I was looking at the right side of the Daou Report this morning when I came across a post from a site called the Right Wing Howler. Looking at their site, I noticed that they have littered it with the cartoons of Mohammed, they have bumper stickers displayed that say, “I Love Gitmo” and “War is NOT the answer: just nuke the bastards” and they ask “Why not root for America for a change? You liberal scumbags.”

They are clearly not fans of Muslims or liberals, but the post concerns hispanics and illegal immigration. And I only highlight their thoughts here (below the fold) because I think overt racism of this type is becoming fashionable again, and someone needs to call these people on it.

For those of you old enough to remember what happened in 1986 when we gave the first blanket amnesty to illegals, our borders were flooded with illegal trying to make their way in so as to get in under the deadline and win a ticket to riches via the US taxpayer.

Lately we’ve been thanked for allowing those scumbags in when they hit the streets in protest demanding new laws allowing even more of these rat bastards to stay in the US.

Of course, our Congress-critters, those yellow-bellied c**ksuckers who are supposed to uphold and defend the Constitution of the US, do so by saying that the crimes illegals commit in violating our laws by entering here without papers are not really crimes anymore.

So is it any wonder there is another surge of illegals trying to enter?

At a shelter overflowing with migrants airing their blistered feet, Francisco Ramirez nursed muscles sore from trekking through the Arizona desert – a trip that failed when his wife did not have the strength to go on.

He said the couple would rest for a few days, then try again, a plan echoed by dozens reclining on rickety bunk beds and carpets tossed on the floor after risking violent bandits and the harsh desert in unsuccessful attempts to get into the United States.

And what? I’m supposed to feel sorry for these lawbreakers? I’d just as soon they dropped dead from heat exhaustion. Look, I know it sounds cruel but I am tired of all this crap. Something serious needs to happen and if some of them start dying they might stop. If not, maybe more need to die. I seem to recall there are often rattlesnake festivals where bounties are given for the rattlesnakes shot. We should alter that a bit. CAPTURE the snakes. Don’t shoot them. Then release them into the desert.

Then we have this from our own Border Patrol:

Maria Valencia, a spokeswoman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said the rise in detentions did not necessarily mean more people were crossing. She attributed at least some of the additional detentions to an increase in the number of Border Patrol agents.

Maria Valencia? Border patrol? And she’s going to admit more are coming? Hell no! She wouldn’t want to sound the alarm bells on her “brothers and sisters” would she?

It’s hard to pack so much racism into such a short post.

He thinks Maria Velencia is not honest. But, he bases that on her name, not the fact that she is a spokesperson for the Bush administration.

He actually wants these illegal immigrants to die of heat exhaustion or snakebite. He thinks of them as scumbags and rat bastards.

The author, Vilmar, is a racist. He’s a racist every bit as contemptible as the Jim Crow racists of 1960’s Mississippi. He’s not racist because he cares about the issue of illegal immigration. He’s racist because he speaks of hispanics as if they were nothing more than animals…to be hunted down and shot.