The original of this cartoon:

is for sale on EBay.

Products with the cartoon are also for sale at Café Press.

A bit more on the flip.

South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families is collecting signatures to undo the horrible South Dakota anti-abortion law, and they need help. Any money I raise will go there. Getting this atrocious law overturned will be a huge black eye for the rabid anti-choicers, and will make the other states contemplating similar litigation rethink it.

I got the idea from another cartoonist, who raised more than $2,000, for South Dakota Planned Parenthood and the Oglala Sioux. I was trying to decide whether to do it for South Dakota Planned Parenthood or my local chapter (in which I’m an active participant) when I saw this diary on Daily Kos. It gave me a third idea, and any proceeds will go to the South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families.

So if you think this might help raise some money for a good cause, pass it along anywhere and everywhere you blog. ALL money will go to the Campaign. I will keep nothing.

You can also

contribute directly.

Thank you.