I was at the Philadephia rally/protest/march yesterday afternoon, played hookey from work to get out to it. I felt it was important to show up to support the efforts of so many across the country as well as document this first hand. Plus, I’m a measly temp worker who was supposed to be offered a job by this company, but they’ve dragged their feet for half a year [no vacation days, no healthcare] so I think I’m entitled to a day off here and there to support a great cause.
I joined an estimated 10,000 fellow American residents in Love Park, the same park where Bill Clinton came out on the campiagn trail for Kerry just before the 2004 election. We didn’t get as many people as some of the other rallies, but that didn’t stop this crowd of descendents of Mexico, China, Sierra Leone, Puerto Rico, Liberia, Columbia, Korea, El Salvador, Ireland, Bangladesh… from proudly sharing their culture and energy with their fellow people.
DuctapeFatwa wrote up an account, so did Man Eegee. Duke1676 wrote on what the protests were about.
Unfortunately, none of the big elected politicians from the city nor the state were there as speakers. I did not notice any of them milling through the crowd either, but they could’ve been there. The mayor’s son and the mayor’s #2, City Managing Director Pedro Ramas spoke; that’s as close as it got. Too bad. No Villaraigosas here leading the march.
Why did you go out? How did your people end up in the US?
I’ve made an initial edit of my 350+ shots down to 173 and they’re up in a flickr set, but let me share a few of my favorites in addition to the Mexican dancers at the top of this post.
There’s a growing set on flickr here from around the country.
you are the man Albert. Love your photos. Did you have any Septa cops following you around?
no septa cops, only a legion of Philly popo on the perimeter of Love Park.
i was initially worried [i really was] that there would be some kind of nationwide ‘sign’ and all the cops would just corral everyone in at their collective sites and mass arrest assuming everyone rallying was an illegal alien.
I looked through your flickr set yesterday…great photos! I’m glad you posted some of them here too.
I’ve been running around like mad, I wanted to get them up sooner, but better late than never! After the rally, I went home [missed BooMan on the radio] and went through the pics then showered [it was fucking hot outside] and went out to do some Pennacchio volunteer work until 1a.
…dress in those Mexican dresses? And is that a mariachi band I see in the background? This here is America. They ought be wearing something from The Gap.
And how dare that guy wrap himself in the flag? That’s the exclusive privilege of Lou Dobbs and Tom Tancredo.
The Gap? What are you some kind of hippie! Nothing but Halliburton coveralls in my house.
Thank you Albert. These are terrific photos.
Thanks 🙂 I had a blast at the rally. The incredible energy of the crowd lead to an easier time taking photos.
I was struck with the fact that there was a Yaqui Deer Dancer performing. They are a small tribe here in the Tucson area and it was cool to see their roots spring up over in Philly.
I wondered about that headdress!
Manny, I’ve been thinking about doing a piece on Mexican immigrants in Philly. And this week the Philadelphia Weekly did a very comprehensive piece.
the story of San Mateo is repeated across all of Mexico. Many of the young men have left the pueblos to come here for work, with the tightening of the border, they are staying here rather than returning in the off-season (for agricultural work).
in two days. Yesterday The Queen Sucia and this article today..thanks.
Thanks for that link boo, great article.
Ah! Thank you for identifying that gentleman. There were others in full dress there: this man and this boy
taking them, and sharing them with earth residents.
I like the Yaqui guy blowing the caracol.
One tribe. One big, big tribe. 😀
Thanks! I love the sound the caracol makes.
Just wanted to chime in and say thanks for the pics. Personally I find all the American flags a little disturbing, but I realize i’m in the distinct minority on that.
thanks soj! there were a *ton* of flags from everywhere else you could imagine, but those people were, for the most part, also carrying the American flag.