Saturday Night at the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Newcomers, lurkers and everyone. Come in and enjoy yourselves.
FM, you are truly doing triple (quadruple? quintuple?) duty today! One of these comments, someone’s gonna tell us, Get a life! Well, we do have one, just that a most pleasant part of it involves this particular pondy place. 🙂
Thanks IVG.
Actually I threw this up because I’m not clear how much long I’ll last.
However, I’m feeling a second wind coming on.
Alright where is everybody. Free cocktails and beer.
She is perturbed by the thunder and hanging out in here, now that I quit vacuuming the upstairs. She is terrified of the vacuum, but plays “chicken” with the mower when I mow the grass… how weird is that?
Well I can pretty much say George is afraid of just about everything, although he puts up a big front.
I’m going to have to leave for a minute.
Mom, guest and George are needing me.
Be back in a little while.
Please direct your bar orders to this fine feline…

I think that is hilarious at the same time as I am worried that it consitutes some kind of animal cruelty. That cat looks so pissed. Or maybe it’s humiliation. With cats it’s hard to tell…until they commence with the ass-kicking.
I had the same reaction too, Indy… he does look pissed… let’s just hope it got photoshopped somehow and no kitties were limed in the process.
limed, lol.
I’m so ridiculously over-empathetic, I cannot even go to the zoo because my mind screams “Animal Jail” and then I cry. But I have to say, I would almost certainly be willing to lime a cat in the name of humor.
lol Indy! Maybe if you lured the kitty with enough treats, he’d be willing to play goofy… my dog is more than willing to dress up and do silly stuff… I think it’s because she gets all the extra attention for doing so… anyway. Have a great night, I’m checking out for a while so I can eat and get stuff done.
Looking at this cat I get the feeling that it trusts its owner enough to feel special with the lime-peel head dress without having even the remotest inking that it is being made to look ridiculous. Ao the animal “cruelty” is all on the philosophical level where cats go and take a bath to show their utter boredom.
When my daughters were small, we had a cat named Palmer. They would dress him up in baby clothes and push him around in a little doll stroller.
He was the meanest thing you ever saw when we first got him, but he learn to love and trust us. After that he was the most laid back cat I’ve ever know.
You seriously need to apologize to SallyCat for this one!
Hi MM.
Hi back to you FM! I had a very long first post-escape day with lots of adventures. What’s going on in your little world (as my mother would say….)
I’m sorry I didn’t see this earlier. I’m tired.
My day – you don’t want to know. I’m in a big whine mode right now and I think I’m going to go ahead and try to go to sleep. Been up since 2:00 am.
So I hope your adventures were good ones. I look at it as it can only get better for you and that makes me happy.
So again, I hate to post and run, but I’m out of here.
Take care.
Why is that? Do you think this would offend her? If so, apologies offered before the fact. Someone sent me this a while back and I thought it was cute, that’s all.
Time for me to get some dinner, and do various things around the house, so I’ll leave a few flowers to dress up the tables around here.

This is tricyrtis hirta aka, “Toad Lily,” a wonderful, yet not well known flower. This is from last year, since they only bloom in very late summer till frost, when everything else has given up the ghost, but they’re well worth planting!
See everyone later…
Hey IVG that is really beautiful.
Got everyone taken care of for awhile.
Glad you like it… I’d recommend planting a few if you have a nice shady spot for them… they like partial to full shade and well drained soil. Pretty much a no maintenance plant, unless they get too tall and you have to stake them up a bit. I can direct you to sources where you can get them, if you want to know. I love them because they look like little orchids, but are really tough plants.
Have a great night if I don’t see you again tonight. I’m likely to be gone most of tomorrow, so enjoy the rest of your weekend… well, I hope it’s as tolerable as possible with the renegades having taken over your house. 🙂
Thanks IVG. You enjoy your night.
IVG! So glad you’ve made this offer — & thanks for yet another wonderful photo!
I’ve been meaning to ask you (& our other garden wizards) for a good plant source. I’m ready to relocate to some bare woodland with much room for a lovely garden; generally the land is sloped to the north, with a fine mix of sun & shade. I’m wondering also about a source for organics, in terms of herbs & vegetables.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Checked the time stamp & it turns out you posted hours ago! Well, maybe I’ll catch you later ..
It’s later than I thought. I should tend to myself & get to bed.
In case you check the thread again, my organic gardening friends dig Seeds of Change.
I’d be happy to help you out planning your space when you’re ready. Feel free to email me with your questions and I’ll put some thought into it. Just make sure to put something in the subject line about BooTrib or your name here so when it gets caught in the spam catcher I’ll know it’s you and let it through. I love helping people plan garden spaces… just make sure you let me know a few things such as soil type (whether loamy, sandy, or goddess forbid, clay!), the zone you live in and any other basics you think would affect your choice of plants.
Woodland huh? Make me envious will ya? That’s one of our favorite types of spaces to work on … ours is still in the planting phase (some 7 years on here), but it’s filling in nicely this year since we ripped out most of the rest of the grass and tilled up the soil. Would love to help you out.
In the meanwhile, here are a few great resources for herbs and organic seeds that you can look at online: (A Canadian company that specializes in herbs and organic vegetables… we’ve ordered from them before and they have both an excellent selection and great service) (A Colorado based company that has organic seeds as well. Great selection of things you won’t find easily)
And finally, to plug my own state, there’s always (in Decorah, IA … they specialize in saving heirloom varieties of both flowers and vegetables… a total non-profit company that does great things!)
That should get you started, but email me for more detail than I can give here. Maybe when I get my gardening diaries going, I can devote a day to answering questions as well as I can. I know a lot, but not everything, but I can usually figure out where to find the answers!
I actually had a couple of those in my garden, until the dogs got busy…sigh.
Ours are safely out of reach of our dogs, even though they tend to leave things alone if they know they’re not supposed to go there. Aren’t these beautiful? I need to find some other pics I took that show the whole stalk of blooms… there were about 30 or so at one point last year and it was spectacular. We’re excited this year because we found a place that has even more dramatic new strains of purple, blue and red.. so we’re going to order even more and get them going this year. They take about a year to really get going, but when they do… WOW. And ours seem to love being planted in with some of the ferns… you might want to think about that if you try them again. I hate to ever say “Bad dog!” but perhaps that was in order for yours hehehe. 🙂
Have a great rest of the weekend CG! <sending you a big fat giant virtual chocolate bunny!>
I anyone here? It’s been kinda quiet today.
What’s up Izzy? What ya been doing today?
I’ve had a fairly lazy day in between hellish paperwork projects, one of which I finished yesterday.
So today I’ve been relaxing, reading, went for a walk. It’s been funny weather too — we had a hail storm.
How are you?
Suffering through heat w/o AC and relatives visiting again.
I’m being whinny. 😉
I’m glad you had a relaxing day, but the weather does sound wierd.
**Sigh** it looks as if I’ve missed everyone again. I’ve been busy with the flooring and it’s at the stage where it looks pretty good because the whole room is finished except around the edges, which is the part that’s going to be a real pain in the ass.
Now it’s time for a reward Fresca and then SNL. Sorry I missed everyone. Good night.
I haven’t been around the past few days — what kind of flooring are you putting down?
Everyone please have a great Sunday
Ovieto Cathedral, Milano
Sorry I missed you, dada… hope all is going well out your way. It looked like we had hellacious storms coming through tonight, but after much wild wind, a lot of thunder, lightning and rain, it all kind of fell apart. 🙁 And I was looking forward to some weather drama tonight… but just as well, since we missed hail and such, which would have been devastating to all the stuff coming up and blooming now.
Have a great Sunday, my friend!
P.S. How’s the great transfer/scanning project going?
Olivia would love these… hope she sees them when she gets back… more Datura meteloides in various stages of opening…

That is the partial opening… and this goes a bit further…
Don’t ask me how I caught these lovely textures, I think I just got lucky that night!
Been a very rough couple of days — nothing earthshaking, just incredibly busy…
Wanted to be the first to send everyone Easter wishes, if you are so inclined…
Have a good night…
Hey there Cali… hope things are settling down a bit for you now. I’ve seen variations on this pic, but like yours the best so far.
We don’t really celebrate Easter per se, but do enjoy the more pagan spring fertility origins of the holiday. And with our garden being so fecund and springing forth the way it has the last week or so, that’s reason enough to celebrate!
Virtual chocolate bunnies for everyone!
It’s time for this ole geezer in training to get to bed!
Oh, and I hate pancakes but scrambled eggs and bacon would be quite tasty…. hehe
Cook yourself a full breakfast and eat what you want.