always has his camera along. And I can think of a few great shots that I missed, as I’m sure you can. It’s not much of a hassle with these little P&Ss.
Nikon even had one smaller, about the size of a cig pack. But that one had no grip to hang onto, and I thought it would be my luck to drop it on the concrete… so I got the 3200 instead.
Hey there NDD! That looks glorious… did you just discover Singha tonight? I’ve really liked that stuff for years, ever since I discovered the joys of Thai food, which when it’s good, it’s very very good, but when it’s bad, it’s bleccch. (apologies to Mae West) I like most of the curries and soups, but my favorite dishes are definitely the noodle ones, Padh Thai in particular, though Lad Na comes in a close second. That sure looks better than the desperation food I had tonight, which was Kraft Mac and Cheese (deluxe edition), about the only thing I could muster up after a couple of hours cleaning up in the garden in 88 (yes, 88!) degree weather after work. Even got a bit sunburned, so I’m a bit loopier than usual.
Hey Olivia! I did… full day at work doing dreadful analysis that will never end, then came home and worked on clean up outside.
The good thing is… I won’t freeze in 80 degree + weather tomorrow in my cube… I decided to work at home, so I’m going to get up early, get work out of the way and do laundry and more yard clean up. Sounds like tons of fun huh? 🙂
… not so much fun — work and laundry, but the yard stuff I’m sure you enjoy. So what time do you have to hit the hay in order to get up ‘early’ o’ closer of the cafe?
I figure if I get up by 8:30 or 9:00, have my coffee with the morning cafe crowd, and get to work by 10:00, I should be done by 3:00 or so, which gives me a good 4+ hours to get things done outside. The laundry I can do while I work, and also “passive cleaning” such as soaking the tub and stuff. I like to multi-task.
So where are you folks going this weekend? Big plans to bite the giant chocolate bunny?
that’s what I consider a “leisurely” day… more than 4-5 hrs of sleep and only 5 or so of work, but I’ve been putting in so much UNPAID overtime lately, I owe it to myself. AND I want to be able to help Mythmother party on after her liberation tomorrow night!
to er, bite the chocolate bunny :), include going home to visit family. My bro is flying in from Vancouver and we’re all getting together. Unfortunately, I won’t be around too much — and probably not all tomorrow to send mm off in style…
Nothing really exciting here… MY big excitement would be to get to go plant shopping on Sat. if my sister is up for it, since Chris works until close at his job. Otherwise, if it doesn’t rain Sat. afternoon, I’ll be planting seeds in the cleaned up beds… such as CA poppies, Lupines, Larkspur, Delphinium and wild viola seeds. Sunday we are expected at Chris’ folks I guess, since I just found that out tonight. We don’t really do much for Easter because our big holidays are Halloween (annual scary bash!) and Christmas … Memorial Day barbecue frenzy, and fireworks 4th.. LOL. We’re sooo boring.
The first Thai restaurant in the metro area open just recently. The only other one I’d been to was on a visit to Seattle 3-4 years ago.
I’ll have to try Padh Thai and Lad Na next time. It was hard to know what to pick as it was a rather extensive menu.
I like Thai food, and happy that this place is as good as the one on Seattle. The waiter said they had three times the crowd they were expecting when they first started up, and had to shut down for a while to regroup, hire more people, etc.
I’d say just be adventurous… and if the wait staff is friendly and seems knowledgeable, just ask them for recommendations of dishes, telling them the sorts of things you like… our favorite here, the Nut Pob has just such people who are happy to explain what the dishes are like. They serve an angry catfish that is delicious… it’s so angry that it comes out from the kitchen snapping and royally pissed off! That’s not for beginners though, especially if you’re chile averse, if not… it’s yummy. Especially with a Singha or two, or three…
One of our favorite restaurants is a little place called Phad Thai. Their phad thai (Thai fried noodles) is wonderful, as are their garlic pork and chicken swimming. “Swimming” and “Rama” both mean more or less the same thing as far as I can tell, i.e. served in peanut sauce.
Experts say that the stuff you get around these parts is more or less peanut butter soup and real Thai peanut sauce would be too weird for most Americans. I don’t care, I like my chicken-in-peanut-butter-soup.
Thai is also about the only way I care for tofu. Their phad thai has little chunks of fried tofu that are really good when dipped in the sauce from the chicken swimming.
The noodle dishes are my favorites too… we’re lucky to have several really good Thai places around here, and even our standard Chinese delivery restaurant now serves Vietnamese and Thai dishes, which they do very well. We hardly ever order any “real” Chinese anymore.
Whenever I discover a new Thai place, my test is whether their Pad Thai is good… if it’s not, I don’t go back. I figure if they can’t do something that basic well or famously, they must suuuuck (as Jon Stewart would say).
Most phad thai places up here make their phad thai with a sweet red sauce that I really don’t care for. Our Phad Thai uses a much lighter sauce that isn’t nearly as sweet. I don’t know what goes into it but it sure is good.
The place must be doing OK. There’s a big ol’ banner out front saying they’re celebrating their 16th anniversary.
Ewww, that sounds nasty, and not so authentic. At the Nut Pob they bring around a condiment tray with pickled hot chiles, sugar, vinegar, chopped peanuts and lime slices so you can do it up your own way, which as I understand from my Thai cookbook, is the way they do it in Thailand. The stuff we get from the delivery place gives you 2 sauces, a fiery red sauce and a less fiery clear sauce that has some hint of citrus (lemongrass?) and other things I can’t identify. The red sauce is a real bowel burner, so I don’t use it, but the other one is quite spicy, so I like it better.
The clear sauce sounds like the one we get. There is definitely lemon grass involved. We always order it “no stars” so it’s not spicy at all. I figure you can add in chili sauce if you want it spicier, but it’s hard to take it out.
Another of our favorites is a soup called “tom kah talay” that’s made with coconut milk, scallops, shrimp, salmon, mussels, scallops, squid, mushrooms, and flavorings like lemongrass and galangal. Very yummy.
OK, I’m out for the night, I’m going to go to bed and drem of Thai food.
Fun talking thai food w/you tonight… I must be off to bed momentarily myself. Even though I’m working at home today, I do have to get enough sleep to propel me through another mind numbing day of work. See you soon, my friend!
Interesting to hear comments on Thai food, especially as I am just getting acquainted with it. I remember when this town had 1 Chinese place and 1 Mexican place. Now there’s a couple dozen each of those, and maybe one of each I think is worth going to.
They’ve been popping up all over Seattle, too. For a while the joke was that if you had an unused closet in your house that you hadn’t checked in on for a while, you’d better go take a look at it. Someone might have opened up a Thai restaurant in it.
Just got back from watching the sunset on the beach. Won’t be much of that going on when I get back to LA! I think I got a couple good shots, but am too tired to sort it all out. I think I feel my main nap of the day coming on.
I know whatcha mean, NDD! Everything was spring in Carmel today. It was a little busy beehive of a town with all the tourists flocking in for the long weekend.
She does love her pink… the nearly banished color in our garden, lol.
Just wanted to say best of luck tomorrow, MM. You are strong, you are determined, and you shall shake off the evil shackles of the hellhole with dignity to spare (and then some). You know we’re all rooting for you here!
You will feel a great sense of liberation come late afternoon, I’m sure. I’ll think of you when I know it’s quitting time on the left coast!
The library where I work will be hosting Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend — traveling exhibition for libraries that commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England. It’s a Newberry Library Exhibit and for us, it’s a pretty big deal.
And I made the mini-website for it!
If anyone is interested in things Elizabethan, you might like the website (and if you’re anywhere near Kansas City in May or June you could actually visit!)
Oh, that’s right — You’ve posted some very intense photographs from your drives through the state.
We didn’t move here until the late 60s — it was only supposed to be for 2 years, but with one thing and another about 1/2 of us (including me) are still here.
It’s ok, but I’d rather go back to San Francisco. Until I think about the cost of housing and then I’m willing to settle for vacations there!
we got into the low 80’s up here today…very unusual for this time of year. The trees and bushes are starting to explode…you can almost watch the buds form and open.
Yeah, it’s that first hot blast of spring that really gets stuff going…we had daffodils blooming today that were about 3″ out of the ground yesterday, and more stuff breaking through every day. This kind of thing really excites me… does that make me a garden nerd? I don’t care, as long as I’m not a gnome.
When it’s coming out of that guy’s stomach… the earth representing the stomach.
I’m going to catch some zzzzzs — might see you in the am if I can steal some online time while eating breakfast before we head off. If not, good luck w/ your ton-o-stuff day! 🙂
That thought just hit me tonight … glad I’m not totally loony from the sun I got today. Hope to catch you in the cafe too.. if not, have a great weekend travelling and hob nobbing with family! There will be plenty of flower/garden updates to come, you can be sure.
I should get outta here, read a few diaries and get to bed myself, since I have another semi-full day of boring analysis to do.
Cafe is open, come in and help yourself.
That means everything is free.
Found a new restaurant tonight.
Singha is a great Thai beer that went very well with the meal
The food was superb. And I’m excited to have found a new restaurant which expect to visit often.
I had Rama Thai, which has ginger flavored broccoli
and tofu in a peanut sauce. It was delicious.
forgot to switch the width and ht when I did that code… oh well, the larger still works
Yow. all looks very yummy.
Ginger, broccoli, peanut sauce — sounds really good. And you really do carry your camera everywhere!
always has his camera along. And I can think of a few great shots that I missed, as I’m sure you can. It’s not much of a hassle with these little P&Ss.
Nikon even had one smaller, about the size of a cig pack. But that one had no grip to hang onto, and I thought it would be my luck to drop it on the concrete… so I got the 3200 instead.
No regrets on that for a starter in digital.
3.5 x 2 inches, and about an inch thick. I wear it around my neck on a lanyard, and it’s like a necklace … not quite, but it is tiny.
It looks good, but I think I’d want more broccoli with that sauce. Does that sound crazy?
Hey there NDD! That looks glorious… did you just discover Singha tonight? I’ve really liked that stuff for years, ever since I discovered the joys of Thai food, which when it’s good, it’s very very good, but when it’s bad, it’s bleccch. (apologies to Mae West) I like most of the curries and soups, but my favorite dishes are definitely the noodle ones, Padh Thai in particular, though Lad Na comes in a close second. That sure looks better than the desperation food I had tonight, which was Kraft Mac and Cheese (deluxe edition), about the only thing I could muster up after a couple of hours cleaning up in the garden in 88 (yes, 88!) degree weather after work. Even got a bit sunburned, so I’m a bit loopier than usual.
How’s everyone doing tonight?
Sounds like you’ve had a busy day.
Hey Olivia! I did… full day at work doing dreadful analysis that will never end, then came home and worked on clean up outside.
The good thing is… I won’t freeze in 80 degree + weather tomorrow in my cube… I decided to work at home, so I’m going to get up early, get work out of the way and do laundry and more yard clean up. Sounds like tons of fun huh? 🙂
… not so much fun — work and laundry, but the yard stuff I’m sure you enjoy. So what time do you have to hit the hay in order to get up ‘early’ o’ closer of the cafe?
I figure if I get up by 8:30 or 9:00, have my coffee with the morning cafe crowd, and get to work by 10:00, I should be done by 3:00 or so, which gives me a good 4+ hours to get things done outside. The laundry I can do while I work, and also “passive cleaning” such as soaking the tub and stuff. I like to multi-task.
So where are you folks going this weekend? Big plans to bite the giant chocolate bunny?
that’s what I consider a “leisurely” day… more than 4-5 hrs of sleep and only 5 or so of work, but I’ve been putting in so much UNPAID overtime lately, I owe it to myself. AND I want to be able to help Mythmother party on after her liberation tomorrow night!
to er, bite the chocolate bunny :), include going home to visit family. My bro is flying in from Vancouver and we’re all getting together. Unfortunately, I won’t be around too much — and probably not all tomorrow to send mm off in style…
How ’bout you?
Nothing really exciting here… MY big excitement would be to get to go plant shopping on Sat. if my sister is up for it, since Chris works until close at his job. Otherwise, if it doesn’t rain Sat. afternoon, I’ll be planting seeds in the cleaned up beds… such as CA poppies, Lupines, Larkspur, Delphinium and wild viola seeds. Sunday we are expected at Chris’ folks I guess, since I just found that out tonight. We don’t really do much for Easter because our big holidays are Halloween (annual scary bash!) and Christmas … Memorial Day barbecue frenzy, and fireworks 4th.. LOL. We’re sooo boring.
The first Thai restaurant in the metro area open just recently. The only other one I’d been to was on a visit to Seattle 3-4 years ago.
I’ll have to try Padh Thai and Lad Na next time. It was hard to know what to pick as it was a rather extensive menu.
I like Thai food, and happy that this place is as good as the one on Seattle. The waiter said they had three times the crowd they were expecting when they first started up, and had to shut down for a while to regroup, hire more people, etc.
I’d say just be adventurous… and if the wait staff is friendly and seems knowledgeable, just ask them for recommendations of dishes, telling them the sorts of things you like… our favorite here, the Nut Pob has just such people who are happy to explain what the dishes are like. They serve an angry catfish that is delicious… it’s so angry that it comes out from the kitchen snapping and royally pissed off! That’s not for beginners though, especially if you’re chile averse, if not… it’s yummy. Especially with a Singha or two, or three…
Oh yum.
One of our favorite restaurants is a little place called Phad Thai. Their phad thai (Thai fried noodles) is wonderful, as are their garlic pork and chicken swimming. “Swimming” and “Rama” both mean more or less the same thing as far as I can tell, i.e. served in peanut sauce.
Experts say that the stuff you get around these parts is more or less peanut butter soup and real Thai peanut sauce would be too weird for most Americans. I don’t care, I like my chicken-in-peanut-butter-soup.
Thai is also about the only way I care for tofu. Their phad thai has little chunks of fried tofu that are really good when dipped in the sauce from the chicken swimming.
The noodle dishes are my favorites too… we’re lucky to have several really good Thai places around here, and even our standard Chinese delivery restaurant now serves Vietnamese and Thai dishes, which they do very well. We hardly ever order any “real” Chinese anymore.
Whenever I discover a new Thai place, my test is whether their Pad Thai is good… if it’s not, I don’t go back. I figure if they can’t do something that basic well or famously, they must suuuuck (as Jon Stewart would say).
Most phad thai places up here make their phad thai with a sweet red sauce that I really don’t care for. Our Phad Thai uses a much lighter sauce that isn’t nearly as sweet. I don’t know what goes into it but it sure is good.
The place must be doing OK. There’s a big ol’ banner out front saying they’re celebrating their 16th anniversary.
Ewww, that sounds nasty, and not so authentic. At the Nut Pob they bring around a condiment tray with pickled hot chiles, sugar, vinegar, chopped peanuts and lime slices so you can do it up your own way, which as I understand from my Thai cookbook, is the way they do it in Thailand. The stuff we get from the delivery place gives you 2 sauces, a fiery red sauce and a less fiery clear sauce that has some hint of citrus (lemongrass?) and other things I can’t identify. The red sauce is a real bowel burner, so I don’t use it, but the other one is quite spicy, so I like it better.
The clear sauce sounds like the one we get. There is definitely lemon grass involved. We always order it “no stars” so it’s not spicy at all. I figure you can add in chili sauce if you want it spicier, but it’s hard to take it out.
Another of our favorites is a soup called “tom kah talay” that’s made with coconut milk, scallops, shrimp, salmon, mussels, scallops, squid, mushrooms, and flavorings like lemongrass and galangal. Very yummy.
OK, I’m out for the night, I’m going to go to bed and drem of Thai food.
Fun talking thai food w/you tonight… I must be off to bed momentarily myself. Even though I’m working at home today, I do have to get enough sleep to propel me through another mind numbing day of work. See you soon, my friend!
Interesting to hear comments on Thai food, especially as I am just getting acquainted with it. I remember when this town had 1 Chinese place and 1 Mexican place. Now there’s a couple dozen each of those, and maybe one of each I think is worth going to.
They’ve been popping up all over Seattle, too. For a while the joke was that if you had an unused closet in your house that you hadn’t checked in on for a while, you’d better go take a look at it. Someone might have opened up a Thai restaurant in it.
I’m outta here.
All of you enjoy the night.
I’ll have to save all those farming stories for another day!
You’ve earned them after all you work today! 🙂
Night, night, FM!
Just got back from watching the sunset on the beach. Won’t be much of that going on when I get back to LA! I think I got a couple good shots, but am too tired to sort it all out. I think I feel my main nap of the day coming on.
and I was just thinking we were missing a flower pic. It’s getting to be the FBC doesn’t seem right without one.
I know whatcha mean, NDD! Everything was spring in Carmel today. It was a little busy beehive of a town with all the tourists flocking in for the long weekend.
Thanks mm — these are lovely.
Thanks {{{olivia}}}….
She does love her pink… the nearly banished color in our garden, lol.
Just wanted to say best of luck tomorrow, MM. You are strong, you are determined, and you shall shake off the evil shackles of the hellhole with dignity to spare (and then some). You know we’re all rooting for you here!
You will feel a great sense of liberation come late afternoon, I’m sure. I’ll think of you when I know it’s quitting time on the left coast!
in general, and especially the supernatural photography thereof.
When I see an especially beautiful flower now, I cannot help but wonder what it would look like oliviaized.
I want her to get ahold of some of those semi-wild palest of pale pink, hundred petal damascenas…
What is your olivia floral fantasy?
Any news?
Just been a slow night, so you have to bring some news into the cafe. 🙂 What was the first memo btw?
from back when I worked for a fairly large firm…kinda like: walk fast and look worried…you had to be there. :{)
I sent you some answers.
Hi, everyone,
The library where I work will be hosting Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend — traveling exhibition for libraries that commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England. It’s a Newberry Library Exhibit and for us, it’s a pretty big deal.
And I made the mini-website for it!
If anyone is interested in things Elizabethan, you might like the website (and if you’re anywhere near Kansas City in May or June you could actually visit!)
and rightly so. Are you the new “Webmaster” for the KC Libraries?
I’ve been the webmaster (coordinator) for the Kansas City, Kansas Public Libraries for several years. I really like it. The best job I’ve ever had.
Although I’m finding that I like blogging a lot also.
– I’m clarifying the city because most people mean Kansas City, Missouri when they say Kansas City Library
always assume it’s Ks…course, I grew up in Kansass, great place to be from. :{)
Ah, OK, then — Yes, I’m the (not so new) webmaster for the Kansas City Libraries.
Did I know you grew up in Kansas? Where?
still have family there. Visit’s are like traveling 600 miles and back 40+ yrs. I really do not care for it.
Oh, that’s right — You’ve posted some very intense photographs from your drives through the state.
We didn’t move here until the late 60s — it was only supposed to be for 2 years, but with one thing and another about 1/2 of us (including me) are still here.
It’s ok, but I’d rather go back to San Francisco. Until I think about the cost of housing and then I’m willing to settle for vacations there!
That looks nice! Great job!
Thanks Olivia, it was really, really fun to do.
Nice clean lines too. 🙂
Didn’t get any good pics taken tonight, due to excessive yard work and wind, but here’s something from yesterday I haven’t posted yet.

These guys are still tiny (maybe 2″ and undeveloped)in a clump that never seems to die back completely in winter, thus the “grassy knoll” effect. lol
we got into the low 80’s up here today…very unusual for this time of year. The trees and bushes are starting to explode…you can almost watch the buds form and open.
Yeah, it’s that first hot blast of spring that really gets stuff going…we had daffodils blooming today that were about 3″ out of the ground yesterday, and more stuff breaking through every day. This kind of thing really excites me… does that make me a garden nerd? I don’t care, as long as I’m not a gnome.
of a scene from Alien???

Don’t know exactly why, but it does for me.
When it’s coming out of that guy’s stomach… the earth representing the stomach.
I’m going to catch some zzzzzs — might see you in the am if I can steal some online time while eating breakfast before we head off. If not, good luck w/ your ton-o-stuff day! 🙂
That thought just hit me tonight … glad I’m not totally loony from the sun I got today. Hope to catch you in the cafe too.. if not, have a great weekend travelling and hob nobbing with family! There will be plenty of flower/garden updates to come, you can be sure.
I should get outta here, read a few diaries and get to bed myself, since I have another semi-full day of boring analysis to do.
All the best!
Mr. Toad, what a big tail you have!
Must be the full moon…
Night all, Sweet dreams
has a great diary up;
Non-Violent Conflict: A Larger Proposal