This is an Unhosted Cafe.
What are you eating for lunch today?
What do you wish you were having instead?
What do you wish you were having instead?
Salt and pepper on every table
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Wonderful cafe froggy. You want me to help out and open the next one?
Are you filling in for Izzy today?
Ah, never mind that, what’s for lunch? I’m starving, if you can’t tell.
Nobody’s filling in for Izzy. I think we all are just being mindful that she’s not going to be around.
I’m taking the dogs out for lunch as is usual — though soon we will switch to going out for breakfast instead.
I think I’m going to take the dogs and boys out for a post-lunch hike today. Enjoy your outing! π
for a jalapeno taco from this place:
Unfortunately, it looks like I will be eating tunafish and some salad instead.
for opening the new cafe.
How about a big fatburger fried in bacon grease and a helping of turnip green covered in vinegar. Yum.:)
I’m not sure that’s greasy enough for me. EW.
I think the worst thing other than blood sausage in Germany I ate was a spread for putting on bread. I found out it was goose grease. Double ewwwww.
I’ve heard of that. Where do you supposed people get the idea to do things like that? I guess it’s not worse for you than butter, but at least butter tastes good.
Actually just about everything I ate over there was good, except the blood sausage. The goose grease wasn’t that bad after enough beers.
I tried to eat new things all the time, but because of the migraines, it blows up in my face sometimes.
I will say one thing though. After I left Germany i lost 30 pounds. It wasn’t just the German food, but so many different ethnic foods over there. God I miss the food and beer.
Hey there CG! I’m being bad at work, but can get away with a few minutes of frivolity. Yum, a nice homemade taco sounds great to me too! I’d settle for tuna fish, however, since all I have at my desk right now is Altoids, pretzels and some chocolate, all wonderful dietary items, I know.
FM, that goose grease isn’t all that bad … lol. In France they call it confit d’oie and it is a bit nasty at first. I much prefer the pates myself. But for all out gross out foods there… Blood sausage (boudin noir), White sausage (tripe sausage) and tete de veau are the worst, the last being exactly what it says in French… a Calf’s head. They consider that stuff a delicacy of course, and I had to try it once, but it damn near made me hurl trying to swallow it, and having it staring me in the face almost sent me back to being a vegetarian!
I think the only thing I haven’t really tried is haggis.
Just doesn’t appear too appetizing to me.
Please make it go away, ugh, make it go away….
FM, those look suspiciously like what we yokels out here jokingly refer to as “road apples.” NDD will explain for you what that means if you need help! And with regard to these things… I quote my dear friend CG from above.. BLECCH.
Geeze some people have never seen stuffed sheeps stomachs. Where have you people been? π
…hairy tumours for lunch.
I think those were Magdas implants at one time.
Road Apples – I know what those are. Horse Turds.
Hiya DJ!
LOL!!! DJ. You so astute, girl! How you doing today?
Doing okey dokey how about yourself?
Supposed to meet up with a friend whose son is also autisitci. We’re going to sit and oggle the Ukranian coffee man who is… GORGEOUS! Is that sexist??? π
I’m being surreptitious at work right now, but doing well. The long-an-ti-ci-pa-ted arrival of spring has re-energized me somewhat. Lots of stuff to do in the garden!
Ukrainian coffee man huh? No, that’s not sexist at all. It’s called eye candy and it won’t make you gain weight either! There’s a Bosnian guy who works at the liquor store down the street who we love to ogle too.. he’s so cute, his name can only be “Mr. Sex on Legs.”
Ok, I better get serious and get back to work here! Catch you guys later!
I think I have a thing for accents. Boston… Ukranian.
And I think he knows… so he gives me a sloooow wink. Always asks me questions and starts chatting. BIG! STRONG MAN. He must be 6’4″. He has a militaristic look about him that usually turns me off.
I would never – well you know.. but it does make my coffee buying experience a bit more pleasant π
Oh and “ogle” HA! his name is Oleg.
For you lunch time enjoyment, a reference work by your server, DT:
What is the Most Offensive Food?
Something for everybody…:{)
I’m pretty sure you aren’t eating chocolate for lunch. π
ruins the taste of cigs :{)
I was getting hungry for something more than my lil chocolate bunny, but now I’m actually not hungry at all. π
Pretzels and chocolate aren’t sounding too bad either…
I just ate a chocolate bunny for lunch!
Don’t have any Easter candy this year, as we overbought at Christmas and I’m still trying to use up all my “Menorah money” (as I call it), the little gold chocolate coins you get. I’ve already plowed through all the dark stuff, so I’m reduced to snacking on the milk chocolate stuff.
Did you check out that link yet? I’m very sure those are the ones you want.
I will do more in depth reading later tonight. Thanks again!
I’m so glad! That was actually fun tracking those down late last night, even though I only got about 4 hrs of sleep, but I’m pretty perky today, nonetheless. I’m sure I’ll start crashing about 3:00 or so…LOL.
Thompson and Morgan is a great company, and very reliable too. I’ve ordered from them before and have always been happy with their seeds.
Just let me know if there are other things I can help you track down.
Whew! I’m with you, Olivia π
jesus. why didn’t I go there for lunch. what was I thinking? Their tacos are to die for.
I’ll be having nicotine gum, coffee and asprin. I wish I was having food, but I’m chained to my cubicle and they won’t let me go.
Hacksaw maybe?
If you could sneak one in that would be great. I’m easy to spot. I’m the short guy who is chained to his cubicle, dreaming about cigarettes and ice cream.
That’s one thing I used to love about my job. I did OSHA/EPA inspections in the military. I set my own schedule, so I could be out of the office all day if I wanted or stay in if I wanted.
I used to tell my boss I’m a fair weather technician. If it’s raining or snowing outside I stay at the computer.
Interesting that you mention OSHA, because I’m fairly certain these chains violate at least a few OSHA regulations. I’ve told my boss, but she doesn’t seem to care.
I always found it interesting that when OSHA was mentioned, even on military bases, heads popped up. I remember hearing about a base commander that got sent to jail because he ignored all OSHA/EPA citations. After that people paid attention.
Excellent! π
Actually, I don’t think I’ve covered all the groups until I’ve had a few antacid tablets.
Want me to call in a fire alarm? You could slip out in the confusion.
Today I’m having cottage cheese for lunch with some fruit salad that was left over from breakfast with my friends.
(Took this one on 17 Mile Drive a couple miles from my house. The seagulls were sitting on the rocks and then they would all fly up when a wave came in and settle back down when it went out again.)
That’s beautiful MM. I wish there was some way I could click to enlarge it.
Thanks, FM, it does look better bigger, and I thought it would be smaller! (Did you get all that?) However, I have not learned the click-to-enlarge trick yet. Do you know how it works and if I can do it through photobucket?
I think you can, but I’m not sure. I’m not sure if it was dada or NDD that put this down, but I copied it for later use. Truthfully I haven’t figured it out myself.
1. Add “[< “img width= X src = URL>” image URL” ]
close brackets, delete ” marks”
2. To Add link under photo, thusly:
< photo URL >
[ clik to enlarge”image URL”]
and remember, Preview is your friend :{)
Hope it helps.
image URL]
<photo URL>
Oh, well! I’ll try again later. I need to pretend to be working.
For Imbedded Link…ie: clik photo…AutoFormat code:
[ < img width=X src=pic URL >repeat pic URL ] close brackets
then hit “return” and type: “clik pic to enlarge”…or whatever
For Link Below Pic:
< normal pic posting stuff goes here >…hit “return” –
do normal linklet stuff…ie: [ clik to enlarge pic URL ] close brackets
Good Luck!
— :{)
Good exercise for them … π
LOL! I’ll say, the fat old things! And do they ever need it.
There’s a whole lot of new life starting to appear in the woods.
it looks like someone sprinkled confectioners sugar on them π
Every day you go out and a new surprise is waiting to be found! Excellent up-close work there!
if you could hear the wind roaring — it’s about 30mph/48kph. Definitely made macro shots a challenge.
I know what a wind can do — wreak havoc on macro shots! Great captures!
Gorgeous photos! (My computer is slow as molasses in January, today. Frustrating….)
I love the dogwood. It’s like a teeny little gift waiting to be unwrapped.
I wish I had been paying more attention in the past so I’d have some idea of how long till the buds fully open.
I think around Aug. 26th at around 3:00 pm, to be exact. π
I’ve got to get some stuff done around the house.
I’ll check back in a little while.
If you’re going out to lunch don’t forget the haggis. π
Get enough to drink and maybe you will forget the haggis.
Drinking is good for forgetting other things too:
(from a long-lost issue of MAD Magazine)
And in case you’re tired of flowers, my chickens have a little something for you:
Can you tell I’m procrastinating today?
You’re allowed to goof off this week right?
Are those you’re pretty eggs? They’re marvellous!
in both images.
What beautiful little eggs! I used to help my grandmother dye Easter eggs using onion skins to turn them that pretty buff color, and a handful of blueberries for the blue.
I was about to post.. but decided to diary it instead for later when I return. It’s not an alert or a heartwrenching diary. Probably won’t have pictures (gasp) but hopefully it will be fun π
I have to jump and get ready to go ogle Oleg the Ukranian coffee hottie. It’s the simple things in life that I love. π
I love you all!
…dkos post. LOL material.
I had the worst fucking lunch today. But I did discover one thing Bush is good for. Capital gains tax cuts. Saved me a doozy.
Sorry about the lunch, but glad about the taxes. I still have to get mine done.
to my froggy friends π
Excatly what would you name that picture?
between haggis and hubris. Any recommendations? π
Neither one seems to do that picture justice.
that’s not right.
How apropos!
After my post in the last cafe, went to lay down for a few minutes…and just got up half an hour ago! Spouse claimed he was “just about” to get me up. We have got to get back on a regular schedule soon — this sleeping/on the computer all the time crap is driving me nuts. (Some folks, like FM and SN, take well to it, but I’d prefer to be a bit more active.) I’m blaming the weather for part of it; all this damn rain makes me want to sit around and eat junk food and sleep.
At least we’re both showered before noon for once; now just have to dress and get our buns out of here before we veg (again)…
Hey now, no fair! I’ve done 4 loads of laundry today, went grocery shopping, took back a pair of shoes, changed and washed out the litter box, vacuumed the downstairs, changed the bed, took my son to the orthodontist then back to school, then went to my shrink appt. Oh, then I stopped on the way home for a club sandwich. Yum.
I’m not even going to answer that. A lazy person never gives their secrets away. π
I’m shocked. Shocked. You keep that up and you may ruin your reputation around here.
I’m sorry you had to learn this way that I eat Club Sandwiches.
next you’ll tell me that you ate it on multi-grain bread. [gasp]
Sorry, Manny, italian bread – but I did ask them to hold the mayo and put jalapenos on it.
Am I redeemed?
absolved from your transgressions through the fire of the holy chihuahua. π
I know, if I don’t watch it people will think I’m actually almost mobile. My dream is just to be able to lie in bed and think toward the computer.
So little to do with so much time. π
slightly revised So little to do, so much time. is the perfect name.
My inspiration speaks again! It does give that hint of laziness that I cultivate.
I’m gong to go ahead and open up a new cafe.
Gimme a minute.
New Cafe Here