Good evening.
Welcome to the return of Chills and Thrills.
Tonight brings you horrors beyond the grave. In other words, horror less frightening than the evil wrought by the Republicans.
Thrills to Sarah Michelle Gellar. The Slayer turns 29 today.
Chills to books made from human skin. I might believe in recycling, but the people in the French Revolution might have took that idea a little too far.
Chills to really stupid werewolves. More proof of why vampires are so much cooler.
Thrills to Slither, a highly under rated horror movie.
Thrills to the donors of the Dracula collection to the Dublin library.
So what is thrilling (cheers) and chilling (jeers) you this evening?
Thrills to the return of Chiller Theater.
Chills to the discovery of a new case of Mad Cow disease, BC, Canada. (Time to change the logo, Gateway?)
Pooties pics? Margin race, anyone?
Ack! I missed the original… damn. They’re always the best. 😉