Via Swing State Project, we learn that Rep. Curt Weldon (PA-7) is a liar and a Moonie. Not only that, he is a supporter of Moammar Al Qadhafi. In short, he’s nuts.
The picture below is from a reception that honored the Rev. Sun Myung Moon where Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) “wearing white gloves, place[d] a jeweled crown on Moon’s head.” Curt Weldon tried to distance himself from the reception:
His office originally vehemently denied his attendance, then when he was revealed to be a co-chair organizer of the event[2]
claimed that he had intended to attend but could not because of a
scheduling conflict; then when a photo surfaced of him speaking at the
event while standing next to a lifesize photo of him pinning a Unification Church medal on Moammar Al Qadhafi, stated that he had left immediately after the speech and had no knowledge of what else went on.[3]
From The Hill:
Weldon, whose office initially denied that he attended the event but retracted that claim upon being shown photos, gave a brief speech about his recent trip to Libya.
Michael Conallen, a spokesman for Weldon, said he “was not there for the crowning” and “had no idea that the Reverend Moon was going to be at this event. … If we had known that Reverend Moon was going to attend the event, be crowned and make an unbelievably interesting speech, the congressman likely would not have attended.”
And when he isn’t lying or pinning Moonie pins on deranged foreign dictators, Weldon is doing other crazy shit.
Washington Times
For example, he writes books using discredited sources from the Iran-Contra controversy or he tells his opponent where to have his daughter treated for cancer.
Sitting in the oncology ward at Children’s National Medical Center on Jan. 19, retired Adm. Joe Sestak and his wife, Susan, awaited the doctors’ verdict about the condition of their 5-year-old daughter, Alexandra.
She had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor last summer and given three to nine months to live. The Sestaks lived for four months in the ward. They watched as their daughter survived three surgeries, and as she endured chemotherapy.
But that winter day, doctors told the Sestaks that Alexandra had done remarkably well and that, although the cancer could reemerge, she could resume living like a healthy girl.
Weldon attacked Sestak’s decision to continue owning a home in Virginia while only renting in Pennsylvania and questioned why Sestak did not move back to Pennsylvania when he was working at the Pentagon. Weldon commutes from Pennsylvania each day.
Weldon also suggested Sestak should have sent his daughter to a hospital in Philadelphia or Delaware, rather than the Washington hospital. Sestak said that as soon as doctors give his daughter the all-clear, he’ll buy in Pennsylvania.
As Chris Bowers notes:
Curt Weldon is insane–and I’m not even going into the Able Danger stuff here, or the nepotism surrounding his daughter’s consulting firm, or who knows what else. And oh yeah, Curt Weldon also occupies the PA-07, which is the 8th most Democratic district held by a Republican, with a partisan voting index of +3.6 Dem. In fact, this is district is so Democratic, that in 2005, Weldon’s opponent, Paul Scholes, scored over 41% of the vote here despite only $25K raised and 90 days to campaign. Sestak, who has more money than Weldon, is going to receive 41%+ by default, and that is assuming that 2006 is just as Republican as 2004. This district is actually more Democratic than either the PA-06 or the PA-08.
You can contribute to Sestak here. Help us rid ourselves of the lunatic Curt Weldon. Add .03 cents to let them know it comes from the Frog Pond.
Not to mention that he funnels his receipt of bribes through his daughter:
Sestak just needs enough money to run a commercial with Qadafi and Weldon a bunch of times.
Joe Sestak just announced that he raised $420,000 over the past 60 days. This campaign is for real, and is very winnable, especially with Weldon proving himself for the loon he is on such a regular basis. PA-07 went for Gore in 2000; for Rendell BIG in 2002; and for Kerry in 2004. Democrats are making huge strides here on the local level as well, and in the heart of the 7th we have two Democrats in Harrisburg– State Rep. Greg Vitali and State Sen. Connie Williams. This is a ‘sleeper’ pick-up opportunity for the Dems and I hope that the DCCC figures it out soon.
Democrats are making huge strides here on the local level as well…
That’s fantastic news.
This is a ‘sleeper’ pick-up opportunity for the Dems and I hope that the DCCC figures it out soon.
Don’t count on it. Seriously.
You should continue to work your behind off without any expectation that the DCCC will help. That support would be great but don’t count on it coming.
I think in all likelihood, help would be forthcoming, given that this is PA. BUT–lots of things can happen: They may only focus on the Senate race; if the Sen. candidate is tanking, that may affect decisions on whether or not to stay in your district when they could help other candidates; if they deem Sestak to be tanking, they’ll yank money/staff.
Welcome it if it comes, but do not count on it.
What a nutbag this Weldon is. Good god.
I saw Sestak a coule nights ago. A quiet guy who gets his point across very well. A little write up I did over at my blog:
Joe Sestak, running for U.S. House Rep in PA-07 in DelCo. I’ve heard rumblings about him for the past few weeks, but nothing of real substance. He retired a Vice Admiral after a thirty-one year career in the Navy which included a stint as Director of Defense Policy in Clinton’s White House. He’s only been on the campaign trail for fifty-two [or was it sixty-two] days now, so he’s still a little green, but he spoke well to the crowd. A very calming voice came out of the veteran. He wants out of Iraq. He wants to fight for universal healthcare. He wants to fight to uphold womens’ right to choose. He wants federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. He has a personal stake on the issues of healthcare and stem cell reasearch. His five-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and had to go through four months of chemotheraphy. He spoke of Rep. Curt Weldon’s [the incumbent GOP opponent] attacks on his family’s decision to take Alexandra to the Chilidren’s Hospital in D.C. instead of a hospital in PA. Sestak told of how he went to the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins and CHOP here in Philly; they all told him that the best care would be back in D.C. at Children’s Hospital so he did what any parent would do, go get the best care for his child where his family was already based due to his assignment at Annapolis.
Sestak stressed accountability in his closing. He told the crowd about how a plane is launched on an aircraft carrier [Sestak was a cammander of an aircraft carrier battle group in Iraq and Afghanistan]. He described the incredible engines on a jet and the additional launch cable mechanism that adds additional takeoff thrust. He told us how the pilot cannot see underneath her/his plane and relies on her/his deck operator to give an all-clear signal after making sure everything was okay underneath by stepping in front of the jet in plain view of the pilot. The deck operator is saying to the pilot that it is okay to shut off the engine at that point with no worries that the cable will launch the plane off the deck; if it does, it would take the deck operator with it. The deck operator is telling the pilot to trust her/him and that s/he is putting their life on the line in demonstration of that trust. Sestak stressed that Weldon would never ever put himself in that kind of position because he lacks a sense of accountability.
What kind of idiot rails someone who trying to find the best care for his child?
a Moonie Times idiot!
I am hosting a beef-n-beer fundraiser for Joe next Saturday night. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in attending — and don’t forget to ask for your “BooMan Discount!”
a beef-n-beer! a philly tradition. i must say the first time i heard of one [i’ve only been living in philly for a little under 2 years] i had no idea what they were talking about. even after a little explanation i’m confused, but i sorta get it. when/where? i’m volunteering for Chuck Pennacchio pretty hard right now and i’m not sure i could be able to make it, but who knows.
April 15th at 7PM. It’s being held at my Union Hall in DelCo. Directions can be found here.
Sounds like fun!