All Night at the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Newcomers and Lurkers should introduce themselves.
Bartender is off duty. Honor system is in operation.
Bartender is off duty. Honor system is in operation.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey, that 4 looks good on you!
Hey! Where is everybody?
I’m right here . . .
Hey! You’re first! That’s a switch.
And did somebody say Cheesecake?
I don’t know, but if they did, I’m ready!
As long as it’s the no-calorie kind, but I know that’s the only kind you serve here.
That big “IMPEACH” is quite eye catching.
Did the Mariners play today? My Cardinals won, although it was a little nerve wracking at the end.
I can show people how to do it, but I would like to cut it off after the H just for aesthetics sake (although yeah, it does kinda stand out this way).
The Mariners had a travel day today. They lost their last three games by a combined score of 14-4, with all 4 runs coming in yesterday’s game. It was actually an exciting finish — they scored 3 in the ninth and had the winning run at the plate with runners on 2nd and 3rd when the game was called due to 27th out.
Travel days are essential for the fans to regroup and get their excitement back.
A 14-4 combined score??? Sounds as bad as last years Tigers!
It was pretty bad, mitigated only by the fact that they were playing the A’s, who always have good pitching. In fact the three runs in the 9th yesterday was kind of surprising — Huston Street is usually better than that. (Although he did have some help in the form of inherited runners.)
Hey, I see the Tigers got off to a 5-1 start . . .
They have to go 35-5 again for me to believe they are for real. I still remember all the insanity of 1984!!! Since then, they have always faded, just like all the Detroit teams have…I hate that!
Well, except the Red Wings . . . I hear they did something or another noteworthy a few years ago.
Unless hockey doesn’t interest you, of course.
Love hockey!!! But, that is history–as you can tell, I am a bit spoiled–I think the Wings did that. <sigh> Oh, well.
Me too, but Seattle is one of the largest metropolitan areas north of the Mason-Dixon line without an NHL team. We go to see the Thunderbirds (WHA — rookie league, I think) when they’re playing, but since the nearest two pro teams are Vancouver and San Jose (unless maybe Calgary and Edmonton are closer) we don’t get much hockey coverage around here.
Think mary mentioned that the blues are for sale or something–maybe they’ll end up in Seattle–I hope for your sake.
No, they were just bought by someone from New York (who is keeping them here). Our long civic nightmare is over. Now we just need to make sure that they finish LAST!
OK, now I see–thought they’d be on the move.
I like it Omir!
Like what??
< blinks eyes >
The cheesecake??
< attempts confused grin and fails >
Both actually!
from dinner at the folks, with a couple of side trips (Fry’s Electronics and Tower Records/Books) on the way home…got the game I’ve been waiting for so I may be a bit scarce for a few days… 😉
Yeah, I hear that. I got a copy of Civilization IV for Christmas and only recently tore myself away from its dark clutches.
Except on weekends.
A nasty conflict between Civilization IV and my crappy anti-virus software managed to pull me from the dark clutches for a month or so. Sadly, I resolved the conflict about a week ago and my life is once again in ruins. I blew a good 10 or 12 hours on Civ in the last two days alone. Sigh. One day I’ll be well again, but I may have to set my computer on fire before it happens.
we need your witty write-ups on the frontpage…and the aminals, of course. (Yes, aminals.)
Yeah, we need the killer pandas to keep us motivated. 🙂
I’m trying to go really slowly on the front page posting, so setting my computer on fire shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I’m feeling the water with my toe, so to speak. I’m used to an audience of a few hundred tops, so this is a huge adjustment, to say the least. As for the pandas…
News to me. I never got more than about 100 when I was doing Sunday Griot. But then that was on Sunday morning when everyone with any sense was asleep.
We were hoping you’d jump right in, post something really really offensive and start a big flame war.
But noooooooo.
Life is one big disappointment.
I mean, we haven’t had an all-out donnybrook in just weeks here.
Well, maybe two weeks.
I’m getting so bored I’m thinking of trying to get myself banned.
watch it lady. I’m keeping an eye on you…
well, that’s helpful if I’m trying to get myself banned. Otherwise I’d have to go out of my way to get your attention.
lol–you make it sound like we’re overdue for one!
Don’t you worry. The flame wars and pissing contests are coming. I’m biding my time until I figure out what will offend Booman’s core audience the most. He’s given me some clues and hints, and I have some ideas of my own. You see, I don’t want to be just a little offensive, I want to inspire pure hatred and rage.
cuz you gotta love a man with a plan 😉
I was thinking about a post praising both Rick Santorum and Bob Casey, combined with some really crude anatomical references and maybe a random insult directed towards Mac users. But that’s not enough, so I’ve gone back to the drawing board.
Because contrary to popular belief, not ALL of us are from Pennsylvania.
And the site already has a source of crude anatomical references in Damnit Janet.
Right, right. I’ve got to remember to think nationaly now. Maybe I should pick random favorites in Dem primaries, without ever doing a bit of research. That should be good for a giggle. Still not enough though.
Say nasty things about Philadelphis, Tastykakes, cheesesteaks, the Phillies, the Flyers, the 76ers — but I think he’s a Giants fan, so best run them down and not worry about the Iggles.
One of those will probably get to him. I’d give you more ideas but I’ve been gone for over 30 years so I don’t remember much about the place (and even then I lived in South Jersey so I got everything pretty much second hand). To give you an idea how long ago that was, I used to listen to Don Cannon when he was on WIBG.
A Giants fan? Oh no! I’m working for the enemy.
trying to start a personal war with BooMan or just a flame war among all of us?
Think he’s going for something personal, at least that how it sounds.
Or as the man said:
Chaos. Panic. Destruction. My work here is done.
When the time comes, I’ll go for an all out flame war. As for Booman, I’ll probably just try to start a bar fight by anouncing his favorite team to a packed tap room right after a nasty Eagles loss.
By the way, we’ve left for the new lounge.
Since you’re still a newbie I didn’t want you to miss the bus.
But don’t get used to it, I’m not usually this nice.
I’m glad you have your priorities straight.
Goes just right with my night-time moths.
After I saw your picture, I was going to write a post saying that ugly grubs like those often turn into beauties, such as these…

What you had in mind?
Very Nice!
I posted a link to a pretty moth a few nights ago, as people were posting flies for us to eat, and some said it was to pretty to eat…so I thought I’d try some real ugly frog food.
I just got here. Hi everyone!
Hi SK. I posted a recipe in the last cafe — but only a cheese dip. (And I’ve never actually tried it.) But you inspired me.
Thanks. I’ll have to check it out when I’m feeling a bit more energetic. Starting to wind down and feel too lazy to do much of anything.
I’m going to use a different email account, I’ll have boomantribune in the subject, so you’ll know it’s me.
NSA is taking too long to process that 5Mb file I sent myself.
I’m was wondering where it was.
you should have two momentarily as I forgot to change the subject line on the first one to BT
Sometimes MS NDD sends something via email from upstairs down here to print and it takes 30 minutes, go figure.
My guru said he could fix it so we could send directly back and forth, but he ain’t been back to town lately. And usually only comes for dire emergencies, new installations, etc.
I’ll got check, see if I goofed anything and it bounced.
Me too.
Now THAT’S a cute frog! How are ya tonight Alice E?
Good. I don’t understand it, I don’t post much here, but when it gets late, and the cheap wine is flowing, lately I head for cafe.
Well, that’s what we’re here for.
Do I have to say Holy Chihuahua AGAIN?
Why, is that like saying SHAZAM! when you want Captain Marvel to show up?
and Manny is EXACTLY like Captain Marvel. Just ask him (when he delurks again).
better than being this Captain
I suppose that depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Some people seem to think they should encourage debauchery and perversion when they show up in the cafe. And it’s shocking — shocking, I tell you! — that they don’t show up nearly enough.
taking this real-life activism to the extreme and practicing that debauchery and perversion out on the streets :-0
(actually, they just take really long naps) 😀
have pirate night in the lounge. Remind me in a few weeks and we’ll do it on a Saturday night. (Of course you would have to break your no blogging vow and delurk on a Saturday night…)
I’m all for debauchery and perversion, wherever it’s practiced … well, I take that back slightly. NOT in the House or Senate, where frankly, I think it’s just sick how those people carry on that way. Now, talk about bad imagery! eeek.
for it to work. 🙂
I had to plug my laptop in due to a dying battery. I was hanging out on my porch, enjoying the 73 degree evening, but now I’ve melted into my couch. It’s so nice to relax.
Hey Manny! How’s everything going?
still trying to process the events today so I can do a proper write-up tomorrow. It’s also been a cool start to my Holy Week hearing our Catholic Bishop address the crowd, calling for humane treatment of immigrants. How are you? I commend you for your consistently great diaries.
Hanging in there. And thanks for the compliment. Seems like I have so much to write…so I know exactly what you mean about processing everything. Will be looking for your write-up tomorrow.
I am a bit of a posting rookie, and I just now learned how to post pics here, so you may have to put up with a few more as I play with my new toy.
Not nearly as cute. What did you use for image width on that one? You might want to size it down a little next time.
and landed on my keyboard… good thing he left the sticky stuff behind on the leaf.
Hope it stays away from mine! My cats would go nuts!!
much better than the maggo.. er moths! 😉
careful of width; max=400…code thusly:
< img width=X src=URL > close brackets :{)
You can blame Dada and Andi for unleashing me and my flower photos!
Very nice, just checked your web-site.
I will be starting my garden in a few days. It’s just starting to warm up here.
It’s woefully out of date, but I’ve got a new plan for re-vamping it this year as I get my gardening diaries going here. I plan to cross post them here and on my own site eventually.
The early spring gotta plant! excitement has set in here as well, and we’re trying to control our impulses this year on new additions, other than to the newly done up beds and occasional bare space. Anytime you want a question answered, just let me know, and if I know anything about it, I’ll be happy to help. It is all about the sharing after all, that’s our philosophy of gardening.
One of the drawbacks of living in an apartment–can’t garden. ): So plant something for me, ok?
’cause when I was in N CA I saw a guy with bunkbeds in his bedroom, the top he slept in, the bottom, the floor actually had some very interesting looking plants… so ya never know what with some ingenuity might be possible… (the light bill might garner some attention, however…)
lol–never got into “indoor gardening”.
Thanx dada; kind teacher. I just learned how to use “img src” about 1 hour ago.
catch ya later if it’s easy…on the flip if it’s not.
Night all
If your on Eastern time it’ll probably be an attepmt–but that’s cool.
G’night dada.
As always I’m madly tossing 4’s all around; hope I didn’t miss anybody.
Please don’t give me 4’s in return, unless you mean it. I’m just trying to be fun.
and now there’s no way to avoid it since most of us are using a 4 giving-out-machine called RoboRater (by OMIR), that rates all comments in a diary a 4 in one stroke.
So if’n carpaltunnel is starting to set, in just ask, someone will supply a link.
Thanx for the tip!
I was starting to wonder how people here can keep up.
It will take me some time to learn, and the fact is, I spend so much time lurking at my 3-dozen fave blogs, that’s why I don’t post so much anywhere.
I keep hearing about cheese cake here.
Um; inside joke or what?
If that’s a joke, I think I’m gonna laugh myself to death.
Ooops! Sorry! I’m not that much of a newbie. I won’t post such big pics anymore.
We’ve all done it. Preview is your friend!
And she doesn’t even post the recipe!
(shhhhhh. I think it’s STORE BOUGHT).
sssssssssssssh. I don’t care. Bring it on.
That’s cheating–guess I’ve never really mentioned how much I enjoy cooking. And creating new recipes. Did that tonite and it didn’t turn out that well, but it was edible.
Actually, I used to make a killer cheese-cake, just like this one. But, it takes a lot of time, a good oven, a special cheese cake pan, etc.
I have not made this type in a while. I’m single again these daze, and its just not worth the effort for just me.
P.S. Be patient with your cooking, and don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s like anything else; it takes a lot of practice and failure to get good at it.
Uh Oh!
If I start posting recipes and instructions, I may have to sober up, and start digging through my books and notecards, and do some work!
I will stop posting pics of food now. I’m getting hungry, and I don’t feel like cooking.
Ok, this will be it for me and flower pics tonight, but I’ve been wanting to push this particular plant this year. It’s called Eryngium maritimum or Sea Holly. A very striking and uncommon plant that deserves more attention, IMNotsoHO. These are growing very close to the “Finger rock” I posted earlier…

Here’s what the young seedlings look like…
And this is a close up of what they grow into when they bloom …

Don’t let the thistly appearance fool you… they’re actually very soft and feel nice… kind of like touching Silver Mound Artemisia.
There’s your ‘must plant’ plant for the day. Back to your regularly scheduled imbibing…
Wow! I love the close-up pics! I went to Olivia’s site, and got hooked there for more than an hour.
My garden is very simple. This year, I will mostly plant poppies (just ’cause I have a bunch of seeds my mom gave me), and whatever I find at kmart that looks nice…I’m a renter, and a lazy gardner.
whats the story on the art work in this particular lounge?
to the new lounge and I’ll tell you.
please move to your next stop on this pub crawl.