We are going to head out for a few minutes on a quest for trinkets to fill Easter baskets for the grandkids and pick up some egg dye.
Does anyone but our family use onion skins to dye eggs? Yellow onion skins in the water the eggs are boiled in make the eggs a lovely golden color, and red onion skins make them a deep purple. I don’t know what white onion skins do. If it turns eggs white, it would probably be kinda pointless.
I came to say, I cannot stay, I must be going… La LA!
You had to do it, didn’t you Omir? Go quoting Groucho Marx on me. Now I’ll never get that damn song outta my head for the rest of the night!!! Ah, but I do love Groucho, and Chico and Harpo … Zeppo, not so much.
Yes, I have used the onion skin thing too, but I’m a deep colors kinda guy and I was never happy with the depth of color I got, but maybe I was doing something wrong. Ever do the drip hot wax, dye, scrape off wax, dye again different color kind of thing? I got some really wild eggs like that a few years, back, but it’s a whole lotta work!
I’m not into cross-stitch myself, but my mom and sister are, and I know how much work and time it takes to produce this sort of thing; these people deserve a bit of recognition for their art.
I wanted to explain the nickname I use at booman; It is special to me. I could not waste a diary for such a silly thing, so I will do it here, where I feel welcome and can be a bit silly.
I use a different ‘nick at the dozen or so blogs I bother to post at. The same nick-name at all of them. The blogosphere is a big place, yet I often run into the same names at many places I hang at. I do not post much, but I suspect if I told you my regular name, that I use all over, some people here may recognize it.
I use alice e here, and here only. I will explain why, in my next comment…
A long time ago, some friends and I were sitting around and enjoying our favorite herbal remedy. We were listening to ‘white rabbit’ by the Jefferson airplane. One of my friends turned to me and said: “You know, I’ve been thinking, you have been getting kind of alice-e lately, and I’m worried about you”. Much discussion and jokes later, this nick-name stuck with me for a bit.
I can be a bit of a wall-flower (when she was just small). Other times, I really speak out, and don’t back down (when she’s ten feet tall).
Either way, I am not afraid to drink whatever potions come my way (drink me), but, I am not a stupid person, and I tend to question and explore ( The Red Queen is a bitch!). This Alice E login just seems to fit somehow when I hang out at Booman.
It’s cool how nicknames stay with you. I’ve got one that a Blues Cat/ hung on me many years ago that I still go by in certain circles…not the blogosphere tho.
I feel good! That’s why I’m here now. If I was feeling down, I would do some trolling at redhate; that cheers me up. It is 3:42 am over here, but that is ok. I worked for a living for the past few decades, and these daze I am enjoying the first stint of unemployment checks ever…I’m on my first month, five more to go.
When I was working, and my alarm went off at 5:30 am, sometimes I would give my parents a call, and yell at them for not being rich; otherwise, I could lay around and drink all day, and someday be president.
Just checking if your awake or asleep..because for me I can still go back asleep until 4:00 a.m. If I’m awake at that time..I’m awake for the whole day.
I don’t know about geezerdom but when youngster call me Mister (my name here) I turn around to see if there talking to someone else. So I guess I’m on that road to geezerdom.
I was always older than most of the people I worked with. But it was never the mister thing.
When people started say yes sir and stuff like that to me, it threw me for a loop.
I’m like the old man in the John Prine song
I am an old woman named after my mother
My old man is another child that’s grown old
If dreams were lightning thunder was desire
This old house would have burnt down a long time ago
No I’m in a profession where age is better than being young. As when someone says Mister (my name here) I thought you would be some old man with “gray-hair”..well I have been a xxxx for 12 years.
well the alternative is to, buy them a ticket put them on the bus to Omaha. And tell the bus driver a good story to allow you to put a sleeping person on the bus. n
Yes, I think it is called Stephen’s College or something like that. Your bud obviously was obviously courting a fine lady.
You know the only reason Jayhawkers don’t like MU is because it is like looking in a mirror. Were not really that goofy and gaga about our school are we?
It sounds like I should spend some time clicking on the Mary link. I feel so bad. I have such fun here at boo, but I spend so many hours just lurking at my 3-dozen other ‘fave blogs, and reading and other such stuff…I just don’t have the time to really get to know everyone here.
Well as everyone knows, I don’t to much leave the cafe. I lurk over at over sites, but here I feel comfortable and at home.
In my case I just don’t feel I’m informed enough sometimes to make comments in some threads. I really do wish I could write as well as many I read and I could only dream of writing like a few who I truly admire.
Not to offend, dear dada, but I loathe Macs. Always have, always will. I was tortured daily by an Imac at work several years ago… always managed to pull a fatal error out of its ass when I tried to save a report I was working on… made me spend many frustrated hours recreating what I had lost. Nope, no way, no how, never again.
I’ve found with foxfire I can have all my favorite sites open at once and just keep jumping back and forth.
Plus I’ve found sometimes in the cafe, if I want to keep up with what’s going on in the cafe, but I’m trying to make a comment and add a picture I can open up a new tab and do it there, while keeping the original tab in the cafe open.
I don’t know if that makes sense, but I would never ever use IE again.
Before Omir’s robo-rater that would happen to me all the time. Before I left a diary I would have to go back and scan every entry to make sure I didn’t give any 3’s by mistake.
Now it’s just the one click and I’m covered.
All praise Omir, I still burn inscense in his honor. 🙂
So many good ones here, it was hard to pick.
I just opened your webpage in a new tab. I shall bookmark and check it out; so much to read, so much to do!
there’s plenty more where that came from! I can be ruthless when the spirit moves me, but never directed towards friends. And that, of course, means all of the wonderful folks here in FBC land… takes a lot to raise my ire. But when it does… lol. My mom always told me that was the Swedish part of the family coming out in me… like I would know. LOL. Where’s NDD when ya need him?
Hell that’s one of the reasons I stay in the cafe. It’s a jungle out there.
I’ve seen some really good flame wars and I’m constantly amazed at how people will talk to you over the net and say thing that they would never say to your face.
I’ve seen a couple of things I almost jumped into, but I hate arguments, just hate em. I told someone before, if I wanted to hear yelling and name calling I’d turn on the TV and watch faux.
I stay out of flame wars myself… in fact that’s why I quit going to the “orange place” altogether and came over to Boo Trib LONG before I ever signed up here. I lurked for months to get a feel for the place and then decided it was for me, and I’ve been here ever since.
I don’t deliberately try to provoke or offend, and if I do offend, I am the first person to apologize if I was misinterpreted. It’s my damn midwestern politeness. And I have always thought that was a good thing. When I lived in Florida (6 miserable years) I was astounded at the rudeness of people and couldn’t wait to get back up here, even with the winters and all…
I’m a kind soul at heart. Just doesn’t always look that way I guess.
I’ve never seen anything but kindness coming from you. You’ll have to forgive FL. It isn’t a southern state. 🙂
I really do hate rude people. I’ve never seen any reason for it. I’ve never really had a temper and don’t understand people who do, so flame wars leave me cold.
I’m looking forward to it. Yea it was the same with me on the sleep, but I made it until 2:00 am this morning. So I’m up for the day and by 5 or 6 pm I’ll be dead tired.
I’m going to open the coffee cart. So stick around.
I thought everyone had passed out from celebrating MM’s liberation earlier… and felt lonely, so I went out and blogged around, blogwhore that I am. But the comfort of the FBC/FBLounge lured me back. It’s way past time for me to go to bed, since I do have to do work in the morning and yard clean up in the afternoon, but I’m going to post this last one in honor of the pootie fans. SallyCat, I hope you see this somehow… love the little critters, but they make me sneeze and choke up (I’m allergic to em :-(0)
Carry on little froggies – if anyone is still in the building.
We are going to head out for a few minutes on a quest for trinkets to fill Easter baskets for the grandkids and pick up some egg dye.
Does anyone but our family use onion skins to dye eggs? Yellow onion skins in the water the eggs are boiled in make the eggs a lovely golden color, and red onion skins make them a deep purple. I don’t know what white onion skins do. If it turns eggs white, it would probably be kinda pointless.
My grandma used to do that – they’re so pretty!
I came to say, I cannot stay, I must be going… La LA!
You had to do it, didn’t you Omir? Go quoting Groucho Marx on me. Now I’ll never get that damn song outta my head for the rest of the night!!! Ah, but I do love Groucho, and Chico and Harpo … Zeppo, not so much.
Yes, I have used the onion skin thing too, but I’m a deep colors kinda guy and I was never happy with the depth of color I got, but maybe I was doing something wrong. Ever do the drip hot wax, dye, scrape off wax, dye again different color kind of thing? I got some really wild eggs like that a few years, back, but it’s a whole lotta work!
Thank you IVG! I knew it but couldn’t place it.
Saw your (?) ladybug the other night and remembered one in my cache…

clik for big size
You can get a pretty deep brown by using more onion skins. Another thing to try is tying the onion skins to the egg with twine.
My wife says you can also use a little bit of vegetable oil to make the eggs shiny.
Hi fellow frogs! I recently learned how to post pics here, so I shall:

Hope you enjoy!
This cross-stitch photo is from this site: http://www.hernlund.com/cross_stitch_page_4.htm
I’m not into cross-stitch myself, but my mom and sister are, and I know how much work and time it takes to produce this sort of thing; these people deserve a bit of recognition for their art.
I wanted to explain the nickname I use at booman; It is special to me. I could not waste a diary for such a silly thing, so I will do it here, where I feel welcome and can be a bit silly.
I use a different ‘nick at the dozen or so blogs I bother to post at. The same nick-name at all of them. The blogosphere is a big place, yet I often run into the same names at many places I hang at. I do not post much, but I suspect if I told you my regular name, that I use all over, some people here may recognize it.
I use alice e here, and here only. I will explain why, in my next comment…
A long time ago, some friends and I were sitting around and enjoying our favorite herbal remedy. We were listening to ‘white rabbit’ by the Jefferson airplane. One of my friends turned to me and said: “You know, I’ve been thinking, you have been getting kind of alice-e lately, and I’m worried about you”. Much discussion and jokes later, this nick-name stuck with me for a bit.
I can be a bit of a wall-flower (when she was just small). Other times, I really speak out, and don’t back down (when she’s ten feet tall).
Either way, I am not afraid to drink whatever potions come my way (drink me), but, I am not a stupid person, and I tend to question and explore ( The Red Queen is a bitch!). This Alice E login just seems to fit somehow when I hang out at Booman.
Remember (?) it well…Surrealistic Pillow c.1967
It’s been a long, strange trip…
It’s cool how nicknames stay with you. I’ve got one that a Blues Cat/ hung on me many years ago that I still go by in certain circles…not the blogosphere tho.
In March Carnacki had a great diary What is the story behind your Internet name?…interesting stuff, recommended.
Thanks Dada. Love the picture!
My alice e nick has not been used for three decades or so, but some old friends still remember.
Thank you for the link; I’ve been lurking at boo for a few months now, but I rarely have the time to really dig into all the good stuff here.
What’s going on froggies? I’ve got one of my wake up in the middle of the night mornings.
There’s no looking back and going to sleep.
Anyone around?
Hi FM! I am a night-owl by nature, so welcome to the club. I will be be nice to low-bandwidth persons’ and not post another pic at this point.
Hi alice E. I’m not usually a night owl, but I do wake up early. Just not this early most of the time.
How ya been doing?
I feel good! That’s why I’m here now. If I was feeling down, I would do some trolling at redhate; that cheers me up. It is 3:42 am over here, but that is ok. I worked for a living for the past few decades, and these daze I am enjoying the first stint of unemployment checks ever…I’m on my first month, five more to go.
Good for you. Enjoy it while you have it.
I’ve always said I was born to be the heir to a fortune. I did my part, but my parents let the ball fall somewhere.
When I was working, and my alarm went off at 5:30 am, sometimes I would give my parents a call, and yell at them for not being rich; otherwise, I could lay around and drink all day, and someday be president.
Come Alice, sit next to the Master, the Southern Sage of Slothful Slacking.
Thank you Master. I am but a humble student.
I bow to Dada. I am but a lurker here, yet even I have learned to respect Dada.
well…maybe Andi’s got a slight lead, but she’s not retired…:{)
Well I’ll be going back to work one day, but now it’s looking after my Mom. Actually I enjoyed working when I did.
It’s been a hard road to slackdom. The old saying ‘If you’re going to do a job, do it the best you can’ I’ve always believed.
I’m really working at being the best lazy I can be. 😉
The ways of slackdom are many and varied.
An art I like to think.
very looooooong day plus the radio gig, so didn’t get home until late, and have finally unwound.
Alice E’s been about, and I think AFL’s looking for bail $’s…thought I saw NDD in another thread…?’s
I wonder if this makes me part of the late night crowd now? 😉
I’m in central. It’s 2:45 am here. I’m up early by about 2 hours.
I’m awake due to reasons beyond my control..anyone got bail money???
Blogging from where may one ask?
I’m still half asleep.
Treo blogging from the back of the squad car?? just kidding?
Thank goodness. I was already starting to get worried and I’m not even fully awake.
You have to fully awake to worry correctly. 🙂
I guess it time to watch that movie “Insomia” it usually puts me to sleep.
Try counting peeps; just don’t eat any! That much sugar is bad for you.
Just checking if your awake or asleep..because for me I can still go back asleep until 4:00 a.m. If I’m awake at that time..I’m awake for the whole day.
Is anyone else out there?? no west coasters it is only 12:44 PST
2:48 CST..here
I’m awake for the rest of the day. Once I’m up, I’m up.
It’s my curse of Geezerdom.
You don’t sound like a geezer to me!
Do you need anyone to goto Walgreens for a bottle of Geritol?
A true geezer has that stocked up. 😉
I don’t know about geezerdom but when youngster call me Mister (my name here) I turn around to see if there talking to someone else. So I guess I’m on that road to geezerdom.
I was always older than most of the people I worked with. But it was never the mister thing.
When people started say yes sir and stuff like that to me, it threw me for a loop.
I’m like the old man in the John Prine song
I am an old woman named after my mother
My old man is another child that’s grown old
If dreams were lightning thunder was desire
This old house would have burnt down a long time ago
No I’m in a profession where age is better than being young. As when someone says Mister (my name here) I thought you would be some old man with “gray-hair”..well I have been a xxxx for 12 years.
No I’m only 53, but I feel geezerdom is a state of mind. 😉
wow you are an oldman?
Thanks I feel like I’ve made another mile on my road to geezerdom.
Sorry, but I’m starting to get afraid of going to the barber, what if my hair doesn’t grow back??
Never had that problem, but I always figured if I ever start to go bald, so much the better.
One less thing to worry about.
As I said, the roads to laziness are many and vaired.
Well I’m studying for the Geezerhood. Andi has me out geezered at the moment, but I feel a strong finish coming up.
No bail, just some advice…stock up on roll-ups; you can trade bugler for food!
I guess all the drinkers have already..passed out.
No stamina these young kid now of days.
Everyone knows you don’t start to pass out until daylight.
I’ll second that, I guess it is time to put their hands in warm water as punishment for being wimps.
LOL – thanks, the first good laught of the day.
well the alternative is to, buy them a ticket put them on the bus to Omaha. And tell the bus driver a good story to allow you to put a sleeping person on the bus. n
in college, we threw a guy in the trunk after he passed out and drove 8+- hours to MU, in Columbia, Mo…and dropped him off.
We were going anyway…he was pissed, both the Australian and American definitions apply…:{)
Riding in the trunk, okay. but going to MU was that some sort of punishment?
No, one of my bud’s GF was going to an all girls school there…name escapes me…and we were going to Partaaay!
Columbia’s actually a pretty cool place for Mo…kinda like Lawrence in Ks…having a major Univ. keeps things on the liberal side.
Yes, I think it is called Stephen’s College or something like that. Your bud obviously was obviously courting a fine lady.
You know the only reason Jayhawkers don’t like MU is because it is like looking in a mirror. Were not really that goofy and gaga about our school are we?
Yes she was…heir to some outrageous fortune…didn’t work out in the end…Daddi didn’t like Hippies.
Are you in Lawrence…or did you go to school there?
Rock Chalk Jayhawk, KU..I think that answers your questions, yes went there.
There is an evil streak there somewhere. 😉
think Armando on steroids…only stupid. :{)
No evil streak, just trying to keep everyone talking as my Treo battery is starting to run low.
I just got my first laptop about three months ago and I have yet to use it unplugged for more than 20 minutes.
I’m waiting on a router so I can unchain myself from my desk, but I think it will be cool to go out to the patio and blog for awhile.
I think you will find it nice to have a wireless connection. And laptops are just as good, if not better than most desktops.
Ya, You betcha…too hard to find yer way home in the dark.
Nah in my case it was alway wanting to at least have some idea of knowing where I was passing out at.
I don’t worry so much where I pass out…its more a matter of who I am passed out next too. Ah, the joys of being divorced.
Mostly though, I stay home these daze.
I think you should be here when maryb2004 is at the cafe. I’m already laughing, because you two sound like relatives.
You do have a point. I think Mary and Alice would be a hoot together.
Nice to see you up and lively, oh sacred geezer!
Well I felt I was letting down the night people by not spreading with my words of wisdom on slackdom.
It sounds like I should spend some time clicking on the Mary link. I feel so bad. I have such fun here at boo, but I spend so many hours just lurking at my 3-dozen other ‘fave blogs, and reading and other such stuff…I just don’t have the time to really get to know everyone here.
Well as everyone knows, I don’t to much leave the cafe. I lurk over at over sites, but here I feel comfortable and at home.
In my case I just don’t feel I’m informed enough sometimes to make comments in some threads. I really do wish I could write as well as many I read and I could only dream of writing like a few who I truly admire.
I’m still drinking! I have been exploring the joys of the grand lay-off!
my trigger finger is drunk. Have a shot on me! Glad to see the cool geezers are still up and rowdy!
What’s up IVG. You’re another person that never sleeps. You haven’t put in Omir’s robo-rater yet?
after all the talk about it not working… I’m still getting the hang of photobucket (thanx dada!) and taking html and such things one day at a time…
He’s got it pretty much debugged…you on Mac or PC?
It’s fussy to install for Mac’s but if you’re using Firefox/ PC it should load right up…won’t work in IE…Bwahahahaha!
RoboRater…or as I prefer 4Nikator
I’m using IE… but should probably migrate over to Firefox… what is your advice, oh sage one?
Not to offend, dear dada, but I loathe Macs. Always have, always will. I was tortured daily by an Imac at work several years ago… always managed to pull a fatal error out of its ass when I tried to save a report I was working on… made me spend many frustrated hours recreating what I had lost. Nope, no way, no how, never again.
I respect your right to have one, but not for me.
I am not a ‘sage one’, not by far, but I use firefox and this humble one recomends it highly.
The evil Bill Gates and his IE beast will only bring you woe.
Definitely go foxfire and get robo-rater.
I’ve found with foxfire I can have all my favorite sites open at once and just keep jumping back and forth.
Plus I’ve found sometimes in the cafe, if I want to keep up with what’s going on in the cafe, but I’m trying to make a comment and add a picture I can open up a new tab and do it there, while keeping the original tab in the cafe open.
I don’t know if that makes sense, but I would never ever use IE again.
move to firefox..safer,better, quicker, and tab browsing is great.
The RoboRater. I have bookmarked and will install; when I get the time.
I’m getting tired of all this clicking and rating on a busy thread. This newbie will advance a level.
Thank you, Master Dada! Alice E bows in respect, and offers to share my tazo green tea.
‘trigger finger’? I recall trigger as the lone rangers’ horse; I hope you have washed that finger!
I’m pretty sure you can alway go back and change it.
That worked! I felt bad about that, now I feel absolved. Just in time for the Fertility Bunny!
Before Omir’s robo-rater that would happen to me all the time. Before I left a diary I would have to go back and scan every entry to make sure I didn’t give any 3’s by mistake.
Now it’s just the one click and I’m covered.
All praise Omir, I still burn inscense in his honor. 🙂
Okay. Maybe just a few pictures:
This is not me in fact, just in ‘spirit’.
Be still my heart.
I menat to tell you I love your sig line by Mark Twain. I’ve got one over at my site.
I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting. Mark Twain
Cool. I found this quote at this website:
So many good ones here, it was hard to pick.
I just opened your webpage in a new tab. I shall bookmark and check it out; so much to read, so much to do!
Thanks Alice I really wasn’t trying to blog whore, well maybe I was, what the hell of course I was. 😉
anyone see this in The Onion a while back?

LOL. IVG I didn’t know ya had it in ya. 😉
there’s plenty more where that came from! I can be ruthless when the spirit moves me, but never directed towards friends. And that, of course, means all of the wonderful folks here in FBC land… takes a lot to raise my ire. But when it does… lol. My mom always told me that was the Swedish part of the family coming out in me… like I would know. LOL. Where’s NDD when ya need him?
Hell that’s one of the reasons I stay in the cafe. It’s a jungle out there.
I’ve seen some really good flame wars and I’m constantly amazed at how people will talk to you over the net and say thing that they would never say to your face.
I’ve seen a couple of things I almost jumped into, but I hate arguments, just hate em. I told someone before, if I wanted to hear yelling and name calling I’d turn on the TV and watch faux.
I stay out of flame wars myself… in fact that’s why I quit going to the “orange place” altogether and came over to Boo Trib LONG before I ever signed up here. I lurked for months to get a feel for the place and then decided it was for me, and I’ve been here ever since.
I don’t deliberately try to provoke or offend, and if I do offend, I am the first person to apologize if I was misinterpreted. It’s my damn midwestern politeness. And I have always thought that was a good thing. When I lived in Florida (6 miserable years) I was astounded at the rudeness of people and couldn’t wait to get back up here, even with the winters and all…
I’m a kind soul at heart. Just doesn’t always look that way I guess.
I’ve never seen anything but kindness coming from you. You’ll have to forgive FL. It isn’t a southern state. 🙂
I really do hate rude people. I’ve never seen any reason for it. I’ve never really had a temper and don’t understand people who do, so flame wars leave me cold.
My go the man never sleeps.
Should have been My god the man never sleeps.
just goes to show one must be carefull eh?
Actually, was dead tired at 9:45PM, so what was really bizarre was that I went to bed, and slept to about 11:15PM, then, of course, wide awake.
So I’ve been working on a diary, ___ Part III, of my nonviolent struggle series. I should have it out middle of next week.
I’m looking forward to it. Yea it was the same with me on the sleep, but I made it until 2:00 am this morning. So I’m up for the day and by 5 or 6 pm I’ll be dead tired.
I’m going to open the coffee cart. So stick around.
Thanx IVG!
Yes, I already have seen this on the onion, one of my ‘fave satire sites, along with jesus’ general and ironic times.
I still got a good laugh, seeing this one again!
Did you see the onion piece about GWB does not pray hard enough! Loved it.
now I can got back to sleep, but I’m afraid I’ll have nightmares after seeing that post IVG.
I’m sure you’ll figure something out… but hope you at least got a good laugh out of it. Take care!
no more jazz radio…bummer…gotta call it.
Have fun, Happy Easter, catch ya on the flip.
This one’s dedicated to you, and Second Nature (FM will know what I mean by this)

From a hilarious site called engrish.com.
Night dada.
Yes I do get it. Wish SN was awake to see that one.
Good night everyone. It is 5:20 am here now, and since I am a night-owl and the sun will soon be up, I must be off to bed.
Thanx again! I had a fun time here tonite. This is a comfy lilly pad to sit on, and a good pond to croak in!
Night alice E.
I thought everyone had passed out from celebrating MM’s liberation earlier… and felt lonely, so I went out and blogged around, blogwhore that I am. But the comfort of the FBC/FBLounge lured me back. It’s way past time for me to go to bed, since I do have to do work in the morning and yard clean up in the afternoon, but I’m going to post this last one in honor of the pootie fans. SallyCat, I hope you see this somehow… love the little critters, but they make me sneeze and choke up (I’m allergic to em :-(0)

You still up FM and Alice?
I’m still here and I’ll probably go ahead and open the coffee cart. I don’t know if Andi has power this am.
I just can’t help myself FM, you woke me up.
Heading for bed now, but I could not ignore your picture:
Kittens can shoot back!
Great pictures alice. I’m just glad my cat is so old she just wants to sleep.
New Café Here