Welcome back!
This week we will continue with the painting depicting olympic skier Bode Miller. Even though Bode fizzled at the 2006, after winning 2 silver medals at the 2002 winter games, here in the blogosphere he has taken quantum leap. You’ll see what I mean below.
Once again, the photo I am using is seen immediately bwlow. When last we left Bode, he still appeared a bit pale and is seen immediately below the photo.
Well, I’m a huge fan of the winter olympics and became a bit obsessed with this particular painting. Also, it presented a new kind of challenge for me. I almost never paint figures, and when I have they have few details.
Seen below, for the first time ever < drumroll > is the complete Bode Miller, save for a few tweaks that I might do.
Once I had the form as I liked it, I completed the uniform colors. Over this I added the many details. Subsequently I changed the background color and added details to the banner. I need to add a few deatails to the ski poles and possibly the helmet/goggles. Other than these things, I will likely do little else.
I usually try to make these diaries a gradual completion of the work, but here I lost control. Forgive an old blogger. I’ll be back with something entrirely new next week. See you then.
Paint me a picture of your thoughts.
Wow. Just wow.
I really like your landscapes. I LOVE this! The sense of motion is perfect. It’s like he’s leaping off the canvas.
The colors, the shadow, everything comes together. Great job.
This is stunning! You have captured the energy of the moment in time.
This is excellent! Looks like he’s about to come right off the painting. Those fine details look really good.
I like it when you lose control — you were obviously in the zone. 🙂
Can’t wait to see what you select for your next project.