FBC Promises a Rose Garden

photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers and flowers on every table.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
What a stunning picture to wake up to. I hope everyone has a great day!!!!
Good morning, refinish.
And I hope you accomplish that six thousand things that undoubtedly on your to-do list.
LOL Good Morning Andi!!!! I highly doubt I will get all of them done but I will try.
Thanks to all of you who post the flower photos that make the FBC such a beautiful place to be.
Good Morning, everyone.
Well good morning all. Where have ya’ll been. I’ve already plowed the back 40, slopped the hogs and milked the cows.
You city people just have it too easy.
Well I guess it is easier to wake up early when you have to sleep on the couch. LOL
That does make a difference. George just can’t get comfortable, so he’s either on my feet or my head.
Refinish I meant to ask you. Are you going to add a comments section to your web page? I think if you did it would generate a lot more traffic.
I will once I ahve the blog set up on it also. I will also be asking others to contribute to the blog.
Well you know me, I just write about water leaks and stuff. But I will send in comments.
LOL Okay!!!
… I know it was George and Cat that did all the work; you just supervised.
Good morning.
Morning Andi. You’re right. I feel after a certain age that anyone or anything needs the wisdom of my years. My nephew says it’s lazy, but I say it’s spreading the wisdom.
That’s a perfect Olivia picture you posted this morning.
Hope you’re doing OK this morning.
I really liked the orange rose pictures. The last one she posted was the best I thought.
I think I’m going to ask olivia is I can ‘borrow’ her flowers for cafes more often. They are so beautiful.
I agree with you on that. But you had better hurry. I think our Olivia will be famous soon.
I just did a new podcast. Last night when I checkec my rating I was actually #62 for political podcast at teh site. Considering how new the show is I am kind of happy!!!!.
Dear Mr. President
Correction on my placement. I am # 75 over all for politics and #62 for most popular today. LOL
You’re on your way to fame and fortune. Just don’t forget us little people when you make it to the top. š
LOL I highly doubt the fame and fortune part. I just love having another venure for my ranting.
And you rant so well. š
LOL I try
in the dim mists of the future when I have broadband I will get to go listen to one of your podcasts. Until then, I will just have to imagine how magnificent they are.
I pick up some of that southern drawl every now and then, but otherwise he should have his own radio show.
Thank you!!!! The drawl comes from doing the things at 5 am when I am still sleepy.
Yea that’s the reason I give for my drawl. However, it’s 5:00 am 24 hours a day for me.
Yeah I guess that excuse wears thin sometimes and OMG you should here me after a few drinks. LOL
Thank God I don’t drink anymore. I used to be one of those cuddly, slurring drunks. I could talk your ear off, but you wouldn’t understand anything I said.
Actually that sounds like me sober now. š
LOL. I only have a couple of drinks because I like to stay in cotrol at all times.
LOL I guess you could download them and play them later. LOL Of Course the dowlaod time would be hours I guess even for a 15 minute podcast. LOL
Well as much as I hate to, I’ve got to get ready and start on the house.
Ya’ll have a good day in the pond.
Have fun with the repairs.
It’s supposed to be 18C today!
I take it that 18c is something warmer than you’ve been having, but I have no idea what that is in fahrenheit. I’ll guess 70.
Close — it works out to 64°F. It’s funny — my parents still use the ‘old’ system for temperature and never use Celsius, they’re quite animated about their dislike of it.
Morning Olivia and SN. How it going?
I got the kitchen cleaned. Yah.
Want to come and do mine? The Sears guy is coming to install the new garbage disposal so I have to do what I dread the most – clean out the cabinet under the sink.
If I don’t come out in 20 minutes call 911.
At least you have a garbage disposal. I’ve thought about doing a home improvement project and put one in, but my track record hasn’t been to great lately.
We don’t have a garbage disposal, dishwashing machine, or ice-maker in the fridge. So you can just think of yourself as keeping up with the F’s.
Couldn’t find better company to be in.
I have a friend and she’s 77. She has a dishwasher, but won’t use it. She handwashes everything and uses the dishwasher for storage.
For one or two people, I think they just don’t make a lot of sense since you end up either wasting resources running them quarter-full or letting dirty dishes sit in them for days until they are full.
I have a bad habit of washing the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher. Nothing gets me worse than for someone to put a dirty dish with dried food on it in the dishwasher and it doesn’t come out clean. I guess I use it because the water get so hot, it has to kill anything on the dishes.
I hate that too.
I didn’t have a disposal until a few years ago, but the real problem is that the dishwasher drains into it and when it’s broken the dishwasher backs up and shuts itself off, then leaves a nasty concoction of sludge in the sink.
Must be wonderful around dinner time at your house. š
between C and F: double the temp and add 32. It’ll be a little high but it will get you in the neighborhood.
That sounds suspiciously like math, but I think I can do it.
Or do the Bob and Doug McKenzie method: double the C number and add 30 to get the non-metric temperature (or a close equivalent in the human comfort zone).
“So if the radio says ‘Good day, it’s ten degrees,’ you double that, which makes 20, and add 30. So it’s really 50 degrees outside, eh.”
“OK, that works, eh.”
“OK, now let’s do beer, eh? So let’s say you have a six-pack of beer. Double six, that makes 12, and add 30. So there’s 42 beers in a metric six-pack.”
“Oh yeah, count me in for metric, eh!”
I’m beginning to like metric. Beer wise that is.
C to F
more accurate to add one more step, subtact 10% before adding to the 32. (round off the 10% to whole number)
For 18C
18 x 2 = 36, 36-3.6= 36-4=32 then 32+32=64F
So you get 64F
I’ve never seen math in the cafe before — sorry everyone! š
political discussion… I didn’t know!
I shall henceforth, and forthwith desista da math.
Don’t you dare do that. It’s time for us conversion illiterate Americans to learn. Then again, you can always google.
Just for Olivia it supposed to be 27.7777778 C here today.
Damn that sounds hot. You are a menace with Google, Family Man.
Thank you. I figured it sounded better than 302.0388889 kelvin.
Wow, sounds like we need sunscreen today.
Did you fix your leak yet?
Just got back. Yea everything is fixed except the ceiling. It’s still drying out.
I did find out we have a freon leak somewhere, so the AC man is coming today. I hate to think how much that’s going to cost. But you know down here, you’ve got to have AC.
Now here’s the first real sign of spring:
Hey there SN, FM, Andi, Olivia! Got to go get in a conference call, but wanted to say hello to all before hand! Lovely dandelion, SN. š
I’ve perfected cultivating dandelions.
It’s important to have gardening skills. You should see my dead leaf collection…
someday I’ll photograph my pine needle, pine cone, and monkey-ball (sweetgum thingies) collection.
Well I’m just jealous of all of ya’ll pictures now.
Sounds like you’ll need your AC today if it’s 27! š
Hi Olivia. Yes it will definitely be in use, if the AC man shows up. Otherwise, it’s break out the fans.
You need to experience July and August down here. Best weather in the world. š
You have to remember that I come from the land of the igloo so I don’t really like it too hot.
[That’s a joke btw. Just in case. ;)]
Actually I would love to be up in your area during the worst part of summer down here. With the heat and humidity it is miserable. Plus I prefer cold weather to hot weather. I miss snow skiing and I could see me on a flexable flyer now. š
that some new kind of snow board?
You got to be kidding me, or either I’m calling it the wrong thing. It’s a sled.
Seriously. š
Don’t worry, FM. I knew immediately what you meant. We grew up with them.
So delicate SN.
I slept in, and now I’m soliciting donations for the News Bucket…help! Where is all the interesting news?
I love this one’s ruffled edges.
Morning all! Took this one in the woods near here. Not sure what kind of flowers they are. Pretty white flowers!
but on to the really important stuff.
Woo hoo!!! It’s getting close now!!!
Why am I the only one that never understands what going on?
From her nasty job — You know about that, right?
Oh yea, I am so dense sometimes.
I will be so happy when she is gone from there.
me too. First the memory goes, then what… I forget…
The memory is bad enough, I don’t want to think about all the other stuff that’s going.
I’m looking forward to your big escape party. That might even be bigger than the welcome back party we had for the Fs, which was a whole lot of fun.
I wasn’t in on the welcome party for the F’s. What was that about?
I’m looking forward to the big escape party, too! Escape Day here I come!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Hi, FM!
Hi MM. I’m counting down the days too. I will be so glad when you are out of that hell hole.
Thanks, FM! It is really really crazy around here. PEople outside trimming the trees with big noisy buzz saws, someone vacuuming, and (yesterday) staff members screaming their heads off at each other.
Would you be interested in donating a flower to the cafe on a regular basis — on whatever interval is convenient for you (e.g., weekly, biweekly, monthly)?
I’d love to do that.
We could do it for the Tuesday morning cafe which would be nice since that’s an unhosted day.
Whenever you felt like supplying the cafe, you could just email me the link sometime on Monday to the medium size version of whatever flower you chose. Is it okay to link to it directly?
Yup, getting close! I’m excited!
Wooooo hoooo is right! Only three more days (NOT counting today!) Thanks for the really cool 4 AndiF!
of course but still a rather nice looking number.
It would be hard to top The Figure Five, with very cool WCW poem to go with. ESPECIALLy considering the VERY odd coincidence, as discussed. But what a start for the count down, ay?
Since everyone made fun of Bitey when he was wet and scrawny I thought I’d let you see how pretty he is when he’s dry. Neener neener neener.
He’s beautiful SN!
Thank you Olivia. He was hurt when everyone said he was scary! Of course, his name is Bitey.
Is that a bird or a muppet?
I’m going to sic Bitey on George. He’d rip him to shreds.
My plumber is here. Damn, he’s ugly and he smells like cigarettes. I was hoping for a hunk like maryb’s grocery guy.
Got a basement?
No, southerners don’t have basements.
I hate when strange people are in my house. Where am I supposed to go? Just hang around and watch? Slink away and watch tv? eek.
Even if I don’t know what they’re doing, I usually hang around. For one thing you know where they are and for another I feel it tends to keep them honest.
It’s creepier when you’re a woman and you’re alone in the house with two strange men.
You got a cordless phone. Keep it in hand. If they start to act wierd start talking on it and say yes the two repair men from sears are here.
Good thinking! You sound like the father of daughters.
I am and I was super overprotective.
Pretty Bitey!
over here.