I’d recommend Secret of Roan Inish over NIMH myself … those mice were kinda creepy I thought. Besides I always wondered what the subliminal message was about that title, given the acronym (=National Institute of Mental Health). Maybe they were sending me a message and I didn’t have my hat properly lined that day…
your hat was aligned perfectly fine, that movie creeped me out to no end when I was little. I think that’s where my fear of absent-pupil characters in film began.
but the thought of Fassbinder DVDs as “impulse purchases” really freaks me out. That is just weird. But I should say I was never a big fan of Fassbinder’s, though I admired what he was doing in some of the early ones.
I think he went off the deep end with Berlin Alexanderplatz where he was indulging his Balzacian fantasies in a rather tawdry manner. Good thing he died right after Querelle because I think he did himself in (in more ways than one) with that little opus. Hell, Genet’s ghost probably sucked him down the homo vortex and made him into an infernal margarita, thus saving us from any more such contrivances.
The National Institute of Mental Health actually figures into the movie somehow, I think.
And as for Roan Inish . . . I second that. It is a wonderful movie, and great storytelling (both the narrative of the movie and the stories told by the grandfather).
I haven’t seen it in at least ten years, but I remember it well due to my childhood babysitter’s huge collection of mice and mice-related paraphernalia. I didn’t realize how disturbing it was until later on when it replayed in my nightmares.
you (and I as well) may have given up on them years ago, but unfortunately they haven’t given up on us, nor will they leave us alone. Those bastards! They killed Kenny!
(with all apologies to Cat Stevens, aks Yussef Islam)
Time for me to head on out as well, but I want to read Olivia’s new diary first. What a rocking night in the lounge/boat/hookah palace! So I’ll sign off with a different type of datura stramonium for Olivia, the fan of moonflowers. I don’t recommend planting this one though… last time we did it topped over 8 ft tall, dropped thousands of seeds and we’re still trying to eradicate the volunteers 2 years later! It’s pretty though, but not as dramatic as D. meteloides. Catch all you malcontents, reprobates and hoi polloi very soon, I’m sure!
Cheers, sweet dreams, etc. 🙂
I love talking gardening with you … and I think I have maybe finally hit on the right angle for my first gardening diary here … it’s percolating in my head. So I hope to have it up soon. Now I’m off to read your most recent one…
Here are some more “Persian Pearls” for you, in case you missed them earlier…
I would keep the mango-flavoured tobacco away from the marmot, he gets alittle testy when he smokes it.
Any rowdiness and
my friend here will swallow you whole

reminds me of the Secret of Nimh for some reason.
would it be worth renting?
I’d recommend Secret of Roan Inish over NIMH myself … those mice were kinda creepy I thought. Besides I always wondered what the subliminal message was about that title, given the acronym (=National Institute of Mental Health). Maybe they were sending me a message and I didn’t have my hat properly lined that day…
your hat was aligned perfectly fine, that movie creeped me out to no end when I was little. I think that’s where my fear of absent-pupil characters in film began.
Whew, thanks for the reassurance. And I was afraid I’d be considered the party pooper on that one.
have you seen this recent post from James Wolcott?
but the thought of Fassbinder DVDs as “impulse purchases” really freaks me out. That is just weird. But I should say I was never a big fan of Fassbinder’s, though I admired what he was doing in some of the early ones.
I think he went off the deep end with Berlin Alexanderplatz where he was indulging his Balzacian fantasies in a rather tawdry manner. Good thing he died right after Querelle because I think he did himself in (in more ways than one) with that little opus. Hell, Genet’s ghost probably sucked him down the homo vortex and made him into an infernal margarita, thus saving us from any more such contrivances.
I’m not a big fan of cinema in general, and certainly not Fassbinder. There are more pleasant diversions, IMO.
The National Institute of Mental Health actually figures into the movie somehow, I think.
And as for Roan Inish . . . I second that. It is a wonderful movie, and great storytelling (both the narrative of the movie and the stories told by the grandfather).
I haven’t seen it in at least ten years, but I remember it well due to my childhood babysitter’s huge collection of mice and mice-related paraphernalia. I didn’t realize how disturbing it was until later on when it replayed in my nightmares.
and once contrary to popular opinion, was quite enough for me!
Are you a late nighter too?
So is Brazil.
Actually, it reminds me of that large fish in Star Wars — the one w/ that annoying long-eared character. Jab-jab?
Hmmm, maybe he’s related to that talking fish I read about on Manny’s blog today … the talking apocalyptifish.
it doesn’t give you nightmares.
in many ways…I gave up on the zealots and fanatics running the asylum long ago.
… when you’ve got us nuts to hang with? :*
you (and I as well) may have given up on them years ago, but unfortunately they haven’t given up on us, nor will they leave us alone. Those bastards! They killed Kenny!
you mean jar-jar. And I hope you’re not annoyed with all long-eared characters.
they’ll have to answer to me and my bitch!

His ears are magnificent and I am sure they are warm and velvety to the touch. And they’re attached to that cute face. 🙂
You’re right — jab-jab is what jar-jar did to my ears.
You mean this guy?
Just reading his caption makes my ears hurt… 🙂
Thanks Manny … much easier to move around here now. So if not mango tobacco, what’s in the bowl?
a fumari apple blend at the moment, but I hear there will be a jasmine/rose flavour added soon.
to you all, it is time for bed. I leave you all with an elvish blessing from Lord of the Rings:
Elen sila lumenn omentilmo
A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting.
Paz amigos
sleep well, I’ll be looking for that star.
Give Bud a :* for me! 😉
Night, Manny! Sleep well, amigo. You deserve it after all you’ve been up to lately, I’d have been in a coma after all that!
Night O, IVG, et al…have fun with it.
Catch you on the flip.
Nighty Night dada… don’t let those umbrellas and sewing machines bite! Thx for the tip on the Woolcott piece. I don’t read him often enough.
with all the hookas.
Your secret is safe with me!
… stays in the cafe. 🙂
(with all apologies to Cat Stevens, aks Yussef Islam)

Time for me to head on out as well, but I want to read Olivia’s new diary first. What a rocking night in the lounge/boat/hookah palace! So I’ll sign off with a different type of datura stramonium for Olivia, the fan of moonflowers. I don’t recommend planting this one though… last time we did it topped over 8 ft tall, dropped thousands of seeds and we’re still trying to eradicate the volunteers 2 years later! It’s pretty though, but not as dramatic as D. meteloides. Catch all you malcontents, reprobates and hoi polloi very soon, I’m sure!
Cheers, sweet dreams, etc. 🙂
Thanks for the lovely photo and for the advice (8ft!?). Sleep well … 🙂
I love talking gardening with you … and I think I have maybe finally hit on the right angle for my first gardening diary here … it’s percolating in my head. So I hope to have it up soon. Now I’m off to read your most recent one…
Here are some more “Persian Pearls” for you, in case you missed them earlier…

Bonne nuit!
been trying to rehabilitate myself lately, so I’ll hit the hay “early” for a change, ha!
somehow I never deliver on it though. LOL. Take care, my friend, and don’t let any boulder wind gauges perturb your slumbers.
I guess it is at that.
G’night NDD — I’m off too. Sleep well froggies. 🙂
What kind of Hooka Bar makes you smoke on the patio?
This looks like a good place to hang out till FM gets his cafe open.