Crossposted from MY LEFT WING
In approximately 5 hours I’ll be appearing on Fox News’s The Big Story with John Gibson to “debate” Bob Beckel (Democratic “strategist” and the Walter Mondale’s campaign manager in 1984, the man who famously appropriated the Wendy’s slogan, “Where’s the Beef”) on the topic of impeachment.
I am for it, Beckel is against it.
In the interest of clarifying the arguments for impeachment, I’d like to encourage a discussion here about the NSA warrantless wiretappings and the NIE leaks, focusing on three themes:
1. The failure of Democrats to adequately respond to this flagrant abuse of Executive powers — read: breaking the motherfucking LAW — and how this failure is merely an extension of the failed policies and strategies of Democrats over the past 20 years, Clinton notwithstanding.
2. What did the President know, when did he know it, is he above the law and if not, why not?
3. Finally, partisanship: We need it. This Republic was founded on the idea of conflicting philosophies and ideals being forced by design to come to compromise. Ideally, we should be living in a constant state of push and pull between opposing ideologies, and affecting compromise and rapprochement through our system of checks and balances, as well as our system of representation.
In my view, there can be no embodiment of Franklin and Jefferson’s Republic of Compromise without a constant, sustained level of opposition. Let’s face it, we suppose we’d all LOVE it if nobody ever felt differently than we do, but such is not the case. And our system is increasingly crippled by the fact that it has a strong right wing… and no left wing. The Democrats have ceded ALL the left territory and now live in the centre… but when you live in the centre of a political system based on compromise, you are forced by default to compromise rightward.
By abandoning the liberal, leftist principles and values of its roots, the Democratic Party has become an enabler of the right wing — of the Republicans. It is no longer an opposition party.
What do Democrats stand for? And why aren’t they standing?
I stand for impeachment. And I find it insulting to the American people that strategists in the Democratic party continue to debate the issue framed around focus groups and polls, rather than the principles at hand: The President of the United States has broken the law, he has lied to the American people repeatedly and he arrogantly and defiantly claims the right to do so based on specious interpretations of the War Powers Act of 1973.
If investigations are allowed by the Republican congressional majority to proceed, I believe it will be determined that George W. Bush was a co-conspirator in the act of publicly exposing a covert CIA operative — an act that, in the words of his own father, President George H. W. Bush, is “TREASON.”
Should it be proven that George W. Bush intended or even knew about the Libby Leak regarding Valerie Plame, censure is no longer an option.
George W. Bush must be impeached.
2pm pacific, 5pm eastern
cool beans. I’ll make sure to tune in and cheer you on.
Don’t let it slip that Valerie Plame is a CIA Agent. You could get somebody in a lot of trouble.
Do remember that if you make a mistake just pretend like it didn’t even happen. Completely deny it even if they show a replay of you doing it say that the replay was a not real.
Don’t entice fourteen year-old children into bizarre acts via the internet. Especially if your job is to protect these children from “evil doers”.
Do be a total pretend cowgirl. Cowpeople play in America. In fact dress up like a holstein or a hereford. It might not be too late to go to the costume department at Universal and see what they have. You want people to think that it would be cool to have you at a barbecue.
Don’t be too “smart, wonkish, or thinky”. This is fox news, not NPR. There is nothing worse than somebody stating facts. Actually there is something worse. It is a woman stating facts. Remember? This is America, where men have opinions and the ladies have…uh…I don’t even know what they get to have anymore…church raffles I guess. If I wanted facts I would go back to school. I am watching television for god sakes. I just want to turn off my brain and feel like somebody is doing something to keep the terrorist away.
Do smile and bat your eyes and giggle.
uhhhh…..this is snarktastico
Good tips! ROFL!!! Thanks for the laugh!
Time to program the TiVo. Ordinarily I wouldn’t touch FOX News with a 10-foot battle lance, but for you, Maryscott dear, just this once.
Fox — yes, watching Fox is painful. Only for MaryScott would I do this.
I’ll be watching it.
lately. I vividly recall him leaning into that microphone and asking “What did the President know and when did he know it”. Is there a Republican today with integrity and a spine? I hope so, but holding my breath would be very dangerous.
Wish I could see you! (I’ll be at work.) Knock ’em dead, the bastards!
I’m fairly certain there’ll be a clip available shortly thereafter.
: )
email crooks and liars!
Thanks, I will be on the look out for it!
Has been for a while, but just in case you missed it:
Great job of staying on point!
I think you are very VERY brave to go on FAUX. They are assholes and just yell people down. They have a soundbite that is basically a lie and just keep yelling it at the person without letting them respond. I’d rather be on the Colbert Report (just kidding, LOL!).
I think I would have a heart attack if it was me having these lies and distortions yelled at me when I am propped up as a sitting duck. When guests try to get a word in edgewise, they end up yelling back, but the FAUX-sters are trained to out-yell anyone since that’s what their viewers want to see them do. (I usually try to avoid FAUX, but sometimes pause on a drive by.)
So I would suggest that you make some signs with your main points, and when they start to yell you down, just hold up the sign.
Also make some defensive signs. One of them could say, you asked me on the show, now let me talk. Another one could say, you asked me a question, now let me respond. Another one could say, shut your f—king piehole. Another one could say…. you get my drift.
NO matter what you say they will bring up Saddam Hussein. They will try to make it sound like you are supporting mass murder. No matter what you say, they will bring up the fact that we are at war. If they do this, be sure to remind them that it is a trumped up unnecessary war based on lies and that thousands upon thousands have suffered and died as a result.
Be sure and bring up that it is a Catch-22 that Bush started a war based on lies and deceit, and now he can’t be held accountable for his lies and deceit because we are “at war.”
And still doing it… so yeah, I guess I’m brave.
: )
Stick with Impeach…he broke the law, the law says…Impeach. Rinse, repeat as needed.
From my lily pad here I’ll just wish you well…and know that you’ll do a great job.
Now I’ll go on troll patrol over at the other place – they really like you for some reason! ;^)
Maryscott you are the one. We are with you all the way.
Speak from the heart as you always do and you will be fine.
I buy the first 3 rounds of drinks at Cozy’s at after 6:30 PM in Ventura Blvd in Sherman Oaks to celebrate.
Oh heck yeah.
MSOC, there you go being my hero again! Not unexpected, but certainly appreciated. Can’t wait for the clips and the sound bites. You Go Girl, and I can’t think of anyone better for the job!
Kudos, loves and Hugs,
Fabulous. I ask only one thing of you. Use the LIARS as often as possible and coverup and impeachment, high crimes and illegal occupation. Cabal of Fascists has a nice ring to it too. I guess that is more than one favor huh? Go get em woman!! proud of you!
Don’t let him cut you off.
You’ve got about three hours to air time. Is that enough time to get yourself a black baseball cap that has ITMFA in big white letters? Good luck cutting off the mic on that. 🙂
Go well MSOC. You will do yourself proud.
My dear MSOC: you’re being continually used here by Republican propagandists to trash the Democratic party.
This is the frame you’ve entered.
What’s important, however, is the spotlight, no?
We do what we must to gratify ourselves.
Forgive me, however, if I’m not especially interested in this particular scenario.
I don’t know why any Democrats go on Fox. They’re either humiliated or cut off, or used to show the “wacky side” of “fair and balanced.”
Of course. In this regard, their choice of ‘personalities’ is very purposeful.
firedoglake, atrios, digby, gilliard won’t even link to her blog.
MLW gets nearly as much traffic and is a valid in opinion and depth as gilliard who simply cuts and pastes articles from newspapers or other bloggers and writes a paragraph or two about it. Maryscotts front pagers provide original thought just like Booman. There is some cutting and pasting at both sites, but there is also a great deal of essaying on the culture of politics. This changes minds and hearts. Not simply repeating the talking points from HQ or telling us what Maureen Dowd said today. We’ve all read the papers.
I gave you a four because I was just giving out fours. I wish I hadn’t now, but I wouldn’t have low rated you.
That’s what is so civil about BT – no one gets downrated for expressing an opinion that may not be the same as someone else’s, especially when it’s done respectfully.
And I believe I proved it with the appearance.
Maryscott, I think you did really well. And I think the two of you worked well together to really make the point that impeachment is rational, sensible, and not a bizarre notion.
I don’t think this appearance served Fox’s agenda very well.
Congratulations. I would not have been able to do so well.
Your encouragement means the world to me.
Seconded. You were great. Way to go. Won’t be long and they will be paying you for guest appearances. Giving a good face to the blogs. (I am getting kind of sick of all the “angry left” labeling of our crowd, though). We are not any more angry than anyone. Just a little more well informed, I think. Your demeanor on show was perfect, though. No nonsense. Calm. A+.
OK, I’ve seen it twice and think you had the better of it.
Reminded me of a trial where I was lay judge (a Norwegian institution). The defense attorney spent 1/4 the time of the prosecutor but was more effective and won hands down.
Conciseness has an eloquence of its own and you attained that, with dignity and grace to boot. Bravo!
Are you criticising Markos, aka Kos, for being on television (such as Colbert’s show) to promote his book, “Crashing the Gate”?
To me, going into a “friendly” venue like Colbert’s show doesn’t take any guts. It takes a lot of guts to walk onto Gibson’s programme on Fox, knowing the extreme right-wing bias that Gibson has.
No guts, no glory?
Whoooot kick their asses!!!
Our family just subscribed to a local community BIG TIME PROGRESSIVE radio station. KBOO.
We have to speak out, stand up.
I’ll watch and then I’m hitting the streets later to spread the word that Bush is a LIAR, MURDERER, TORTURE piece of shit craphole.
It is 5:13 and I just read this. Did I miss it?
nope. I did notice that they decided to talk about Duke lacrosse players rather than the Leaker in Chief though.
Instead of Leak? or just before??
Their version of the rape is driving me batshit!!! “She came in and teased them. Took their money and walked away…”
I hope MSOC rips their lying heads right off their necks. I’m sure some lemming viewers heads will implode 🙂
She was good. Pretty easy on the eyes, too. All in all, a great spokesperson for us. I miss not hearing her say, “Fuck this, and fuck that,” though. I mean, come on, MSOC. You’re seeling out your natural sailor talking motiff for those Fox pukes. 🙂
I’ve pointed out any number of times that her arguments would be more effective if she didn’t drop the F-bomb, in my humble opinion.
She still tolerates me. Maybe that’s because I tagged her with “the mouth of a sailor and the heart of an angel.” Maybe it’s just my charming personality. Hard to say.
due to all the Fox crap.
Christ – just their version of the weather pisses me off. ACK!!! I’ll keep it on till you do your thang.
Good luck gorgeous!
I was going to watch … and then I remembered that I programmed faux news out of my tivo. Oh well.
They did really well. Maryscott was calm and reasoned, and neither she nor Beckel let that wanker get them into a blue vs. blue squabble.
She was super 🙂
He committed a crime!!!!!
We women can RAGE RAGE RAGE and speak with a calm, clear voice. 😉
and on point!
I Tivo’d it. Cannot wait to see. What did MSOC say?
MSOC did a fine job. But for me the most wonderful (and hilarious) thing was the way that Bob Beckel kept insisting that he was a liberal. Can you imagine anyone on television a year or two ago BEGGING to be considered a liberal! To use a dreaded sports analogy, I think the momentum has shifted.
…and proud of it, a long, long time ago.
And always has been.
Okay. I don’t know much about him so he may well be a liberal. I just haven’t heard anyone claiming that mantle publicly for a long, long time. It is an encouraging sign.
obviously a Democratic “strategist”, what the hell did he say anyway, other than that we should consider him a “liberal”? Ha! By what definition would that be??
At least Maryscott got right to the point for each miniscule allotment of time she had.
And speaking of time, it wouldn’t surprise me if the ratio was 1/4, MSOC time vs. Blathering Bob time.
Blather Bob: Great example of what’s wrong with D strategy.
Maryscott OConnor: Great example of left wing analysis based on reality.
Bob Beckel has actually gone out and done things in the real world. Right now, Beckel is trying to focus attention on electoral fraud in its various forms–among other deeds. Bob Beckel’s first campaign, by the way, was working for the presidential run of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.
Beckel even tried to salvage the 2000 election for President Gore:
Yes, he managed Walter Mondale’s 1984 presidential campaign. Ok, somebody had to. You think you could have coached Mondale to victory over Reagan in 1984? Want to travel back in time and try?
I don’t know why this has to be a Beckel v. MSOC issue. That’s what Gibson was trying to do. Beckel said, quite clearly, that if he woke up tomorrow “and found that Bush had been impeached, it’d be the second best day of my life, after the birth of my children.”
Beckel then said that he didn’t think it was good political strategy, because Democrats are in the minority and in no position to DO anything about impeachment.
I was disappointed that so many Democrats didn’t support Senator Feingold’s push to censure Bush in the Senate. Censuring Bush expresses disapproval of the President for his lawbreaking, focuses attention on Bush’s misdeeds, and yet doesn’t raise the political firestorm that attempting to impeach Bush would bring.
Regardless of how it was billed, it’s fairly clear Beckel and I were really on the same side, and that it was a case of 2 liberals ACTUALLY debating the conservative host… and winning.
I certainly didn’t see it as being me versus Beckel. More like me versus the audience — I wasn’t thinking about how Beckel OR Gibson would respond to anything I said — I was talking to the audience.
MSOC you were awesome. Cool, calm, and collected. I guess the main thing in that setting is to know that you will only be able to get a very few limited points across and to stay 100% focused on getting those few points across, and you did that with bells on. Hats off, hats off to you!!
Not enough time for a substantive debate. Lot of time wasted with Beckel trying to establish his liberal credentials (Beckel IS a liberal by any definition of the word in American politics). Pity that Gibson couldn’t, or wouldn’t, devote another 5-8 minutes to the issue.
That’s why I hate television: debates rarely get started. I’ve noticed that programmes which have the proper length of time for a debate tend to be crowded with too many people shouting at each other so that it ends up being a confusion of noise rather than a proper argument.
I don’t think that’s an accident.
Oh, and I thought Ms. O’Connor’s hair looked very nice.
So did Bob Beckel’s.
Gibson’s hair was just awful.
AMEN!!!!!! you go girl!!!!!
You were SFA my dear – So Fucking Awesome!
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