Jackass of the day: Rich Lowry.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Jackass of the day: Rich Lowry.
I’ll drink to that… 🙂
He’s pushing for style over substance from Bush and the Republicans. Then again, that might be all they’re capable of…
Definitely sums it up!
Did you find your tv remote control and where was it?
the disappearance coincided with his inability to replenish the milkbone supply (plus he ate all the Pringles without sharing). The horror…
Naw…I got a new remote…$15.
Never did get to doing a diary on this after Condi was in Congress last week shillling for the deal. Democrats are divided over it.
from The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) petition page:
some disturbing alerts being sounded by Bill Arkin on Iran…the train has left the station, active war plans?
See this comment I attached to my dairy here
Shameless pimping. Yes, but not just my opinion, we’re approaching a crisis. All that shit yesterday with Rumsfeld and Bush on us taking Sy Hersh seriously-we’re sounding like Henny Penny ‘fantasyland’ and ‘wild speculation’ is deep BullSh*i*t.
The media appear to be “ramping up” the propaganda to make Iran seem that much more threatening. A bad sign
Medicare D(isaster): Immigration, Identification, Interpretation
(This is a little long, but since it’s old news I didn’t think it was worthy of a diary.)– Focus on the Family is up in arms about Prof. Eric Pianka’s alleged desire to kill of most of humanity. This is from today’s email news alert.
(Did I miss something? I thought this story was completely discredited weeks ago–though I guess I shouldn’t expect FotF to pay attention to the facts of the matter.)
According to Joe D’Agostino, vice president of communications for the Population Research Institute:
Those scientists! Why do they hate humanity?
D’Agostino says Christians should fight back, but often don’t.
One funny thing in all this is that the whole “news alert” seems to be an advertisement for this Truth Project the article ends with a link that takes you the project’s webpage, where you can sign up for conferences ($119 for an individual, $149 for a couple).