Omir!
Frankly, I’d love to see your granddaughter’s photos — as well as yours!
About the battteries: I have two sets of rechargeables. When one set’s in the camera, the other set’s in the charger. I generally always have a good set on hand that way.
I try to remember to do that, but it doesn’t always work. The remembering part, that is. I need to buy some more rechargables, now that we have a couple more cameras in the house.
Usually I like to take a spare set of rechargables with me to drop in when the first set gets run down, plus a backup set of regular alkalines in case those ones aren’t enough. But those suckers are heavy, comparatively speaking.
What I’d really like is to get an external battery that would power a camera or my Palm for a good long time, but I haven’t found one I like yet.
No need for that SN… the instant I saw you listed on the recent list I ran right over and read your piece. I was hoping to get the very first comment in, but of course Mary beat me to it! At least it was Mary, not someone I esteem less, say, like … maybe … ok, I won’t snark yet today. I’ll save that for when I’ve gotten home and been able to relax a bit first.
The problem is that I have plenty to do but I can’t get anything done. Our “bad news” is out — which as I said really isn’t that bad it was just handled in a bad way.
So I’ve had people in and out of my office all afternoon and I promised I would spend at least 1/2 hour downstairs at the bar with everyone after hours. (Fortunately I have someplace to be so I can’t stay much longer than that.)
I just can’t be “warm and understanding” for too long before I drive myself insane.
ME TOO! I am now the only one left in the office until 5:00, so I’m permitting myself to slack, since I have to take work home again this weekend! I hate writing reports for clients… and this one is for a client (unnamed mega mass merchandiser who shall remain anonymous unless you read through the lines)that I’m not particularly fond of… makes it hard to write up research results that aren’t tainted by my vociferous opposition to everything they do. I need to get a different job, because that makes me feel like I’m whoring. So, SN, whore away, slut on down to the diary and enjoy yourself!
Actually it is. He lives somewhere around here (possibly Tacoma) so we have quite a bit of Chihuly in these parts. There are some very cool pieces down at the Aquarium, reminiscent of seashells.
About to flee the office here, and want to catch up with folks at a ‘reasonable’ hour of the day, instead of posting in the dead of night. Hehe.
I’ll bring flowers for everyone. You guys supply the wit and snark. I’ll bring my own beer, since no one probably cares much for Old Style anyway… our standard house brew for everyday purposes.
Sorry to hear that Andi! I hate it when that happens, because all the things I like to do for fun seem to involve electricity… we’re so spoiled these days. Hope you have plenty of candles to tide you through!
And I just got home from work, fed the dogs, checked out what’s newly coming up in the garden, and was going to send you some flowers! Well I’ll post them anyway, and maybe you can see them tomorrow. And I made a special effort to post them early today so you could see… dang weather… hehe.
Andi, sorry you can’t be here to see these, but I’ll post more later when a new thread opens up…
Also too bad DTF isn’t here either… I was looking for these the other night when he was asking for blue flowers. These are muscari armeniacum, commonly known as “Grape Hyacinths,” though they are in no way related to real hyacinths. Beautiful lil guys that look especially striking when planted around red and yellow tulips (those will come later). When they come up again this year with the reds and yellows, I’ll get better pictures than I was able to achieve last year.
Great to see signs of life here, CG! Yeah, not so subtle of me huh? Sounds like everyone has had a be-atch of a week, and I’m ready to take it easy for the night!
Glad you saw these, DTF. Yes, they are a very deep blue, bordering on purple, and it all depends on the variety that you plant. I don’t recall if this particular muscari had a varietal name since it’s been several years since they were planted, but they’re pretty standard. If you want to try them, just make sure you don’t buy the white or other colors that also exist.
Yes, they only bloom in the spring, though ours have been known to make a second bloom in the fall, but that’s the exception, not the rule.
They’re fine with benign neglect… just plant them in the fall, let them go through the winter and they’ll be up in the spring. In fact, ours never really die back completely in the summer/fall/winter, and stay green and grassy looking most of the year. As with all bulbs, the worst part is getting them planted in the first place, but since these are small bulbs, they only have to go 2-3″ down, unlike tulips and daffodils that need to go 7-8″ down, just to give you some perspective on that.
Try some! As SN said, they do naturalize over time, but I’ve never heard anyone complain about these staking out their own area in the garden. We do our best to let them have their way, as we do with the Siberian Squill (another blue you must see) and the crocus. Really gives you something to look forward to in the late winter months and early spring when you can’t wait for something to grow and show color!
I still think you should try your hand at delphiniums… you can find such an incredible range of blues (light to deep to purple) with them. They have their issues with heat and wind, but for sheer stopping power, they can’t be beat. Every year people stop me to ask what they are, lol. Anyway, hope that answered your questions.
what is Siberian Skull and does it like neglect and does it bloom all through summer?
And just how blue is it?
I confess I do not love me a spring bulb as much as I probably should.
Crocuses, et al, are sweet, and I love to see them, but with a sadness, because I know that like my Madame Plantier rose, they will be there for too short a time, and then it’s another year, and what to plant in the spot where they will not be when the cool mists of spring are unceremoiously usurped by the stultifying steam heat of summer.
I want me something blue that blooms from the first of March through the Day of American Indigenous Mourning in late November, no matter what you do to it, or what you don’t.
And again, thank you for sharing your gift as a treasure trove of horticultural knowledge. π
Glad you found that somewhat helpful, DTF. Here’s the real problem you’re posing: I want me something blue that blooms from the first of March through the Day of American Indigenous Mourning in late November, no matter what you do to it, or what you don’t.
That is such a tall order, that to my knowledge it is virtually impossible. I know of nothing, any color, that will bloom that long, AND thrive on neglect, heat, etc. And, will be the shade of blue you desire… maybe in warmer climates there is something but here in Zone 5, I can’t think of anything that would fit that bill. Sorry.
Siberian Squill also has a short bloom period of perhaps a week or two, depending on the conditions. Yes, bulbs do have a pretty limited bloom time, but they’re worth it, in my opinion, because they bring on the beauty early while other plants are just waking up and getting ready to grow, and despite all the hard work digging holes, we still find them gratifying, and with most, that’s the only hard work you have to do is dig once, then forget them till they’re done blooming and you have to remove the dead growth.
If you do indeed find that holy grail plant you’re idealizing, do let me know! Likewise, should I discover something fitting those parameters, I will let you know. Don’t hold your breath on that one, or there may be a truly blue DTF. π
Am I the only one who wishes it were happy hour already?
Nope. I’m totally with you on that one. I’ve had a totally miserable week so far.
My project today has me ready to cry or scream…I can’t decide which. I think I’m going to have to draw the pictures for it and take a break for a while.
Are you having writing misery or other misery?
But with writing side effects. It’s stuff from my mother’s never ending divorce mostly, that and residual effects of my laptop blowout. I was 300 words short of the halfway point for this next book when the laptop went down. Then I had mom stuff land on my desk just after got up and running again, so I’ve been an hour’s worth of work away from a major book milestone for about two weeks and it’s starting to get to me.
Hi, KMc. Have a bucketful of sympathy from me!
I’m going to get the 300 words done this afternoon if it kills me, just so I don’t have that little milestone staring at me any longer. At the moment I don’t even care if they’re good words. I can always just rewrite them later.
I hope you get them done, so you can relax some while you’re dealing with everything else.
If you’d like me to send you some, I’ve got lots of spare bunches of 300 words that aren’t any good. π In fact, I’ll bet I could send you almost any number you need.
Good strategy. My wife and I decided a long time ago that it’s a lot easier to edit words that are written down than to edit words that are still in your head somewhere. A lot easier to get them published too. π
Oh, I guess it isn’t. I’m just happy. Three Mariner wins in a row, and my favorite team is in first place for the first time since October 2003!
All right, all right, I know it won’t last, but I have to enjoy it when I can.
Hi, CG. I really love that photo, but what are those things? Is that in a botanical garden somewhere, or your back yard?
It’s a Chihuly installation in Coral Gables(?), Florida. I would LOVE to have that in my backyard, though!
How have you been?
I think Daily Kos should front-page my diary so that maybe we could finally have a discussion about how Judith Miller was nothing more than a member of the WHIG.
Was Judy given a security clearance in 2002? If not, why did she see information that was classified until July 2003? And why did Scooter have to ask permission to show her intelligence she had already seen?
recommended it there. Hope that helps.
Front Page this do you think anyone of the front pagers would listen to me? [/snark
I recommended earlier…
They’re glass?! I didn’t know Chihuly did anything that wasn’t suspended in air, lol.
I’ve been fine, thanks, just busy starting promotion on the book that comes out on the 18th. Yesterday, for instance, I drove 3 hours to Wichita to a librarians’ convention, attended it for two hours, then drove the 3 hours back, getting home just before midnight. And tomorrow I’m off for a morning speaking engagement in Emporia.
How ’bout you and the CG boys?
You’ve got my sympathy on that. My promo stuff is mostly SF cons in the Twin Cities and that’s only 80 minutes each way. That or stuff in Madison and I usually stay at least a night when I get chance to get down to Wisconsin’s liberal heart. Fabulous food and a really outstanding convention hotel make that a pleasure. I’m not sure how all of that’s going to change going from being a relatively well published short story writer into novel promotional land, but I suspect that I’m not going to be thrilled with the added work and travel. Of course, it’s way better than the not having a novel in print to promote problem, so I won’t complain. Now, I’ve really got to dig in and get to work.
Who wouldn’t want to have a Chihuly in their back yard?
You lucky folks in Washington practically have them all over your backyard, IMO. π
(looks out the window)
Not my back yard. π
Yeah, there are plenty of them around here. Go figure. I always thought this:
was a Chihuly, but a search for “Chihuly safeco field” doesn’t turn up any results and the site I got the picture from says the bats are plastic. So, I could be wrong once again.
I think Tacoma is a hotbed of chihuly pieces, isn’t it?
My favorite little hotel (the Alexis) in Seattle has one in the lobby.
They are very colourful, aren’t they. π
Hi, (((Olivia)))!
They’re almost as gorgeous as your flowers.
It’s not even lunchtime yet! π
Apartment still a mess, but at least we got the bed made today — hell, it’s a start…erranding in a bit…
Thanks for the flowers! I think snapdragons are my favorite, although cosmos are a close second.
Those are so beautiful, Diane. Great color combo.
My white snapdragons finally bloomed…a couple of sunny days and the whole garden would be ready! Probably no flowers – more rain forecast.
The cherry tree blossomed and the rain has knocked most of the flowers off…few if any cherries this year.
Flowers make the world a better place. π You’ve got a beautiful garden Diane.
Olivia, I’d go even farther & say that flowers make the world! They’re an integral part of the entire balance of natural life.
Hope you’re feeling a bit better today.
I love snapdragons. Have ever since my mother had them in her garden and showed me how to make them “talk.” We had a bunch of snapdragons along the front walk last year that I hope went to seed and will come back this year. If not . . . well, I guess it’s off to the local horticultural establishment.
Not much is flowering yet this year. It’s still a bit chilly and the trees are just starting to put out leaves, although the cherry trees are putting out blossoms. Beautiful sight.
Long afternoon ahead…trying to finish a presenation on how to prepare grant proposal budgets…and then trying to explain numbers to non-number people!
Long Friday…and still doing client taxes this weekend. My punishment for having so much fun last weekend. I’ll actually hand deliver 3 of the returns by Sunday!
So…a little blog lurking and more typing.
Hugs to everyone
Hang in there SallyCat — hope your workload lightens soon.
Kind of a crazy week for me. Two job interviews. Got the big “No” from one already. Biting my fingernails waiting for the results of the other.
Also today is the one year anniversary of my husband’s heart attack. We almost lost him due to inaction at one of the the country’s supposedly best ERs. He has had an amazing recovery, though, and is in fact out of town on business.
I was surprised by the cascading emotions I feel today.
When he comes home I’m going to surprise him with red wine, red candles, red roses and red paper hearts scattered around the house.
What you’re doing for him tonight is so sweet. It really speaks of how grateful you are to still have him around. It’s wonderful to hear that he has recovered so beautifully.
That is a huge milestone, and a wonderful way to mark the occasion and sentiment.
Crossing fingers and toes for the second job outcome. {{{kahli}}}
What a sweetie. And what a gift to be loved like that! π
Thank you all very much.
Here’s hoping, Kahli.
It’s clear, though, that your home is filled with love & blessings — so you’re already ahead!
for Happy Hour, so just in case:
Friday Random 10
The Word — The Beatles
Jesus is Just Alright — The Doobie Brothers
Orinoco Flow — Celtic Woman
Sonata in F-Sharp Minor: II. Poco andante (comp. CPE Bach) — Christopher Hinterhuber
Peace Train — Cat Stevens
Intermede (comp. Debussy) — Bennett Lerner
So Much Love/Underture — Blood, Sweat & Tears
I’ll Tumble 4 Ya — Culture Club
What a Wonderful World — Kenny G., Louis Armstrong & Orchestra
Smut — Tom Lehrer (“I do have a cause though — it is obscenity. I’m for it.”)
Besides, I missed last week’s… π
Heh. Never knew that was what they were saying…I’ll tumble 4 ya. I just kind of sang “I’ll huh huh huh huh.”
It could easily be mine. Always glad to meet a fellow Tom Lehrer fan.
Afternoon everyone. Been feeling stank-ass and tired but reading the Cafe most days.
These cheer me up.
The highest compliment I can give you is to tell you I glanced at that daisy (?) photo and thought, “Oh, good, new Olivia pictures.” π
THanks kansas. And can I say that you’ve reached new heights of respect in my eyes when I saw a hardcover book of yours at Goodwill. They usually only carry John Grisham and Stephen King and other mega-sellers, so maybe it portends something great about your upcoming book?
I’ll rush out and buy it on the 18th!
Lol! I have truly arrived. And boy do I love those magic words, “I’ll rush out and buy it.”
I’ve got my copy pre-ordered. Now I need to figure out how to get it autographed. π
If you happen to live anywhere around Washington D.C., Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, or Phoenix, that could be arranged! π
Denver! Where and when?
Ah, I just checked your website. Highlands Ranch Tattered Cover–I’ll totally be there!
Oh, wow!! This is so cool. I can’t wait to meet you!
Likewise!! I think I’ll buy a second copy at the TC to give to my Mom–I know she’d love your books.
And the TC will like that, too! π
Wow! Those are truly gorgeous images, SN!
Thanks so much for posting them. It’s lovely to see these — & the other colorful, vibrant images here — on this greyest of grey, wet mountain days.
Hope you’re back in good form soon! This certainly wasn’t the best week for us, in terms of our health & well-being.
Me too!
These are definitely cheer-me-ups! Beautiful! Do you have these growing outside?!
Seems like the week for feeling like crap. I hope you feel better soon! {{{{{{{SN}}}}}}}
I have these growing at Lowe’s garden center, but I visit them often and they tolerate me taking their pictures. For now all I have in my yard is forsythia, pansies, Carolina jessamine, marigolds, azaleas and some prize dandelions.
Me too!
Are you officially on w/e time now? π
Here is some luscious blue sky for you!
Ahh. Thank you!! How beautiful.
It’ll be a while, I think, before I see both luscious flowers & luscious sky together that way.
Here’s what I’ll be missing!
Thank you for yet another stunning image, mythmother!
It’s been over two decades since I’ve seen the Pacific coast. I really appreciate these!
No doubt, with your painterly eye you’ll be able to capture beauty wherever you are.
Here’s to your escape from a decidedly ugly situation!
Thanks, WW! I have never seen anything quite like the Pacific Coast, not that I am a world traveler or anything!
I was going to load up the camera and get it ready to haul around today, taking pictures of some of the local sights . . . but when I tried to turn it on this morning, nothin’. The batteries were dead. (That is the only drawback to a digital camera, in my book. They eat batteries like candy.)
So I had to put the batteries in the recharger before I left for work and will just take pictures later, I guess.
I need to find a good way of remotely sorting through the pictures I have at home. There are some nice butterfly and flower pictures in there, among the shots where my granddaughter decided to take a picture of her own nose to see what it looked like. (She now has her own camera.)
Hey there, Omir!
Frankly, I’d love to see your granddaughter’s photos — as well as yours!
About the battteries: I have two sets of rechargeables. When one set’s in the camera, the other set’s in the charger. I generally always have a good set on hand that way.
I try to remember to do that, but it doesn’t always work. The remembering part, that is. I need to buy some more rechargables, now that we have a couple more cameras in the house.
Usually I like to take a spare set of rechargables with me to drop in when the first set gets run down, plus a backup set of regular alkalines in case those ones aren’t enough. But those suckers are heavy, comparatively speaking.
What I’d really like is to get an external battery that would power a camera or my Palm for a good long time, but I haven’t found one I like yet.
Hey, I’m running out on an errand for about an hour…I’ll put up the happy hour lounge when I get back.
I’ve used up my spare ounce of energy to write a little something and may now need a nap!
Story link.
Of course you may and it’s a really good diary. Everybody should go over and read it.
Thanks for helping me whore. Does that make you a pimp?
It has more dignity.
No need for that SN… the instant I saw you listed on the recent list I ran right over and read your piece. I was hoping to get the very first comment in, but of course Mary beat me to it! At least it was Mary, not someone I esteem less, say, like … maybe … ok, I won’t snark yet today. I’ll save that for when I’ve gotten home and been able to relax a bit first.
I appreciated your comment! And now that it’s front-paged I’m totally intimidated.
Woo hoo. That’s a biggie. Don’t worry, we’ll be here to support ya. {{SN}}
Great diary…you were so brave to do that, that I even commented in it. π
I want this day to be over!
I’m accomplishing nothing and yet … I can’t leave.
I think you look feverish, maryb. You don’t want to expose everyone in the office to what may be a horrible affliction, do you?
The problem is that I have plenty to do but I can’t get anything done. Our “bad news” is out — which as I said really isn’t that bad it was just handled in a bad way.
So I’ve had people in and out of my office all afternoon and I promised I would spend at least 1/2 hour downstairs at the bar with everyone after hours. (Fortunately I have someplace to be so I can’t stay much longer than that.)
I just can’t be “warm and understanding” for too long before I drive myself insane.
That warm and understanding thing gets old real fast for me sometimes.
ME TOO! I am now the only one left in the office until 5:00, so I’m permitting myself to slack, since I have to take work home again this weekend! I hate writing reports for clients… and this one is for a client (unnamed mega mass merchandiser who shall remain anonymous unless you read through the lines)that I’m not particularly fond of… makes it hard to write up research results that aren’t tainted by my vociferous opposition to everything they do. I need to get a different job, because that makes me feel like I’m whoring. So, SN, whore away, slut on down to the diary and enjoy yourself!
it really should exist so you could leave you body there and your mind could leave (not that I haven’t done that metaphorically any number of times).
I call that blogging …
is conference calls. It should be against the law to make someone stay on the phone longer than an hour.
Actually it is. He lives somewhere around here (possibly Tacoma) so we have quite a bit of Chihuly in these parts. There are some very cool pieces down at the Aquarium, reminiscent of seashells.
About to flee the office here, and want to catch up with folks at a ‘reasonable’ hour of the day, instead of posting in the dead of night. Hehe.
I’ll bring flowers for everyone. You guys supply the wit and snark. I’ll bring my own beer, since no one probably cares much for Old Style anyway… our standard house brew for everyday purposes.
Still have a phone line though so thought I’d get on briefly and wish everybody a good evening.
See you when I’ve got the power back (which will undoubtedly not be till some time tomorrow).
Sorry to hear that Andi! I hate it when that happens, because all the things I like to do for fun seem to involve electricity… we’re so spoiled these days. Hope you have plenty of candles to tide you through!
And I just got home from work, fed the dogs, checked out what’s newly coming up in the garden, and was going to send you some flowers! Well I’ll post them anyway, and maybe you can see them tomorrow. And I made a special effort to post them early today so you could see… dang weather… hehe.
Andi, sorry you can’t be here to see these, but I’ll post more later when a new thread opens up…

Also too bad DTF isn’t here either… I was looking for these the other night when he was asking for blue flowers. These are muscari armeniacum, commonly known as “Grape Hyacinths,” though they are in no way related to real hyacinths. Beautiful lil guys that look especially striking when planted around red and yellow tulips (those will come later). When they come up again this year with the reds and yellows, I’ll get better pictures than I was able to achieve last year.
Is that a hint? π Is everybody ready for happy hour/random 10?
Great to see signs of life here, CG! Yeah, not so subtle of me huh? Sounds like everyone has had a be-atch of a week, and I’m ready to take it easy for the night!
This has been the longest week I’ve had since I can’t remember when…whew!
See you over there-
Do they bloom only in spring? How do they like benign neglect?
I had these all over my yard back in Ohio. They are bluish/purple and spread like crazy once you plant a few bulbs.
Glad you saw these, DTF. Yes, they are a very deep blue, bordering on purple, and it all depends on the variety that you plant. I don’t recall if this particular muscari had a varietal name since it’s been several years since they were planted, but they’re pretty standard. If you want to try them, just make sure you don’t buy the white or other colors that also exist.
Yes, they only bloom in the spring, though ours have been known to make a second bloom in the fall, but that’s the exception, not the rule.
They’re fine with benign neglect… just plant them in the fall, let them go through the winter and they’ll be up in the spring. In fact, ours never really die back completely in the summer/fall/winter, and stay green and grassy looking most of the year. As with all bulbs, the worst part is getting them planted in the first place, but since these are small bulbs, they only have to go 2-3″ down, unlike tulips and daffodils that need to go 7-8″ down, just to give you some perspective on that.
Try some! As SN said, they do naturalize over time, but I’ve never heard anyone complain about these staking out their own area in the garden. We do our best to let them have their way, as we do with the Siberian Squill (another blue you must see) and the crocus. Really gives you something to look forward to in the late winter months and early spring when you can’t wait for something to grow and show color!
I still think you should try your hand at delphiniums… you can find such an incredible range of blues (light to deep to purple) with them. They have their issues with heat and wind, but for sheer stopping power, they can’t be beat. Every year people stop me to ask what they are, lol. Anyway, hope that answered your questions.
what is Siberian Skull and does it like neglect and does it bloom all through summer?
And just how blue is it?
I confess I do not love me a spring bulb as much as I probably should.
Crocuses, et al, are sweet, and I love to see them, but with a sadness, because I know that like my Madame Plantier rose, they will be there for too short a time, and then it’s another year, and what to plant in the spot where they will not be when the cool mists of spring are unceremoiously usurped by the stultifying steam heat of summer.
I want me something blue that blooms from the first of March through the Day of American Indigenous Mourning in late November, no matter what you do to it, or what you don’t.
And again, thank you for sharing your gift as a treasure trove of horticultural knowledge. π
Glad you found that somewhat helpful, DTF. Here’s the real problem you’re posing:
I want me something blue that blooms from the first of March through the Day of American Indigenous Mourning in late November, no matter what you do to it, or what you don’t.
That is such a tall order, that to my knowledge it is virtually impossible. I know of nothing, any color, that will bloom that long, AND thrive on neglect, heat, etc. And, will be the shade of blue you desire… maybe in warmer climates there is something but here in Zone 5, I can’t think of anything that would fit that bill. Sorry.
Siberian Squill also has a short bloom period of perhaps a week or two, depending on the conditions. Yes, bulbs do have a pretty limited bloom time, but they’re worth it, in my opinion, because they bring on the beauty early while other plants are just waking up and getting ready to grow, and despite all the hard work digging holes, we still find them gratifying, and with most, that’s the only hard work you have to do is dig once, then forget them till they’re done blooming and you have to remove the dead growth.
If you do indeed find that holy grail plant you’re idealizing, do let me know! Likewise, should I discover something fitting those parameters, I will let you know. Don’t hold your breath on that one, or there may be a truly blue DTF. π
BTW, what zone do you live in?
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