What we’ve been witnessing, the last few weeks, is Actual ‘Democracy’ in Action, many of those participating are what we call ‘Illegals’ in this country of Immigrants, many are new citizens, ‘Legal’ Imigrants!! The following isn’t about that ‘Democracy’ that is happening, but ‘Democracy’ participated in by tens of thousands of ‘Legal’, and more than likely many ‘Illegal’, Immigrants, as there are many from All over this planet and they have lived/worked here for years, and our Peaceful Native Sisters and Brothers during One Weekend in Sept ’05!

Before I begin let me just say ‘I have No connection with, nor monetary gain from, what I am passing on’, as this will show. But I will be making personal contact with others to help get this distributed

A record of History, a record of Action, Democracy in Reality!
There is a DVD Documentary, produced by one Chun Pan, and a little over 45min long, that Any who attended the Washington DC Actions, of the weekend of Sept 24th 2005, may want a copy of. Not only as a Keepsake of Memories, but of the possible Historic Value that can be passed down. Those who did not attend may also want this for the same as above and to actually feel the Power of the People in Action.

I found the following information, sans my comments of course, posted on the AfterDowningStreet site. Because there was no information about any cost nor contact, except the e-address, I contacted Chun. He has given permission to pass on the information about the DVD’s he produced.

Video of the Antiwar protest in Washington D.C. on September 24, 2005

Were you in DC for the big demonstration back in Sept? If so or if you wanted to be or know anyone who was, there is a new DVD by Chun Pan, “What Democracy Looks Like”. It’s a great job, 47 minutes and filled with all the activities of the weekend. This is an awesome documentary and it is moving beyond words. Contact chunpan9@yahoo.com to order this DVD, and also “Skipping in Camp Casey” if you haven’t seen that one! Be sure to specify which DVDs you’re ordering.

When I received my first reply from Chun, I had asked what was the price he was asking for each DVD, he said a $10 donation if possible, as he is looking to send a number of them to differant Pro-Peace Groups, Pro-Peace Elected Officials, etc. etc., and was looking for donations to offset the cost of mailings for those as well as for personal orders etc..
I had sent Chun my home address in those original contacts last week. I than sent out a check covering the donation of $10 for each plus a few ducats more to help him out with the costs, mailing that on saturday morning, the 8th. To my surprise the DVD’s were in my mailbox upon returning from work today, monday the 10th of April, my guess is he won’t receive my check till tomorrow.

I am the documentary filmmaker that made “Skipping in Camp Casey”. I have just completed another film about the antiwar protest that occurred on September 24, 2005 in Washington DC. It is called “What Democracy Looks Like”.
If you would like a copy of either DVD, please e-mail me at ChunPan9@yahoo.com with your mailing address.
This video may save the lives of young American soldiers and Iraqi citizens, by influencing the way Americans vote during elections. This 47 minute documentary can be shown at group meetings or it can be broadcast on your local public access TV station.
Again, please include your mailing address. Thanks.

Notice in the above he asks for No funds to be sent or donated, if you can’t afford I’m sure he will forward a copy to you anyway.
I just finished watching “What Democracy Looks Like” and in my oppinion Chun did a Great job, in the filming and production. As I had just written him the thing about the Documentary I really liked was that there is No Cover Narrative, except a reading of a personal letter from a service member in Iraq, which will bring tears to any eyes. He used music and song and the Actual events sounds to narrate the Video, thus giving you the feel of actually being back there as you watch
He takes you from the arrival of the ‘Bring Them Home Now’ contigent, to the friday night Candle Light Vigil, at Camp Casey Washington and Silent Candle Light March to ‘The Wall’, both of which I and my traveling companion Lisa attended and participated in, right through the weekend  ending with the Monday Actions of Civil Disobedience in front of the ‘Peoples House’!
This is a Must Have DVD and should be shown to many as well
The only way he is handling this right now is by You sending Him an E-Mail at: chunpan9@yahoo.com or you can send a check/moneyorder with your contact information to:
Chun Pan
2001 Routt St.
Lakewood CO 80215
Asking for either DVD or both.
I asked him about setting up a PayPal, or other, account to make things easier for him. He seems not to be the type who orders online using a credit card or other account number. I than passed a couple of e-addresses to people with sites/organizations that might be willing to handle the ordering and even help in distribution, as many would remember there were some 500,000 folks in DC on that day, out of that I’m sure the numbers of interested folks would be Huge! Hopefully he’ll take the information and make the contacts. I will be contacting a few groups to see if we can help out.
Below are a few reviews that were with the posting at AfterDowningStreet, I’m adding my own, and as Chun will be seeing this he can use that one as well. Haven’t watched his original work from Crawford “Skipping In Camp Casey”, but will be doing so soon, very soon!
Below are a few Reviews

 I just finished watching “What Democracy Looks Like”, evening of April 10th ’06, and in my oppinion Chun did a Great job, in the filming and production. As I had just written him the thing about the Documentary I really liked was that there is No Cover Narrative, except a reading of a personal letter from a service member that was in Iraq, which will bring tears to any eyes, it certainly did mine. He used music and song and the actual events sounds to narrate the Video as it moved along, thus giving you the feel of actually being back there as you watch.
For anyone who wasn’t able to travel there, I met many from Calif., Oregon, Florida, and parts in-between, even Hawaii, you will feel the events as you watch, I’ll bet on that. It was an Historical Weekend and will be remembered for years to come, as many of these Pro-Peace actions have from years past. Too Bad We, As A Nation, Didn’t Learn What We Preached As That Nation, No More Wars Like Vietnam, And No More ‘Walls’!!
I would suggest that this is a must see documentary from, I’m sure, a rising star in these types of movie productions! You’ll be hearing more from Mr. Chun I’m sure!
James Starowicz
Member: Veterans For Peace
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country ’70-’71 COMNAVFORV – CHNAVADVGRP MACV, RVN
I watched it on my 64 inch TV today with a friend and it is so awesome. The pictures the music the activities are so well done!!!! It is so powerful and touched my soul. I am going to send one to a friend who maybe able to link it to Du if we have your permission. I will send one to Cindy also.
I also want to thank you for doing this. I wish everyone in the world could see it and realize that most of us in this country DO NOT support this war.
J. C.
Good job on your video “What Democracy Looks Like”! I hope to air it on public access TV here in Washington state.
Thank you for sending this excellent DVD. I will circulate it around acquaintances who have not previously taken part in such a protest, but may be considering doing so in the future.
E. F.
 Dear Mr. Pan,

 I just finished watching your excellent film,
 for the sixth time… this
 time with no less tears in my eyes than any of the
 previous viewings.

 Your film is indeed wonderful, and I can’t thank you
 enough for your vision, creativity, and hard work to
 create such a fine portrayal of everything that was
 “the Camp Casey experience.”

 I am 66 years old… retired from a Fortune 200
 company where I was the Director of Operations. For
 most of my adult life, I considered myself a staunch
 “conservative”… even campaigned hard for Barry
 Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election. Even
 so, some ten years ago, I began to find my soul. As
 one of Native American lineage, I began to spend
 some time each year in the Four corners area…
 mostly in the Navajo and Hopi reservations. There,
 my eyes began to open to a sense of community and
 the larger world around me. I began to read
 voraciously… learning the truth about politics and
 what governments really do. Needless to say, my
 conversion to what many call liberalism has been
 both deep and wide.

 Like many others, I found “the Camp Casey
 experience” a life-changing event. During my four
 days there, I was honored to visit with so many
 wonderful people… and probably best of all, I
 “found my voice.”

 Mr. Pan, your film has allowed me to get a “booster
 shot” of the magic that was Crawford whenever I
 want… I thank you for that.

 Again, you have my deepest appreciation and respect!

 Blessings abounding to you, and Peace, sweet Peace
 to all!

Hello all. I just finished watching the documentary by chunpan9@yahoo.com
If you have not yet ordered this extraordinary film, I urge you to do so. I actually watched it twice trying to get glimpses of people I knew and may have lost along the way. He truly captures the flavor and essence of our summer at Camp Casey 1 and Camp Casey 11.
Having spent my summer at the Peace House, providing transportation and moving people and settling crisis with the Crawford PD, I only just came to realize how much I really missed. It was a lot!
Camp People, you did a great job, and Chun, kudo’s to you. The documentary is 54 minutes short 🙂 and would make an excellent way to have your friends and neighbors get involved with our peace movement.
It is free but donations are welcome and accepted. I plan to order a few more for those who wanted to come but could not.
Your friend