UPDATE: I did some more research and much to my surprise one of my questions below has been answered — BY THE VICE PRESIDENT HIMSELF!! It was during the interview with Brit Hume:

Q Let me ask you another question. Is it your view that a Vice President has the authority to declassify information?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: There is an executive order to that effect.
Q There is.
Q Have you done it?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, I’ve certainly advocated declassification and participated in declassification decisions. The executive order —
Q You ever done it unilaterally?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to get into that. There is an executive order that specifies who has classification authority, and obviously focuses first and foremost on the President, but also includes the Vice President.
Q There have been two leaks, one that pertained to possible facilities in Europe; and another that pertained to this NSA matter. There are officials who have had various characterizations of the degree of damage done by those. How would you characterize the damage done by those two reports?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: There clearly has been damage done.
Q Which has been the more harmful, in your view?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to get into just sort of ranking them, then you get into why is one more damaging than the other. One of the problems we have as a government is our inability to keep secrets. And it costs us, in terms of our relationship with other governments, in terms of the willingness of other intelligence services to work with us, in terms of revealing sources and methods. And all of those elements enter into some of these leaks.
Q Mr. Vice President, thank you very much for doing this.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Brit.
So, may I give mercy to yet another question that is begging to be answered:
My original Post is below:
As reported by the New York Times today, it has been revealed that, at the very least, Scooter Libby had relayed information about a classified document (the National Intelligence Estimate, or NIE) to Judy Miller and Bob Woodward.
Mr. Fitzgerald, in his filing, said that Mr. Libby had been authorized to tell Judith Miller, then a reporter for The New York Times, on July 8, 2003, that a key finding of the 2002 intelligence estimate on Iraq was that Baghdad had been vigorously seeking to acquire uranium from Africa.
Mr. Libby also described the intelligence estimate to Bob Woodward of The Washington Post earlier, on June 27, 2003.
According to the New York Times (and other reporters that I’ve heard at the White House Press Briefing on Friday, March 7, 2006), the NIE documents were officially declassified 10 DAYS AFTER LIBBY’S MEETING WITH JUDY MILLER.
In fact, the estimate’s key judgments, which were officially declassified 10 days after Mr. Libby’s meeting with Ms. Miller, say nothing about the uranium allegations.
…allow me to give mercy to this begged question.
Interestingly, while doing some research on Wikipedia, I discovered this little nugget, as well. It says that the Bush administration, on March 25, 2003, significantly changed WHO can classify documents. It appears that under this new order, the Vice President now has the power to classify documents:
Executive Order 13292 concerns classified national security information of the United States government and “prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism.” It was issued by President George W. Bush on March 25, 2003 and amends earlier executive orders on classified information, including Executive Order 12356 of April 6, 1982 and Executive Order 12958 of October 14, 1995.
The significance of this executive order was a subject that Vice President Dick Cheney discussed in a February 15, 2006 interview that was mostly focused on the hunting incident which had occurred a few days earlier. That interview included a few questions on a comment by Scooter Libby related to the Plame affair; one of those questions led to the following comment from Cheney:
There is an executive order that specifies who has classification authority, and obviously focuses first and foremost on the President,but also includes the Vice President.
Byron York of the National Review noted some of the changes that Cheney was referring to:
Throughout Executive Order 13292, there are changes to the original Clinton order which, in effect, give the vice president the power of the president in dealing with classified material….Executive Order 13292 is real evidence of real power in the vice president’s office. Since the beginning of the administration, Dick Cheney has favored measures allowing the executive branch to keep more things secret. And in March of 2003, the president gave him the authority to do it.
…allow me to help give mercy to another begged question:
These are 2 questions that, for me, are critically important to this whole leak-gate affair.
Anyone have some answers for me?
Remember, if the the VP has the authority to declassify, then Scooter is:
Wondering if Cheney is willing to take the fall for gwb?
If that’s the case, then it would seem to me that Libby would be, again, lying.
If Cheney is the fall guy — and he believes that he has the power to declassify — then why tell Libby that the President authorized it?
Cover his ass?
Forget about all the legal niceties.
If this was about legality, the whole LOT of them would be in jail now.
It is only about what they can get away with.
If Bush “declassified” anything…it was Cheney who did it.
Once again…Bush does NOTHING w/out orders.
“Nudgings” might be more the case.
And if he DOES ever decide to “do” something that does not please his handlers…he will be dealt with.
One way or another.
Bet on it.
He is absolutely powerless and without a clue.
If his handlers withdrew their influence and support from him…if they suddenly disappeared, Rove, Cheney and the rest, and no one else rushed in to fill the void (the unnatural abhors a vacuum, too)…he would collapse like an abandoned sock puppet.
Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney.
THAT’S where the action is.
Whether Cheney declassified the NIE (and not Bush) is of critical importance. (and may I add that I don’t believe there is any public evidence that Bush, himself, authorized the declassification. Note that Scotty, in the press gaggle in July 18, 2003, states only that it was officially declassified that day. He does not say that “the president” declassified it.
Why is important?
Because Cheney may have not been able to do this, legally. His powers on declassifying government secrets has not been really talked about in the corporate media. I suspect that this is legally volatile.
This is what I’m starting to believe:
However, the details of how Cheney thought he could get away with this is somewhat muddy for me.
Two overnight articles AP is carrying:
“Bush Didn’t Direct Libby to Leak,”, merely instructed Cheney to “get it out”
And this Sunday morning, on Faux, Senator Arlen Specter “asks Bush and Cheney for Explanation.”
Yea, yea, yea. Ever notice Spector’s spine disappears once the cameras are off?
More to the point, can a document be declassified outside the rules of procedure – on verbal say so? No paper trail?
Good questions!
And a real press corps would try to answer these questions. I’m not expecting much from the corporate media, however. So, that is why I’m trying to find someone who knows these details in forumns such as this one.
There’s got to be a lawyer out there who knows these things, right?
From that AP article (emphasis mine):
Hmm…”declined to provide the date when the president…”. Again, AP assumes that the president was the one declassifying it — when they have no proof that this, in fact, occurred.
This is a sloppy assumption and sloppy reporting on APs behalf (what else is new?).
They will throw Butch to the wolves before they give it up.
What happens when a quiz show gets lame? Starts to get bad ratings?
Why…the producers fire the host and hire another one.
Maybe build a new set.
Another metaphor…and this is from EXTENSIVE experience in the entertainment jungles of people-of-color NYC.
You know that the Italian mob and its Irish/Jewish affiliates ran the Black and Puerto Rican music scenes in NYC from the ’20s right on into…well, into today, really. You don’t know that? Well…you do now. Just Google <“Cotton Club” + “Owney Madden”>, <“Ellington” + “Joe Glaser” + Mafia> or <“Morris Levy”+ Mafia> for all you need to know about that shit.
When gangsters start to get caught and/or start to get rich enough where they don’t HAVE to deal in real, blood and guts street stuff, they back off. They send in front men and take a smaller percentage. But since their holdings are so wide, they still make the same amount or more.
All the juice, much less of the tsuris. (You don’t think the rap gansta boys are indpendents do you? Please. Even the writers of “The Sopranos” know better than that. Do you suppose they make their own guns, go down to Colombia and buy their cocaine by the ton? Please.)
So what do we get if we do not strike while the iron is hot?
While the evidence is still warm, ther guns still smoking and the paper/money trail still leads back to BushCo?
McCain and a new group of minders in ’08. We must bring these traitors down NOW!!!
One more year and the primaries begin. Then we are in a new cycle and these people are suddenly old news.
Meanwhile…the REAL criminals keep right on buying both sides of the fence.
What is the real difference between these two men?
How about these two?
Consider this lovely couple.
None whatsoever, except in degree.
They are all in the business of theft.
They just work for different mobs.
At different levels of authority and effectiveness.
Strike now.
Before they can regroup.
Like rats, you can NEVER entirely get rid of this level of society. But again, like rats…if you do not control them to SOME degree, you get pestilence and plague.
Why do you think I call the one national party of the PermaGov The DemocRatpublican Partry?
DemocRats and Ratpublicans.
Well…every once in a while the people have to speak up. Just to limit the inevitable infestation.
Now’s the time.
And if your “representatives” DO NOT REPRESENT YOU!!!???
Then you must oppose them, too.
Left handed OR right handed rats.
It’s time.
Before it’s too late, please.
Caught in a tangle web of lies, maybe? But from sheer commonsense and or legalities-take your pick, one would expect a paper trail – i.e. written executive order to declassify or a memo covering the verbal order just like in all government systems. Note only 3 knew, keeping it close to the vest -Bush Cheney Libby. Why is that?
Since no paper trail; is that why there has been no charges brought on the leak itself? Ya know, if Bush gave the verbal order, muddy waters here, Fitz can only report that in his Final Report. Does he have the authority to indict the prez? No.
Hadley was unaware putting in motion the process to declassify? Then it was, finally done. Lookie here:
Laura Rozen caught this tidbit (via others), a press gaggle with Scottie on July 18th, 2003. Go read
Yeah. That tidbit was mentioned by a reporter in Friday’s press briefing.
I am still not convinced that the President knew that this leaking was occurring. Again, the Vice President believes that he can declassify this kind of information. There is no statement saying that the President, himself, was the one doing the “declassifying”.
Maybe Fitzgerald is trying to figure out if Libby or Cheney is lying AND what actual powers the Vice President actually has in executive order 13292?
1. I don’t have the spent bullets but, up here in farm country if you strike a match in my barn, the hay catches fire and the wind helps it along, we say you started the fire that burnt the barn.
See Newsweek’s “Leaker-in-Chief” No record of WH denial or correction bieng demanded.
2. As for Vice Cheney, his authority flowed from the day he appointed himself Bush’s VP. Having hijacked the Oval Office, as the Regent, he can act in the king’s name.
So if Libby testified – with some doubt – that his boss, the veep, said Bush authorized it, and both Bush and Cheney gave unsworn statements to Fitz, I say someone is laying out the big whopper.
Not hard to figure out why the coverup. Looking like a repeat of Nixon – Agnew sweep with all the president’s men, Again. This time throw in the vice-president’s men too.
They may be hoping that this just blows over like everything else in the past 5+ years. The American media is useless, afterall.
I don’t think it will blow-over this time, however. I think we’re about to see fireworks — hopefully before the fourth of July! I just pray that the fireworks aren’t nuclear bombs being dropped in Iran.
I’m very close to tears of despair.
In VT, Bernie Sanders tells us we should focus on taking over the Congress instead of impeaching George, ’cause we don’t want Cheney’ – that’s why I referenced in hope of a Nixon-Agnew two-fer sweep.
But dems are divided, not benefiting from Bush/GOP downward spiral. Independents and Reagan democrats are doubtful there’s any difference, calls the 2 parties-repubcrats.
Crooks and Liars notes Joe Lieberman says he may run as an Independent. I’m asking, with 6 months and a bit to voting, ya think we’ll gain any seats? Any.
As for Iran, I kid you not, maybe the Saudis should hold off on building that fence along the Iraqi border. Pointless to fence off the Iraq chaos if Bush is gonna nuke the region.
Insanity and fences are contagious.
I think it is time to visit Glenn @ unclaimed territory for some answers, if possible.
look in here and go two directions down
Even a high-profile constitutional lawyer does not know what to think on this.
I guess I shouldn’t expect answers until Fitzgerald gives us some more information.