[promoted by BooMan]
Crossposted from MY LEFT WING
A couple months ago I got a cryptic email from someone claiming to be a reporter from the Washington Post; he asked me to call him in regard to a story he wanted to write.
I looked him up on the Internet… turns out David Finkel is a Pulitzer-prize nominated reporter for the Washington Post. Still, easy to write an email and use someone else’s name, right? So I called him.
It was for real. Finkel said he got my name from an email someone sent him, which led him to My Left Wing. He’d never been to a blog before (gasp! I thought EVERYBODY read the blogs!), and was intrigued not only by the medium but by my particular ‘blog voice,’ if you will.
And he wanted to write a piece about me. For the Style section, no doubt, I guessed.
Nope. Front page, baby.
Finkel pitched the story to his editors and got the okay, on the condition I promise not to write about it before it ran on the Post’s website, which I did.
A week later, he was here in my living room. He sat on my couch and explained that he didn’t yet know what he was going to write, didn’t have in mind any angle. He did have a phrase weaving in and out of his mind: “The Angry Left.” Apparently I am the Angry Left personified.
Nevertheless, he sat on the couch with a notebook and we conversed. He watched me work on the blog, he asked me a million questions, some quite provocative: for a while there, I got the feeling he thought my writing on My Left Wing and all my passionate, vitriolic rhetoric was so much pissing in the wind. What did I hope to accomplish? Why was I so… “mean?” That was the word he used, too, which didn’t bode well for my eventual representation in the article, I mused.
Finkel asked what time I woke up. 5am, I replied. That threw him a tad, but he was game: we agreed that the next day he would wait outside my house until I turned on the porchlight, to signal he could come in and be with me for an “ordinary day.” That plan kind of fell by the wayside, though — there is nothing ordinary about having a Washington Post reporter watching your every move and taking note of your every random exclamation and mutter…
Still, we achieved a sort of rhythmic normalcy as he observed and took notes for almost 12 hours. He came back the next day and we did it again, though we did manage to go out for lunch. The Post paid the tab; I was shocked to learn that Finkel would not accept a glass of water from me; he didn’t want the slightest hint of impropriety, which meant not even using our bathroom, I discovered. Very strange, I thought.
We never did fully discuss that, but suffice to say I think David Finkel is an almost preternaturally ethical guy. At one point he brought out a camera (don’t even get me started on my neurotic fear of having a horrible picture of me on the Front Page of the Washington Freaking Post)… but the light was bad. I asked if it would be better with the curtains open and he demurred; that, apparently, is creating the news rather than reporting it. (I keep thinking about that scene in “Broadcast News” when Albert Brooks and Holly Hunter chastise a cameraman who tells a Sandinista to put on his boots so he can get a good shot…)
Finkel returned for a fourth visit, but just to wrap things up and say goodbye. As the weeks passed, we spoke on the phone intermittently; at one point he got assigned to another, more time-sensitive story and mine was put on the back burner. Still, he assured me, the story would run.
But for the immigration brouhaha, Finkel’s piece might have run last week… As it is, for better or worse, the front page of the Washington Post’s Saturday edition tomorrow will feature an article by David Finkel about My Left Wing, left wing bloggers and… me.
And it’s already up on their website. Go figure.
Fucking awesome Maryscott! Angry is good – angry is doing something. The Angry Left. I like it.
I’m kind of dazed. Knew it was coming, but couldn’t have imagined the way it feels.
Hate the picture, but can’t blame Finkel — he didn’t get to pick the one that ran.
You go, girl!!!!
I’m proud of you and any publicity is cool. I just wish they focused more on the cause of the anger than the anger itself. You’re not angry for anger’s sake. You’re angry because you have a soul and the MSM doesn’t quite get that about us. But maybe with you receiving increasing publicity (On FOX recently!) they will finally get it. Maybe the more attention you get the dodo heads out there will undertand that the other side hates the world and our side is right to feel angry. And maybe, just maybe they’ll stop merely focusing on us being angry but actually think about why we’re angry. And then we’ll hopefully start to get somewhere.
You’re a true member of the pajamhadeen!
Congratulations, Maryscott!
I’m already getting hammered at DKos, but what would a post about ME at DKOS be without getting hammered?
: )
I thought you came across as driven, impassioned, articulate and pissed off.
while blogging before but for you I shall make an exception. Fuck those assholes at DKOS!
I’ve only been through the first half of it so far, and I haven’t seen anything like that. I’ll keep going though…
I found some. That sucks.
Hey chick, good stuff. And I like the picture. You’re human, passionate and not willing to go quietly into the night. I dig it.
Speaking of dkos, I got a chuckle when your sig was quoted in the context of Bush when it was actually the orange monster which inspired that one π Ah, the good ol’ days… π
Good job MSOC, rant on.
You go, girl. Rant on!
That ought to strike a chord… especially since Bush is not that popular in the DC metro area to start with. (I counted about six or ten Kerry bumperstickers to every one for Bush back during the campaign).
And it’s good to put it in black and white in a major paper, that there are passionate Americans out there who are mad as hell and aren’t gonna take it anymore.
Passion counts for something. Passion can change the world. Or the country. Let’s hope it’s contagious. There’s some legislators in DC who could use a good case of it…
Woman, you were one of the very first diarists I read at Kos way back before the election. I thought then, Mary Scott rocks! Man, this woman can write and she says fuck alot so I knew I really, really loved you and your work. Keep doing what you are doing MSOC! We need you. Congrats! Oh and thanks for sticking it to Faux.
Heh…I’ve been so mean to the Washington Post lately I wonder if they would want to follow me around. Plus, my bar tab is a little hard to handle.
Congratulations Maryscott. This is great publicity. Now if we can just get them to accept you as appropriately pissed…
Congratulations, MSOC! This is awesome and well deserved.
Anger is good especially when combined with a passionate voice.
the third word of this front page piece is “angry” noyce.
“I am this close to being one of those muttering people pushing a cart.” – I’m right there with you! Preach on.
I’m leaving comments everywhere!! Congratulations! This is a great piece on a fabulous, talented, passionate writer. I thought it was real and raw and hit on many strong points. Whoo hoo – guess its kinda out there on the front page of a major paper in the capital city that a lot of us hate the occupants of the White House eh? NICE.
Ignore the negtive stuff no matter WHERE it appears. They are a very small minority who will always be there. As a wise friend said tonight, “some people need to remove sticks from ass before posting on Dkos.” Too true. Just remember that the vast majority of us do support you and appreciate all your hard work.
Thanks for all you do Maryscott!
Maryscott speaks for me!
to you MSOC!! Kudos and congratulations. You are indeed such a passionate writer… I’m so glad you’re getting the publicity! Front page WaPo, would you have ever have thunk it? π
Many congrats are in order!
Excellent Maryscott! I’ve admired your passion for a long time, and you most definitely do rock! Great job on FOX the other day, too. Keep up the great work!
The article was great, but I was upset about the smoking. You were my inspiration to stop (I didn’t either)but it somehow goes along with hating Bush.
I quit about seven months ago, and went completly out of my skull for the first three. One of the things that helped me get through the really hard parts, aside from the Wellbutrin, patches, nicotine spray, nicotine gum and beer, was blaming every awful withdrawl feeling on Bush and his shit policies. Sure he deserved awful feelings about different things altogether and, had nothing to do with my withdrawl , but it was a good outlet nevertheless (I hate being that fair). Use the tools available when they are available and, as I’m sure you’ll agree, there is no bigger tool than Bush. Give it another whirl, if you feel like it. This is probably my 100th attempt to quit, but the firt that’s lasted for more than a few weeks. Maybe Bush hatred actualy helped a little. Probably not as much as the nicotine supliments and the beer, but a little.
Me too, roseeriter! After reading the very first reference to the cigarettes, I thought, Damn. She’s smoking again.
Anyway…I thought he captured your essence very well, but I sensed more than journalistic detachment there. Or perhaps it was a pose of journalistic detachment–I’m not quite sure. My cynical side says he seemed slightly condescending, while my hopeful side sensed that he was grasping to understand.
Of course, we don’t like “angry,” especially from a woman. And it seemed difficult for him to grasp the concept that it is hard to pretend everything is all right when you rightfully name BS as bullshit.
At one point, it seemed like he was trying to offer an explanation for the “anger” but it seems like it was in the vein of, She was a nice white girl, perhaps a bit too liberal, but nice, harmless, nonthreatening…until george bush appeared. And then everything he did that she was told to ignore by being a Patriotic American(TM) and retreating to the mall to shop for those $40 purses on sale for $32.99, she could no longer abide. She is one angry chick. Avoid at all costs.
It seems to me that after years of scripted events filled with boneheaded moron’s who’ll drink Shrub’s dirty bathwater and ask for seconds has had an effect on some of the reporters. It’s as if they can’t imagine someone who doesn’t dismiss his crimes. They can’t imagine that for once, there are people who don’t shake their heads and say, Oh, george and give him yet another pass. They can’t imagine that they don’t take seriously warmed-over blather about “personal responsibility” from a worthless moron who’s never exercised any. They can’t imagine people want him held accountable for once in his sorry life.
But hey–just my thoughts.
Be that as it may, I have loved your voice and your spirit since those long-ago days at the orange place. And I was glad to find someone who had a potty mouth worse than my own–and I say that with love and admiration.
So to you, my dear MSOC, I salute you–with a champagne glass of sparkling grape juice in one hand and a packet of Nicoderm in the other.
We want–need–to keep you around.
Wonderful job Maryscott. I love this series of quotes from the article:
Those three quotes, in that order, capture something I’ve never really been able to explain to the people in my life who wonder why the hell I’m still tapping away on the keyboard at three in the morning, when I have to be at work in a few hours and still haven’t bothered with sleep. There is nothing abnormal about this mess. It’s the cats who can’t be bothered with a little outrage and a few sleepless nights who have a screw loose. I have so much to learn about communicating rage and grief and everything else in an effective manner. I’m really glad you’re one of the people who’s around to light the way.
Finkel spent FOUR DAYS talking to her and the article is 10 short paragraphs??
And they went way out of their way to pick a photograph that makes one of the most lovely people on the blogosphere look angry and unhinged?
And we’re clapping?
I think the article sucked. “Angry” is just absolutely not the truth, it’s not the essence of the story. Finkel is a pretentious little prick who doesn’t get it at all.
Frankly, I think Maryscott is swooning too much over the crappy attention and not paying enough attention to how crappy the article was.
i find it interesting that so many of us bitch and moan about the MSM and the Post in particular but if they do an article on a blogger even with a ‘look at the weird person tone to it’ we fall all over with praise.
It’s possible that the ‘attention’ will hurt our ultimate objective. So far Markos and Jerome seem to be doing ok (Markos was not an easy person before the fame) but fame has a corrosive influence. When more and more people agree with us, when we’re signing books and appearing on tv, and being interviewed and on and on, there’s a tendency to believe in our press and believe we really do know more than others. It’s a slippery slope.
Be wary of fame, it has its pitfalls, mines and traps. I doubt MSOC or Kos will listen to those who say Be Careful ’cause they already know they are ‘right’ What they may not realize is they are just as right as they ever were, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 the time.
While I don’t agree with you about the article overall, I am in absolute agreement that the photo sucked ass (MSOC is gorgeous) and of course, underlined the “angry” and “passionate=crazy” (but frothing, racist, misogynist wingnuts are only entertainment) meme that’s floating out there and has been for awhile.
Forgot to mention it upthread.
Look, it was just a matter of time before “the left blogosphere” would be covered in the MSM. Though the tip of the iceberg, blogs are having an effect.
Now why they took this on, I dunno. Maybe they want perspective. Maybe they want to undermine us. Maybe both. But do consider why the WP thinks blogs are newsworthy–they think it has an effect on politics, and perhaps on a really important upcoming election. Otherwise, they wouldn’t bother, b/c they are the Post, you understand. (snark!)
As for the length and the photo–the reporter doesn’t decide that. I’d be very interested to know what wasn’t included.
But I still salute MSOC. Rock on.
MSOC, just don’t let it go to your head! :<)
Great job Maryscott! I’m glad they picked you, no matter what the reason was.
I liked the article, but then, I feel like I know you a lot better than Mr Finkel does after his 4 days. It could have been a very slanted and nasty piece, had he wanted to paint it that way.
Glad you are getting the recognition. Keep it going girlfriend!
Big Hugs
You’re going from strength to strength.
7:14am, and they’re talking about YOU!
I hit the papers before the blogs in the morning, and there you were. Gulp! Excellent morning, my dear.
I saw it too and was going to post- glad someone else caught it!
Wowee! No more ordinary life for you now, Maryscott. You’re a star.
Other than being Terry’s mom – figurehead for the American left could be the most important role you’ll ever play.
Just don’t let the jealous bastards get you down. Shine on!
I’m consistently amazed that anyone who is aware of the likes of Rush, Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly and the like can think of the left as “angry.”
Definitely all of the aforementioned could use a series of rabies shots.
“forever nice guys” and granted, it is my first choice among all of the choices out there as to how best awaken each day. Hunting for that win/win situation day in and day out has for some stupid reason given people a fouled up sense of who the left is as people and citizens. Perhaps because we avoid being extreme because extreme frequently removes someones basic human rights somewhere along the way, it has been assumed that we can’t ever get extremely anything. Put angry at the bottom of that list too because almost all of us know that anger solves very little when we all go to the negotiating table. I have hated being caste in the unable to be really angry light though for years now and I find it infuriating that it took this long for somebody in the Mass Media to acknowledge the explosive rage out there in America right this minute. Considering how Bush has been wire tapping everybody and keeping tabs on activists, he seems to be the only one who wasn’t only aware of it but seemed to anticipate it! I wonder why!
They want us to be Lady-Like… like Anne Coulter?? π
Keep writing and keep speaking up.
If women aren’t angry then they aren’t paying attention.