You’re doing yeoman’s duty in these cafes as always, FM! You da man. I’ve got a yard that needs mowing if you need something else to do… and our snakes are of the garter variety, don’t bite and non-venomous. 🙂
Just sneaking a quick comment in here, and doing some rating. It’s gorgeous outside here! 81 degrees, sunny with a light breeze. I do not want to be cooped up in the damn cold cube doing analysis! WAAHHHH.
Well gotta run, have a meeting in 10 minutes. When does happy hour start? See youse guys there.
Yes, I’ll be in a big meeting instead of outside on Saturday. However, we might get to do something fun like vote on a resolution to impeach Bush. 🙂
Hey! I didn’t have time to finish my blintzes yet.
True blintz story: Many years ago I was involved in a community production of the great play “You Can’t Take It With You.” Toward the end of the play one of the minor characters declares that if the household can produce some pot cheese, she will make them some blintzes, which are “served” just before the final curtain. Most of the nights we just used some kind of fake food on the serving tray, but the night of the final performance she actually appeared on stage with a tray full of blintzes in cherry sauce. The admiration of her culinary prowess that night, in character, was much better than usual (and so was the appreciation afterward as we all feasted on blintzes!).
Very happy today…my Sharks are in the NHL Playoffs! Can’t finish any worse than 7th, so we will avoid the dreaded Detroit Red Wings (or as commonly known around here, the Dead Things) in the first round. Still an outside shot we can make it up to 5th place.
Need to get some work done — very busy four days ahead of us. Toodles! 🙂
Your friend Joe has been in a coma for six years and has just
woken up, and for some reason…you have to summarize
George Bush’s presidency in one word…
I was trying to think what I would say, but it looks like over there eveyone covered every possible word I could come up with, and a few I didn’t know.
I would say putz but that’s too nice. How do you spell mishyguna? I know you know what I mean, but I don’t know how to spell it! Either way I think it fits.
well since it’s a transliteration you can’t spell it wrong but meshugana would be the most common. But putz is much, much worse word — putz is considered obscene.
“Putz” more or less equates to the English “prick.” A noodnik is just an obnoxious nuisance, and “farkakte” basically means “s**tty.”
Somewhere or another I have a book of Yiddish curses that occasionally comes in handy. Stuff like:
“Du zolst vaksen vi a tsibeleh, mit dem kop in drerd” (You should grow like an onion — with your head in the ground)
“Oyf doktoyrim zol er dos avekgebn” (the English equivalent is “May you make a million dollars and spend it all on doctor’s bills”)
“A meshugener zol men oyshraybn, un im araynshraybn” (Somebody should free a lunatic and lock him up)
“Ale tseyn zoln bay im aroysfaln, not eyner zol im blaybn oyf tsonveytung” (All his teeth should fall out except one, and that one should have a toothache)
and one of my favorites, “Zol es im onkumn klotsh a tsent kheylik vos ikh vintsh im” (May even only ten percent of what I wish to happen to him actually come to pass)
but my stepfather always called crying over sad stories ‘pishing mit augen’ which means peeing with your eyes. I always thought there was lots of attitude to be untangled in that phrase.
If you like this person, do not call him a putz. It is considered a very harsh insult. Nudnik is very mild. The (non-Yiddish) word I can think of that is closest is ‘stumblebum’.
A.K. is a good one. A.K. stands for alter kocker (old shitter) but it doesn’t mean old in years, it means old in attitude (as in “No one would ever call DuctapeFatwa an A.K.).
Nebbish might be good for a chess champ since it implies a certain level of nerdiness.
call him a nebbish, and then I will suggest that it would be a great kindness if he would play a game with my granddaughter, so that she can learn from him, and then I will eat latkes and watch in delight as she kicks his butt. ;->
Glad to know that even if I have been referred to at times over the years as meshugana, no one’s ever called me a putz or a schmuck thank goddess. I knew that putz was not nice for friends or people you like, but didn’t know it was considered obscene. I am going to have to come back later when I’m at home and save this mini lexicon for future reference.
I wish I was going to a seder tonight… none of the Jews I know ever invite me anymore. Maybe I should show up at one and take the empty seat, huh? 🙂
Thanks again for the clarification. You know, one of my old students (who was a former Lubavitcher from NYC) used to insist that I was a quintessential NY Jew. LOL… he never would believe that I was a goy and just theorized that I had been stolen from a nice Jewish family by gypsies and placed in an evil goy home! He had some interesting theories, huh?
on Saturday and my mom will be delighted to have you at our belated family seder.
BTW, schmuck is considered not nice but it does not have the nastiness of putz. My mother will tsk, tsk if you say schmuck but she will give such a klop on the kop if you say putz.
I’ve actually never been to one, even though I wrote about one last year. I’ll have to ask BooMan if I can repost “Passover In Hell” this weekend, or maybe I can come up with a new Passover story.
The closest I ever got to a seder was right about this time last year, when the theater just up the street did a play called “Beau Jest.” It’s about a Jewish girl who has a gentile boyfriend that her parents would disapprove of if they knew about him. So, to mollify her parents she invents a Jewish boyfriend. The parents want to come over to meet him, she can’t stall them any longer, so she invites the family (mom, dad and brother) over for Sabbath dinner and tries to find a stand-in for the non-existent Jewish beau. Unfortunately, the agency she calls doesn’t have anybody Jewish to send over, so she gets a sometime actor who supplements his income as a theater companion for rich matrons, and who knows about Judaism more or less what you learn by playing a bit part in Fiddler On The Roof.
Oh, and by the way, she tells him, you’re a doctor. (This is tough to pull off, as the brother is a psychotherapist.)
One of the scenes of the play is a seder, where the actor ends up being an unexpected success. So I got to watch a seder one time, from the balcony of a theater. (If you ever have a chance to see Beau Jest, I highly recommend it.)
The plot of that play sounds a lot like Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet though transposed to a very different milieu, obviously. Does sound amusing in a halva sorta way… hehe
My mother would invite the whole world if she could figure out to fit them into her condo (there’s no question that there would be enough food).
BTW, last I knew finding Jewish families in the DC area wasn’t particularly challenging. But if you’re really struggling, I can hook you up with some old family friends in Bethesda.
(Theater opportunities out here in the woods are a bit limited but I’ll keep it in mind.)
With Andi around I have to look up half the words she uses in English, but now I’m looking through Yiddish dictionaries. No one should be that smart! 🙂
I was listening to NPR in the car again today (I’m always in the cat) and they had on some woman who wrote a cookbook of southern Jewish recipes called “Matzoh Ball Gumbo.” LOL
Tomorrow is off and they are letting us out early today.
Seder tonight at curly’s will be interesting; she is quite secular and the guests include a Canadian Bhuddist, a Presbytarian who converted to Judaism, a French Catholic and an atheist (myself).
Work has really taken over lately – not even a few minutes to spare in the morning to post in the cart or news bucket before going to work. But still lurking by several times a day.
OK I’m back again. I’m close to having a heart attack after the AC man was here. He started quoting prices and I told him we would have to die of heat this year.
No we’re not. He saw the ceiling damage that was done and said they could fix that while doing the AC and the insurance would take care of it.
See I don’t own anything, not even a car. This is my Mom’s house and I’m here taking care of her. So it’s her insurance. It’s a pretty high deductable, but i think we can budget it in.
But, when I heard about your insurance problems, I started getting worried. So at the moment I’m not sure how we’re going to handle this.
Do you think his quotes were out of line? We have two central AC units, one for downstairs and one for upstairs. We had to replace the downstairs one last summer. I think it was $2600
I understand what your saying, but my two brothers have helped out before and I think this is something both my Mom and I can handle.
I sort of equate it to borrowing something from someone. I’ve always thought that when you borrow something from someone, that you return it in just as good a condition as you got it or in a better condition if you’re able to.
I don’t know if that makes sense, but I guess it’s one of those personal quirks I have.
I’ll butt out in a minute, but I think you’re looking at this the wrong way. You’re not realizing the vital role you play in helping your mom live an independent life, even if you live there for free. You’re not sponging off of her. You could choose to live in the Bahamas and sell t-shirts on the beach for a living but instead you’re doing a loving thing taking care of your mom. Your brothers ought to share equally in that. Home repairs are not for you, they’re for your mom.
The first time I got a pelvic exam I was already pregnant with my first kid and I went to my sister’s male doctor. He whistled “nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the mooooorning”….while inserting the speculum.
Of course my sisters had a field day changing Carolina to ‘your vagina’ and had a good old time laughing about that.
For years I had my exams done by fantastic nurse practictioner but she’s moved away and so for the last two years I’ve just being going to my GP who is male and fairly young — I figure I’m just giving some advance notice about his wife in 20 years.
There was a retirement expert on GMA this week and she said that she pays her sister to take care of their mom. If her sister didn’t take care of her she’d have to hire a stranger or put her in a home which would be realllllly expensive.
My Mom has told me many times that if I wasn’t here, she is sure she would be in a nursing home by now.
My family is fairly close, but they all have their families and jobs and everything else. After I got divorced and retired it only made sense for me to move back here. Plus I had been gone for so long it was good to get reconnected with my family.
I’m sure one day after my Mom is gone, I’ll be moving on, but right now I’m pretty happy here.
for millennia. Adults who stay home to care for children and elders are provided for, although no one outside the family is paying them for their work.
Those of the family who do work outside the home, whether that work involves going into the forest to hunt and/or gather, or going to sit in a cube and click a mouse, contribute part of what they obtain with those too small, old, or ill, to work, as well as those who care for them.
The modern lifestyle, especially in the US, makes this difficult, as it requires the contributions of so many people, who probably do not live in the home of the elder/ill/small, or even near it!
So instead of dropping berries in the lap of the caregiver when they return from the forest, they send a check!
Backaroni, took so long becase while driving we got a call from the realtor and theres another offer on the house that with some minor countering might work out well. Whew. But it ain’t over yet.
OMIR: Nope not too young for Lindsay. He’s actually stressing about the tv schedule and times of her show. It’s the bnumbers racket and I don’t mean her curves. He’s stressing on much lately. Something’s going on that I haven’t been able to either get out of him or discover. One has to be part detective and part psychic when it comes to trying to figure out what he needs, wants and etc. etc
That has been an issue… she is very possessive and he can’t deal with that. She calls and then says he can’t hang up. It’s caused many tears. He’s actually very social little dude and wants to be amongst people but this girl gets her feelings hurt if he sits with other people or plays soccer with the boys. She cries and then he feels horrible. he hit himself in the face HARD last time she started crying… I’ve talked to her mom’s fiance about it…
You know I feel kinda bad, rooting for a US team over Cdn ones. We have so few, so I always want as many to get into the playoffs as possible. 🙂
They were talking about SJ on the sports radio on the drive home — Thornton for not only the Hart, but the Pearson as well! Boston eat your heart out! woot!
the title of this cafe is FOGGY Bottom? I just sussed that out a few minutes ago… hmm… does that mean FM is working for the CIA? That would explain his man of mystery persona perfectly… the paranoid in me says perhaps we’re being streamed there right now! Not that there’s anything to that, I’m just sayin…
Come on in and eat somemore.
You’re doing yeoman’s duty in these cafes as always, FM! You da man. I’ve got a yard that needs mowing if you need something else to do… and our snakes are of the garter variety, don’t bite and non-venomous. 🙂
A snake, is a snake, is a snake. No thank you. 🙂
Mmmmm. Strawberries.
Hi Emma Anne. We have the freshest strawberries there are and as many as ya want.
Just sneaking a quick comment in here, and doing some rating. It’s gorgeous outside here! 81 degrees, sunny with a light breeze. I do not want to be cooped up in the damn cold cube doing analysis! WAAHHHH.
Well gotta run, have a meeting in 10 minutes. When does happy hour start? See youse guys there.
Happy Hour has already started somewhere, so we celebrate it all the time here.
Enjoy your meeting. 😉
Yes, I’ll be in a big meeting instead of outside on Saturday. However, we might get to do something fun like vote on a resolution to impeach Bush. 🙂
That beats being outside any day. 😉
Hey! I didn’t have time to finish my blintzes yet.
True blintz story: Many years ago I was involved in a community production of the great play “You Can’t Take It With You.” Toward the end of the play one of the minor characters declares that if the household can produce some pot cheese, she will make them some blintzes, which are “served” just before the final curtain. Most of the nights we just used some kind of fake food on the serving tray, but the night of the final performance she actually appeared on stage with a tray full of blintzes in cherry sauce. The admiration of her culinary prowess that night, in character, was much better than usual (and so was the appreciation afterward as we all feasted on blintzes!).
Omir, this is the cafe. There’s always time for blintzes, or beer, or…….
Still morning on the Left Coast at least…
Very happy today…my Sharks are in the NHL Playoffs! Can’t finish any worse than 7th, so we will avoid the dreaded Detroit Red Wings (or as commonly known around here, the Dead Things) in the first round. Still an outside shot we can make it up to 5th place.
Need to get some work done — very busy four days ahead of us. Toodles! 🙂
Hi Cali. Don’t work too hard. See ya later.
Break time…sitting out in the ctyard enjoying 70° weather and trying to decide whether to blow off the afternoon and go play…Hmmmm
Question of the Day, actually Tuesday’s, from Shakespeare’s Sister:
I was trying to think what I would say, but it looks like over there eveyone covered every possible word I could come up with, and a few I didn’t know.
I would say putz but that’s too nice. How do you spell mishyguna? I know you know what I mean, but I don’t know how to spell it! Either way I think it fits.
well since it’s a transliteration you can’t spell it wrong but meshugana would be the most common. But putz is much, much worse word — putz is considered obscene.
I’ll also offer up farkakte
and a farkatke. That is a new one to me.
And which is the most appropriate to use when insulting ancient Russians who beat you at chess again?
This information will be valuable to me as I celebrate Passover with my neighbors tonight.
Not being to sure Ductape, I think the difference is one is in the front and the other is in the back.
“Putz” more or less equates to the English “prick.” A noodnik is just an obnoxious nuisance, and “farkakte” basically means “s**tty.”
Somewhere or another I have a book of Yiddish curses that occasionally comes in handy. Stuff like:
I love the toothache one. Other people’s insults are so much more colorful than my own. I need to practice.
but my stepfather always called crying over sad stories ‘pishing mit augen’ which means peeing with your eyes. I always thought there was lots of attitude to be untangled in that phrase.
people who beat me at croquet. 😀
Too bad we can’t get a virtual croquet game going here.
Or can we? Perhaps one of our hosts can arrange a croquet party for the Cafe one of these days.
If you like this person, do not call him a putz. It is considered a very harsh insult. Nudnik is very mild. The (non-Yiddish) word I can think of that is closest is ‘stumblebum’.
A.K. is a good one. A.K. stands for alter kocker (old shitter) but it doesn’t mean old in years, it means old in attitude (as in “No one would ever call DuctapeFatwa an A.K.).
Nebbish might be good for a chess champ since it implies a certain level of nerdiness.
call him a nebbish, and then I will suggest that it would be a great kindness if he would play a game with my granddaughter, so that she can learn from him, and then I will eat latkes and watch in delight as she kicks his butt. ;->
Glad to know that even if I have been referred to at times over the years as meshugana, no one’s ever called me a putz or a schmuck thank goddess. I knew that putz was not nice for friends or people you like, but didn’t know it was considered obscene. I am going to have to come back later when I’m at home and save this mini lexicon for future reference.
I wish I was going to a seder tonight… none of the Jews I know ever invite me anymore. Maybe I should show up at one and take the empty seat, huh? 🙂
Thanks again for the clarification. You know, one of my old students (who was a former Lubavitcher from NYC) used to insist that I was a quintessential NY Jew. LOL… he never would believe that I was a goy and just theorized that I had been stolen from a nice Jewish family by gypsies and placed in an evil goy home! He had some interesting theories, huh?
on Saturday and my mom will be delighted to have you at our belated family seder.
BTW, schmuck is considered not nice but it does not have the nastiness of putz. My mother will tsk, tsk if you say schmuck but she will give such a klop on the kop if you say putz.
I’ve actually never been to one, even though I wrote about one last year. I’ll have to ask BooMan if I can repost “Passover In Hell” this weekend, or maybe I can come up with a new Passover story.
The closest I ever got to a seder was right about this time last year, when the theater just up the street did a play called “Beau Jest.” It’s about a Jewish girl who has a gentile boyfriend that her parents would disapprove of if they knew about him. So, to mollify her parents she invents a Jewish boyfriend. The parents want to come over to meet him, she can’t stall them any longer, so she invites the family (mom, dad and brother) over for Sabbath dinner and tries to find a stand-in for the non-existent Jewish beau. Unfortunately, the agency she calls doesn’t have anybody Jewish to send over, so she gets a sometime actor who supplements his income as a theater companion for rich matrons, and who knows about Judaism more or less what you learn by playing a bit part in Fiddler On The Roof.
Oh, and by the way, she tells him, you’re a doctor. (This is tough to pull off, as the brother is a psychotherapist.)
One of the scenes of the play is a seder, where the actor ends up being an unexpected success. So I got to watch a seder one time, from the balcony of a theater. (If you ever have a chance to see Beau Jest, I highly recommend it.)
The plot of that play sounds a lot like Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet though transposed to a very different milieu, obviously. Does sound amusing in a halva sorta way… hehe
My mother would invite the whole world if she could figure out to fit them into her condo (there’s no question that there would be enough food).
BTW, last I knew finding Jewish families in the DC area wasn’t particularly challenging. But if you’re really struggling, I can hook you up with some old family friends in Bethesda.
(Theater opportunities out here in the woods are a bit limited but I’ll keep it in mind.)
Well, that’s kind of you, but I live in the other Washington. Seattle, to be precise. I don’t think I could get there in time.
I think that’s too nice of a word Andi.
This goes beyond stink or it’s implications, if I remember my Yiddish correctly. 🙂
It’s connotations are way beyond just smelling bad — it’s more like an overpowering stench of foulness.
Then that makes more sense to me.
I wonder if during our communications we’ll come up with a Southern Yiddish dialect.
shoot, yall, I’m fixin to get awl ver-klee-yumpt
The first seven word i got, but I can’t even get the last on google.
But it sounds southern and yiddish, so I guess so.
Now it makes sense to me.
Except I think it would be used like – Tha revenuers just blew up my still I was all verklempt.
I knew if I put this in the Cafe I’d learn some new words. :{)
With Andi around I have to look up half the words she uses in English, but now I’m looking through Yiddish dictionaries. No one should be that smart! 🙂
how come I’m working and you’re retired.
Because you’ll be able to retire in the place of your dreams and live your days frolicking your time away.
I’m already living in the place of my dreams. 🙂
Yea but your aren’t frolicking your time away.
Big difference.
right — because I’m not retired.
I was listening to NPR in the car again today (I’m always in the cat) and they had on some woman who wrote a cookbook of southern Jewish recipes called “Matzoh Ball Gumbo.” LOL
I thought everyone knew about Matzoh Ball Gumbo.
This misadministration is so bad you can’t use just one word, although various Yiddishisms I’ve seen here come close.
Oh hey, I have a joke that I don’t know of any way of modernizing:
Thanks FM, I’ve had my fill.
Tomorrow is off and they are letting us out early today.
Seder tonight at curly’s will be interesting; she is quite secular and the guests include a Canadian Bhuddist, a Presbytarian who converted to Judaism, a French Catholic and an atheist (myself).
Ask I’ve been wondering where you were. It’s good to see you.
It’s sounds like you and curly will have a interesting mix for Seder. I wish you both joy.
Thank you. I’m convinced we’ll have a great time.
Work has really taken over lately – not even a few minutes to spare in the morning to post in the cart or news bucket before going to work. But still lurking by several times a day.
I’ll be thinking of ya’ll tonight.
I just emailed you. 🙂
I’m going to leave you alone now — wait til you see your inbox — Oy!!! (If you are not totally confused now, then you are a genious.) 🙂
Got it and thanks.
orange diary.
The AC guys are here. I’ll be back in awhile.
OK I’m back again. I’m close to having a heart attack after the AC man was here. He started quoting prices and I told him we would have to die of heat this year.
How much Yiddish lessons did I miss?
Don’t even think about going through an Alabama summer without AC, Family Man.
No we’re not. He saw the ceiling damage that was done and said they could fix that while doing the AC and the insurance would take care of it.
See I don’t own anything, not even a car. This is my Mom’s house and I’m here taking care of her. So it’s her insurance. It’s a pretty high deductable, but i think we can budget it in.
But, when I heard about your insurance problems, I started getting worried. So at the moment I’m not sure how we’re going to handle this.
Do you think his quotes were out of line? We have two central AC units, one for downstairs and one for upstairs. We had to replace the downstairs one last summer. I think it was $2600
Not it was a lot cheaper, but still living on retirement takes a hell of a lot of budgeting.
but when my mom needs something done to her house, all of us kids chip in to help pay for it.
Us too. And the ones who don’t live in town pay more because the ones who live close to my mom are the ones who do all the work.
If it was really needed I have two brothers that could do that, but my Mom refuses to ask. And since I live here I feel it’s more my responsibility.
But you’re also taking on the responsibility of caring for your mom so there’s no reason for you to feel like you have a bigger financial obligation.
I understand what your saying, but my two brothers have helped out before and I think this is something both my Mom and I can handle.
I sort of equate it to borrowing something from someone. I’ve always thought that when you borrow something from someone, that you return it in just as good a condition as you got it or in a better condition if you’re able to.
I don’t know if that makes sense, but I guess it’s one of those personal quirks I have.
I’ll butt out in a minute, but I think you’re looking at this the wrong way. You’re not realizing the vital role you play in helping your mom live an independent life, even if you live there for free. You’re not sponging off of her. You could choose to live in the Bahamas and sell t-shirts on the beach for a living but instead you’re doing a loving thing taking care of your mom. Your brothers ought to share equally in that. Home repairs are not for you, they’re for your mom.
</buttinsky departs now>
You are not a buttinsky, you are a friend that cares, and I thank you.
and happy with it.
Well I’m happy both you and SN are buttinskies.
BTW I’m still wait to find out when the film ‘Andi’s Physical’ comes out.
GAaaaa…my eyes!!!
is thinking while doing the exam — maybe something like ‘somebody remind me why I got into medicine?’
News flash: Andi’s Mammogram. Film at 11.
The first time I got a pelvic exam I was already pregnant with my first kid and I went to my sister’s male doctor. He whistled “nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the mooooorning”….while inserting the speculum.
Of course my sisters had a field day changing Carolina to ‘your vagina’ and had a good old time laughing about that.
That was my last male doctor.
Great story. I love it.
For years I had my exams done by fantastic nurse practictioner but she’s moved away and so for the last two years I’ve just being going to my GP who is male and fairly young — I figure I’m just giving some advance notice about his wife in 20 years.
I always feel so sorry for young people who have to see atrocities like what happens to the body after several children and/or decades of life.
That’s one reason I haven’t let my daughter see me naked since she was like 10 – I don’t want to scare her. 🙂
I remember seeing my mom naked once when I was hiding in her closet (don’t ask) and it was shocking.
I saw my mom naked one too many times.
what’s coming their way.
Ignorance is bliss. I don’t think my daughter would give me grandchildren if she saw my stomach up close and personal.
enlightened self-interest.
There was a retirement expert on GMA this week and she said that she pays her sister to take care of their mom. If her sister didn’t take care of her she’d have to hire a stranger or put her in a home which would be realllllly expensive.
My Mom has told me many times that if I wasn’t here, she is sure she would be in a nursing home by now.
My family is fairly close, but they all have their families and jobs and everything else. After I got divorced and retired it only made sense for me to move back here. Plus I had been gone for so long it was good to get reconnected with my family.
I’m sure one day after my Mom is gone, I’ll be moving on, but right now I’m pretty happy here.
You’re a loving son and you’re doing your brothers a huge favor. 🙂
Yea your right. I pat myself on the back all the time. 🙂
Thanks both of ya’ll. I guess the man of mystery is opening up some. 🙂
Thanks Olivia. It’s nice to have such good friends.
for millennia. Adults who stay home to care for children and elders are provided for, although no one outside the family is paying them for their work.
Those of the family who do work outside the home, whether that work involves going into the forest to hunt and/or gather, or going to sit in a cube and click a mouse, contribute part of what they obtain with those too small, old, or ill, to work, as well as those who care for them.
The modern lifestyle, especially in the US, makes this difficult, as it requires the contributions of so many people, who probably do not live in the home of the elder/ill/small, or even near it!
So instead of dropping berries in the lap of the caregiver when they return from the forest, they send a check!
Ductape I’m am so glad you’re here. I’ve been wanting to ask your permission to link your site to mine. I would be honored if you would agree.
blog this morning
And of course, I would be honored! 🙂
Just read it Ductape and thanks.
I think this is the way to go! The current set up is temporary anyway — start from scratch w/ this.
Hello Mr. Duct! 🙂
Backaroni, took so long becase while driving we got a call from the realtor and theres another offer on the house that with some minor countering might work out well. Whew. But it ain’t over yet.
OMIR: Nope not too young for Lindsay. He’s actually stressing about the tv schedule and times of her show. It’s the bnumbers racket and I don’t mean her curves. He’s stressing on much lately. Something’s going on that I haven’t been able to either get out of him or discover. One has to be part detective and part psychic when it comes to trying to figure out what he needs, wants and etc. etc
Janet I’ve been meaning to ask. How is it going with him and the girl at school?
That has been an issue… she is very possessive and he can’t deal with that. She calls and then says he can’t hang up. It’s caused many tears. He’s actually very social little dude and wants to be amongst people but this girl gets her feelings hurt if he sits with other people or plays soccer with the boys. She cries and then he feels horrible. he hit himself in the face HARD last time she started crying… I’ve talked to her mom’s fiance about it…
Get any Oleg ogling in today? Inquiring minds want to know.
Got to ogle Oleg a bit. Realtor called and I’m one of those who can’t talk while driving… So I pulled in and went there to take the call back. 🙂
He talk like hockey man 🙂
LOL — hey sweetie :*
so obvioulsy he’s not a hockey player 🙂
Going against the Canucks tonight again.
CLINCHED!!! Whew! No injuries and rest our guys till playoff. 🙂
You know I feel kinda bad, rooting for a US team over Cdn ones. We have so few, so I always want as many to get into the playoffs as possible. 🙂
They were talking about SJ on the sports radio on the drive home — Thornton for not only the Hart, but the Pearson as well! Boston eat your heart out! woot!
My Boston in-laws have another reason to not like me. Psst they think I’m a radical. This radical womb gave birth to your two grandkids.
Fahhhhkin right! JOE THORNTON!!!!
I’ve got to run again for a minute.
Be back ASAP.
the title of this cafe is FOGGY Bottom? I just sussed that out a few minutes ago… hmm… does that mean FM is working for the CIA? That would explain his man of mystery persona perfectly… the paranoid in me says perhaps we’re being streamed there right now! Not that there’s anything to that, I’m just sayin…
Okay, I feel better now. Carry on.
Jalapenos for lunch, Manny?
same reaction tho 🙂
Might give you some more space … 🙂
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