All Night (really) at the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Newcomers and Lurkers should introduce themselves.
Bartender is off duty. Honor system is in operation.
Bartender is off duty. Honor system is in operation.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey, that 4 looks good on you!
At the bottom? Come to the top!
I can barely keep my eyes open
Goodnight everyone! See you on the flip.
Thanks for bringing Bud over to keep us company.
G’night fellow froggy. I mean Doggy…cute dog pic. I feel like reaching out and rubbing behind his ears.
Also starting to fight a serious fade, but, I thought I’d see what’s up.
Whew! I’m getting a little red-eyed myself…
Hey, you’re doin’ good on the photo posting… kinda fun once one catches on to the intricacies
now, when I can master the intricacies I’ll consider myself on a par with you, Andi, and all the rest. Not there yet, but maybe if work ever slows up a bit, I can get around to it.
so HAH!
Damn, you found us!
Yeah, but I’ve had practice. When I was 6 my family moved across the street, but I was stuck on the other side because I couldn’t cross the street by myself.
Even as a kid I got no respect. I had to tie a pork chop around my neck to get the dog to play with me.
(R.I.P. Rodney Dangerfield, wherever you are.)
Hey Omir! Have a juicy moth.
Your photography looks just like a drawing in colored pencil!
Oh! I really can not take credit for any pics I’ve posted here. I don’t have any kind of camera, or a scanner, or anything else like the talent of the people who do original pic posts here!
This one is by Lisa J. Bigelow.
I’m sorry if I crossed the line…
I was just having some fun with the fact that everyone posts their photos. I think some actual art-type art is a worthy addition too.
Actually I was hoping that it was a colored pencil sketch that you’d drawn yourself.
See you around tomorrow.
(Thanks for all the words of support earlier — it was very much appreciated. Hugs to all.)
G’night Olivia!
I hope your dreams are full of cheese cake and yummy moths.
even if they are pink! LOL… catch you again soon.
I messed up on your address, using .ca now instead of .com
I did get the email! I pasted a photo and it worked perfectly. I sent a quick reply. Thanks again!
Goodnight all!
I think I’m calling it a nite. Suddenly, I am just wiped out. Nite all!
G’nite Street! I’ll send you my cheesecake recipe sometime.
So, I of course have to retaliate! I did say I had posted my last flower pic for the night, but I didn’t say anything about dogs! hehe… at least I didn’t succumb to temptation and post a pic of the world’s ugliest dog who was making the rounds a while back. Ewww, Chinese crested… ewwww.

May 23, 2005, relaxing by the False indigo… D’oh! Forgot, there are flowers in this picture!
And yes, that is a pink flamingo back there… my small nod to John Waters in the garden.
This is for NDD when he shows up:
The painting is called Dominant Curve and is by Vasily Kandinsky. It is at the Guggenheim in New York.
“Kandinsky was one of the most influential Abstract artists of the 20th century. He was a teacher of both law and later art, teaching for a number of years at the German Bauhaus. He himself claimed he became interested in abstraction after seeing one of his paintings upside down.”
Walter Piehl Jr.
breezy music: sweetheart of the rodeo, 1991, mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36″
spent too much time studying the sciences vs. art
Yu dam sciunz peeple! Yer the ones mukking everyting up mit yer CON Founded theo-rees of ee-vo-lushun, glow ball worming and all the rest of that Krap. Wate til ART bights yu in da ass! He shood bee hom frum the beer netime soon, and he will git ya!
for a while there I thought it was either Booman’s Bu or ww’s cat got hold of the keyboard.
Don’t know if you’ve seen any of their messages, but it can get pretty ugly when the 4-legged ones take over the keyboards.
Glad I got a chuckle out of ya, NDD! That was hard work typing that. I’m such a stickler about spelling and grammar that it’s not easy for me to transgress. All those years of perfecting my French have warped my leetle mind as Cartman would say.
All of the pictures I have posted at booman were found through the typical google search.
They are not mine, and I have no rights to them.
Did I screw up? Omir posted something that got me thinking…
There are a lot of “uncredited” photos that make their way on here … part of the freedom of the internets, I think. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you, and hope the rest of the crowd would likely agree.
Get yourself a good cam (they’re sooo reasonably priced these days and I got mine 3 yrs ago) and explore the world… you’ll find all sorts of cool stuff to put your own personal stamp on!
Thank you. I feel a little better now. I’ve been thinking about getting a digital cam, and joining in the fun. I did some film photography about 20 yrs ago, and had a lot of fun doing odd-ball pics. That’s why I enjoy finding interesting pics on the net.
Any camera I get would have to cost around $100 or less these days, as I was laid off a bit ago. I’m doing just fine, but I have to be careful about spending on toys.
Can I get a decent cam for that little?
I’ve not seen one that cheap, but I bet you could find something along those price lines somewhere online. I got my Fuji FinePix 2650 3 years ago for about $175, and thought that was a great price. It’s the one I use to do all the pics I post here, and so far I’ve loved it. I’m sure as outdated as mine is, you can find something you can afford somewhere! I sure like my Fuji, and it does what I need it to do, and remarkably well I think.
in this week’s Target ad for $88, IIRC…you can get a decent introductory camera for less than $100 these days… 🙂
Here’s some of the “etiquette” for posting and linking to pix…as I understand it…
Don’t link directly to someone else’s URL…chews up their bandwith and can create problems;
Download the pic to your desktop and use a photo-hosting site such as TinyPic, free but no ability to control the usage or edit in anyway, 250k max size, or PhotoBucket basic acct is free, controlled access and editing, 500k max size…upgrade avail. There is also Flickr and ImageShack which I have no experience with…I use the 2 above depending on material.
If you’re using something from a pro site, it’s most prob. copyrighted…in those instances I recommend giving attribution under the pic, thusly:
Dada © 2006
Lots of stuff is “open source” so you’ll just have to use your own descretion,I’ve found that it’s generally pretty clear and easy to make the call.
Don’t be shy around here, there’s lots of help available…and always remember…Preview is your friend…:{)
I had to ask what the FBLounge painting was all about.
I don’t know that it’s a requirement, but I think it’s nice when folks add a title and who-done-it, if it’s possible.
Like tonight, I learned about a whole new painter, once I had the artist name, and prainting title. So it can be great fun to learn new stuff.
Think I’ll hit the hay a little “early” tonight! It’s been another fun evening.
G’nite NDD! Thanx for the advice.
In the future, I will give credit where it is due…I just assumed that anyone could see where I was linking to, if they wanted to know.
Ahh…place’s empty and the bars still open. Guess I’ll just help myself to a nightcap…
Have a shot on me.
Did you remember to line your hat with tinfoil tonight? I read somewhere that the aliens are broadcasting widely tonight, and you may be on their frequency, unbeknownst to you! /And don’t tell anyone… they’re after your Jack Daniels!
Tinfoil doesn’t work. My cat told me this, and he’s 14 yrs old, so he knows these things.
The only thing that works against the aliens, is to rub tuna all over your furniture.
Yawl are up late.
And I’d have to agree with the cat about the tinfoil…although I think there’s an ulterior motive involved w/ the tuna thing…just a hunch.
Happy Tuesday Morning!
Guess I’m the only going on 3 AM person here, still eating cheese cake and drinking cheap wine. One of the few advantages of being laid off…so, with no further adoo, some more pretty frog pics!

I’m still up for a wee bit longer, but I promised myself I would go read Olivia’s diary from earlier, since I’ve been having fun splashing around here. See my new comment to you up thread about digital cams. I think it’s probably do-able if you look hard enought.
Thanks again. I shall look around. Maybe I can find a decent one used and such. Glad you like the frog pics. I was impressed myself with what I found on just a basic search.
I am not new to the internet, not at all. I’m just new to posting comments and pics at the blogs I like.
though it’s only going on midnight here (Left Coast, note the handle).
Will have to head to bed soon; I’ve got the computer(s) set to shut down at midnight, to keep me and my spouse from staying up till 3am on the damn machines. (We’re a two computer household, courtesy of a sizeable inheritance last year; we have an iBook and just recently added an Intel iMac to the family collection — yeah, we’re Mac users here. 🙂 )
Was too busy rating and reading to give you a proper hello! How’s things on the left coast? I thought KO rocked tonight, as usual. Did you see that weird, nervous replacement they had for him on Friday last? I appreciated his effort, but man, was he trying too hard to be Keith Jr.!
I think there’s a fair # of Mac users here…I’ve never used a pc, let alone owned one.
BTW, how do you like the Intel-ized Mac? I hear they’re wicked fast…any diff in OS from the previous chips?
Hee Hee!
I learned DOS on an Apple 2+ back in ’81’.
That was my first, and last, Apple I ever worked on.
One of these daze, I will have to get out of the Dark Side (PC), and get back to my first true love!
Hi Cali!
I know the feeling…between my reading and internet lurking, I’ve found myself staying up way too late. I have been enjoying my first stint on unemployment in 20+ yrs, but sleeping in past 12 noon is kinda too much for me.
fadin’ fast…see ya on the flip.
G’night Dada!
I may see you tomorrow, or I may not post here again in months from now; so much to do, so much to read, hope you understand.
One last pretty frog pic, then I’m done for the night(morning). It will get lost here and now, but what the hay.

Damnit, Dada and Omir make such a mess around here, and leave it up to me to clean up in the late hours. Anyway, here’s one last one to send anyone still lurking around off to bed with a positive vibe.

This is one of the growing squill colonies going in the parking of our place… I can’t hype this plant enough! Well, DTF would think the bloom time is too short, but it’s fun looking forward to seeing it emerge each year, a little bit bigger patch each time.
I may regret this in the morning (staying up too late) but I love getting to hob nob with the froggy ones here at the late night. BTW… Olivia’s diary was very informative…if you haven’t read it, go there and ponder…
Geez it’s 4:25 am and where is everybody?
Andi, Refinish wake up! The day is half over.