I have lots of ideas for stories, but lack the least bit of motivation just now. Too lazy? Perhaps. I’m home alone with my daughter while my son and wife are off gallivanting around various college campuses as he prepares for the biggest decision in his life up to now: which schools to apply to.

Me? I’m just hoping that in 18 months or so we still have a world worth living in. But that’s me, the eternal pessimist.

After all, perhaps Bush’s Iran attack will be called off on account of no generals wanting to fight it. Maybe Al Gore will have declared his candidacy so I can stop worrying about Hillary getting a free pass to the Democratic nomination. And its possible that I could win the lottery so I can afford sending my wonderful, brilliant kid to the college he deserves and not the community college we can afford. All those could happen.

I’m just not betting on any of them.

So what’s on your pessimistic (or optimistic) mind this afternoon/evening?