All Night Long at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an Unhosted Cafe. Have you had your caffeine?
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
That’s quite a kitty ej
I did a search on ‘psycho cat’ and that came up.
Don’t ask why, just accept it.
no, I’m not in an accepting frame of mind right now.
To be honest, I have no idea. It just popped into my head.
I think I have an unhealthy addiction to the Robo-rater. I used it to rate the two comments that you made.
I’m a slacker I know, but that was a little over the top even for me.
You’re addicted. I blame Omir.
I also noticed in the last cafe that BooMan appears to have taken a liking to the Robo-Rater. Can’t say that I blame him, but the 4’s I get from him won’t mean as much anymore.
I seldom look to see who gives me fours. Occasionally if I make a really stupid comment in a diary and somebody gives me a four I look to see who would be so idiotic … π
I have noticed though that occasionally BooMan gets more fours than anyone else in the cafe. Like he needs the mojo …. bunch of suckups π
Is there now software to “four” the cafe inhabitants?
And if you’re really good ej will find the link for you. I on the other hand am not feeling nice tonight and would tell you to go through all the old cafes to find it.
Why do I always get stuck with link duty?
Because you are reliable and usually nice.
Unfortunately I think Boran2 has gone to bed. But maybe he lied and he is lurking.
Well I hope he sees it, I don’t feel like looking it up again. But I’m sure I probably would, on request.
Speaking of going to bed, I think I will too (yes, I know it isn’t even the AM yet, but it’s been a long, sleep deprived weekend).
Good night!
good night. I’m heading off too.
Stupid comment? When? Where? (shakes head in confusion)
That describes both of mine. If I get too involved in something, usually writing, one of them will climb on the computer desk and scream in my face. If I continue to ignore them, the other uses the bathtub as a litterbox!
They have me trained!!!
At least it uses the bathtub and not, say, your bed.
Don’t give him ideas! The bathtub is easier to clean!
Me? Unless you read out loud (or your cat has learned to read) he won’t hear it from me.
I wouldn’t put anything past them. But, I love them–they are my babies!
Here kitty, kitty, kitty!
Please don’t call it. Or please stand on the other side of the cafe when you do.
I’ll take 10 virtual paces to the other side of the room. Does kitty make you uncomfortable?
It’s looking right at me.
Why isn’t it looking at you over there?
OMG! Looks almost like one of mine when he screams!
here, put on these gloves…and this fencing mask…and, oh yeah, this set of catcher’s shin and chest protectors…you’re good to go – and on your own.
Here kitty!
Yeah, you’re right about that, he’s purring now. Don’t think I’ll need any of the protective gear you mentioned, but, if he acts up…
OK yeah, it looks like a psycho cat, but it also looks like Kitty’s jaw might be dropping, as if to say “I can’t believe Bush said that!”
You don’t want either of mine, trust me!
Hmm, that reminds me of the comment that I made in the cafe last week π
That’s why it surprised me that you went with the crazy kitty
Wow. I’m impressed you remembered.
I’m going to have to be more careful about what I say around you now, of course.
of course LOL
One of mine just hopped into my lap and is watching me type!
Well, I’m off to finish Eragon and beddy bye! See ya all in the AM!
good night!
Cat just jumped off my lap. Guess I officially have permission to call it a nite! Till next time!
Anybody up?
I’m still up, but multi-tasking right now, uploading my garden clean up pics from today, and will post a few very soon, when I get them all done.
How was your day? It was lovely here, about 64, sunny, breezy, and a perfect day to do boulder bed clean up. Though I was mocked by one of my neighbors because I was out using my new shop vac to clean up leaves, detritus and stuff from the sidewalk and beds. What a time saver and much easier than all that raking and bagging, and separating what can go to the compost pile… anyway, back in a few with pics!
Hey, looking forward to the pix! I had a pleasant day, too, I went down to the coast before breakfast and took pix at high tide. I got some good ones, tho it was a bit too overcast. It’s been pleasantly drizzly here all day.
However, I’m ECSTATIC that I just figured out how to get the robo-rater to work, and feel that I should be getting a HUGE round of applause for my ingenuity and persistence. (Listening….. listening… listening… Was that the sound of one hand clapping?)
Anyhoo… here’s how I did it. Copy the code as Omir has it written out on the robo-rater page. Go into my bookmarks (on Safari). Find the bookmark (called Untitled Document) that wasn’t working. Erase the address, and paste in the code. Go into the Frog Pond and click on the link and….. Presto! Voila! It works! It works!
Up, but not for long…been a really draining wknd. Just watched the video of Sy Hersch on CNN with ‘Blister’ <gag>.
Scary shit re: Iran and the loonies in the WH.
Linkage if you’re so inclined…@22M/QT.
Hi dada! (And nightie night!) I’ll check out the link.
See above comment for story about how very clever MM finally gets the robo-rater to work!!
I drug it into my toolbar and titled it “4nikator”…have forwarded Omirs’ canonization application with highest recommendation to the appropriate authorities.
BTW,scroll down to find the video.
I was watching the video and it was so depressing that Safari “unexpectedly quit.” Even my computer can’t stand it. Absolutely makes me sick to my stomach to think we have such a beyond belief psychopath in the WH. Nightmares! Endless nightmares.
Yes, Omir gets the prize for that clever piece of work!
Hey Dada, great to see you and MM are still among the living! I read parts of Hersh’s piece earlier, and though nothing surprised me, much sickened and frightened me. But then I got caught up in the early spring boulder bed clean up and all was well with the world… for about 4 1/2 hours at least. Haven’t had any news on today, watched 1 show on HGTV (If Walls Could Talk) and headed up here to ready my pics from today. After the hellacious last 2 weeks at work, all this exhausting and exhilarating garden work made me feel very satisfied, if a bit tired… Ahh, the flowers, they is a coming!
I wrote about this afternoon … the one we found lying on the sidewalk, uprooted and still very perky.
Looks like it will probably be around for a while! One less I’ll have to get from the greenhouses and plant.
Mary had asked me to post before/after pics of the clean up, and this one is somewhere in between. Towards the end of the afternoon, this angle taken from the sidewalk on our corner facing south. Yes, it looks sparse right now, but you can’t imagine the volume of leaves, dead growth and stuff that has exited the area today, either by rake or vacuum. Hehe. Yes, I play with power tools sometimes.
Anyway, here’s one … and note the break time brew posed on the rocks… took me over an hour to drink that because I was so busy. Uh huh. I sat on the rock and drank it.
taken from the walk just by our front stairs, facing the other end of the bed, from which you just saw the other angle.

Ok, I’ll stop now, and save more for later. At the risk of putting folks to sleep!
Impressive! I especially like the rescued violet! Nice work, IVG! I wish I could have you over to my house in Los Angeles. I am an “indifferent” gardener myself, though I admire the art from afar!
Appreciate the kind sentiment there. I’m far from indifferent, but I can understand that when space is so limited. It’s funny how gardening came into my life in a big way once I fled Florida and moved back closer to my roots here in Iowa. I reconnected big time with the soil, and I’ve felt a better person ever since. My therapist used to praise me for using the gardening as therapy, and it’s true, it really does work, and help revive the soul.
I know it’s trite these days, but I’ve always believed in love your mother earth because she’s the only one we’ve got! Does that make me an old hippy or what? LOL
Yup, I do think gardening is very therapeutic, especially if your body is up to it physically. I have done quite a bit over the years but I’m not very good at it. I love plants though.
I didn’t like Florida, either. Everything had spikes and/or scales. Even my students.
I taught at New College of USF (the ‘honors’ campus) at Sarasota for almost 6 years, and the closest I came to gardening there was growing bromeliads in pots and pruning the jasmine vine. Just not a place I liked much, and though I loved many of my students, there were lots of thorns too. Finally, the political back biting at the school drove me away, and I’ve not been back since, except for occasional trips to Tampa for my current job.
For me, the only good reason to visit FL is to go to St. Pete and see the Salvador Dalí museum!
I taught at UCF, so I wasn’t far away, and I was only there for one year. There were some great kids who I really loved but also lots of very strung out kids who just weren’t into learning. There was just something about Florida that felt very fake to me, can’t quite say what. However, there was an incredible swimming hole near a river, I can’t remember the name of it, a very beautiful place. Seems like it would be hard to garden in Florida, since it’s mostly sand. And they use alot of pesticides there.
I remember knowing a couple of people from UCF when I used to judge the state French Competitions in Orlando. They always said the kids were nice, and some were bright, but most were pretty stupid. In my NOT so humble opinion, the school systems are total failures in FL. There are so many lost kids from those systems, which are under-funded and just plain pathetic.
Everyone used to tout the fact that there was no state income tax in FL, and it showed… crappy roads, no street lights, ignorant kids, the list is endless… My name for the place was “The Slipshod State,” because things got done, yes, but in such a haphazard fashion that it would have been comical, if it hadn’t been so pathetic.
I used to want to only flee my Iowa identity when I was younger, but I’ve grown up and have learned to embrace it as a very good thing in later years. Yeah, I’d like to have the body of a 20 yr old again, but ONLY if I get it with the knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years. Otherwise, no deal.
These secret flowers are from my friend’s garden. She really has a way with plants, and her garden looks very natural and wild.
What are those? I don’t recognize them, but maybe they’re something we don’t have here or can only grow as an annual. Wait till I get my castor trees planted and they get going mid-late summer. I bet you could grow some kickass versions of those where you are, and they wouldn’t die in the fall!
Not sure what they are. I love “being there” BTW. What a great film!
To my mind, one of the all time great political films. I always loved Peter Sellers, and the sad irony of that being his last film before he died gives it a whole nother level of poignancy. Chauncey Gardener was such an innocent, cast adrift in a venal, poisonous world, but he managed to see beauty in things, as bad as they were. Naïveté has been much maligned, but if I could only aspire to his level in that film, I could die a contented man. And the real beauty of that film is that his message was so simple, and made into ‘profundity’ by the handlers for all the wrong reasons made it even more powerful.
It’s further proof that these days (and even earlier) it’s not the message that counts so much as the delivery. But I’m still hopeful that substance WILL eventually conquer style. We can only hope…
I haven’t seen Being There in a while, but it really impressed me. I so long for that kind of simplicity. I really got into that bio-pic about Peter Sellers that was playing on HBO a while back. I thought it was incredibly well done.
… and I loved it too. Geoffrey Rush was a great choice to play him as well. Such a complex man, and that film really brought that to the fore.
Did you catch that “Mrs. Harris” with Annette Bening a while back? That was a great one too, but without the gardening angle. I’ve always thought that she had tons of talent (re: I WILL sell this house TOday! from American Beauty). If you didn’t see it, watch for the re-runs.. worth the time, and damned if GR didn’t push all the butttons to unhinge her. Fun stuff. OK I am now definitely off to bed here!
Night all! (even lurking Omir, lol)
I wanted to post this one because it gives perspective on our back yard, and also has Pepa and Rolly in it!

That’s enough for one night, there’s plenty more to come as spring progresses!
It’ll be fun to watch stuff grow!
I took a lot of pics today of bulbs that will bloom later (such as fritillaria and alliums and others. I’m starting to work out in my mind what these gardening blogs are going to be like. And, they will have a political angle too … I just haven’t nailed that down yet. But glad people are liking what I have so far! It gives me hope and courage to go on.
It’s a great idea! I like the connection with Being There…. kind of like living out an aspect of the film.
the garden blogs will arrive… even if it’s just me talking about what’s coming up and what needs to be done soon. My eventual goal is to do blogs here and work them up to full fledged book chapters for a gardening guide I want to write. My aim is to convince people, even in urban circumstances, that they can do meaningful, small (if need be) gardens that will beautify their lives and neighborhoods as well. All politics is local. And sometimes it has to be built up from the roots, which if they are not severed, will produce new growth in the spring! Hehe
Olivia and other Canadians would understand the reference…
Sharks demolished the Dallas Stars (or as a certain Tribber/fellow hockey fan calls them, the Phallus Scars) by a score of 4-1. This means, besides free pizza for me and the spouse (“4 in the net, pizza you get!”), that the Sharks pretty much control their own playoff destiny — if they win the games they should win (pretty much every game this week), they’ll head for the post-season, and in pretty decent shape. Considering how piss-poor they played earlier this season, that would be a miracle on a par with…oh, the Republicans starting impeachment hearings against Bush/Cheney.
Time to hit the hay — need to do some major writing this week…
And hey there Cali, too! A nice shot I got today of one of the artemisia “Silver Mound” clumps we have planted in the rock crevices. This is a plant I used to pooh pooh as so common, but it has found a very useful place in the boulder bed to keep the dirt from working its way out between the rocks. Nothing to get excited about bloom wise, but the foliage is more than worth it, and it smells good too! As do all the wormwood species, if you ask me.
Nightie, night, IVG! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Thanks, MM … I’m still up for a little bit … funny how much you tire yourself out earlier, catches up with you later as a second wind. I think I’m done posting pics for the night, though I’m sorely tempted to put another great one of I got of Chionodoxa up before I retire. I’ll see if any other froggies pop in … or just do it anyway. LOL. I do have my impulsive side, you know. I’m a “clumped up Leo” after all π
I don’t feel sleepy because I took a long nap and didn’t wake up until 8 o’clock. I hate going to bed on Sunday night since it’s Monday when I wake up, if you know what I mean! But only 5 more days until I become gloriously (and scarily) unemployed! Then I’ll go back to LA and reseed my lawn!
Maybe save the pix until tomorrow morning and more pond dwellers can see them….
It’s hotel, no tell time for me. That second wind has blown out of town and I’m off to bed. But not before I vanity post yet another Glory of the Snow pic that I took today… Chionodoxa is a great species… these were new a year ago, and are already spreading and getting bigger!

The thing about these guys is the perfectly star- shaped flowers… so glad I planted them in fall 2004!
Pleasant dreams, froggie friends… seems like I’m closing the late nigh threads a lot lately… LOL.
See you later today, job willing…