My take on the whole schpeal BooMan did a front page post on a couple days ago. I’m still fuming over all this bullshit. Doesn’t need to be repeated on the front page, but I just wanted to share my rant / theories…
In regards to this Philadelphia Public Record article, here are my thoughts. As I see it, the Democratic City Committee [chaired by Mr. Bossman US House Rep. Bob Brady] are taking a two pronged approach to the Progressive movement here in Philadelphia.
Party Chairman Congressman Bob Brady announced the formation of the new Finance Committee earlier this week. It will be a PAC chaired by Councilman Michael Nutter, with its treasurer, former Democratic City Committee Chairman Martin Weinberg.
First they’re taking aim at the DCC Party Treasurer John Dougherty, also the leader of the Electricians Union Local 98, and taking a slight to his union members getting involved in local politics. A decision was made from the Local 98 national office to make a push to get more of their members involved in the political process. They encouraged their membership to run for uncontested committeeperson seats. Apparently, here in Philly, many took it upon themselves to run in contested races. Dougherty is getting the blame for this and Brady is mad as fucking hell about it. This relates to the efforts of groups like Neighborhood Networks, Philly for Change, Liberty City Dems and the Committee of Seventy [non-partisan] in encouraging people run for public office and get more involved in their communities which I wrote about here last month.
The DCC is pushing Dougherty out of the office since he refused to resign after a heated midday meeting with Brady at the Walnut St executive committee office a few weeks ago. This PAC, chaired by City Councilman Michael Nutter who is running for Mayor in 2007, will seemingly take on the responsibilities a Treasurer’s office should be doing. And they’re getting a former [I’m assuming] über party man in former DCC Chairman Weinberg to handle the money in this new PAC.
[Party Secretary and Ward Leader Carol] Campbell believes the Finance Committee’s operation will help move the party into the future. “We need to understand the Internet and to teach our people how to use it. We need to battle the bloggers on their own turf. This takes additional resources.”
Secondly, they’re taking the battle to the bloggers. This is genuinely laughable and scary at the same time. Yes, they could be talking about neo-conservative, right-wing blogs, but based on the way the established/entrenched Dems have reacted to the Progressive movement to get young people involved in the governmental process, I see it as an attack on people like me, the people at YPP, BooMan, MyDD, Marc Stier, Philly IMC and others who want change for the better.
I recall reading Tim Tagaris’s post from March 4, 2005 on MyDD on how unresponsive the Dem leadership at the state level were to a PA Dems blog. And now, here in Philly they want to take the fight to us? Ha. Who is the voice they’re going to get to do this shit. Who is going to read the posts by a Brady lackey saying things like “xxx blogger is wrong! Brady is right! Vote Brady! Don’t go to xxx’s site, they’re bad!” And where are these resources coming from? Shouldn’t the DCC be more concerned about keeping our libraries open? They’d rather have a staff blogger argue with us when we want more money poured into our libraries? How about fixing some potholes? And that trash on the streets? Is some staff blogger going to tell us we’re wrong in wanting this? Is s/he going to tell us that our desire to take back our party is wrong and that we should be a top down party instead of a party of the people? Fuck that shit.
And Nutter’s organizational involvement in this race makes the 2007 Mayor’s race that much more of a shitfest.
But who knows, Ms. Campbell may have misspoken. But based on the very recent actions as well as the not so recent actions of the DCC here, I don’t think so.
My take is the same as yours, and Nutter needs to show me something or I am not going to be neutral in this race. On the face of it, I don’t like his involvement in this one bit.