Every now and again I read something so mind numbingly stupid that I begin to wonder whether I may have dropped acid an hour or two prior to reading it and just forgot about it. But that would be unlike me, so I begin to wonder if the writer has perhaps taken some sort of secret Republican drug that turns them into gibbering loons, making them see the things ass backwards and all wrong. On that note, have a look at this steaming pile of word shit written by Rich Lowry the Washington Post Editorial Board.
CAN THIS PRESIDENCY be saved? President Bush’s approval rating has plummeted to a dismal 38 percent, according to the latest Post-ABC News poll. Democrats will rejoice at their improving prospects of recovering a majority in Congress. But a damaged president governing for nearly three more years in a dangerous world is no cause for rejoicing. With that in mind, we offer Mr. Bush, at no charge, some advice on a fresh start.
And then it gets really fucking awful. Anyway, as a way of punishing myself for past sins, I’ve been thinking on that fresh start concept for bit and I’ve tried to think of what sort of advice I would give that didn’t include a crude anatomical reference or two. Not an easy task, believe me. Really, the only thing I could think of that could produce a fresh start from the festering heap of filth and soiled laundry that constitutes the Bush presidency, would be if he and his entire administration resigned en masse and moved to Cuba, or somewhere else where they couldn’t hurt us anymore. But here’s the problem with that; we would have to find somebody in the line of succession who isn’t inept, corrupt, sadistic or otherwise worthless. I just had a quick look at that thing, and I don’t think there is such a person on the entire list. Sorry darlings, but there will be no fresh starts any time soon. But you already knew that.
I hear NASA is planning another expedition to the Moon. I think that would be a wonderful retirement home for Bush, Cheney, Rummy and Condi, don’t you?
Sounds good to me. Space is the Place, or so I’ve heard.
If they won’t go, I will!
how about Jerry Ford?
That is actually a good idea as he handled a transition once!
i’d almost be content with crazy ted stevens there if only to have him wear his awesome Hulk tie every day to the oval office. perhaps he’d commission a bridge to Terabithia next.
I’d encourage the entire administration to start using (heavily) drugs and alcohol. It could only get better. (It couldn’t get any worse.)
Think they already have been! Maybe they should all dry out instead.
I think the fact that Bush is increasingly disrespected and disapproved of in the US is good for our image in the eyes of the global community. Perhaps they’ll go back to hating Bush rather than hating all Americans.
The public’s overwhelming distain for Bush and his policies, are a credit to our nation and we should be shouting it from the rooftops.
The American public does not show disdain for the policies that constitute a threat to every man, woman and child on earth.
Which person is the symbolic figurehead, or whether he or she is seen as a pleasing persona by the Americans, is not really that relevant, nor is the fact that there is lively discussion among American politicians, as well as the public, on the question of how the policies could be implemented more efficiently.
I’m not sure I agree that the world hates Americans, though there are surely some who do. Hate comes from fear, and yes, there is a very real fear of Americans and their policies, their attitudes, opinions and beliefs, because as sbj likes to put it, all these things have been, quite literally, “weaponized.”
So the fear of Americans is not the fear born of ignorance that the Fox n’ Dobbs Foamer feels with respect to Muslims and Mexicans, but the clear and present reality-based fear more on the order of the fear parents teach their children to have of getting into the cars of strangers claiming to need help finding a lost puppy, or the fear of the strange man fumbling with the lock on one’s door in the dead of night.
As long as the song stays the same, the choice of boysinger matters little.
in the words of Sy Hersh, no body is going anywhere. Just now on NPR, Fresh Air with Terry Gross: It’ll ‘continuous continuity for the threesome, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, they need each other.’
So, I’m asking why give advice to people who don’t care to hear what anyone else has to say? Not the experts. Not the peons.
Bush; the president who has serious challenges, embraces messianic missions. He doesn’t read, doesn’t question, so he announces ‘Mission Accomplished’ when the project is in the first 2 weeks of phase 1.
Cheney; out on his own with a shotgun, so you’d better jump and don’t stop to ask how high.
Rumsfeld; he believes in word games. Preemptive is really prevention. In Rummy’s world, only Henny Penny asks questions.
With a heavy heart, here’s the sad part; an American public that pays attention only if the story involves a missing white woman. Would Americans care if Iran got nuked? That we ask this question is in itself frightening. But to the rest of the world, they know the answer
Go Read Billmon: ‘Mutually Assured Dementia’
The current Secretary of the Interior looks to be the most capable and safest of the bunch.
good advice and i’m glad you posted it. even if Bushco will never take it, nice to set out a constructive option