For most of my life, I have been an Independent.  I think that I have thought through the things of politics that I consider most of all important to me as a citizen.

When I became active politically, I was very let down in one of the most, I thought, respected persons of this administration.  That person was Colin Powell.  I have met the man in person and he came across as very amicable and knowledgeable and honest.  At least that was then, back in the mid 90’s, anyhow.  He showed me respect and helped Gen. Shelicasvali {?spelling, let alone say} from my home state.  He was the top man at the  chairman of joint chiefs of the military!  How could I not respect this man.  Little did I really know of the most notable incident back in my war days of Vietnam when the then Lt. Powell was involved in nasty matters.  Boy how things have changed from then to now and beyond.

This morning I took a look at the Gadflyer and to my surprise, what did I find!!??  This captivating article as to my past hero,[not], Powell.

More below the fold:

When does one consider himself toast?  Well, in my honest opinion it is when one figures he/she has got a reputation for covering up the truth!  This is exactly what Gen. Powell is doing now.  I heard Larry Wilkerson, praise the Gen. in his speech this week.  That the Gen. did many good things behind the scene to help keep things one the right track of diplomacy and to keep things from happening that, if were to happen, would mean, severe prices to pay for America.  

Well, I beg his pardon, he did not do the one most important thing ever, and that was to stop this administration from doing the most very wrong things ever…and that was go to war.  He never stood on his principles and dedication of which he brags about on a daily basis for the American ppl…He chose instead, to be for only Powell and the president of which he chose to stay and work for.  For shame!!!! is all I can say…Now is not the time for Monday morning quarterbacking, IMHO!!!!  He had a duty to America and he chose not to fulfill that duty…He is worthy of a stripping of his rank and retirement totally for treason.  This is hard for me to say about this man, or any one for that matter, but this is the most heartbreaking thing I can say at this time, without getting seriously angry to the point of saying many other bad things about him.  I am so sorry for this, that I can hardly believe what I am saying, too.  Anyhow, this man broke my heart with his what-with-all that he did to us.  I expected greater and better things from him.  That is my spiel today.  At least I try to deal in reality, not like some I know inside the beltway of never-never land.

In looking on the military of today, was it the leadership of these kind of men, such as Powell, that has made it less in leadership than what we need in our military of war?  This may be what broke our will to win, at the end of the game.  Didi Gen. Powell change the mentality of the Joint Chiefs whith the way he participated in it?  I do think he did! and for the worst, now looking back on things.  He really did not show the leadership we really needed.  This  only my opinion on this matter.

 from the Gadflyer