Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment? * 232890 responses
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
I don’t know.
I’m not really a movie person; I’d rather read the book. Sorry, lord of the rings fan.
The most recent movie I saw on cable, that I really was impressed with, is ‘saving private rian’ (sp.?).
Sorry, like I said, I’m not really a movie fan…but if your definition of art, is something that evokes an emotional response (and mine is), that one did it for me.
I also really liked ‘a bridge too far’. Mostly because its been making the rounds on my basic cable lately, and the camera work is so awesome. I don’t like war movies, if only because I’m not into war, are the ‘glory’ of it all, but I like a movie that gets my heart beating.
Sigh…Sex+Violence; us human beast’s are so predictable.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read Lord of the Rings through several times (read:countless).
But their translation through to movies were at least adept enough to trump any other movie I’ve ever seen, even if the celluloid version wasn’t nearly as good as the papyrus version
Books are books and movies are movies, and some stories are better as books and some better than movies. My wife was sort of lukewarm to the book version of The Princess Bride, for instance, but the movie is one of her favorites, just because of how the story developed during the movie.
Some of my favorite books don’t make it to the movies. The Discworld series, for instance, although I do have a version of Wyrd Sisters someone gave me for Christmas a few years ago, and I have a BBC Radio adaptation of Guards! Guards! in my collection.
I’m here to stay, as I see this pond is infinite and no need to go anywhere else. any politician wants my money better wade in the pond and get their feet wet.
I have to do some serious switching to thinking through stuff when I read diaries and comments here. At the Orange place things move quickly. Here sometimes it can take a full day to ponder a diary and respond. And the diaries are still hanging around!
If you’re not sure what Booman meant…ask him…that’s what we do!
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
I don’t know.
Films I can’t do without:
Mulholland Drive
The Family Man
Disney’s The Kid
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Sense and Sensibility
Howard’s End
The Big Sleep
Groundhog Day
Princess Caraboo
Citizen Kane
Gone with the Wind
But if I could only take one DVD on my spaceship it would be the 1995 BBC adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
You have some great ones here MythM, and a couple I have not seen. Maybe time to hit blockbuster for me?
I’m enjoying this thread. Like I said, I’m not really a movie person, but I’m starting to make a list, based on movies I see listed here that I have never seen.
Yike! How could I forget Gone With The Wind? The Ten Commandments was pretty good too, although anyone who’s studied the Old Testament could find enough inaccuracies in the story to power a war chariot. (That was nothing unusual for movies made during that time period, though.)
SO many great movies, so little time.
Casablanca for all time greatest.
Crash for most recent, outstanding direction and interweiving of the characters.
Forrest Gump cause life is like a box of chocolates.
Love Story/Bridges of Madison County Best tear jerkers.
The Jerk comedy
Flatliners best mind bender
The Lion in Winter is one of my all time favorites – Katherine Hepburn was great as Eleanor of Aquitaine. Another favorite is The Wind & The Lion with Sean Connery & Candice Bergen – nowhere near the same quality, but fun to watch (about 6 times so far).
As for best movie ever, can I just post my top four?
Citizen Kane
The Sting
Young Frankenstein
They all feature excellent characters, excellent writing, excellent design and cinematography.
There are plenty of movies I like that I would never try to argue were the best movie ever. Movies like The Princess Bride and Airplane!, for instance.
Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment? * 234014 responses
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
I don’t know.
Wow…at 234,000 votes, 86% say impeach the bastard.
As for best movies, here are my top 5 (due to change daily, and believe it or not, I’ve never seen Casablanca):
The Graduate
The Lord of the Rings
Harold and Maude
Being There
Dr. Strangelove
Other classics that should be on my top 5 or will be on another day:
Soylent Green
Wag the Dog
The Holy Grail
The Life of Brian
Nudest Colony of the Dead
Roger and Me
Star Wars
Blade Runner
I can’t pick a single favorite movie. There only 2 movies, though, that have left me just staring at the screen when they were over. Great movies, but so effecting that I haven’t been able to watch either one of them more than twice:
Everybody hates him
My vote for best movie: Forrest Gump
The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Close 2nd: Boondock Saints.
LOTR for the music alone. Howard Shore is one of my heroes. I made a pilgrimage to the Phoenix Symphony for their performance of the trilogy score.
Rings was excellent, but when I want to watch a movie I dont always want to commit to 9 hours (or more if you’re watching the extended version).
the condensed versions in years, it’s Extended or nothing for me.
I’m also partial to Finding Neverland.
so what are we talking about — 11.5 hours?
I’m not really a movie person; I’d rather read the book. Sorry, lord of the rings fan.
The most recent movie I saw on cable, that I really was impressed with, is ‘saving private rian’ (sp.?).
Sorry, like I said, I’m not really a movie fan…but if your definition of art, is something that evokes an emotional response (and mine is), that one did it for me.
I also really liked ‘a bridge too far’. Mostly because its been making the rounds on my basic cable lately, and the camera work is so awesome. I don’t like war movies, if only because I’m not into war, are the ‘glory’ of it all, but I like a movie that gets my heart beating.
Sigh…Sex+Violence; us human beast’s are so predictable.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read Lord of the Rings through several times (read:countless).
But their translation through to movies were at least adept enough to trump any other movie I’ve ever seen, even if the celluloid version wasn’t nearly as good as the papyrus version
Books are books and movies are movies, and some stories are better as books and some better than movies. My wife was sort of lukewarm to the book version of The Princess Bride, for instance, but the movie is one of her favorites, just because of how the story developed during the movie.
Some of my favorite books don’t make it to the movies. The Discworld series, for instance, although I do have a version of Wyrd Sisters someone gave me for Christmas a few years ago, and I have a BBC Radio adaptation of Guards! Guards! in my collection.
Drama–Sixth Sense
Shoot’em Up–Saving Private Ryan
Wierd– Fargo
Nice to see you at this playground….
I’m here to stay, as I see this pond is infinite and no need to go anywhere else. any politician wants my money better wade in the pond and get their feet wet.
You know what is strange is that post from the Queen Sucia..I got from Booman.
I have to do some serious switching to thinking through stuff when I read diaries and comments here. At the Orange place things move quickly. Here sometimes it can take a full day to ponder a diary and respond. And the diaries are still hanging around!
If you’re not sure what Booman meant…ask him…that’s what we do!
Welcome to the Frog Pond!
I’ve been over here six months or since December..which ever is later.
Today’s answer: Duck Soup
Check back, I have 364 other answers.
Love it. All hail Fredonia! (And Rufus T. Firefly)
Best action: The original Star Wars, and only the original.
The Day the Earth Stood Still or
2001, a Space Odyssey
Lots of subliminal stuff in 2001 but more in your face stuff in The Day….
But then again I’m kind of partial to Dr. Strangelove too!
Oops. I forgot 2001…and me a big sci-fi fan (books) for 30+ years.
and DT’s in it
Goodbye, Mr. Chips the 1939 version.
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
I don’t know.
Films I can’t do without:
Mulholland Drive
The Family Man
Disney’s The Kid
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Sense and Sensibility
Howard’s End
The Big Sleep
Groundhog Day
Princess Caraboo
Citizen Kane
Gone with the Wind
But if I could only take one DVD on my spaceship it would be the 1995 BBC adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
You can never go wrong with Colin Firth.
That’s what I’m saying!
You have some great ones here MythM, and a couple I have not seen. Maybe time to hit blockbuster for me?
I’m enjoying this thread. Like I said, I’m not really a movie person, but I’m starting to make a list, based on movies I see listed here that I have never seen.
Yep. I see a Blockbuster trip in the cards for you!
Yike! How could I forget Gone With The Wind? The Ten Commandments was pretty good too, although anyone who’s studied the Old Testament could find enough inaccuracies in the story to power a war chariot. (That was nothing unusual for movies made during that time period, though.)
SO many great movies, so little time.
Casablanca for all time greatest.
Crash for most recent, outstanding direction and interweiving of the characters.
Forrest Gump cause life is like a box of chocolates.
Love Story/Bridges of Madison County Best tear jerkers.
The Jerk comedy
Flatliners best mind bender
another vote for Casablanca
for comedies I nominate Animal House, though Duck Soup is another favorite (“His Excellency’s Car!”)
I don’t know about ever, but my favorite recent(ish) movie was Primer.
Old timer says The Savage Messiah by Ken Russell.
“The Razor’s Edge”; (Both versions)
“Elmer Gantry”
Lawrence of Arabia
The Lion in Winter
Peter O’Toole reads the phone book…. oh wait, that’s not a movie.
The Lion in Winter is one of my all time favorites – Katherine Hepburn was great as Eleanor of Aquitaine. Another favorite is The Wind & The Lion with Sean Connery & Candice Bergen – nowhere near the same quality, but fun to watch (about 6 times so far).
This is a song from Pink’s new album. It is one of the best songs I have heard in years!!!
Dear Mr President
by Bergman. It has everything: innocent love, deep symbolism, Scandinavian actors . . .
Holey moley, that poll is lopsided!
As for best movie ever, can I just post my top four?
Citizen Kane
The Sting
Young Frankenstein
They all feature excellent characters, excellent writing, excellent design and cinematography.
There are plenty of movies I like that I would never try to argue were the best movie ever. Movies like The Princess Bride and Airplane!, for instance.
“Blazing Saddles”???
‘Scuse me while I whip this out…
Do you believe President Bush’s actions justify impeachment? * 234014 responses
Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.
No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.
I don’t know.
Wow…at 234,000 votes, 86% say impeach the bastard.
As for best movies, here are my top 5 (due to change daily, and believe it or not, I’ve never seen Casablanca):
The Graduate
The Lord of the Rings
Harold and Maude
Being There
Dr. Strangelove
Other classics that should be on my top 5 or will be on another day:
Soylent Green
Wag the Dog
The Holy Grail
The Life of Brian
Nudest Colony of the Dead
Roger and Me
Star Wars
Blade Runner
you can get busy livin’
you can get busy dyin’
I can’t pick a single favorite movie. There only 2 movies, though, that have left me just staring at the screen when they were over. Great movies, but so effecting that I haven’t been able to watch either one of them more than twice:
Pulp Fiction