I’m going to write this entire post without ever once mentioning dogs. Did I just write that? Oh damn it all to hell, I did, but I won’t do it again. I’m a grown man, with all of his faculties about him, fully capable of exercising a little self restraint by writing a short blog post about Rick Santorum without ever mentioning dogs. Shit! Do over.

So how many of you had the stomach to read Rick Santorum’s recent book It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good? If you’re anything like me, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. I think it’s important, however, to keep up on Rick’s comings and goings, because he’s not only one of the most powerful men in the country, he’s also a total freak show and a hate filled bastard to boot. Luckily, one of my favorite bloggers, Above Average Jane, possesses nerves of steel and read the book cover to cover, documenting the atrocities in an eight part series. You can get started with her brief intro, and I’ll put links to the whole thing after the jump. As you read through it, think about just how much fun we could have had beating Rick this November, had Chuck Schumer and Ed Rendell not inserted themselves into the primary process. Whatever. That’s a river I’ll cry you some other night.

Speaking of Rick, have you seen this little gem yet?

In the course of a one-minute speech delivered recently at the Abington Township
Rockledge Boro Republican Organization Annual Dinner this past Friday, Renee Amoore,
co-chair of the state GOP committee, stated:
"…Regarding Santorum, I know some of you may want to just hold your noses,
but please vote for him anyway!"
"Shouldn’t the Montgomery County Republican Committee be united in the most important
election of 2006?"

Ouch. You wouldn’t treat a…Crap!

Reading Rick: The Preface

Reading Rick: Part I (It Takes a Family)

Reading Rick: Part 2 (Social Capital and the Ties That Bind)

Reading Rick: Part 3 (The Roots of Prosperity)

Reading Rick: Part 4 (Moral Ecology)

Reading Rick: Part 5 (Culture Matters)

Reading Rick: Part 6 (Educational Excellence)

Reading Rick: Conclusion