DJ, you say things that we all think about but never have the courage to utter outloud. And lots of things I’m certain no one in the history of the world has ever thought.
I mean cracking myself up… not cracking myself. I can’t even pop my knuckles or do that neck cracking thingy. I think I’d fall over in a faint if I did.
I was a bit afraid of looking at that, based on some of the subsequent comments, but couldn’t resist after I saw you utter “beavage.” That is too funny and oh so gross at the same time! Thanks for sharing, Pinky.
Back on the Hollywood Squares show they used to ask Charley Weaver questions like “Is there such a thing as a G cup bra?” and he would answer “Yes. It sleeps six.”
But the one apropos to this thread was when they asked him a question about breasts stretching as you get older, and he said “I don’t know, but I do know Mrs. McGillicuddy has to be real careful when she puts her shoes on in the morning.”
A fond good night, Andi! Glad you got to see that one. Think I’ll upload a bunch more tonight, so I don’t end up repeating things anytime soon. Hmmm, I’m still sorely tempted to put up that pic of the world’s ugliest dog, but I don’t want to make anyone sick… that cartoon of Janet’s might have already accomplished that trick hehehe.
That was so special to learn! The things I learn in here often astound me. But maybe it’s just a sign that s/he ate something a bit iffy… I’m always wary of that when our dogs start gassnig the place up. And I thought that was my sole job!
And they’re all done and almost gone now <sigh>, but the other stuff is progressing nicely and will be taking over the show soon. My dwarf tulips “Persian Pearl” opened yesterday, but I’ve not yet gotten pics of them because by the time I get home from work they are closing up shop for the night. They are gorgeous though, even if it is their first year. I hope to have some by tomorrow, so I can share.
Hi Olivia, hey Andi! Anyone else still alive in this gin joint?
Hey NDD, didn’t see you lurking in the shadows over there … I suppose you and Dada drank all the good tequila by now, huh?
We just had one of those dramatic, quick moving spring thunderstorms literally blow through … was exciting for about 20 minutes, and now just a bit of light rain as it exits the area. I wanted MORE!
At least the garden got a bit of a drink tonight, and it was beginning to need it, even with all the rain the past 2 weeks.
Just got Capote and Brokeback Mountain in the mail today … was hoping to watch one of them, but I snoozed off in the chair for a while, so am afraid it’s not energy sufficient enough tonight for a movie.
before the awards, and thought both were very good. I was predicting Huffman for BMA after I saw Capote. I thought he did a great job of portraying Capote.
I’m looking forward to seeing thunderstorms at a distance the next time I visit my rural location. I have a wide open view of the horizon for about a 1/4 of the circle. From staight south to straight east, so sometimes it can be quite the light show.
I don’t much care for the lightning to split trees in the yard however, that’s tad too much excitement.
I went to an art gallery this afternoon, all photos of flowers, a couple of goods ones out some 20, and none spectacular. None of them even came close to what you do. What I wouldn’t give to see a room full of yours framed and hung professionally.
I started out thinking of how olivia’s photos would have looked framed, and ended up thinking how many of yours, IVG, would have looked swell in that gallery too.
but thx for the kind compliment, NDD! I’m just a humble flower chronicler with a digital cam and an insatiable thirst to get the perfect shot of everything we grow. I get very lucky sometimes though!
That was the very first and most important thing I learned about photography. The professionals, even the ones for Nat Geo, will take 100+ and pick one.
I was shooting slide film once, on something interesting (to be revealed here at a later date), and took some 40+ shots, and ended up with two which were nearly identical, that was highly unsual, lucky is when you get one you like.
So you never know how many shots it will take to get that really spectactular one. And now with digital, I have to keep reminding myself to take more shots, it seems my mind is still stuck in a conserving film mode. ACKK!
And hey, you guys, I really was comparing the show there with what I see here at BT. Some of his images seemed slightly blurred where I thought they should have been in focus. They just didn’t have an emotional impact on me, the way many or your have had olivia.
Any, I always learn something from everybody, there and here, get new ideas what to frame and focus on, etc.
I don’t want to sound elitist, or whatever I’m going to sound like, but do you think some of that might be because you know the photographers over here?
Speaking of which, I should go look for a picture to post.
as for example, someone said one day they were near tears from the emotion of viewing olivia’s. And since I’m male, here in macholand, I’d have explained my emotions somewhat differently, but never-the-less there is a strong emotional element to many of olivia’s.
And then consider that we’re gauging our impressions from looking at colors on this screen. The thought of seeing an 8×10, or larger in person is hard for me to contemplate. I do hope someday to have a few of those in my personal collection.
Back from my friend’s house and you all are already one lounge ahead of me. (pant pant) Hard to keep up with this crowd. Anyhoo, these wood chips were taken up in the woods last weekend.
I’m with you, MM … I was disappointed too, but I guess it’s one of those rerun weeks, and there will be new ones next week. At least Keith was on and snarking away tonight, but I wish he’d quit bringing on that smirky Dana Milbank. I don’t like him and still have not forgiven him for dissing John Conyers last summer when he held those Downing St. Memos hearings against all odds.
Nice wood chips. Is your woodchuck all worn out from the exertion?
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Still haven’t figured that one out, have you, IVG?
Yes KO was great, I actually managed to stay awake through the whole thing, since I saw the early show. I wish all five segments could be as totally fucking awesome as number one. Saving the best for first. That’s my man, KO!
Thanks! This one reminds me of the exhibit I saw in Carmel by Steven Galloway I think it was, I showed you the website. Except I didn’t move one single chip!
Ha, is right! There was a big long disclaimer at the exhibit on that very subject, as in artfully artless art is just exactly the same as artfully natural nature. Wasn’t fooled for a second!
I love her choice of subjects too… stuff we wouldn’t ordinarily stop to focus on often end up being the most fascinating. Which reminds me, we got a great pic of a “fairy ring” in a cemetary a couple of years ago… going to see if I can find that and put it up here.
I’ll have to look harder.. there are so many pics scattered around here and my first ones were very poorly organized, so it’s hit and miss. I now save everything in a dated folder, which is much smarter. Did find some other fun stuff I’ll be posting here in a few minutes….
Oops, now I read the comment above. Looking forward to the fairy ring! It was funny when I was taking that picture my friend who is walking with me, an 87 year young woman, said “It’s nice that you’re giving everything it’s due.” There are so many fascinating things just left lying around carelessly.
they are the same kind of miniature tulips… and this is not my photo… I snagged it from the website where I bought a bunch of bulbs. There is, toward the left, the kind of purply-fuschia colored one that is very close to what PP looks like.
We don’t even notice ’till they start gusting 60 – 80mph + here…nothing like a good Chinook wind to melt snow and clear the leaves out of your yard…we get some doozies. 147 mph is the current record.
I’m here, still stewing. But at least my site is back up. For now.
You want us to, like, go over there and rough them up or sumpthin’?
No, well yes — but I don’t actually know how to find them!
I hope you’re stewing a lowfat, veggie-laden, healthful stew.
Try one more time going back over to my site and see if you can get into the pictures. I think i fixed the problem. Let me know if it’s not fixed.
It works! You are a handsome dude when you’re watching tv.
Yea i’ve got the comb over just right.
It’s an art.
What’s really scary is a barber I used to go to did that. He actually gave a pretty good haircut.
It’s like when you see a doctor who weighs 300 lbs and smokes 2 packs a day.
And the Magnolia is purty!
Thanks. I’m waiting for them to bloom again so I can try some marco shot one them.
I remember those haircuts…mine were worse…full buzz – every summer…those early suburns were wicked.
Good on you FM.
note to self: self Preview and SpelChek are yer friends…repeat as necessary
Looks good to me, FM!
No, it’s all fat.
KB I don’t believe that for a second.
I was just over there and it was working for me.
I think I missed all the excitement. What happened?
A dirty picture joke for Family man
I thought of this joke after your post, Family Man and Olivia’s subsequent posts 🙂
That reminds me of my landlady’s pictures, except no clothes.
That is too funny!!!
Now you know where I got the term “beavage” from 🙂
There’s support bras for boobage droopage. I’m not sure what one does for beavage… chapstick?? It boggles the mind. EW.
DJ, you say things that we all think about but never have the courage to utter outloud. And lots of things I’m certain no one in the history of the world has ever thought.
That’s my job, babycakes 🙂
and purchase a very supportive bra now while things are still positioned appropriately. 😉
Makes me want to bleach my retinas. I’m going to have nightmares about that cartoon.
(skeery nightmare voice)
Beeeeaaavvvaaagggge… beeeeaaavagggeeee
It makes Cameltosis seem like a good thing.
“Beavage; it’s NOT what’s for dinner”
EWWWWW (sorry, cracking myself and grossing myself out) 🙂
I mean cracking myself up… not cracking myself. I can’t even pop my knuckles or do that neck cracking thingy. I think I’d fall over in a faint if I did.
Okay I’m outtie. ((((Second)))))
I was a bit afraid of looking at that, based on some of the subsequent comments, but couldn’t resist after I saw you utter “beavage.” That is too funny and oh so gross at the same time! Thanks for sharing, Pinky.
Back on the Hollywood Squares show they used to ask Charley Weaver questions like “Is there such a thing as a G cup bra?” and he would answer “Yes. It sleeps six.”
But the one apropos to this thread was when they asked him a question about breasts stretching as you get older, and he said “I don’t know, but I do know Mrs. McGillicuddy has to be real careful when she puts her shoes on in the morning.”
I don’t want to get old! Waaaa!
I think your fears has more to do with gravity. 😉
If I lived on the moon I’d look like a 20 year old. I’d be so hot.
and bouncy.
I have to bounce out of here. Gotta get dinner going. These people in my house – they just ate dinner yesterday… guh! 🙂
Have a wonderful evening, beautiful friends.
Have a good night DJ.
Here’s me at 20…drunk and getting humped by a Doberman.
What a babe or is it babette?
Well, I was married but not yet pregnant. About a week later I was.
Whooot Hoooo!
No wait, hottie! With a killer smile! 🙂
Could someone please talk to that girl and tell her she’s about to make a huuuuuge mistake?! And please, get the dog off of me too. Thank you.
I’m supposed to tell you that it’s a huge mistake to get that dog off of you.
Okay, that’s done. What’s next?
You’re a magician. Now onto global warming.
Eeew! Gross.
It’s like this cafe is a trap for the unknowing. We should have a big CAUTION up there or something. 🙂
my mind is poisoned!
How about something like “Dirty minds appreciated but not required”? Too wordy?
But this was slightly more disturbing than usual. 🙂
You guys need a new cafe opened?
Well I’m heading out too. I’ve had a busy day.
Everyone take care.
and a Fantastic photographer of fanciful flowers, you have a decided mean streak.
For which I am certainly grateful.
Are you going to bed soon?
Nooooooooo! I just posted a pic for you and Olivia! See, I AM in here earlier than usual!
I piddled around long enough to see your picture. 🙂
A fond good night, Andi! Glad you got to see that one. Think I’ll upload a bunch more tonight, so I don’t end up repeating things anytime soon. Hmmm, I’m still sorely tempted to put up that pic of the world’s ugliest dog, but I don’t want to make anyone sick… that cartoon of Janet’s might have already accomplished that trick hehehe.
My cat just farted on my lap, and I take it as a sign that it’s time to go to bed.
Night all.
That was so special to learn! The things I learn in here often astound me. But maybe it’s just a sign that s/he ate something a bit iffy… I’m always wary of that when our dogs start gassnig the place up. And I thought that was my sole job!
Sleep well, catch you on the flip side.
And they’re all done and almost gone now <sigh>, but the other stuff is progressing nicely and will be taking over the show soon. My dwarf tulips “Persian Pearl” opened yesterday, but I’ve not yet gotten pics of them because by the time I get home from work they are closing up shop for the night. They are gorgeous though, even if it is their first year. I hope to have some by tomorrow, so I can share.
Hi Olivia, hey Andi! Anyone else still alive in this gin joint?
Hey NDD, didn’t see you lurking in the shadows over there … I suppose you and Dada drank all the good tequila by now, huh?
We just had one of those dramatic, quick moving spring thunderstorms literally blow through … was exciting for about 20 minutes, and now just a bit of light rain as it exits the area. I wanted MORE!
At least the garden got a bit of a drink tonight, and it was beginning to need it, even with all the rain the past 2 weeks.
Just got Capote and Brokeback Mountain in the mail today … was hoping to watch one of them, but I snoozed off in the chair for a while, so am afraid it’s not energy sufficient enough tonight for a movie.
before the awards, and thought both were very good. I was predicting Huffman for BMA after I saw Capote. I thought he did a great job of portraying Capote.
I’m looking forward to seeing thunderstorms at a distance the next time I visit my rural location. I have a wide open view of the horizon for about a 1/4 of the circle. From staight south to straight east, so sometimes it can be quite the light show.
I don’t much care for the lightning to split trees in the yard however, that’s tad too much excitement.
How was your day?
along with weird behavior of people I encountered, but now that I’m here in the sea of flowered tranquility I’m mellowing out.
I find people generally respond (ie. act weird) when there’s a full moon.
I see that’s due on the 13th, so probably close enough to be having an effect.
But then we treasure them so much more while we have them I guess.
I’d love to see your Persian Pearl (that sounds kinda bad considering the preceeding content of this cafe tonight… 😉
Lovely photo! Beautiful, fragile colors.
i’m trying to sell some figurines and just wonder if there’s any feedback about them i should know.
to leave a lounge bedecked with cat farts, droopy boobs, and beaverage but I must find the strength to drag myself away.
Good night all.
I went to an art gallery this afternoon, all photos of flowers, a couple of goods ones out some 20, and none spectacular. None of them even came close to what you do. What I wouldn’t give to see a room full of yours framed and hung professionally.
I started out thinking of how olivia’s photos would have looked framed, and ended up thinking how many of yours, IVG, would have looked swell in that gallery too.
You guys have got me spoiled now for sure.
but thx for the kind compliment, NDD! I’m just a humble flower chronicler with a digital cam and an insatiable thirst to get the perfect shot of everything we grow. I get very lucky sometimes though!
That was the very first and most important thing I learned about photography. The professionals, even the ones for Nat Geo, will take 100+ and pick one.
I was shooting slide film once, on something interesting (to be revealed here at a later date), and took some 40+ shots, and ended up with two which were nearly identical, that was highly unsual, lucky is when you get one you like.
So you never know how many shots it will take to get that really spectactular one. And now with digital, I have to keep reminding myself to take more shots, it seems my mind is still stuck in a conserving film mode. ACKK!
It’s been kinda crazzzzy round here tonight.
You afternoon sounds wonderful. I love going to art galleries. Tell us more about these photos — who was the photog and what kind of shots? 🙂
usually this gallery, here, [caution-music may be loud if your volume is up] has fairly high quality work, and while today’s show was nice I was somewhat disappointed.
And hey, you guys, I really was comparing the show there with what I see here at BT. Some of his images seemed slightly blurred where I thought they should have been in focus. They just didn’t have an emotional impact on me, the way many or your have had olivia.
Any, I always learn something from everybody, there and here, get new ideas what to frame and focus on, etc.
I don’t want to sound elitist, or whatever I’m going to sound like, but do you think some of that might be because you know the photographers over here?
Speaking of which, I should go look for a picture to post.
as for example, someone said one day they were near tears from the emotion of viewing olivia’s. And since I’m male, here in macholand, I’d have explained my emotions somewhat differently, but never-the-less there is a strong emotional element to many of olivia’s.
And then consider that we’re gauging our impressions from looking at colors on this screen. The thought of seeing an 8×10, or larger in person is hard for me to contemplate. I do hope someday to have a few of those in my personal collection.
I appreciate your compliment NDD — really, thank you. {{NDD}}
Yeah, it’s tough fighting one’s natural tendencies, eh?
(the eh? was for olivia)
Back from my friend’s house and you all are already one lounge ahead of me. (pant pant) Hard to keep up with this crowd. Anyhoo, these wood chips were taken up in the woods last weekend.
I’m with you, MM … I was disappointed too, but I guess it’s one of those rerun weeks, and there will be new ones next week. At least Keith was on and snarking away tonight, but I wish he’d quit bringing on that smirky Dana Milbank. I don’t like him and still have not forgiven him for dissing John Conyers last summer when he held those Downing St. Memos hearings against all odds.
Nice wood chips. Is your woodchuck all worn out from the exertion?
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Still haven’t figured that one out, have you, IVG?
Yes KO was great, I actually managed to stay awake through the whole thing, since I saw the early show. I wish all five segments could be as totally fucking awesome as number one. Saving the best for first. That’s my man, KO!
You take cool shots mm.
Thanks! This one reminds me of the exhibit I saw in Carmel by Steven Galloway I think it was, I showed you the website. Except I didn’t move one single chip!
yes — I remember his carefully positioned leaves. I like your natural version. 🙂
Ha, is right! There was a big long disclaimer at the exhibit on that very subject, as in artfully artless art is just exactly the same as artfully natural nature. Wasn’t fooled for a second!
I love her choice of subjects too… stuff we wouldn’t ordinarily stop to focus on often end up being the most fascinating. Which reminds me, we got a great pic of a “fairy ring” in a cemetary a couple of years ago… going to see if I can find that and put it up here.
’cause I’ve got one of those at the rural location, about 20ft dia, but no good photos of it, yet!
Now I feel totally left out as no fairy ring has appeared in the vicinity.
I’ll have to look harder.. there are so many pics scattered around here and my first ones were very poorly organized, so it’s hit and miss. I now save everything in a dated folder, which is much smarter. Did find some other fun stuff I’ll be posting here in a few minutes….
Oops, now I read the comment above. Looking forward to the fairy ring! It was funny when I was taking that picture my friend who is walking with me, an 87 year young woman, said “It’s nice that you’re giving everything it’s due.” There are so many fascinating things just left lying around carelessly.
they are the same kind of miniature tulips… and this is not my photo… I snagged it from the website where I bought a bunch of bulbs. There is, toward the left, the kind of purply-fuschia colored one that is very close to what PP looks like.

Now off to find that fairy ring!
Fairy ring? Is this anything I need to know about?
You know just how to keep us all focused on the future!
I used to see fairy rings in our yard every once in a while. I hadn’t thought about them in a very long time.
If they look like the little the purply-fuschia ones. They’re cute!
At last, some excitement! And here it is, a…. Wind Advisory in my area!
is what we call zephyrs here.
We don’t even notice ’till they start gusting 60 – 80mph + here…nothing like a good Chinook wind to melt snow and clear the leaves out of your yard…we get some doozies. 147 mph is the current record.
Here’s a handy little NOAA Table of Wind Events to take your mind off those breezes…:{)
bring your wind events over to the new cafe!
I do believe I was in Denver in Jan of ’72 when the chart shows 8 days of winds over 70 mph.
Forgot I even had this…

This lounge is closed. New overnight cafe is open.