Yay for Mythmother!

This is an Unhosted but Very Happy Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Directions back to L.A. and pictures of Shadow on every table.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
We’re having a storm and I’ve lost power but I wanted to be sure that I got The Escape Day Cafe going.
Happy Escape Day, MythMother
I hope I’m back in a few hours to help you celebrate it.
Yay AndiF! Countdown Artiste Extraodinaire!
Morning Andi. Great looking cafe this am.
I could never have gotten through this ordeal without my fellow pond dwellers cheering me on.
Thank you!
You know we got your back!!!!
It’s a good feeling, refinish69!
Hea. MM. Oh happy day.
Thanks, FM! Yes, it’s a happy day. Just watch me at 4 o’clock this afternoon, running down the streets of Carmel. Clicking my heels!
I just woke up for a few minutes and saw this, and wanted to be one of the first to say “Congratulations!”
I’d post an audio link to something suitable, like “Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Dee-Ay,” but it’s late and I’m going back to sleep, so for now this will have to do.
I heard it loud and clear, Omir! No need for the audio link!
Congrats!!!!! to MYMOTHER!!!!! Happy Escape Day!!!!!
Morning Refinish.
Good Morning to all my froggies. I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday especially MYmother!!! Lots of craziness going on here as usual. I have to start trying to put together a calender for myself for this weekend and next week. I have 17 events I have been invited to in the next 8 days. LOL I have to some how figure out which ones are more important than the others. Who knows I might be able to do a fly by to most but some I want to be at for the entire time. Wish me luck. Oh, and I did I mention I still ahve to work during all this. LOL
Wow, that sounds hectic. What kind of events?
SCED meeting, Equality Texas training, Keep Austin Blue, Stonewalld Democrats, Russ Feinngold& JOhn Courage – 2 events, Barabara Radnofsky fund raiser,Williamson County dems, you name it. LOL
Now I know where all my energy must be going to.
Refinish give me some of that energy back. π
You’ve got your hands full. FM has no influence on you?
It’s almost over!
Thanks, CG!
Good morning everyone.
A day off. I’ll try to follow FM’s example, get lots of rest and do things slowly.
And I join everyone above in the good wishes for mythmother while being absolutely oblivious to the snake and escape references. And what’s with the tiny marmot?
Enjoy your day off!!!!
Morning Ask. Remember I’ve has years of practice being lazy. Enjoy yourself. π
Hi, ask! Thanks for the good wishes. I’m not sure I get the snake or marmot either…. Atomosphere?
Just got my power back a little bit ago so I hope I haven’t missed you before you go to work.
Snake reference is because 1) Snake Plissken is the name of the character played by Kurt Russell’s in Escape from New York and Escape from L.A., 2) you worked with a bunch of snakes, 3) snakes also eat marmots so Marmotdude (who is the unofficial mascot of the FBC) doesn’t like them any more than you do. And probably I pushed it but I couldn’t resist the Escape
To L.A. movie poster.
Welcome back.
Glad to be back — waiting five hours for your first cup of coffee is a killer.
I just got back too.
Wonderful job on the escape today Andi.
You were w/o power, too or just gone?
No had power, but had to cook breakfast for Mom who then decided she’s not hungry. Then cleaned the kitchen and took George out.
I hope ya’ll didn’t have any damage.
WElcome back, AndiF! Thanks for decoding. I sorta got it from the Ambiance, but have not seen the film!
WEll, I struggled into my clothes and am off to the office ONE LAST TIME! See you all when I get there!
I made a pdf of the this cafe right after you posted this message) in case you would like to have it. If you would, I can email it to you (assuming that yahoom email address is good).
That would be totally great. Yup, mythmother yahoo account up and running. Thanks again, O Talented One!
The pdf has been emailed.
Good Morning everyone and what a wonderful one day left for MM.
I’m jumping around and dancing like snoopy.
Morning again.
Must say it feels nice to sit on the couch with the laptop on a Friday morning without being in a rush.
I can see why you like it.
Yes, but as I said, I’ve practiced this for many years.
It takes creativity for true laziness.
Enjoy your time off, and remember whatever you decided to do, do it slowly.
Mythmother, put all your troubles behind you and fix the guys in your office a niiiiice cup of coffee.
Some of us are drinking coffee right now. Eewww.
It’s probably okay as long as you made it yourself and the Cabin Boys are still asleep.
Just the thought is icky.
How are you this morning?
I feel like I got hit by a truck. Mr. Nature’s snoring is getting out of control. I almost stuffed a sock in his mouth last night.
Other than that I’m looking forward to the boys being home today and nice weather.
SN I’ve heard before those strips you put over your nose helps with snoring. Have those been tried?
It’s not nose-snoring, it’s those humongous snores that seem to come from the depths of the earth. I think what works is separate bedrooms. π
Why do women alway want to go for the seperate bedroom thing?
Tell him it’s either getting his tonsills and adnoids out or it no more, well you know. π
I think he’d stop snoring if he lost some weight. As for the separate bedrooms – I’ve never had one of my own; I shared one with at least 2 sisters all the time and then went straight to husbands. Any excuse to have a room of my own will do. π
I can understand what you mean. It is nice to have you own stuff where you want it and no one coming in and bothering it. Plus getting a full night of sleep.
I really miss the little house I was renting and living in by myself, before I moved here.
It’s funny some people have to be married or have someone around them, but I found the hermit existence worked for me. Things were always left where I left them, I wasn’t yelled at for leaving the toilet seat up and I found cleaning for one is so much easier.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m really not designed to live with anyone that I didn’t give birth to. I like privacy and being on my own clock.
Now we both know, all you do all day is sleep and stay on the computer. π
SN, try those Breathe Right strips, if you haven’t already! I was a notorious snort, gurgle snorer for a while until I gave them a whirl. They do work, because they re-train you to breathe through your nose and keep your damn mouth shut. LOL. Not you but the person snoring! I used them every night for about a year and rarely now do I snore, but when I do, I hear about it! Not like the other one ever snores, oh noooo… he doesn’t do that! LOL.
Are you trying to tell me to keep my damn mouth shut? π
I’ll give them a try. If they don’t work the conventional way, I’ll just stick his mouth shut with them.
to qualify that you up there! Of course it wasn’t in reference to you! I guess I should have phrased it all as “one” or “I” LOL. A silent SN is not something I ever want to see… I enjoy and like her too much!
Why is it women never snore and god forbid odiferous emissions never occur from them?
Because we’re all delicate flowers and incapable of emitting foul odors.
Oh so true.
Yea sure. π
I am a delicate flower…damn it!!!! If you say I’m not I’ll pound you into a smelly pulp!
If you are a delicate flower, aren’t you more likely to become smelly pulp?
Hey SN and FM…I have to run an errand…if this cafe gets too full before I get back, can you put up another one (with AndiF’s Escape picture, I hope)?
I’ll put up HH/FRT when I get back.
that’s coming my way doesn’t take me out, I’ll take care of it.
I’m in a cleaning frenzy in the house – don’t know exactly what has motivated me but I want to strike while the iron is hot or it might not come around again for awhile!
Ill keep an eye out too.
I just saw this, and the AC guys are here, but I’ll keep an eye out too.
I’m back now, so no need to worry.
SN’s need to worry! Never!
Well thank goodness no one was counting on me because I experienced another surprise nap. My God, it’s like narcolepsy!
Hah my plan is starting to take effect.
Soon the whole world will be napping.
Pfft. I thought you said you were cleaning?
SN I would never say you are nothing but a delicate flower. However, some delicate flowers have a different perfume. π
Amorphophallus titanum
I’m joking of course, so don’t tear my head off. π
This probably won’t help, but my friends solved that one by having separate bedrooms. My brother snores so loud you’d need a separate house.
Morning SN & CG.
Morning Family Man. It’s going up near 90 today here and I imagine it’s going to be a hot one down there too.
Yea it is. We have the AC man coming back today and he’s going to do some work on it.
I gave him a call last night and found out like everyone down here we’re distantly related. I’m going to email him our family history (can’t spell the gen thing) and so I think we’ll be able to work out a fairly good deal.
Don’t you get to hot today.
Morning, FM. What are you doing today?
I’m going to watch the CabinBoys cut the grass, if it doesn’t start raining before we eat breakfast.
I’m going t try to get some yard work done, but I think I’ll mostly be working on my site.
Just one day and I’m already hooked.
Look what ya’ll have done to me. π
If you keep working so hard on your site you’re going to have to give up your slacking title.
Actually it was Olivia that did most the work for me yesterday, bless her sweet little heart. π
Now I’ve got to figure out all the information she gave me.
The funny this is I still don’t know what direction I want the site to take. So far, I’ve just published my Grandma’s letter, but I want something of substance in it. Not saying here letter hasn’t got substance, but…
I don’t know if it will take a political spin, because you know how much I’m out of the cafe – not much.
I’m still basking in the glow of everyone coming over yesterday, but I know that won’t happen all the time, so I’m trying to think what do I really want to say and do.
It is turning into work and I’m not used to that. You know me. Sleeping and sitting at the computer all day. π
I think it’s a great thing to channel some of your energy into, other than sleeping of course. Just put into the site pieces about yourself and your beliefs and things you care about. The direction will take care of itself.
I think I’ve always wanted to be a bar owner and have nobody but friends and good people coming into it.
In a way I’d like the site to be that way. I think that’s why I enjoy the cafe so much. Only friends and good people.
LOL I love that graphic!!!!
I know you’ve got a busy day Refinish, but remember, slack whenever possible. π
You are wicked, SN! ROFLMAO!!!!
I’m stopping in while drinking my breakfast/coffee before heading out.
Happy Escape Day mm! We are all so excited that you will be out of there. {{{{{{{mm}}}}}}}} Woo hoo!
Excellent graphic Andi! π
You have a good time and be careful.
I’m going to forward that email I sent about the blogroll code to Puget4. π
You have a good w/e too — try not to work too hard on that lawn.
Good for you Olivia.
Me work hard, you forget to whom you are talking to. π
Have fun.
Oh, love the little lady throwing flowers! Woohoo is right! Thank you thank you!
Mom’s up and I’ve got to get breakfast ready and George out.
See ya’ll in a while.
More magic pancakes?
Morning all! Escape Day has finally arrived. Woohoo!!!! Great picture. Escape to LA!!! LOL! Pictures of Shadow on every table! Sounds like heaven!! Thanks, guys. You’re the best.
When I took George out last night I found this little guy. He wouldn’t pose, but I thought I would take a picture anyway.
This is the daily pond picture.
Mom is back up and hungry now. Gotta go. Be back in awhile.
Hope you have a wonderful day and treat yourself to a nice dinner out on the town and then come back here ant whoop it up with us this evening.
I know I’m a bit late here, and the other froggies have been at it for a while, but wanted to add my own contribution to make your last day even brighter (I hope!) Just visualize yourself here… sipping the sweet nectar and prepare yourself to spread those wings and take flight!!

I’ll shout out when it hits 4:00, Left Coast time, and hopefully I’ll be done with my work then and can come by to help you celebrate in person! Till then…
And heyas to all youse other guys up thread there!
Couldn’t find a “jumping and heel kicking pic…but this sure looks like a Happy Lady
clik pic to enlarge
Eleanor Powell
Hasta la vista…:{)
Since I’m “working” (um, trying to slack) at home today, I’d better get down to it. I slept in late, did some laundry and now need to go hang it on the line and get back to real work. Keep up the merry-making for MM, and I’ll be back later to join in for a while!
Hope you all are having as beautiful a day as it is here… sunny, 77 degrees and a perfect spring day, which Pepa and Rolly are enjoying in the back yard right now. They’ve been out for over an hour and nary a bark! I love those sorts of days…
See you all later!
Enjoy IVG.
The AC guys just got here. I’ll be back later.
I didn’t come empty-handed
to Happy Hour?