In the weeks and months ahead, it’s quite possible that you will be asked by President Bush to commence a military attack against the sovereign state of Iran. Those of you in the Pentagon who have been engaged in the war planning for this mission know exactly what I am referring to: a military assault which may involve the use of nuclear weapons against a country that is not an imminent threat to the national security of the United States.
You may believe that you have no option but to obey the order of the President to commence that assault, as he is the Commander in Chief of our nation’s armed forces. I would like you to consider that, in fact, you may have no option but to disobey his order to attack Iran.
Continued below the fold . . .
Now for those of you who think that I may be asking you to disregard President Bush’s orders on moral grounds, or pursuant to international law, such as the United Nation’s Charter which forbids wars of aggression, let me disabuse you of that notion.
Those are, indeed, valid reasons to disobey an immoral order to commence the slaughter of millions of Iranian soldiers and civilians, but that is not the basis of my letter to you today. I am well aware that many in the military would not consider violations of international law or qualms of conscience a sufficient justification to disobey a direct order from the President. Indeed, many of you may disagree with me that an attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities would violate international norms, or that such an assault would be per se immoral.
I am well aware that you take the following oath when you join our armed forces . . .
I, [name] , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
or, for Army officers, this oath:
“I, [name], having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.”
. . . and I am not asking you to violate that oath. On the contrary, I am asking you to honor it. Note the language of the oath. It requires you to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It is the Constitution which you are bound to support and defend, not any man, even the President. The Constitution.
What does the Constitution require before the President can send our military forces into harm’s way? Except in cases of internal rebellion or the invasion of our borders by a foreign power, it requires that he first obtain a Declaration of War by Congress authorizing the use of force against another country:
The Congress shall have Power . . .
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
But what about the War Powers Act that Congress passed in 1973? Doesn’t that expressly authorize the President to introduce our nation’s armed forces into hostilities without a declaration of war? Well, let’s look at the War Powers Act for a moment. Here are its relevant provisions in this regard:
SEC. 2. (b)
Under article I, section 8, of the Constitution, it is specifically provided that the Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution, not only its own powers but also all other powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.SEC. 2. (c)
The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
That’s right. Only the Congress has the power to initiate hostilities when there is no imminent danger of attack. Now despite what some would have us believe, Iran does not pose an imminent risk to our nation. Iran has not attacked our country, our territories, nor any of our military forces. Nor is Iran threatening to launch such attacks in the immediate future.
Therefore, before the President can order an attack on Iran, even an attack against nuclear facilities that he believes are part of a program by Iran’s leaders to obtain nuclear weapons, he must first obtain a declaration of war or other authorization to use force from Congress. He cannot lawfully order any member of our military to engage in war without that authorization.
We are a Republic, not a monarchy or dictatorship. More importantly, we are a Republic founded upon the requirements of law as established in our Constitution. That is the same Constitution which you have sworn an oath to support and defend. Not an oath to the President. Not an oath to any man, or group of men, not even to your superior officers. An oath to the Constitution.
Must you obey the orders of the President? Isn’t that also in your oath? Not if those orders conflict with the Constitution. And commencing a war without authorization by Congress directly conflicts with the the powers given to Congress specified in Article 1, section 8. Remember that: only Congress can order you to war, not the President.
You are not medieval knights, vassals who owe their allegiance to their lord. You are free and independent citizens, limited in your actions only by the laws of our great country. That law requires you to disobey an order to go to war unless Congress has declared war.
Soldiers and Sailors and Airmen, fulfill your oath. President Bush cannot order an attack on Iran, unless he obtains Congressional approval to go to war. Until he does, until he complies with the same Constitution that you and he have both sworn to uphold, you must disobey any order he gives you to attack Iran.
Not should disobey, must.
Steven D
Also posted at Daily Kos.
Might I suggest that you turn this into a petiton? Went to Orange and rec’d for you. Great work Steven. The military may be our last hope. No one else seems to be stepping up to the plate in the government.
Thanks Leezy.
Not sure how to turn this into a petition, but anyone who does know how is free to take this letter and run with it.
I am not the one to do this but maybe we could pass it along to one of the Peace and Justice groups or moveon or something and get the ball rolling that way? Maybe Fiengold/Boxer/Conyers? I am not sure but this diary really nails it! Also Iraqi Vets Against The War might sign on?
What about Code Pink?
Only the Congress has the power to initiate hostilities when there is no imminent danger of attack.
Are you sure? I don’t see the word “imminent” in the statute you quoted. Maybe the Supreme Court has interpreted the War Powers Act to include language that clearly isn’t there, though conservatives supposedly hate that practice, but it isn’t present in the black-letter law.
I realize that this is more complicated than it should be because Presidents have repeatedly claimed powers they don’t actually have, but the law seems clear: the President’s power to fight without Congressional input is limited to defense from attack and nothing else.
Strike this, I’m not awake yet.
that’s okay. There’s actually a good legal quyestion as to whether Congress has the ability, in the War Powers Act, to delgate it’s authority to declare war under Artcle 1, section 8, but for purposes of this letter I didn’t want to muddy the waters with arcane legal arguments. Under the present state of the law, Bush must get authorization from Congress to go to war. Do presidents always do this — get Congressional approval for military actions? Of course not, but that doesn’t change the Constitution or the requirements under the War Powers Act.
Steven, I have read all your diaries as of late and I can honestly say, YOU ARE ON A ROLL. Keep up your good…no excellent work and stay true to our natural design for democracy. Lots of hugs…hope you are feel good these days. Hope your son is one to follow in your huge footsteps. The CONSTITUTION is what it is all about folks…
Thanks Brenda. I appreciate the kind words.
You are welcome, kind sir. I really mean this…I try hard not to miss your diaries. You have your head on straight and think clearly through things. YOu have your ducks in a row and present them for a lot of us that do not have the time to do so. I really do appreciate this more than you would ever know…hugs…..
Now that made me BLUSH! Good thing no one can see me on the internet.
Thanks again.
BTW, have you noticed how many excellent diaries that have been published here, as of late???? I stipulate that this is the greatest spot for the news and information online. This is why I am here…to gather information and disseminate it with my own thought processes. I really appreciate you all….
I want to tell you something. I have a person who I know who is a recipient of the MOH who is very republican. I stopped corresponding with him due to the fact I got tired of trying to be nice and respectful in presenting my side of things with him. I received a forward about the exxon/mobile boycott and I almost fell out of my chair. I do think maybe, just maybe the tied is a turning with some…anyhow..We just might be getting through to them after all!!!! I know, simple, but for this man, this is very shocking, to say the least!
I’ve noticed that too! Seems like everyone has been on a roll. Like you, I also get my news here.
And I have said it repeatedly and I’ll say it again–all of the good writers are here!
I don’t know how BooMan got all the good writers for his blog, but I am sure glad he did!
I also try not to miss your diaries, although I sometimes don’t comment. I would also like to paraphrase something that dada posted in one of mine: I don’t know how you do it and keep your sanity at the same time. You have written some that I could not bear to finish–they were so tragic. But, I am guessing that you write them because their is something inside of you that makes you have to, if that makes any sense. (I just woke up–early for a change, and am still on my first cup of coffee.)
Wonderful. This should also be submitted to newspapers as a commentary pience. Good work.
…and it makes your case stronger.
The oath of office that you set out is that which is used for enlisted personnel only; the oath for officers contains no language concerning the obligation to obey the lawful orders of superior officers and the President.
Their allegiance is solely to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Perhaps we can hope that some of them serving in key positions will recall their sworn allegiance in the coming days.
Thanks. I didn’t realize that.
Mush appreciated.
This is the site I use most often for petitions:
Others are:
What I like about this post is that it seems clear, doesn’t it, that the endgame in the survival or death of our democracy is going to be played out in the Pentagon.
I always thought that the way to go is over Pentagon Channel, VOA, or some other direct appeal to the troops. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Appealing directly to the loyalty of the various police forces across the country would also make sense, given what may be in store for us this November.
But, you know what, as a student of history, I’m going to bet on Fox News and the Bush cult of loyalty. I just don’t think our military, officer corps, male population has the cognitive development to correctly determine where their loyalty lies in the teeth of all the propaganda.
That’s why I see only two possible solutions to this problem: 1) dissolving the armed forces, either by Congress withholding funds, some other act of Congress, or by flooding, disabling or neutralizing the Pentagon in one fell swoop; or 2) leaving the USA and putting the problem behind me, into the lap of the next generation of Americans.
I’m probably willing, in a pinch, to do whatever is necessary to try to persuade the rank and file armed forces and officer corps to throw their loyalty behind Congress and the Constitution, even at the risk of incarceration, torture or death. Aren’t you, when you really think about it?
I just don’t think it’s going to work unless a popular leader emerges who can direct that proper disposition of the loyalty of military personnel.
Like Richard Perle says in Why We Fight,
Pardon this piece of conspicuous blog harlotry, but I covered a lot of the war powers ground in Smoke, Mirrors and War Powers over at ePluribus Media Journal.
The Constitution makes the president C-in-C of the military, peacetime and wartime. That’s about it.
All other actual warmaking powers belong to congress, including the power to “To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions.”
Dear Cmd,
You are right on that premise. I would say, also, that this is not a normal executive or legislative or supreme court, we are dealing with here. They all seem to have ran amuck of the reality of what our constitution is all about. You are one of the best to read too. You have so much knowledge and appealing gravitas for us to even side sway your articles. Thanks so much for your contribution here. I just have enough time in the course of a normal day, of which this is not one of, to skim the topics for the most part. I do read y our diaries and digest them to the best of my ability. You have to know that! Thanks again for your ability to present to us the reality of which we search. hugs..
…and you continue to follow this with great pieces such as Network-centric Warfare and the Next World Order.
Greyhawk at booman and kos and elsewhere has been calling Congress to revoke the president’s so called War Powers .. see his commentary here