FBC Promises a Rose Garden

photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers and flowers on every table.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
now according to Andi, if you double… qklanvajlnf akckkdk!!!
olivia is after me with a marble rolling pin, help, help,
I never knew that simple multiplication and addition were so controversial.
Good thing we didn’t discuss F to C — just think how divisive that would have been.
mathematically very backwards in thinking
For practicing math in the cafe without a license?
It just seemed to cause an unsually high number of comments, so instead of rocking the boat w/ the whole C thing maybe I’ll stick w/ F. š
Or just say ‘it’s mighty warm’
And leave us all here in Murika wallowing in ignorance??
We’re straved for cross-border stimulation, don’t ya know?
You guys are pretty good at stimulating yourselves, you don’t need my help! š
SN, I just saw the beautiful photo of Bitey. Is he a lovebird?
The question of the day is “Are you going to get a digital camera before your book tour or are you just going to ignore your devoted fans who desperately need to see you with Raging Hippie and MaryB?”
a peach-faced lovebird. He’s such a sweetie!
Yea and George would tear him up. That is if he would come out from under the bed.
I thought he might be a peach-face. They are so amazingly beautiful. Oh, you’re so lucky to have him! Does he, by any chance, “laugh”? Some friends of mine recently got a pair of gray cockatiels and one of them “ha ha ha’s,” bobbing his head as he does it, and cracks us up. So of course the more we laugh, the harder he “laughs,” until finally we’re all either birds or humans, impossible to tell which.
Beautiful. Even when I was working two jobs and still broke, I’d buy myself roses about once a month at the grocery store. They smell so good and the petals are so much like baby skin.
Buy them yourself! I do all the time, as you’ve probably figured out. š
Wonderful, once again!! Ms NDD still has the rose gracing our FBC today as background on her screen.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE orange roses. The FBC opener is lovely. My favorites.
My Sharks won over the Yotes last night! Wheee! Puts in in 6th I beleive. (for now)
I heard about the win DJ! I’m so happy for you and Cali. They’re smoking right now. Sportsheads were beginning to talk about Thornton saying that he should be in the running for the Hart!
I love Joe Thornton! Jonathan Cheechoo is smokin’!!
Ummm. I just want to bury my face in them and nuzzle them.
One of the perks about taking macro shots is that you have to get close, so nuzzling is the next step. {{{kansas}}}
Lovely, lovely, as usual! I’m just getting bored with all this beauty. (NOT). š
We had those as kids, but never knew that was the name of them until today. We used toboggans mostly, as we had just one punny little hill in town for the sleds. The toboggans required a trip to the country. Unless we got pulled with a rope behind an auto.
When I first moved down south™ I was at a store and a man was asking the clerk for toboggans – red ones to be exact. She wasn’t very helpful so I told him that I saw them at Target but I wasn’t sure if they had any red ones. Turns out he was talking about a hat! They call ski caps toboggans down here! Talk about misunderstanding.
I’ve never been on a Flexible Flyer. But we also had Crazy Carpets and even better, GT Racers which had little steering wheels and brakes!
The closest thing we have to anything near that is water skiing. I haven’t done that in years, but it’s fun.
The only time I ever used one was in Germany. A friend and I had too much beer and decided to slide down the sidewalk on a hill beside his house. The sidewalk was iced over and over there they park their cars half on the sidewalk and half off. We had to hit the chute between two cars and fences by the sidewalk. If we missed the chute and hit a car, we would probably be dead now. Boy that was fun!
In high school four of us were headed dead on for about a 10 dia tree. I was in the suicide seat, so I stuck out my foot and the tobaggan just grazed the tree knocking a little chunk off the curl of the T.
I ended up straddling the tree. Luckily, and I say very luckily, my torso did not proceed to the apex of the situation, ah, so to speak, just bruised the inside of the thigh. After that run we moved to a new location.
Very smart decision.
He does know how to parse them, doesn’t he Olivia? Just de-lurking a tiny bit here at work, and must get back to it. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.
I had an antique Flexible Flyer when I was very little, and my dad just loved that thing (he had found it at an auction). It was a great sled, and one winter, while we had it out on the front porch, it was stolen one night. My dad was heartsick about it … he got me a new sled, but never recovered from that loss of the “old” one.
Ok, back to work… see you foiks later in the lounge.
I love the flowers! And Olivia’s roses are making me so envious!
Rainy and 50’s again today near SF. Another week of rain expected. 2-4″ of rain expected today. Aaaaaaccck!
I’ll have stick with my google pics.
Came back from troll whacking at the Orange site. Guess we are all doing something right out there – trolls are out in force. One is thinking about coming this way…well, we’ll just keep him under surveillance if he/she does!
Off to work…see you all in a few hours!
Thanks for ruining my day, SallyCat! How can you do this to me after I just finished eating two furry kittens garnished with flowers for breakfast?
This is my purr baby, Shadow, who I miss like crazy since she is at home with my son and husband while I am “out on assignment” for another two weeks.
Oh thank heavens….I was worried that you didn’t like pooties or puppies!
I can always find grandkidlet baby pics instead! LOL
Oh no…. I am totally susceptible! I’ve had to take a course in how not to adopt every single stray cat I see. That course consisted in adopting every single stray cat I saw for about 30 years.
I picked up Shadow’s mother (Charlie) out of the street when she was a kitten, and then didn’t get her to the vet fast enough before she had a litter. All of Shadow’s siblings were just as gorgeous as she is and were adopted out of a cardboard box in front of Ralphs.
{secret… I really love your adorable pootie pix, but bring on the grandkidlets baby pix! What the heck….}
I love pooties… but there is something very special about black pooties and the people who have been entrusted and selected and in some cases recruited – to care, protect and love them.
I don’t feel like we “rescued” our Kitty – I think she rescued us. š She’s just so special. And makes each person in this house feel so special. The past 3 nights she has meowed at my son’s door so now he puts a shoe in front of the door so it won’t close on it’s own so she can go visit him for a while in the night. He’s so happy that Kitty sleeps with him for a little bit of the night.
Kitty’s make the best bed-fellows!
Shadow has been hanging out in her cat carrier ever since I left her at home, waiting for someone to bring her back to me! But we are still together in spirit!
I got to get up and do some stuff.
Check back later.
Today the “President” says he declassified informaiton so that we could “see the truth”. When back in 2/04 he started an investigation to “find the truth” to what he called then a “leak”. Doesn’t he remember it was HIM who gave out the info? He’s a fucking liar. But it doesn’t matter if “adults” in our country don’t question this bold faced lie. Or… if they don’t care.
Now today they are releasing the 9/11 911 tapes. People knowing they are going to die. People choking, people jumping… So now again we will be seen as aiding terrorists who killed those in the WTC. I think their pain is being used to once again do the old media whore smoke and mirrors. Each time we get close to making the Red Regime accountable… I don’t even care at this point. I sense a political reason for releasing these agonizing tapes… but it’s all for Bush not for justice or decency. So.. I no longer can even grieve.
They even hijack our grief.
I want to give up. I know I can’t, I know I won’t. But I don’t think America really gives a shit.
I don’t think they care about Iraqi babies. Why? Cause they don’t care about babies here. Not the babies in or from the Gulf states. Not disabled babies. Not babies with autism. They sure don’t care about babies born here if they have “illegal” parents.
They just don’t care. Take away their American Idol, their NFL and they would fucking riot in the streets. Turn our troops into thugs who shoot babies as they lay sleeping in their pjs… and the majority of Americans simply don’t care. To them this is just a game. A reality tv show.
Americans have the attention span of 4 days. They will also forget or turn apathetic to the 9/11 911 tapes.
I think the only thing that will wake this country up is either a draft or the bloodshed of American Anti-War protestors. But I doubt the latter would be “newsworthy” which leads to the point how many of us could they kill before they’d have to show something on tv, and then how many days would Americans care till another week of Katie Couric Changes Couches “news” hits?
Probably why I haven’t been posting as much or as active the last couple of months. Just finding it hard to be optimistic about the effort, ya know.
Sitting here with the “news” on and I think… “I’m not the smartest bulb in the chandelier, but I can connect a few dots, why can’t these “experts” and “journalists”.
It’s easy. Bush lied. Lied about so many things. Not about a blowjob as that would interest Duhmericans, but about war, about leaks, about Katrina – what does he NOT lie about.
Spidey, I’ve been trying to be… busy with the anti-war movement. I’ve turned the corner on non-arrest causes and next time I’ve volunteered to “go in”. Arrested… that totally fucking sucks! I’ll be asking a Senator to give us our money back for this war. I’ll be seeking a “refund” for my war receipt.
This will impact me, my rights, and my family – possibly my marriage as I am no longer willing to pony up anymore about arrests probabilites as I think if going to a march is too “dangerous” to bring kids – then maybe that is EXACTLLY why kids should be taken. If standing up or speaking out will get me arrested then maybe I should be arrested.
Maybe this isnt fucking America. Maybe Duhmericans deserve it. Except they are sittign on their asses watching American Idiot and can’t be bothered to worry their pretty little heads over anything political. So it’s up to a few of us… and that really sucks.
but in the meanwhile remember it was a long grind during the anti-Vietnam war movement.
I recently ran across a time-line of events, missing the link now, but the whole sequence was a whole lot more involved than I had remembered.
I’ll see if I can find that link, as it was very illuminating for me.
Why don’t we take this to an open thread, or a new diary?
my daughter asked me this morning as she was getting ready for a school field trip into Portland… “what happens if Bush bombs that country with (she stumbled on nukes)? Will I be able to get back home before the world attacks us?”
I hate to think that we are about to have a new generation that grows up like I did in the 50s and 60s, having every reason to think that Robert Frost’s ‘Fire and Ice’ isn’t poetry but a news report.
If it makes you feel any better I just spent 20 minutes stuck in a construction zone listening to NPR and every expert they had on believes Bush is just saber rattling and Iran knows we don’t have the capability to handle the “then what?” aspect of bombing them. If it had been before we “liberated” Iraq maybe, but everyone is painfully aware of the fact that we don’t have enough personnel to conduct the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran on top of those two.
Seems our little emperor has no clothes and everyone knows it except him.
This is such an awful thing. I don’t know what to say to make you feel any better. I think you are right about the release of the tapes — the fear angle has worked very well for them. I’m so sorry. {{{{DJ}}}}
Steven D’s diary about Crazy Town really nailed it for me. We’ve got a Bush who believes in “The Rapture” or some End Times biblical crap and he’s now thinking of pre-emptive nuke strikes? ACK
Declassifying info but just to ONE reporter???
I think what has me here in the FBC is that most here know that where I used to live, my daily jaunts became quite “engaging” due to living in redneckville. I was supposed to be upfront with my spouse from now on – once he learned of an incident with a lit cigarette and my face from an online friend. The whole, “how can I support you if I don’t know what you’re doing or what happens to you?” Ok so I’ve been honest. But that has turned to a “asking for permission” instead. And I as a woman don’t feel I need permission or need to think about the family first. I do this because I do htink of my kids damnit. I am putting them first. So now… I’m not divulging the exact nature of the next protest. I don’t want or need “permission” but that means I’ve cut off my “real” support. It means I’m having to lie… ACK
But hang in there, girl. I really think the tide is turning, I really do. Agreed, the majority of Americans must be idiots, and the media are corporate whores, or we wouldn’t be in the situation that we are currently in.
I think the horror of the past five years is getting through to people. I think most Americans, and by that I mean the large majority of Americans, see through the hardened cynicism of this administration, and they can twist and turn and writhe about as much as they want, but they are just wallowing in their own shit, and most people see that.
Only the most degraded media whores, the most hardened cynics, the most evil-hearted profit mongers could possibly believe anything that this administration says, or be moved by anything it does.
I really think the tide has turned. I really do.
That’s what I tell so many people. It’s what I say just about everytime a news item or another lie or another Fallujah/Haditha breaks.
Thanks. I think, I hope the tide is turning. The tide’s been red, too long.
The “in the pink cheerleader” just needed some of her own medicine. Thank you. I wasn’t going to give up, it’s just that whole insanity defense of “keep doing the same thing but expecting different results”. I get so high marching or going to rallies or planning/helping with these protests (th enext one is so devious and so.. fun – it should be illegal — oh wait) anyways… it sometimes feels like I’m “hello brick meet my forehead”.
I know. Sometimes you just need to get if off your chest, and the FBL is the place to do it! The criminals who have hijacked our country are really in dire straits now, and they know it. They are getting desperate, so they are escalating their sick, degraded tactics more and more. I think it will look like it’s getting worse before we can see that it’s getting better. I can tell because my blood pressure rocket way up into the triple digits when I listen to the pundits on TV these days. But it can’t go on forever. It just can’t!
“The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small.”
Thank you for all that you’re doing, oh foot soldier in the march of progress!
Hugs! {{{{{{Damnit Janet}}}}}} Hugs!
It will change Janet, and it will change because of you and all the wonderful people here who care.
It might feel like “hello brick meet my forehead” and it might feel like that for a while, but soon it will change and it will be because of you and people who cared enough to make a difference.
New dKos diary.
Here is a wild iris taken in the woods of Point Lobos.
That’s the Jimi Hendrix of irises š
Thanks, DJ! Lovely thought!
New lounge is here.