Round ‘n Round and Never Worry
Where You’re Going
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Get on your horse and ride.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Am I first?
No I was, but just didn’t post. 😛
Sorry about your house problems. 🙁
Thanks, but it’s really nothing big. I’m finding the stupid things I did to fix the problem funnier and funnier.
If you ever need house repair you know who to call. 😉
Hi, Family Man — What happened at your house? And (from below) I hope things are going a little better & anytime you are ready to post your article will be great.
I’ve got a diary on it called home repair. Water was coming through my ceiling and I did every wrong thing you could.
Once I look up some stuff he suggested I’ll go ahead and get it ready for posting.
Glad to hear your day has gone good.
Oh, wait — I see you’ve got a diary. I’ll go read it.
Hi guys! What’s going on?
Hi Katie! It was a beautiful day over here; how was it on your end of the Missouri River?
Just about perfect! The weather was great. We spent most of the day outside.
Hi KB. How are you?
I’ve got another migraine story about my doctors visit coming your way soon.
How are you this evening?
Hi, Andi — we just finished watching an exciting suspence movie, Cellular. It sounds dumb, but it was tense!
What’s going on with you?
Since we’ve already had our vacation that pretty much does it for any news or excitement for the rest of year.
It seems like with your daily walks in your own woods that everyday’s an adventure. At least compared to me.
There’s more excitement in one of Mister’s pizza crusts than there is in a month at our house.
How are your efforts for universal health care going?
I’m stalled out for lack of getting myself to Kinkos.
Actually, I got pulled into another (unexpected) project. I’ve got an idea about how to push on, but I think it’ll be the end of May before I get back to it.
Which is kind of frustrating.
Oh, and compared to one of mister’s pizza crusts almost everything is dull. It’s not fair to compare your life to that level of excitement. And I didn’t take a photo of last night’s pizza — it was the best ever!
And you get that excitement on a regular basis. So the excitement around here is so far in the hole compared to yours we’ll never catch up.
I’m getting off now. Have a good night.
Good to see ya!
Hi Olivia — your pics this morning were wonderful.
I’m glad that you can see them. 😉
Did you change the colors of your font? I’m finding it easier to read.
I changed to different blues — but that blue is still hard to read. The problem is that the pix look good on black but text is hard to read.
I like it, but we’ll see what it looks like on my work computer screen which has much less definition.
Me too!
Just stopped by to see what was going on.
Nothing but trouble.

I’d have a crush on Albert but I wouldn’t want to distract him 🙂
You picked a good one. He’s a superstar for sure.
Albert is a strange combination of just a normal guy and a god.
People here are very protective of him and don’t like the national media to be around him too much but get pissed off when he doesn’t get his due.
Don’t worry about him getting his due. There are millions of fantasy baseball players out there who can’t be deceived 🙂
Not much really, but wasn’t it a gorgeous day today?
It was! And the highs will be in the 60’s for the rest of the week.
Means quite a few people in this complex will be bringing out the BBQ’s! Wonder who will be cooking what? (Now I’m getting hungry, even though I just ate awhile ago!!)
What’s been going on with you Street Kid?
Not a lot, really, just dealing w/more bureaucratic nonsense that I don’t need, and writing more. The highlight of my day was cooking a good dinner. Marinated some chicken overnite, then baked it. Knew it was going to be good, as it fell apart when I took it out of the pan!
Geez and I just finish a bowl of cereal.
This one is so easy to make!
Hey Street Kid, ej thinks your Tigers might surprise people this year. So don’t be too down on them.
One thing, teams in Detroit have a reputation for the “might be a good year this year” and then fading at the end of the season. Been going on for years. Convinced that the organizations just use that one as a way to increase ticket sales. Kinda disillusioned on them, to tell you the truth.
That’s definitely true (especially regarding the Lions) but I really do think the Tigers will be a decent team this year. Maybe not playoff bound, but hey, finishing above .500 would be a treat, right? 😀
How ’bout them Pistons though 🙂
That would be cool! Definitely need a winner this year!!
Not a Red Wings fan?
No. I’m not a hockey fan in general (though I used to be), but I’ve never liked the Wings.
We’re rooting for the Blues to lose all their remaining games. Might as well go for the whole thing. And insure getting to go first in the draft.
One way of looking at it…unless they make a boneheaded draft pick. That seems to be another one of Detroit teams trademarks.
It’s just been a terrible season and most of us have completely ignored it. I know people with season tickets who didn’t go to one game.
That’s what happens when they announce they are selling the team on the day they send out season ticket renewals in the year after a strike. How stupid can you get?
That’s sad!
I have to admit that it’s rough to hear the Sharks’ and Warriors’ progress in their respective races for eighth place (the eighth and last playoff spot, we’re told over and over). Really reinforces the impression that the “regular” season is really just the second pre-season.
Love the Wings! Think we got a little spoiled to all of their victories–when they got knocked out of the playoffs, it was such a let down. I forgot about hockey season after that happenned.
Looks like this is a good place for the Smoltz-Schmidt report I promised ej. Great game, really. Giants scored 4 in the second (a bit of a surprise against Smoltzy, but assisted by two walks — one of the more-or-less intentional variety to Bonds), and Schmidt looked good until the 6th, when Andruw Jones reached him for a three-run homer down the left field line to tie the game. Braves picked up another on a walk and a double (by Renteria, maryb will be sad to hear) to chase Schmidt. The Giants’ bullpen, astonishingly, held. Giants came back with two in the ninth against Reitsma to win, 6-5 — a leadoff homer by Lance Niekro (now by far and away the family home run leader), a single by Feliz, sacrifice by Matheny (come to think of it, the former Cards did well today), and a game-ending single by Randy Wynn. Great day to be there with the kids. When young kids get to see a game where the home team pulls it out in the ninth, the game plants seeds for the next generation.
One real downer on the day, especially for ej — In the seventh, Matheny hit a little nubber down toward third. Chipper Jones came in to barehand it, caught a cleat on the turf (it’s been very wet here), and sprained something. Web site says it was an ankle; looked like a knee to me. Hope it isn’t serious — he’s too good a ballplayer to lose, even though I don’t often root for the Braves.
To top off the day, on Sunday afternoons the Giants let the kids run the bases after the game, so our girls were able to do that, too. Rain held off just enough for it to be a wonderful family day.
Matheny, Morris (on the bench), Renteria — like old home week for me.
Sounds like a great day for you and the kids. Cool about your kids getting to run the bases. Did they get all muddy?
Well, it wasn’t THAT wet. They had insisted on wearing their Little League baseball pants to the game, though, so they looked great going around.
You definitely picked a great game to go to, and I’m glad the youngins got to have a good time 🙂
Jason Schmidt definitely looks 100% (despite giving up the homer to Andruw, but who hasn’t? :). I remember I was pretty upset when the Braves got rid of him, he’s always had good stuff.
Losing Chipper would be a crippling blow to the Braves. I really hope it turns out to just be a 2-4 week injury and not something requiring surgery.
Well it has been a rough week and day, so I’m calling it a night.
See ya’ll in the morning.
Night family man.
I hope you have a guest room you can sleep in 🙁
Good night familyMan, I hope tonight and tomorrow is better. And that you get a dry nights sleep.
I won’t brag about my cooking anymore. <crosses fingers>
He regularly describes his more elaborate meals to us.
Besides, everybody here is a foodie and we’re all for the virtual sharing of meals (all the enjoyment, none of the saturated fats).
The best marinade for chicken is shittake and sesame vinaigrette salad dressing. Just pour some over a chicken breast, let it sit in the fridge overnight, cover it w/mozzerella soy cheese, bake it at 375 for about 35 minutes (40 minutes, depending on your oven). Throw a salad together and dinner is served!
Thanks — that sounds really good. I’ve copied and saved it.
Me too!
Got that mary?
I did. Good to know. (I actually wondered about that cook time if they were boneless).
Remembered that one after I posted the recipe w/the time. Didn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s dinner burning, so I thought I’d clarify it.
Just one thing–I did not use a boneless chicken breast!
my late night last night so as not to frighten the children with fears of the apocalypse by staying up late two nights in a row. So I’m off to do some reading and then to bed.
Good night everyone.
Good night!
I’m taking this personally you know.
Are you watching?
Nah, it’s a repeat. I was going to go to bed but I got stuck playing online backgammon. 🙂
So I’m in luck…
All is right with the world! And I am not sleepy (unlike last night)!
Good evening everyone! I just got back from reading the last lounge where you all blabbed on and on and on and on and on and on about how introverted you all are.
Count me in.
Hey Second Nature!
I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your ‘Men’ diary the other day, even though I didn’t comment in it.
It gave me a lot to think about, and reminded me of so many reasons I don’t want to be like my dad if / when I have kids.
Hey, thanks ej! I always thought I didn’t want to be like my mom, but I’ve been able to take the good things about her and use them and chuck the bad parts. At least I think I did – I’ll have to check with my kids!
Based on what I know of you, I think you’ve done well. I have a feeling your kids will agree 🙂
I’ll just take your word for it and not even ask them. Why tempt fate?
You’re a good kid.
Heh. It’s been a while since I’ve been called a kid, but thanks 🙂
You need Psifighter to show up and make you feel old.
how old is he/she? not that he/she is a transsexual (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) I’m just not sure of gender.
He’s a he. I don’t know how old he is but he’s in college. Maybe he’ll show up and we can ask him.
Ooh, he’s a young one – maybe my daughter’s age! I suddenly feel like I should pre-pay for a cemetery plot.
There are 2 kinds of ‘old’, mary. Actual age and mental/emotional age.
I feel old. I don’t need Psifighter to exacerbate the situation 🙂
Poor ej
You act old too <duck>
It’s true.
Now where is my Walker?
Isringhausen is making me old before my time. Can I just have one of those bottles? I don’t need a glass.
The red label is all yours. I don’t have any use for it.
I guess no one cares that my Tribe is off to a great start. sigh.
Wow. That was a serious jack.
Bastards! (Don’t ask me if I mean the cardinals or the cubs.)
If I finish the red label are you sure you won’t share the black label?
I’ll consider it 🙂
What a depressing inning.
Maybe if someone (??) opened a new cafe it would change the Cards’ luck …
I can’t tell if you took my hint or not?
Yep, just did. I’ll post a comment below.
You’re wonderful!
Well, anyone with all of their own teeth and a heartbeat that isn’t electrically stimulated is a kid to me.
You and I and Street Kid are all about the same age. We could make ej an honorary old person. If it makes him happy.
It could be fun.
The Cards are in a spot of trouble right now.
Sometimes I feel like I got stuck at age 19 – which was my only year of freedom between high school and getting married.
I love that Rate-all tool!
I just beat my internet opponent 3 games in a row in backgammon. Must rest my brain now.
Good night. See you tomorrow!
good night!
I’m going to step out for a bit…see if any new stuff was posted.
Grey’s Anatomy is over and I’m going to get some sleep tonight. See you all later. 🙂
good night Olivia!
Go here!
Oh yeah, please.