till now. I certainly had figured you to be younger; I just hadn’t thought about how much and we hadn’t ever talked about anyting that would have pegged your age.
Well then, I got kicked off that orange blog…some people saw me jumping over the gate.. started calling me a liberal…instead crashing the gate (all puns intended–see ad on the right. And I supposedly hijacked a minuteman diary..by asking everyone to recommend it..can i have another toke or a beer
The Mets are dominating the NL east right now, and they won again tonight, thereby extending their lead over my Braves.
I’m not sure about Chipper to be honest…last I saw was that the knee x-rays came back negative, but that he had a sprained ankle. He didn’t play tonight, but the game wasn’t televised so I didn’t get any more news.
I was putting up that damn diary — and I got distracted reading news. And when I snuck into the cafe you weren’t around and FM was gone to bed and maryb and ej were semi-fighting(?)
Real beer pong should be played with net or paddles. Two to a side and only wind as energy. The object is to blow the ball off the other end of the table, whereupon the losers slam a full kegcup of beer. When she was attending Princeton, I once saw Brooke Shields hurling into a hefy-lined trash can after getting her ass kicked in blow pong.
Well alrighty then! If that’s the case, I’ll be back! My sinister antics are on the teevee any moment now… hasta luego y guárdame unas cervezas, por favor!
My “Wednesday’s a Bitch” line up is on in 5 minutes, so gotta get my weekly dose of Suburban Shootout and Nighty Night! I’ll leave you with some moss rose till then….have fun froggies!
Olivia, if you’re still here, here’s another resource for Datura meteloides I thought of today: http://www.botanicalinterests.com
A cool, organic seed company based in Colorado.
Hey Olivia, did you think I was saying ‘love us or leave us’ for real in your diary? I guess I need to include the international sign for snark. <snark>
it really is something that is programmed. I never realized how prevalent it was until I got to college and took some southwestern U.S. history courses.
What are we serving in this?
Hell if I know. Some kind of martinis or something.
You’re so thoughtful to provide such beautiful serving pieces.
You are incorrigible. I was hoping we could cut the nice crap out.
But I’m enjoying myself soooo much 🙂
Thanks to you.
I’m always amazed by how creative you are.
You’re starting to sound like you’re posting on a singles forum.
Oh no. In a singles forum everybody lies.
See previous answer.
Do you think there’s a reason that nobody wants to leave the last cafe?
Because they know you’re in this one?
Well, if it will make everyone (including you) happy, I’ll leave.
Awww, that’s the meanest thing you’ve said to me all night 🙂
That scene so creeped me out when I was a kid.
I never saw the movie, but I have a friend who sends that gif out quite often so I had it at the ready.
I was just a little kid and it was one of the first horror movies I saw (sneaking w/ cousins). I’ve never forgotten that scene.
So you must be more than 20 years younger than me. A baby.
Did you think I was older?
till now. I certainly had figured you to be younger; I just hadn’t thought about how much and we hadn’t ever talked about anyting that would have pegged your age.
The one froggie I was shocked about age-wise was Manny.
he was that young and thought he was a lot older?
you were shocked that they allowed a ten year old to hold down a full time job?
It is to my great shame that I wish Manny were not so young. For God’s sake he’s just a year older than my oldest…
I had this image of him late 30ish early 40s. He was so mature and grounded, well he still is :).
Anybody can do that. I on the other have faced the met the challenge of being immature and childish right into my fifth decade.
Um, sorry Andi, but you’re in your sixth decade.
you didn’t do math.
That sounds like a great way to live!
started to sprout legs. 🙂
Just a tadpole are ya? 🙂
Long yucko day = idiot tax clients, that are sort of friends, and can’t think logically. “well maybe if we try xxxxx” Aaaccckk
This one and one more for special person and I’m done – thank heavens!
Sorry for the whine….time for some Scotch!
What cute kitties!!
Oh where are my manners.

See you all either later tonight or sometime tomorrow!
I wouldn’t want to come between mary and ej.
me out on the patio if it gets too uncomfortable
We can sit out there, enjoying the stars and just relaxing.
not for another 30 mins or so for me, hopefully this will suffice for now:
Is that legal??
in the cafe, stays in the cafe. Especially when the marmot is involved.
Well then, I got kicked off that orange blog…some people saw me jumping over the gate.. started calling me a liberal…instead crashing the gate (all puns intended–see ad on the right. And I supposedly hijacked a minuteman diary..by asking everyone to recommend it..can i have another toke or a beer
friend. I predict better luck in your future
Well..do I ask for Refugee status based on my political opinion.
Welcome to the party!
I think either I pissed Mary off, or she became intrigued by the ass kicking that the Cardinals are serving to the Brewers.
your abject apologies in case it wasn’t the ballgame because pissing mary off is very bad thing to do.
True, but Andi…I expect you to understand perhaps more than anyone else.
She was being nice to me.
You’re probably right.
It’s past my bedtime and I’m heading out.
Everyone have a good night.
that this cafe is waiting for the rest of the west to arrive to get lively and there’s no way I’m staying up till then.
Night everyone.
good night!
miss me? 🙂
be really, really nice to him
I’m way to nice to make anybody suffer 🙂
I hereby retract my ‘good night’ wishes.
because I knew how much you hated being treated nicely.
But of course.
And if you don’t say anything about the Braves game (or the Mets…grrr), I may be willing to petition for your sainthood.
(I’m not sure what the mets have to do with anything but ok)
Hey what was the verdict on Chipper?
The Mets are dominating the NL east right now, and they won again tonight, thereby extending their lead over my Braves.
I’m not sure about Chipper to be honest…last I saw was that the knee x-rays came back negative, but that he had a sprained ankle. He didn’t play tonight, but the game wasn’t televised so I didn’t get any more news.
“domination” doesn’t mean much after just a week of playing.
But never fear, I won’t bring up the M***
if it makes you happy 🙂
I agree. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
I’m kind of worried after the first 1.5 weeks though. There hasn’t been much to be optimistic about, to be frank.
But, I still have faith in Bobby Cox and John Schuerholz. How could I not?
I’m going to bed and everyone immediately start chatting.
So if I stick around will the conversation grind to a halt again?
Doubtful. I’m in full FBC mode now, and I have no Pistons game to distract me.
must be distracting you. What happened to full FBC mode?
Sorry, I was busy putting together a cruise for the FBC denizens.
think you were that egocentric? You’re forgetting the rule anyway. It’s all about _ (fill in the blank).
I was putting up that damn diary — and I got distracted reading news. And when I snuck into the cafe you weren’t around and FM was gone to bed and maryb and ej were semi-fighting(?)
We weren’t fighting. I was just being nice to him.
Same dif.
Who’s first?
Real beer pong should be played with net or paddles. Two to a side and only wind as energy. The object is to blow the ball off the other end of the table, whereupon the losers slam a full kegcup of beer. When she was attending Princeton, I once saw Brooke Shields hurling into a hefy-lined trash can after getting her ass kicked in blow pong.
should be: without net or paddles.
You’re losing street cred, BooMan.
Nobody who went to Princeton can even talk about proper beer pong methodology.
(also, I’m assuming you meant ‘played without net or paddles)
using the funnel and forgot to proofread. Not that we have grammar police around here or anything. [grinch grin]
he could care less about proofreading.
has a different set of diaries than yours at the moment. 😉
Anywho, I’m still obsessing over this several hours later.
I’m already here, does that mean you’re trying to get rid of me?
That was an extra holy chihuahua — although maybe that makes it a sainted chihuahua rather than just holy 😉
chihuahua be considered beatified first? 🙂
just doesn’t scan
the chihuahua will remain simply holy.
Is that for drinking beer or something more sinister I don’t even want to utter the words for?
the more sinister antics don’t begin until the 24/7 cafe (or perhaps on a Saturday, gotta watch out for that host)
Well alrighty then! If that’s the case, I’ll be back! My sinister antics are on the teevee any moment now… hasta luego y guárdame unas cervezas, por favor!
You post something in one, and before you know it, you’re sucked into another vortex! Did I miss some sort of kerfuffle or something?

How about a beneficial beetle?
or brouhahas are allowed in the cafes but we excel at phoney ones.
Whew, I was having trouble following things, but glad to know that fauxfuffles are about as far as gets here! Good night Andi… like that bug?
There it is! You said you were going to post this, so I was hoping you’d show up. What a beauty — pops right out against that green leaf.
How was the beer on the porch?
My “Wednesday’s a Bitch” line up is on in 5 minutes, so gotta get my weekly dose of Suburban Shootout and Nighty Night! I’ll leave you with some moss rose till then….have fun froggies!

Olivia, if you’re still here, here’s another resource for Datura meteloides I thought of today:
A cool, organic seed company based in Colorado.
Ciao for now, folks
Night everyone. I need to rest up for another day of inactivity.
is this the summer of george theory??
have gone to bed. Time to get that threesome going.
Really good night.
Night shift time…
w/ the scanning. Have you had a chance to experiment?
Hey Olivia, did you think I was saying ‘love us or leave us’ for real in your diary? I guess I need to include the international sign for snark. <snark>
no no, I’m just confused — seriously! When you guys say that you are taught to think that way, you really aren’t joking?
it really is something that is programmed. I never realized how prevalent it was until I got to college and took some southwestern U.S. history courses.
scanned 1 slide last night, as a test, basically using the “default settings”…12.3 MB file!!!…slower than I thought…looks like it’s RTFM time.
This is going to take a while. Messing w/ it is going to take a clear mind and a minimum of 4 hrs. at a crack methinks.
The resulting image is pretty damn sharp tho.
I’d say that’s still on the positive side. Just gotta do some tweaking, is all. 😉
it really was a sort of blind test…just did basic film selection and hit “start”…it sets up a starting point/baseline for my T&E MO.
And w/ that kind of resolution. I’ll probably be able to print billboards…the opportunities for mischief are endless. :{)
Would you guys please join us in the new lounge now?!?!
Join the FBC lounge cruise here.