We’re Getting Green

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Chips and dip on the tables
Chips and dip on the tables
Little sprigs of green all around.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s talk to you
Great pic! Did you take that one? If so, kudos for the wonderful view. I’ll have more green coming soon, when PB gets done uploading.
Thanks. As always, I give all the kudos to nature; all I have to do is go out and walk.
over the river and through the woods to … oops wrong holiday, place, and time of year. Anyway, I’m leaving in a few for mom’s to help her get ready for the seder.
Hope everyone has an enjoyable Saturday.
Wish I could join you all at the seder! I’ll be thinking of you tonight, and hoping it’s a pleasant occasion for you and Jim and folks. Looks like a rain shower is imminent here, so I’ll put off doing the rest of that work for a little longer… slacker that I am. Have a great weekend Andi!
Hope you have a safe trip and a nice holiday.
Andi I’m back and be careful and have fun.
Here’s a shot from a few minutes ago of the beds I was yapping about cleaning up last weekend… what a difference a week makes!

Did you get any sleep today at all?
Yes, I slept about 6 hrs, but that’s normal for me… usually if I go the full 8 hrs, I feel tired and have weird nightmares, so I’m content to get 5 or 6, with the occasional nap thrown in, hehe.
Uhmmmmmmm Naps.
G’Day All…a little piece of Kansas for you
winter wheat © dada
Need. More. Coffee.
Coffee in the afternoon. Geez you caffeine freaks.;)
Just got up @ 45 min. ago…Bu and I stayed up kinda late…well, her not so much.
You still up from last night, FM?
Cool picture, as always, Dada… and I thought I was the slacker today! Well, that work I have to finish is still unfinished, so we’ll call it a draw.
Yep. Looks like it will be a long day for me.
I waiting on a router and I’ll be so happy to be able to get up from this desk and take the laptop somewhere else.
Sure would make it easier on my shoulders.
That you have another imminent Barbarian Invasion heading to your house… maybe you could put up detour signs and direct them to the next town…
To late they’re already here.
I’ve gotten my Mom settled in the living room and they’re getting settled in their room and I’m taking George and locking myself in my room.
People are going to have to knock the door down to get me out for awhile. 🙂
I bet he could look pretty ferocious if he wanted to… I should dig up some pics of Pepa and Rolly wrestling and find a shot of Rolly looking downright vicious. Like he would ever do that, lol. A sweeter, more gentle dog, you would look long and hard to find.
If don’t know if this is ferocious or just ugly, but…
The great thing is George constantly barks at them and they are the ones that gave me George. So I tell em, you can’t say a thing.
That’s the funniest picture of George. I’d hate to pay his dentist bills.
I’m afraid to say George will look like that the rest of his life. I think it gives him character.
He doesn’t exactly look ferocious, but that’s one helluva underbite! Hilarious that he doesn’t like them and they were the ones who sent him your way. Hmm, what does that say about them?
Actually the only two people he doesn’t bark at are me and my Mom. The rest of the family hates him.
My youngest brother when they were moving asked if I would keep his dog for a week. It turned into 4 1/2 weeks. I took better care of his dog than I did George, but I know I would never ask anyone of the family to keep George.
George is a one person dog. His half brother Henry while he was alive would go with anyone that petted him. Wish George was like that sometime.
LOL I love that picture!!!!
That’s the one Olivia is talking about. I had forgotten I had put it up there.
How’s the day going Refinish?
I got a wifi last year and it’s really nice to be able to sit out in the ctyd. or pretty much anywhere. Haven’t taken it to the “library” tho…:{)
It’s not really hot yet, and I was thinking how nice it would be to be out on the patio blogging.
One big thing I want to do is be able to take it into the living room with my Mom. I’ll tell her about some of the great diaries here and she always wants me printing them out for her. I would love to be able to get her to blogging. At 80 she is radical.
multitasking, are ya sure you’d be up for that?
tax forms did not arrive at residence, dang that spagetti monster, need to check other mail box… just in case it went there.
Hey NDD you know anything about setting up multiple monitors. I’ve done everything the help section says, but the display keep coming back to my laptop.
I figured it out. 😉
I got the verizon wireless card for my laptop and can go anywhere verizon reaches. I am loving it so far.
Hey RF! How has your day been? I got my work done finally, and am heading out to do more garden clean up before the storms hit… how many designs did you do today? hehe. You design-a-holic you! But I love the stuff you’re doing… some day soon I’ll ante up and get one of your great t-shirts, but there are too many cool ones to make the choice easily!
I have done a few and have some more rough drafts to finish tonight. Probably will have at least 10 done today if I don’t start working on my websites instead. Thanks for the compliments on the designs. I keep plugging away at it and having fun.
When are you going to get some comment area going?
LOL when I figure out the rest of the bugs with it. LOL I am html challenged. I am starting to wish I had just paid someone to design the damn thing for me. LOL
Over at mine Ductape turned me onto holoscan. Same thing Manny uses. I don’t know if it would be compatable with yours or if you would want it, but it’s easy.
at this point I am willing tp try anything. I am using dreanweaver8 but am not a computer geek or nerd in any sense of the term. LOL I am going out later and get dreamweaver8 for dummies to see if I can figure out more about what I am doing with the program. LOL
A most wise move. Always read about it first. 🙂
You think I would have learbed that by now. LOL
I read about your card for your lap top. It sounds cool.
I did something I think is cool with my laptop. I took my monitor from my old computer and hooked it up and now I have two screen. So while I’m doing something here I don’t have to click back to something else.
Where the hell has my mind gone. This is multitasking and doesn’t fit in with my lazy nature. 🙂
Just checked the local and regional radar, and rain and T-storms are moving in… guess I’ll just stay in the house today, finish my work, do some cleaning and hang out with the dogs. <sigh> Well I guess those beds can wait another day or so… tomorrow’s supposed to be rainy too, and we have family obligations, grrr.
I would happily take some of your rain. Cool things off some. 🙂
Another flower pic to brighten your day, taken through window in daylight, well kinda gloomy.
hello Bootribbers, how is everyone today.
Those Monet-esque shots are really lovely… I stopped by Village Blue last night, but haven’t signed up yet… expect to see me popping in there soon… it’s really changed since the first time I went there a while back. Great site!
One more pic to brighten the place up, then I’m off to finish that dreaded work. btw, Hey there SN! Have these packed up and gone away out your way?

You all have fun, and I’ll probably pop in again later, I always seem to end up here, lol!
Buttercus are my favorite garden flowers.
RF, is that what you call them out your way? I’ve always called them daffodils, but some folks around here call them jonquils, which I don’t think is exactly right (I believe jonquils are a narcissus species and are white), but whatever you call them, they sure are cheery! These are the 2nd wave this year… we put 150+ of em last fall… they’re the naturalizing kind so in a few years we hope they’ll take over!
reposting the Ladybug before I relegate her back to the cache:
Gotta shower and do errands.
Be good ya’ll…:{)
78°F (26°C) Humidity: 27%
Wind Speed: S 23 Gusts to 28 MPH
But I’m happy about the wind, ’cause it’ll be a tail wind for the trip North to the “old country”. Then all I’ve got to do is wait for the prevailing NW wind for the return trip.
Hey, FM try dada for the double monitor advice.
He nozse everyt’ink! Ya you betcha!!
Have a great weekend folks!
Thanks NDD, I figured it out.
I want your weather right now. We’re at 87F and it’s starting to get uncomfortable.
Enjoy yourself.
Heya NDD! Talk about breezy! I just finished that work I had to do, and now it’s really blowing up a gusty mess around here! I hope the flowers don’t blow away or get pummeled by the storms on their way into the area. Supposed to get some wild and woolly weather tonight… are you due for storms too?
The dogs have been out all day and just came in to eat… they are digging this weather because they can “supervise” the neighborhood to their hearts’ content. Just thought I’d say hello, looks pretty quiet in here now, but hope to stop back again later. Think we’ll watch Capote tonight, and will let you know what I think.
And anyone else popping in… here’s some more greenery from earlier today… hope you enjoy! Gotta take some weed pics for MaryB at some point today 🙂

More Olympic Flame tulips and some of our many daffodils. Too windy to take any more pics today, so going outside to do some quick flower bed clean up before the thunderstorms get here… Looks like I have about an hour if I’m lucky!
Hey IVG I see you’ve been doing a lot today.
I think all of our talker, got talked out very early this morning.
We’ve had a couple of tulips come up, but we’re still waiting.
I’ve read you’ve got a storm coming your way. You be careful.
I did go out for about 30 min to clean out another bed, with about a 30 mph wind trying to blow me and Pepa down… I got about 1 compost bag filled before it started raining, so we came in. Then it stopped (briefly) of course! I just looked at the radar and we do have a pretty impressive line of storms moving in quickly… I can hear the thunder now. We’ll be fine… only a high wind warning, tornado and thunderstorm watch, that’s all! 🙂
Does it even get cold enough down your way for tulips to have their proper dormancy period? I guess they must somehow, if you have them, but I always thought it was tough to grow bulbs in the Southern states.
Hey all! Hope everyone’s having a great w/e. Nice pix dada, IVG, FM!
Olivia how are you doing?
I hope you are enjoying yourself.
It’s been a busy couple of day. I saw your froggie photo!
I’m happy to hear that. Just as long as it’s a good busy.
Which photo’s are you talking about?
along w/ a photo of your pond. Your blog is coming along wonderfully! {{FM}}
(I’m on a bad connection here — so if I suddenly disappear that is why!)
I understand. Yes that was a little frog on our patio. I did a marco on it. I’m still learning.
Thanks for the site complement, but I’m still not sure where I want to go with it. I guess it’s a work in progress.
Hi Miss Olivia!!!!!
Hope you’re having a wonderful w/e r69!
I am. How could I not with all the wonderful people here in the pond? Hope you have a great one also.
{{{{{{r69}}}}} :~)
{{{{{Group Hug}}}}} 🙂
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} for all!!!!!!
You just made me day that much brighter. Thx for the virtual hugs! :o)
My Pleasure!!!!!!
Enjoy Olivia. I hope you have a good time.
Hey I need a hug too. I’m putting down new peel and stick vinyl tile on the third floor and it started out great but now everything is off by about one-eighth inch and it’s driving me crazy! And I have a headache. And asthma from all the dust. And I’m hungry. :::pout:::
{{{{{Shy Bitch Goddess}}}}}
{{{sob}}} Why do I start these things?!
That’ll work too. 🙂
You stop that right now. Headache and asthma. Haven’t I taught you anything. Be lazy as possible – slowly.
Seriously don’t let yourself get too overdone.
Can you change your name to Handy Man and come and do the parts where the tiles need to be cut and fitted into place? I’m not looking forward to that.
Been there, done that. I did our guest bathroom with those tiles.
It’s a pain in the ass. I have faith though in…
SN the Home Repair Goddess.
I didn’t realize how big the room is and I didn’t get enough. I got 4 boxes and each does 45 sq. ft. It’s only about half done and I sent my daughter out for 3 more boxes. I’m guessing the room is 20×15.
LOL – I’m sorry, but with every home repair/fix up project I’ve ever done, I’ve never had enough of what I needed or the right thing.
You’re lucky. With me it’s at least 5 or 6 trips back for stuff.
I was just thinking. Go to the DIY site and I bet it will give you a lot of help on getting everything right.
LOL The first rule is measure the room and then buy supplies. LOL
She’s doing like Andi this morning with me and NDD.
She’s ignoring our witty male banter. 🙂
ROTFLMAO or thinking of a way to smack me through cyber space.
I think the smack is the best bet.
big {{{{Second Nature}}} and doggie wags for you! I understand your frustration… I’ve got one of those jobs to do in our bathroom and I’m terrified of starting for exactly the reasons you cite!
Will chocolate help? Well, even if it doesn’t, you’ll still feel better if you eat some… I always start with the bunny ears…
Just leave it alone if it’s driving you nuts tonight, get some rest, relax, have a glass of wine (or beer) and approach it again fresh tomorrow … or the next day!
Remember FM’s motto… take it slow….
I hope when you do it that you are smarter than I was. Take up your toilet. It’s nothing to taking one up and putting it back down, but trying to cut tile to fit around it is hell.
Back at ya!!!!!!
Of course you had to pop in while I was out furiously trying to rake up leaves in a 30mph wind with imminent storms on the horizon! Glad you liked these… but have you seen the macro tulips I posted late last night? I think you’ll like them a lot.
Hope the giant chocolate bunny is being good to you this weekend! Enjoy! I finally got my work done for the day and am going to watch Capote tonight, then come back here late and see if FM is still up. Hehe 🙂
See you soon, and safe travels home!
Now I know you know raking in highwind is about as smart as spitting or p—— into the wind. LOL
But my theory, twisted as it may be, was that if I raked them out of the enclosed bed, with the winds coming in, they’d just blow on down the street! Since 90% of them came from someone else’s yard in the first place! I did leave a big pile I couldn’t get in the bag fast enough, so I’ll see if they’re still there in the morning after all this heavy weather blows through!
New Café Here