Bush’s poodle is polling at about 30%. The Washington Post calls it the ‘Tired of Tony’ phenomenon. And they have a few choice quotes.
“A lot of people don’t trust him,” said John Hulbert, 70, a taxi driver and Labor supporter who lives on Barnsbury Street with his wife, Jean, a retired teacher. “You couldn’t walk into a pub and talk about Blair — they would throw you out.”
That’s pretty harsh talk from a Labor supporter. I guess this is what you get when you associate yourself with George W. Bush and his delusional and fundamentally dishonest foreign policy aims.
“Iraq is a total disgrace,” [former Blair enthusiast, Verra] Budimlija said. “Sadly, it has cast a big black shadow over the closing days of his being prime minister.”
Yup. But, I don’t know if these are really Blair’s closing days. He doesn’t have to call a new election until 2010. We shall see.
Bloody well good for Tony: lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.
(A switch on the canine metaphor, but it works.)
I’d take your classification of Bush’s foreign policy aims a bit further, BooMan, & call them genocidal.
Let all his allies fall away, as a matter of self-interest & sudden clarity, to reveal Dick & Bush alone at last, in a vast, untroubled wasteland.
Then Dick can shoot him.
Tired of Tony, Bothered by Bush, Resentful of Rummy, Down with Dick. It’s the same all over.
my first thought was “tired of tony, bored with bush.”
i like your other additions, too – this could be fun!
Done with Dick
Sick of Sensenbrenner
Raging over Rove
“have to call a new election until 2010.”
Blair’s Labour Party may be bankrupt long before then.
Just like Wapo to do a whitewash PR puff piece and deep into the article, page 3, skimp on the most riveting news of the past month – scandal over ‘cash for honours’
When Scotland Yard moves in, it’s Hell of a scandal: The Sunday Independent, UK has this here, Scotland Yard’s next stop, may be at No: 10
Booman wrote:
In a parliamentary system, Blair can be forced out via a majority vote of the Labour contingent which controls Parliament. A parliamentary system can remove a prime minister without holding another election.
In fact, the Tories removed Margaret Thatcher as their leader in exactly that fashion, replacing her after it was clear she was a political liability.
I predict that Blair will be gone by Christmas. Blair has mud on his hands (selling lordships to political contributors) and blood on his hands (the Iraq debacle). His likely successor, Chancellor Brown, has been touched by neither scandal.
Actually that is the more aliterative phrase more often used about the scandal. It actually has two sides to it that are not always clear in the reporting.
The first is the soliciting of financial support for the Labour Party, particularly at election time when they spend large amounts on things like billboard advertsing, transport and so on. Peddling political influence goes back to the first days of the Labour government when they were found to have received a very large doantion from Bernie Ecclestone, the owner of Formula 1 car racing. Soon after they exempted car racing from immediately complying with a ban on cigarette advertising.
Labour brought in reforms on cash donations where there is a limit, above which the donation has to be made public. The very recent scandal is that it has been found both Labour and Tory parties have been exploiting a loophole where loans, however big, did not have to be declared. Many of these loans appear to have been given with rather more generous conditions attached than would be the case with banks. Even murkier, these loans were arranged by a “friend of Blair” and even the elected Treasurer of the Labour Party was not told about them.
The second route you could apparemtly get a peerage or high honour is by you or your company becoming a sponsor of what Blair calls “City Academies”. These are schools for 11-16/18 year olds with certain specialsism like the performing arts, City business etc. The eaely version of the legislation meant that if you put up £10million, you would get to decide how the school was run and still get the balance of the construction costs and the running expenses all paid by the Government. The £10M was a bit much to encourage all but a few so they lowered it to £2M. The usual reason for the honour was for “services to education”.
The real problem for Blair is that these sorts of thing had been going on for years but on a sort of nod and wink basis. It’s when the education guy started adding the “nudge nudge” and virtually gave a price list that it breached the law in practice rather than spirit. It did not help that one of the proposed peers did not understand quite how “these things are done” and complained that he had not got his peerage when he had made the required donation.
What shit!!!
Blair and Bush are losing at the polls because “they” (the forces for whom they front) are losing the war.
It has NOTHING to do with morality, with right and wrong.
Only competence.
And you know what?
They will be replaced by MORE competent thieves and murderers, and the polls will go UP!!!
Let me ask all of you BooTribbers…
How many of you are willing to give up…TOMORROW!!!…
A-Your gas guzzlers.
B-Your middle-class lifestyles…loans, mortgages, pension funds and all.
C-Your pretentions as to the superiority of your culture.
How many?
For an end to blood-for-oil economic imperialism.
Blood for WHATEVER economic imperialism…???
Not very damned many, push comes to shove.
You just want a kinder, gentler ripoff system.
And that is JUST what you are going to get.
Reid for Frist.
Clinton for Bush.
Some asshole like Kerry as Secretary of State.
BushCo Lite.
Christ didn’t die for your sins, this Easter day.
Ahmed died for your comfort.
Go hunt your Easter eggs.
You bother the serious among us.
Shame on y’all.
Where’s this ‘Tired of Tony” nonsense coming from?
I haven’t event married her yet. (Hell, I haven’t even got her out of prison yet, come to think of it…)
Bush is proof positive that poodles truly did not and could not evolve from wolves. He’s a Shit-Zhu. And they came from the same God as Siamese cats.
Yay, “Creation Science” wins again.
How doe you spell that flubbery rasberry noise with the tongue that sounds like Cheney’s unmentionable when he’s frusterated when facing the fact that he indeed really doesn’t run the world?
Poor pysychopathic old tired erectile dysfunctional sap with a lkesbian daughter is terribly afraid of dying and needs to take the rest of us with him on his quest against medioicraty.
Anyone here measured his penis? Anyone…
C’mon, for science. Take one for the team.
While you’re at it. George needs a hummer so we can impeach him too.