Go to this website, Thank You Harry Taylor to leave him your message of support. If you don’t know who Harry Taylor is, read this story posted here last night for all the glorious details. (Link to site courtesy grokgov’s diary at Dkos).
After that, tell us what’s on your mind.
Ps. Don’t forget to visit Cabin Girl’s Friday News Bucket and leave a news story or two.
A lot of us never bought the “maverick” stuff. Now the media might be catching on. This from Gal Beckerman at Columbia Journalism Review:
I’ve given up on McCain. His ambition has gotten the better of him. It’s sickening.
I love Harry Taylor almost as much as Russ Feingold today… 🙂
(Thanks for the News Bucket plug, Steven.)
You don’t really need my plug, but i was glad to do it.
How are your boys doing? My son is gearing up to visit colleges in a couple of weeks during his Spring Break.
My guys are really looking forward to the spring break next week. Hopefully we’ll get some decent weather for it.
College visits-what fun! Which ones?
Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Boston U, NYU, Brown.
It will be a busy trip for my wife who is taking him.
AHHH! College… There is nothing that says “I love you son/daughter” like paying for their $40,000.00 bar bill!
If you are lucky they may even get a degree out of it.
lol jk 🙂
Yes, and now I can’t declare bankruptcy when it’s over.
Curse you Joe Biden, and your little Lieberman too!
“…and your little lieberman too!”
Damn, that’s funny!
Thanks for posting that link. Felt good to say thank you. What’s on my mind? It’s hell getting volunteers to do the work that’s needed. We have a great county organization but it still takes a ton o work to turn people out. I’m just venting, i know it comes with the territory but seems people prefer to gripe than do.
I was watching news last night and something confused me (Lou Dobbs in particular has a tendency to do that). Can someone explain why banning all flags in school is such a horrible evil thing to do? I graduated from high school in 1987at a private episcopal school, so maybe my personal experience is somewhat dated and sheltered, but no one in my school ever brought any kind of flag to school. I doubt anyone ever thought of it.
What possible purpose is there for bringing a flag to school other than to incite conflict with other groups? It seems to me that stopping potential violence is an important part of a principal’s job, and banning all flags seems like a logical decision. Yet Lou is outraged that students aren’t allowed to waste class time showing support for his anti-foreigner views. I don’t think nationalism is a bad thing, but allowing students to distract a school with demonstrations during school hours doesn’t seem particularly educational.
I also tuned into FoxNews for awhile last night and it was all Cynthia McKinney, flag bans and missing white women. If you get all of your news from Fox, you’re probably unaware that President Bush has a leaking fetish.
Yeah, uppity black women beating up poor white cop sorta plays to their demographic.
I sent my note to Harry Taylor:
Thank you for going through what I can only imagine was a great deal of effort to get inside the bubble and speaking for the tens of millions of us on the outside of it!
For this I dub thee:
Harry Taylor
Voice of the average American.
So, AG starts the circular firing squad. Oh no, he says, please don’t upset anybody. Just keep your powder dry for another 3 years, right?
Dear Mr. Taylor,
I hope shrubya ends up just like you when he grows up.
Bless you, sir!
I posted the link on orange, too.
has AG signed it yet?
Don’t know. Hard to keep up with all the signatures that are pouring in.
I’ve become way way to pessimistic. Meaning until this guy is proven to be what he seems I might think the whole thing was a set up. And I only think that due to the last bit of him thanking bush for being ‘allowed’ to speak… So it’s come down to the fact that we have to thank the President for ‘allowing’ us to speak when our opinion is different from his-thank you King Georgie. And I used to be such an optimist regarding politics.