This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Self-serve food and drinks.
Lewd, crude, and rude behavior required. Video camera rolling. Proceeds from selling tape to benefit BT.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Sorry all, but I’m beat and am going to bed. See you in the morning.
Tap..tap…tap….is this thing on?
How was your non-chocolate dinner?
BTW, what time zone is Ottawa in? I’m Mtn so it/s 11:11 PMDT here.
It’s 0120h.
I did sleep in rather late today. And all the sleep I’ve been getting over the last couple days has thrown my schedule off.
Your new Croci (?) pix are very nice…it’s cool how you keep your site updated.
The deer ate all of mine…again…plus the tulip sprouts. If it’s not the deer, it’s the squirrels diggin’ em up .
Whatta ya gonna do?
Fever is gone. So far, no stuffy nose etc., so we’ll see.
Thanks for visiting. Do you still find it hard to read the text? I’ve been playing around w/ a test version of the blog but I’m not really tech-savy, so it’s taking some time… π
I guess that means you don’t plant a vege garden? We’ve got a roving bunny out there this summer so I’m sure we’ll have some fun times over territorial rights…
blue on black is really tough…what about white or a very lt. gray?
Course I’m on a lap top so I don’t have a large “backlit” screen. Could be part of the difficulty.
ps: got tired of trying to borrow a film scanner so I ordered one…tracking info says it’s here Monday…yippee! Maybe I’ll finally get a site organized and up…<fingers crossed>…lots of ?’s, so you may hear from me…:{)
That’s what I’m playing w/, and also a different font … I find it hard to read too.
That’s excellent about the scanner! I’m sure you’ll have things up and running smoothly, but questions are a-okay. I’ll help if I can. π
but if it is, look at helvetica font…no serifs, very simple, crisp and easy to read. I use it for word processing and all text on the LT.
Here’s what I’ve got so far: [link to test blog]. It’s a lot cleaner… Still playing though. π
very readable, and pix look good on white bkgrd…tasty. Thanks for the preview.
I appreciate all you feedback!
I think it looks great. Very simple and elegant, a complement to the lovely photos!
Thanks for the feedback mm!
I’m up…done working for the night, but I have a really busy day tomorrow in preparing for a debate in my ethics class.
Maybe you’ll draw a repub opponent…fish in a barrel, so to speak.
I was just about falling asleep when I saw those two perky owls, and was jolted wide awake!
How are you? One more week and Freedom eh. Thing’s staying calm?
So far so good. Nothing untoward except a psychotic coworker threw some coffee and chocolate-covered coffee beans I had given to the office into the trash. We just shrug these things off.
I missed it – freedom from what? (if I can ask)
Freedom from working in a tiny office with some very crazy and malicious people. Only one more week!
Getting close now… π
hiya, olivia. I tried to find some good flowers to take pictures of today, but didn’t come up with much. I think they’re getting drowned. what’s up with you.
I’m playing w/ the blog.
That’s too bad about the flowers. What other things do you like to photograph?
I like to photograph driftwood and bark and little works of art that nature just scatters around. There is a gallery in the center where I work with a whole exhibit of gorgeous huge photos of leaves and bark, I will go get the website with the photographer’s name. However, I have never taken anything remotely that good.
Here is the website: http://www.photography.org/
They must have gotten in early to get that address! The photographer’s name is Stephen Galloway, and it’s obvious that he is shaping the leaves, etc, before he photographs them, but the photos are very lovely. They are huge and glossy.
He has taken the awe and majesty of walking through a forest floor and created visual metaphors that transports the viewer to their own experience with nature within the gallery walls.
Now that sounds wonderful.
Here’s one that I got today in my friends backyard.
Yes, it does sound wonderful and I really loved his photographs, though their website can’t hold a candle to yours!
Lovely picture, MM. Even though the flowers are pink, lol. Shhh, don’t tell DJ, but pink is a color we use very very sparingly in our garden, and usually only to represent certain native species (such as the prairie mallow). With me being what my hubby calls as “clumped up Leo” (he has done my chart) you might expect that there are a lot of fire colors at work in our garden, balanced out (we hope) by the blues and purples of other plants. Lots of red, orange and yellow abound here … In fact, as part of my yard work, I plan to sow some more California poppy seeds around in areas to get it going there this year. We already have quite a few volunteer areas, but hey, you can never have too much orange, or can you? π
well here’s some california poppies for you! I wish I had you in my garden IVG! such industry and artistry all rolled in to one! it takes so much patience forethought and hard work to create a beautiful garden.
I love pink flowers! :~)
hehe, for my snooty pink attitude expressed above. Let’s just call it an “in moderation” color in our garden.
Will post a good example of judicious pink here in a few minutes… just gotta go find it.
You’re not the only one ::ahem Omir:: who has, let’s say has an aversion to pink. (He once commented to me that pink represented dead things or something like that — I’ll have to go find that link. And he accused me of blinding him w/ my pink flowers. π
My friend used to have flowers of every color and description in her back garden, but these were the only ones I could find to photograph today. she was away, and she has been dealing with so much stress in her life, these pink flowers were the only ones that survived.
and not even having a whole lot of fun. Trying to get the @#$!! printer to print, with a new operating system, set up as a network at home. I really don’t have time nor the desire to fiddle with anything remotely techy now, just want to go read a mystery or something.
I honestly thought it was about 11pm. Sigh.
The owls remind me of a tiny one that dive-bombed us a couple of years ago when we were walked just after sunset in our own inner city alley – dimly lit. We must have been scarying the rats away.
Well, come by here and scare the rats away any time!
The WI Libertarian Party, with no Candidate of their own for Senate this year, invited all declared candidates.
Outsider Republican Dave Redick, Green Rae Vogeler, and I showed. Herb Kohl failed to even acknowledge the invitation.
Those of us there found ourselves in agreement on almost all the asked questions. Suprising, for a Libertarian crowd, we weren’t asked about guns or taxes.
I recieved 24 campaign contributions. Get a sense tha most of the attendees will vote for Rae in November, unless I pull the stunning upset of the year in the Primary.
Glad thing went so well!
2002 LP Gov nominee Ed Thompson, who’d been thinking of running against Cong. Ron Kind (and would have been a more serious threat than the no-name gooper) is not running. His speech today was a peptalk against the nasty marriage amendment, and he plans to actively work against it all year.
The LPs designee on the State Elections board quit, reportedly do to the LP’s position against the Amendment. His replacement, 20 year old Jacob Burns, is a tech savvy staunch opponent of the election machinery hucksters.
With all the talk of macro usage this week, I had to put another of my recent crocus pics up tonight. Alas, most of them are pretty much done at this point, but I managed to capture a lot of good shots this past week to preserve them till next year.
That’s one of the things that I like most about spring bulbs –despite the initial intensive work of getting them all in the ground– is that even if their beauty is but fleeting in the early spring, they provide a much needed reassurance that winter, no matter how harsh, has passed, and sunnier days are ahead.
I would really like to apply that metaphor to the current political situation. Am I cautiously optimistic enough to believe that we may, perhaps, plant some political bulbs (and let’s hope not dim bulbs) this fall, looking forward to them flowering next year? We can only hope.
Thanks IVG! I agree w/ you on the bulbs — it’s so exciting to see them popping up in early spring.
Thank you, Olivia! We’re especially excited this year because we put in another 500+ bulbs last fall, which along with the ones we have planted in previous years, probably brings the total to somewhere around a thousand. The intent has been (albeit conscious or not) to do plantings that will produce successive “waves” of color over April and into May, when the perennials and self-seeding annuals spring into form. So far it seems to be working. Of course I will keep you all posted either here or in those gardening diaries I want to get going soon.
How’s things up your way? Glad to hear you’re finally feeling better. This was a nasty year for “bugs” going around offices. We have both had about 3-4 things that going around since the beginning of the year. That’s another good thing about spring… it tends to banish (at least in my experience) all those nasties we suffer from over the winter.
Sometime tomorrow I am going to finally make it over to see your pictures! Sorry I haven’t done so sooner, but the past couple of weeks at work have been vampiric on my spirit, so to speak.
Vampiric on my spirit sounds awful! Sorry you had to go through that! Can I send you a cross, silver bullet, or wooden stake perhaps? I keep a stock on hand for the emergencies that come up a my work place. LOL.
Aww, thanks, MM! I think I can make it, as I’m used to the atmosphere, which can be very stressful and downright poisonous at times. I’m sure you understand that one … I need to move on from this work (I do market research) because I have bored of it and continue to have self-recriminations about the nature of the whole enterprise. But that’s another story.
If things get a little tooo weird (and I’ve seen much worse in previous years), I can always have Chris make up a charm bag for me to keep on me or in my desk. I used to always carry a hematite in my pocket to ground me, until I had to travel so much for work and got hassled at airport security for having a mysterious shiny black stone on my person. LOL. They’re such putzes. Anyway, thanks for the kind thought!
Holy moly bulbs! Your plot must be the most colourful piece of land in the whole city? state? π Wowie zowie.
Here’s a pic of a piece of my little garden: [link]
I hope things get better for you at work — that certainly doesn’t sound good!
I’ve not seen that before. Small wonder your pics are so beautiful.
Andi asked me for a non-macro or large view of the garden. She wanted me to do a panorama, but I didn’t get around to it; I’ll have to do this summer.
Wow!! Gee-or-jeeous!!!!!!! What a talent you have.
It’s more work than talent I think. π
and with that beautiful garden image in my mind, I bid you lovely ladies goodnight.
Be well.
Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow. π
Yes, and it just keeps expanding, lol. YOUR garden is just fantastic, Olivia! I would really like to get closer looks at what you have planted there, but it’s a wonderful mix of textures and colors … and unlike our current situation, it’s very well delineated. And that’s definitely what I’d call judicious use of pink! LOL, since I just coined that one. I’ve got my example coming up very quickly here. Did I see some Larkspur in there somewhere or was I just imagining it?
Our whole view, as we currently are doing things is much more the “wild cottage garden” look, where the boundaries between flower beds and the rest of the place blurr … some things just aren’t content to stay within their edges and creep around a lot and pop up in unusual spots. Chris likes to call it the “natural untamed” look … but this year we hope to rein that in a bit with more boulders put in up the walk to give it a more finished look. Will keep you all posted, as that (if it) happens. LOL
From last June… “Pink Powderpuff Poppies” (aka papaver somniferum, YES, that one … and “Sky Blue” Delphiniums. Last year this area of the front bed was a veritable field of poppies (we let too many seeds fall in the fall) that really put on a show for a few weeks, fortunately right as the Delphiniums were coming into their prime.
So, see… I’m not a total meanie towards pink!
beautiful flowers, IVG! i’m off to bed, night night all!
Not too many sleeps left until Escape Day! π
I like the name too: pink powderpuffs! LOL. I have some red poppies that are everywhere — they grow like weeds and ::guilty confession time:: sometimes I pull them out when they’re blooming b/c they’re everywhere and then the petals make just a big mess when they fall over everything. Maybe if they were pink I’d like them better π
Do you collect the seed heads or always just let them fall?
I know what you mean about pulling the rogues… we didn’t do that last year, and regretted it, because some were so stunted, but usually they stay pretty much in one or two spots. We do collect the seeds, but let a good number just fall where they may, in order to keep up that “wild” look. We give a lot of the rest of the seeds away to anyone who wants them, and we do get quite a few requests.
Permit me a little divagation here…
These flowers, like some of anyone’s favorites, have a history…. We are friends with Frank, an elderly (84) gardener up one block from us, who personifies the concept of ‘master gardener,’ and we jokingly talk with him about us being his competition in the neighborhood. Well, we have quite a ways to go to even catch up with him … but anyway, several years ago we were at his house when he brought up a Quaker Oats container just FULL of these seeds, and he gave us about a handful to plant in our garden. Only later, after research, did we determine that they were p. somniferum, and giggled at the thought. These flowers will always be known in our hearts and minds as “Frank’s pink poppies,” because they are so inextricably connected to his garden. We swap a lot of seeds back and forth and are always happy to introduce him to something he may not already have (which is hard to do!). He’s a remarkable man who we cherish knowing, and the whole neighborhood admires for the beauty of his gardens … that’s what makes the whole enterprise so meaningful on a personal level. He may be gone in a few years, but we will always have reminders of him growing in various places in the garden … come to think of it, that’s how I’d like to be remembered as well… perhaps that purple perennial in some spot … or a blazing red hibiscus… I care not much what species it could be, just that it be connected to me.
Ok, end of philosophical meandering. It’s probably way past time for me to get to bed, but with the hours of work I had to do today, I’m allowing myself to stay up late (again) and have some fun. π
I don’t mind reading those meanderings at all. And what a lovely story to end the night/start the morning(!) on. I’m going off to get a few zzzzzzs. Good night! Thanks for the pink flowers! π
You’re more than welcome, Olivia. Sleep well, and shake off the rest of that bug that’s been buggin ya. π
But not without one last stab of blue… this picture doesn’t adequately capture the color, but imagine a nice, medium sky-blue and you’ll come close. Hopeful I’ll get better pics of this plant this season… but until then…

Another one for DTF, though his ‘holy grail’ plant aspirations would exclude this one as well, but we like it… probably the easiest delphinium to grow that I’ve found (so far).
Catch you all sometime later today, after garden clean up has happened.
Hey there, folks. The sun’s coming up on a beautiful Catskills morning. It’s usually quiet here, but this time of day is quieter than quiet. It’s lovely.
I guess it’s time I went to bed. What a shame I’m not as young as I once was — nor pulling all-nighters for the same lovely reasons.
What a surprise to see you here, just as I was trying to make myself head off to bed! Hope all is going well and staying calm out there your way. Looking forward to warmer days ahead here, and hope you have the same headed your way…
Howdy, IVG!
Yep, we’ve got warming predicted for this coming week. It’s gonna be wonderful!
I’ve truly enjoyed your garden photos tonight. Thanks so much for posting them! What a beautiful garden you have.
I’m about ready for bed now, just thought I’d stop by. My late-night energy’s been fairly phenomenal, but all good things must come to and end (and do).
I’m sure I’ll see you later!
All good things must come to an end.
Yep, I’m tired.
The birds are starting up outside, skies are perfectly clear.
Yep, about the same here… and glad you liked the pics I posted. There will be many more to come here and in the diaries I am planning to do. I’ve indulged myself enough tonight for having had to do work on my supposed day off. Now it’s time to recharge and get ready to tackle the clean up I have ahead of me today outside. Glad to hear it’s warming up out your way! We’ve finally turned the corner, and it’s about damn time. Now, let’s apply that to the political situation… π
See you soon, and sleep well, WW.