I am very far left-wing.  VERY far left wing.  Every now and then I am asked a question that should be a silly question.  I tell people that I am left of liberal, and they ask me, “What is left of liberal?”

Well, I’ll tell you.  I also want to tell you about the difference between visions and goals.
Here is the politicial spectrum, from left to right.  (I am simplifying a bit, to keep it legible.)

Left AnarchistAnarcho-SyndicalistTrue CommunistState CommunistNorwegian-Style SocialistState-Socialist (France)Left Capitalist (Liberal)CentristRight Capitalist(Conservative)

Here we have to branch.  Still moving right:

  LibertatianRight Anarchist


Notice that at the very far left and the very far right, you have “anarchist”.  The difference between Left Anarchist and Right Anarchist is the way you view human nature.  If you believe that human beings are naturally communal, then you might be more inclined to Left Anarchist — no government required.  If you believe that human beings are more inclined to self-serving individualism, then you might be more inclined to Right Anarchist.

Now, here is the difference between visions and goals:

Visions refers to the world you imagine.

Goals refers to what you believe you can accomplish.

The one does not negate the other.  The better is not the enemy of the perfect.

I, personally am an anarcho-syndicalist.  That’s pretty goddamn left.  But that’s a vision, not a goal.  I will be THRILLED to accomplish a goal.  (1) Democrats in the House in 2006.  (2) A real honest-to-god Democrat in the White House in 2008.

These are different topics.  At DailyKos, I talk about Goals.  My visions are so nuts there’s no point in talking about them.  My goals are good enough for me.

So what are your visions and goals?