This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Self-serve food and drinks.
Lewd, crude, and rude behavior required. Video camera rolling. Proceeds from selling tape to benefit BT.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Here’s a beautiful nightime pond for all the froggies to splash and croak in.
Great to see everyone is in a great pre-weekend form tonight.
The frogs are singing
Stars shining in the water
Far away, a train
that’s very nice!
I’m glad your mariners won. My cardinals won too — swept the Phillies and it’s on to Chicago for the Cubs Home opener.
Good for them! I was so hoping for a Mariners-Cards world series in 2001 but alas, it was not to be.
Maybe this year . . .
I can say that since ej isn’t here to extoll the virtues of his Braves.
I’ve given up on the Tigers. Detroit sports teams have a habit of letting people down.
The Tigers had some good years. Just not lately.
I remember the great years. In 1984, I went to 30+ games, not counting the last playoff and Game 4 of the World Series. Also remember ’68–only 8 years old, but, I still remember how hyped up everyone was…
I miss it.
The 90’s for the Cardinals weren’t so great. Not like the 60’s or the 80’s. It gets frustrating.
I promise I won’t go on about ’68. ’84 is another story!
We must be the same age because I was 8 in ’68 too.
Sounds like it–my birthday was in February, so I might have a few months on you.
1984 probably seems a long way off. (That’s the last year the Tigers won the World Series, IIRC).
Baseball economics is the problem, where the teams are stratified into the haves (New York, Boston, Atlanta) and the have-nots (Kansas City, Tampa Bay, Detroit). Occasionally you get have-nots who manage to put a decent program together (e.g. Oakland) and haves who can’t seem to find second base with a flashlight, a GPS unit and a well-marked map (Mariners), but they are aberrations. And the problem is that until the economic playing field is leveled, that stratification is going to continue.
Unfortunately I can’t think of a system that could be implemented that wouldn’t end up being worse than what the game is now. I once briefly considered advocating the nationalization of baseball by declaring it a Living National Monument and putting it under the control of the interior Department, but it took me about five minutes to figure out that that would make baseball something like the exhibits behind glass in the Klondike National Historic Park just north of Safeco Field — interesting to look at for a while, evocative of an earlier time, but ultimately lifeless and you move on to look at something else.
Yep. W/that 35-5 start, ’84 was the greatest. No stopping them! But, as you said, baseball economics has really changed everything…and not for the better, depending which city you live in!
Yeah, I thought the Mariners were going to go all the way in ’01 after starting off 15-4 against their division and ultimately ending up with 116 wins. I firmly believe they’d have done it, too, except for 9/11. One of the least important of the consequences of the attack was the three-week baseball hiatus. After they came back from that the Mariners were still good, but weren’t the same, struggled through the ALDS and ultimately got blown out of the ALCS by the Evilhatedyankees.
It was sure a fun ride, though, and I got to see some playoff baseball. My wife’s boss had two tickets to game 2 of the ALDS that he couldn’t use, so he sold them to her. Four batters into the bottom of the first and the Mariners were ahead 4-0 on two two-run dinger. Ah, those were the days.
That game must have been great!!!! Rememberm Game 3 in the 84 ALCS–Marty Castillo hit a home run to give the Tigers a 1-0 win. Save that one for a trivia pursuit game!
I’d never heard of haiku poetry until I spent some time in N CA where there was a local poetry open mike once a month. That was a whole lot of fun. Heard some really great stuff.
It’s great. Haiku is hard to write, at least for me.
Darn it all, I want to write a Haiku and I can’t remember the form. Is it 5-7-5 or 7-9-7?
It’s 5-7-5, like the example I posted above. There are other Japanese metric forms where you write to a certain syllabic pattern, but I don’t really know anything about them. I tried creating my own once and no one seemed to notice. Heathens.
Some people take the 5-7-5 as more of a guideline than a rigid formula, but I am a traditionalist about such things. Which probably means I should be writing in Japanese.
Doh! That will teach me to race through comments without really reading them! 5-7-5 okay
The pond croaks with joy
We all share many stories
Each opens new doors.
I love Haiku. :>)
Omir gives this one a thumbs up 🙂
Thanks. I love Haiku because it makes you really say what you feel in minimal words. It’s a great medium.
The pond feels a wave
The flowers push back and we
tremble with pleasure.
Haiku is a very expressive form. But I’m a minimalist at heart.
I hate promoting my own diary, but if I can make it a Haiku, I feel maybe it is ok:
Fresh look on gender
Young woman descibes the world
and you better hear
If’n the fog hadn’t already settled into the brain for the night I might make an attempt, but I think it’s best to wait for another day.
See what you can do w/organic turkey! lol
Gonna see what else is going on, probably come back and then call it a nite.
Maybe we can do a haiku slam one of these days. Sort of like the photo competition — everyone posts their best shot and we all get prizes in the form of 4’s.
that sound like great fun.
I appreciate a good Haiku but I am incapable of writing one.
Like many other things that seem simple at first glance, it’s much harder than it looks to do it right. I’m never sure I’m doing it right, since I have a hard time critiquing my own work.
This one was inspired by the first post in the diary. I was thinking of a nighttime frog pond, and all of the sudden I heard the words of a Paul Simon song in the back of my head:
The last part has nothing to do with a train in the distance, but I like it. It sounds hopeful.
Anyway that’s where the idea for the haiku came from.
Hibiscus moscheutos “Deep River” … one of my favorite flowers, mostly because of its simplicity.
It really classes up the place!
You know I have others, but I’ll do my best to restrain myself tonight. I AM so excited about all the stuff coming up right now, and am hoping for one nice day this weekend to do more garden clean up… lots to get done before we can plant more plants and seeds.
clik to enlarge
How goes it Omir?
Very cool. I like nightime shots where the moonlight is a path. I always want to walk in and follow it to an adventure. It’s hard on the computer screen when I smash into it that way though.
That is really really relaxing and peaceful.
Yeah, I agree, very cool and very spooky too, almost other worldly!
Oooh, I like that. I’m a sucker for moonlight on the water. Throw in a train and I just might wet myself.
Just thought you would like to know that that picture is my new desktop background.
which one of you was sayin’ ya hadn’t seen turkey tails, this one was after the sunflowers that fell on the deck from my bird feeder. I was surprised one day to hear a loud thunk, and I thought, what the h—
I see my shot is the “turkey” out of this bunch! Ha!
I like turkey better than chicken 😉
have you ever had an organic turkey, they call them Willy Birds in CA after the brand name. Costs twice as much or more, but worth it in my experience.
Once. It was great!
That’s a nice Tom…I’da been tempted.
Had three of them around for a couple of years and then my brother got tired of them crapping all over his machinery, and every last thing they’d sit on, and had the one of the local hunters in to “harvest” them.
I wasn’t too happy about it, but then I don’t really miss their “calling cards” as my mother called the droppings.
Can’t keep track of everything if I’m not there 100% of the time.
it’s OK to hunt them in season. And, if you’ve never had it, Wild Turkey is very, very good. Much different than raised birds organic or whatever.
there is a season in ND, but it’s not a big deal due to their small population. We’ve never had them around the yard up there until these recent years, so they were a novelty at first.
I wouldn’t have minded having a taste of them. That’d have been the bargain if I’d have known in advance, that’s for sure, especially after I was feeding them.
And yes, I know the difference between the bird and the bottle….LOL. I’ve often wondered what the wild ones taste like… figured they were tough and gamey, but that’s just my take.
Funny though, we have those down here too, and a couple of years ago when we were taking a hike at the in-laws’ farm, my dog Pepa flushed one out of the brush. She jumped straight up on all fours, like a cartoon dog, and pointed right at the bird… I quick called her back because I was afraid the turkey would clean her proverbial clock. She had run ins with nasty geese when I first got her and I wasn’t about to have her beat up by a turkey! LOL
Yeah, they were wild all right, that one was so skitish I had a hard time to even get a photo.
Dropped in a quitin’ for the night post down below. It’s been a great night at the pond, and have very much enjoyed the company of tonight’s frogs.
LOL…I was just writing post after post pimping my own diary and I just can’t do it! ;>)
So, to hell with it. The CA Bay Area had sun today for the first time in weeks. It was glorious.
Did you run shrieking inside and tell everyone there was a strange flaming disk in the sky?
ROFL…It was just about like that! Absolutely everyone was making comments on the great ball in the sky. It was close to Revelations. :>)
The FBC is the first place I drop a link to any diary I submit. It helps to have some friends get the ball rolling sometimes.
This is scilla siberica or Siberian Squill… it’s a very early bulb that will eventually carpet your yard in blue in early spring… though ours is hardly there yet, it’s colonizing nicely. Hope to have some shots of that soon.
but then I’m not expert on identifying varietys, and then the memory being what it is…
Have to rest up for Friday. See you all tomorrow.
night mary, sleep well. Glad you stopped by for while.
Get some rest, Mary… I should follow your example, but I’m going to be bad for at least another 30 mins… Catch you soon, I’m sure.
Nite mary!
See you guys on the sunny side up.
Bu went downstairs to bed a while ago and I think it’s not a bad idea myself.
Catch ya on the flip.
Be well
May you wake up and find some of these gracing your lawn….

They’re almost done here, alas… boy, do I love those crocus… to be savored like a fine sip of wild turkey? Or a wild turkey breast? Sheesh, I’ll stick to just admiring the feathers… take care my friends.
I’m off to the arms of Morpheus. I think that’s somewhere near the islets of Langerhans, but I’m not sure.
You were still here Omir? Tell Morpheus that I said hi, and that I want my words back. Don’t drown in the sea of insulin, and make it to bed safely, will you?
Come back after wandering a bit and everyone calls it a nite. Guess that means its my turn. Nite all~!
Just a quick note to say hey from Vegas. Had our presentations today. Went well, and will be summarizing this weekend.
Finally got to see Steve Wright live! Yay.