I’m in the midst of a small protest. I’d like to explain it, and solicit your thoughts and support. I envision this protest as something that Internet activists can get behind. If they so choose.
I’m modeling my efforts here after the pan-blog protest that we Boo Tribbers started here last year: Operation Yellow Feather. It was really quite a protest, and I think with the lessons learned there, Petals for Peace could develop into an interesting phenomenon as the election year wears on.
Or then again, maybe not. But here goes.
This action is part of an ongoing plan I’m helping to coordinate locally. While it presently has a local focus, I do think it has the potential to develop into a more national campaign. Here is the basic plan:
Petals for Peace
In conjunction with an ongoing pro-peace demonstration against U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI-08), Petals for Peace offers an opportunity for pro-peace individuals across the country/world to send an emphatic message to one pro-war Congressman. The message is simple. Stop the war. Start supporting legislation that will do so.
The message will be sent by each individual delivering a single flower to the Congressman. Given the context of the ongoing demonstration against Rogers, the delivery of a single flower is all the message that is needed. And the more flowers delivered. The stronger the message.
This action will take place between Tuesday, April 18, 2006 and Friday, April 21, 2006 (Congressional Easter Break). During this time you are asked to deliver one flower to Rep. Rogers by the most convenient method.
- In person. For those in the Lansing area, stop by Bancroft’s Flowers (1417 E. Michigan Ave, Lansing), buy a $1 flower, and walk it over to Rogers’ office ( 1327 E. Michigan Ave) personally. Deliver it to the receptionist. Be kind. She has been.
- By phone. Call Bancroft’s at (517) 371-4120 and have a $1 flower delivered in your name. Delivery is free (Bancroft’s has been very cool during this ongoing event).
- By fax. Draw a flower. Include a peace message (optional). Don’t worry about your artwork. And fax it to Rogers’ Lansing office at (517) 702-8642. If he takes his fax off-line, you can fax the D.C. office at (202) 225-5820, though we are hoping to reach Lansing.
- By mail. Same as above, but mail it to: U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, 1327 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, Michigan 48912. Drop it in mail by Saturday, April 15, 2006 or Monday, April 17, 2006 for best results.
- Spread the word. Tell others to participate via any form of communication you have. Also, e-mail me (tjayolson@hotmail.com) and let me know about your planned participation. We’re keeping track of the numbers of flowers delivered by whatever medium.
That’s the basics. Now some thoughts on how the blogs might be used to assist the basic plan:
Petals for Peace
Blogging Ideas
- Run a daily “ops” diary in the days leading up to the event to collect ideas and feedback, and to organize.
- Spread the plan on as many liberal leaning blogs as possible.
- Try to organize enough individual blogger support for a planned roll-out of the diary on Tuesday, April 18 at noon EST (9 PST) at the Big Orange. Goal. Get it up the recommended list for maximum visibility and participation.
- Possibly float some pdf files with images of flowers that can be printed and sent. Or just sent by the techno savvy.
Could this get larger:
Absolutely, in my view. If this is a success at one office, there is no reason why we could not maintain our organization and target other offices. In fact, I think there may be better targets for mass Internet protest. I’d say, let this serve as a test case, re-calibrate our methods, and then let loose on other Congress people. Those we might influence into Murtha-like positions. This war has to end.
The reason I’m starting with my Congressman, is because there is a context. A history. But that could be easily built for other Congress people, should this demo project work.
And I’ve had a chance to see the effects of this relatively benign protest with my own eyes. We delivered about 168 flowers in three days during the St. Patrick’s Day Recess, and it had an almost withering affect on the staff. They don’t want to support this lying war anymore than we do. And the Congressman was directly impacted. Forced to stoop and pick up flowers as he left the office for the evening. They should be aware of our unrest. They should not sleep well at night. This is life and death to so many people in the world.
Why flowers?
Some will say, why flowers? I don’t want to give them a gift.
I disagree. It is the best way to state the message that I’ve come across. It is honestly asking, nicely, for something to change. With a symbol of sweetness and love.
Sure. They can throw them away. They can imagine to themselves: “What loons these people are, delivering these flowers?” But the point is that they are thinking about it. Every five or ten minutes in our last effort. A constant reminder that all is not right with the world. Being delivered by doctors and lawyers and professors and teachers and soldiers and workers. People want the war to end. Time for the government to listen to us.
Are you in? Or are you out?
Who have participated in the past, and those who might consider it again. (And what is up with the Big Orange — went there to recomment Manny’s diary. They have new and icky reccomend system. I’m scared.)
I’ll definitely send a snailmail flower.
I noticed the new rating system at Big Orange a couple weeks back – kinda made my head hurt.
Cool. Thanks. I’ll get a new planning diary up in a minute.
Hooray BosJoe!
Sometimes I wonder if we should be faxing the photos from RubDMC’s Iraq Grief. Maybe along with the flowers? (sorry – bitter moment in time for this blistered footed woman) … regardless, I’m your girl! Whatever you want to do – I’m there. I sometimes think these bastards should be the ones looking at the burned and mangled bodies of babies in pajamas.
Actually, the faxing of the photos from RubDMC’s diaries make more sense as Rogers always carries on about his military background.
to resurrect and modify the “Yellow Feather” Op…
Operation “White Feather”…a symbol of cowardice:
Apropos, methinks.
Rogers is definitely a coward–white feathers sum it up beautifully!
Okay. Not a bad idea. I’m pretty much incapable of graphics. I tried some way back when, but I suck. But don’t let me stop you. Make sure you send a flower in addition to a feather, too. Thanks Dada.
Cool DJ. I’ll put you down for a mailed/faxed flower. Sounds great. I’ll get a new diary up to move this forward. Thanks. You can use Doob Abides pictures if you want, but make sure you send a photo. Remember. Nice. 🙂
I’m missing something here: Ask Rogers, of all people, to do his job and listen to those in his district (for a change) w/a symbol of sweetness and love?
The man is not human–his voting record shows it!
It is a symbolic way of saying, “Stop It!”
And very effective. Believe me, he understands these aren’t from loving constituents.
Do you really think he takes this seriously? Or that he even cares? The man is NOT human!!!
Great idea! We arranged flowers for Boxer after she stood up w/Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio, to dispute the fraudulent OH election results. I’m not so in touch with MI politics these days (except: GO CONYERS!) but I do recall it being mostly blue.
But I think this approach has even more potential, because the guy’s gonna have to respond in some way if he gets deluged with flowers! They’re supposed to represent us, and we’ll be voting with petals for peace!!
Thanks W. It is all about context. Flowers can be a reward. But in this case, a stinging sanction.