This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Self-serve food and drinks.
Lewd, crude, and rude behavior required. Video camera rolling. Proceeds from selling tape to benefit BT.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Neener neener neener, I get to be Froggybottom tonight!
all accomplishments, large, small, and miniscule.
It’s fun being froggybottom. You get to write an anonymous response to your own diary. π
recommend your own diaries!
Did you get a big storm? Looked like tornadoes were heading your way.
Yup. We lost power about 6:00 and I expected to be without power till tomorrow but the storms moved through so fast that we got the power back in record time (usual time is 6-8 hours).
I’m hoping for some weather tomorrow. Still and calm all the time is boring. And we need rain in a major way.
are there more tornados, and are they more vicious relative to your experience. It seems awful early in the season for all that ruckus, but then I’ve never lived east of the Mississippi.
April and May are peak season what with yer warm and yer cold air competing for attention.
maybe late May, but mostly June and July, due to thunderstorms roiling across the prairie.
Maybe the air doesn’t get warm enough until then to raise a ruckus.
We get lots of thunderstorms in the summer but not the tornados — Jim says that it’s because you need a clash of warm and cold air to spawn them.
SN is right. The most deadly and destructive tornados in Indiana have been in the spring.
for the evening!
We are on the very low point on the visual scale for plant life with the only “color,” that of evergreen shrubs and trees, in the outdoor world. Color (that’d be colour, for olivia) is rather difficult to be found in this city at this time of year. So this was about it for the garden shop too.
Rhododenron Impeditum

(apprentice macro photographer at work)
Are azaleas little rhododendrons? I didn’t know that and we’ve got both in the yard, though I think I have killed the rhododendrons.
blow my cover as a pseudo expert on deese here tings.
Well, they look the same though everything is smaller. You fake being an expert pretty well. Yah.
smart enough to write down what was on the little tag… so I’m hoping they got it right, or I’m in deep fertilizer!
I’m fading fast. Though those bright colors are helping keep my eyes open.
In the larger version, what caught my eye was pattern in the leaves.
Yeah, I was surprised at the detail there too, which I hadn’t noticed at the time.
This looks great NDD. I think that the lens focused on the leaves over the flowers in the bottom half of the frame. (What Jim was referring to last night), and this is why we can see the leaf patterns so well. I’m going to make a suggestion — try focusing on just one of the flowers, so that the flower fills the entire frame. Then slowly pull back. This will give you more control over the focal area. If you press the shutter halfway, you should be able to see where they focal area is (on my camera, a green box highlights the area, and sometimes there is more than one box). If this box isn’t on the focal point you want to highlight, then reposition the camera, to trick it to select another focus. Does that make sense?
Are you feeling better?
And it made sense to me.
Yes thanks. Resting helps. You’re sure staying up late these past couple days! I thing it may be part of NDD’s plan — he seems to post these pix late at night, luring you to stay up later and later!
it has its limits — when my eyes won’t focus on the words on the screen any more, I won’t care what he posts because I can’t look at it anyway.
But I have a different explanation — see below.
And I’m about done for the night.
late last night? Seems she was just dumbfounded to see you’d been up that late.
Nope, didn’t see it.
I think it’s because after 30 years of not going on DST, my body is still thinks the time didn’t change and it’s 10:30.
but she didn’t say anything today so I guess my accomplishment didn’t impress here that much.
you’ll have to register a complaint tomorrow then, ha!
some one was implying I’d used subterfuge
I was j/k NDD — really!
But several years ago I discovered it was a cultural thing, in that I grew up with it here, and it didn’t work well in N CA since almost everything there lpeople take at face value. Didn’t take me long to learn that I needed to tone it down a bit for them, or make it more obvious.
Wouldn’t want you to think I was serious! π Sounds like you had quite the experience living in N CA.
(Hi Indy — {{{{Indy}}} Hope you’re well! :*)
Yeah, it does make sense,now that you mention it.
So I’m going to copy, file, and print it out, and read it six times so maybe I’ll remember better.
I was in a situation in which I didn’t have much control over anything. Light from the sun relecting off the little view window made it hard to see what I was doing, so I was almost shooting blind.
But I had my assignment, ya know, so I had to come up with sumptin’, since I didn’t want to be gittin’ an F from the Fs.
I understand totally. One of the problems w/ using digcams (w/ crappy to non-existent viewfinders) is that you often shoot blind. You have to really get a feel for the sounds of the camera, so that when the lens is moving etc., you can sorta tell that it’s going to work out?
But, that’s the fun — playing around and having fun w/ it. Right? π
I was just showing my photo to Ms NDD. And telling her about all the great advice I was getting. And to use a CA word in ND, she was “stoked”.
I think the great advice I’m getting from you and the Fs will save me countless hours on the learning curve.
I think dada said something to that effect last night — all types of pix and different perspectives. It’s a really great community that way.
I think what’s really amazed me here, is what I’ve learned of women’s perscpectives.
I had some great mentors on much of that during univ days, but that’s getting to be further back in the archives than I care to admit now.
I grew up in a real life community atmosphere, so BT seems quite a lot like that in many ways. I think most humans crave a community of sorts, and hopefully we can create worthwhile communities both online and off.
There are so many wise peeps here, and the women are such strong voices.
Nice pic ya got there NDD! With shooting blind and having what light you did, it looks pretty damn impressive. And you managed to capture that particularly rich, almost pastel look of the flowers. Know what you mean about shooting blind… I do a lot of shoot, hope and shoot again before I get shots I like. Reading Olivia’s instructions made me realize how much I still need to learn about my camera. Funny thing is though, with all the talk about using the macro feature here this week, that was probably the first thing I learned how to use on my camera (it’s a Fuji Finepix 2650). But then, you folks have seen what I got it for, and what I use it for primarily… flowers and dogs. π
Does the fact that people rarely appear in my photos reveal something odd about me? Hmm, I better think on that one.
btw, don’t remember if I commented on your fungal pic the other day, but that was waaay cool.
I’ve been enjoying your flower postings also. Looks like your whole front yard is one huge flower garden, right?
I remember seeing someone here in town that has done that. Sure beats looking at the boring grass. No mowing, no gas fumes, no noise… at least on one’s own plot.
Well, I took a TV break, had a beer, some blue corn chips and some humus, no make that hummis…
Think I’m ready to hit the hay “early” tonight. So see everyone Sat am.
Well thank you, NDD. I appreciate the great help and positive feedback I’ve gotten on my postings lately. Now I just need to get serious about doing some regular gardening diaries and illustrating them with some of this work. Having a job that basically sucks all my creative juices dry during the day doesn’t usually make for a conducive situation for me to write, but I have to start soon.
Yes, basically we are in the process of turning most of the yard (except for a big patch of the back yard for the dogs) into one big garden. We used to have this horrible, almost un-mowable slope in the front, which we did away with back in 2003 when we put in the boulder bed. (I’ll attach a picture below) Last summer we almost finished tilling up and planting most of the North side of our house, and this year we hope to finish lining the rest of the sidewalk with more rocks to finish it off. We already had a lot of plants out there, but now it’s only got a tiny path of grass for the meter readers, and all the rest has been filled in with either perennials or bulbs, which are now coming up in droves. You’ll see more of those as they progress… Anyway, here’s a wider view of the front of our place, which should give you (and CG) a better idea of what it looks like.
Detour Ahead (Take 1) – Bill Evans
Masters Of War – Judy Collins
Mean Ol World – Toshi Reagon
Richland Woman Blues – Maria Muldaur
Mellow Down Easy – Butterfield Blues Band
Going Back To Georgia – Nanci Griffith
How High The Moon – Diane Schuur
Guinnevere – Crosby, Stills & Nash
Romance Without Finance – Charlie Parker
One Great Cry – Carrie Newcomer
I was way off. I was going to post a random 10 for you while your power was out and load it with Cowboy Junkies and Kirsty McColl and try to pass if off as yours. Just when I think you’re getting predictable…
I think this is my list in weeks without the cowboy junkies on it. But it’s a pretty typical list in being folk, blues, jazz heavy. How pathetic is it that CSN is my only rock group on the list.
I can still remember my dad saying “who is this, the electric pimples?” when he’d hear our rock music. He thought he was so clever.
You’re back. Froggybottom take up too much room in bed?
Froggybottom and I are going to bed. Damn, he’s good!
I’m off to see if Sniff want to give me part of the bed.
Night olivia and NDD and anyone else who shows up.
Give Sniff an extra pat for me. π
and a scratch behind the ears for me!
G’night to you, too, Andi. I’m off to bed, meself.
I’m off too.
Looks like all the froggies have slid back into the pond for the night, and as some muppet said, “It ain’t easy being green,” I’ll leave you with some real green for the night.

More Bells of Ireland, but the quiet kind this time.
Just remembered something I meant to say earlier when I posted the other pic… these guys self seed generously, and this planting pretty much comes back on its own every year. They seem like they would be such fussy, difficult plants to grow, but in reality, one sowing and a good year will keep them coming back year after year. I think we’re on about year 4 now for this particular spot.
In case anyone was interested, LOL. Good night, folks.
All I will say is that things now seem right in my world… Which appeared to be going in the complete opposite direction as of this morning. Ugh. Big ugh. Spent most of my morning and afternoon in extended panic attack mode, over my lil doggie girl, who gave me a terrible scare. She seems fine now, but travel plans had to be canceled, but were reconfigured. Sigh. I’m trying to clear my brain now so I can go to sleep. Some mind-numbing sudoku might just be in order…
Hope all is well in froggy-land with all the hoppers. Peace and love…