And Recent Days in Iraq, photos and news reports!
Visit as David, and the rest at the site are keeping a running update, through communication with those in Crawford and any reports coming out from there through other sources.
Wonder why whittle bush isn’t clearing the brush at ‘The Ranch{?}’, after all he hasn’t been there since what, a few weeks, give or take a few days!
And ‘Easter’, at home with the family, Church service at family Church, is the Truely Christian Way to Honor ‘Christ’ Rising!
There are also other links at as well as photos at the links below with the Crawford Video’s, just click on a crawford pic to visit the Truthout site covering Crawford Easter Action. Clicking the Iraq photos will bring you to the InfoShop site, source of News, Photo’s and Links to other sources.
In between Video Links I will have a few photo’s&news reports , from Iraq, giving reason why this Must End!!
Light A Candle For
Peace, Tolerance, Understanding
and For The Children – Innocence Lost!
A boy at a refugee camp near Najaf, where he and his family fled from the Ahu Ghraib district of Baghdad. Some 33,000 people have been internally displaced in Iraq since the shrine in Samarra was destroyed on February 22, according to the International Organization for Migration
Associated Press Update 9: Marines Suffer 2 Dead, 22 Wounded in Iraq
By VANESSA ARRINGTON , 04.14.2006, 06:22 PM
U.S. casualties have begun to rise this month following a sharp drop in March, which saw the lowest number of American dead in Iraq since February 2004. Last month, 31 U.S. service members died in Iraq, but fatalities in April have already passed 40.
April 14, 2006 Baghdad Morgue Overflowing Daily
Inter Press Service
Dahr Jamail and Arkan HamedBAGHDAD, Apr 14 (IPS) – As sectarian killings continue to rise in Iraq, the central morgue in Baghdad is unable to keep up with the daily influx of bodies.
The morgue is receiving a minimum of 60 bodies a day and sometimes more than 100, a morgue employee told IPS on condition of anonymity.
“The average is probably over 85,” said the employee on the morning of April 12, as scores of family members waited outside the building to see if their loved ones were among the dead.
A child listens as U.S. soldiers question his father about an attack in the Abu Ghraib district of Baghdad on April 1.
Military Families: From the Heart
A Film by Scott Galindez
Mona Parsons and Tamara Rosenleaf remind us what it is all about.They share the pain that those of us without family and friends in the military will never know. Sometimes we forget that the numbers are real people. Mona and Tamara don’t forget; their loved ones are in Iraq.
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Another day at a refugee camp, called Diwaniyah, for people displaced by the civil war started by the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Fourteen Arrested at Camp Casey
A Film by Scott Galindez
Photo: Al McCleese
Determined to get their day in court, fourteen peace activists were arrested outside of George Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. Among those arrested were Daniel Ellsberg, Deedee Miller and Iraq war veteran Geoffrey Millard. Spokesperson Ann Wright said the group would continue to return to the site until their right to protest there is restored.
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Downtown Ramadi, capitol of the resistance, is not looking so good these days. A picture of this same building (which I believe is or used to be the headquarters of the U.S.-installed government in Ramadi) a year or two ago showed it in much better condition. February 19
Our Day in Court
A Film by Scott Galindez
TruthOut’s managing editor, Scott Galindez, is back in Crawford, Texas, with Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, and dozens of other supporters. Back in November 2005, 11 of the Camp Casey faithful were arrested for violating new regulations against parking and gathering on the side of the county roads. None of the arrestees have been charged or had their day in court. Well, they want their day in court … Cindy, Deedee, Daniel Ellsberg, Ann Wright and the others were joined by dozens of protesters on the steps of the county courthouse, where they demanded their day in court.
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A car bomb exploded in the holy city of Najaf on that day, 300 meters from the Imam Ali shrine (holiest in the city to Shiite Muslims), killing at least ten people and injuring many more.
This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!
As of Today Easter Sunday, 4-16-06 there are 59 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!
If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’, or only a few, the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See, ‘Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’
And also Think about the Survivors of those Killed and Maimed, many of them are the ones are Troops are now fighting!!
US colonel offers Iraq an apology of sorts for devastation of Babylon
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
Published: 15 April 2006In an act of at least partial contrition, an officer in charge of the US military occupation of Babylon in 2003 and 2004 has offered to make a formal apology for the destruction his troops wrought on the ancient site.
Sunset over the Green Zone. The smoke is from a “burning car”..
Permission to Speak Freely, Sir
By Stephen Pizzo, News for Real.
Posted April 14, 2006.Those who have never served in the military don’t understand how extraordinary it is for career military officers to say the things they’re saying.
This is not a column about reinstituting the draft. I just want to make the case that you pay close and respectful attention to the recent statements by retired top Pentagon brass. Because never in my life did I ever expect to hear these kinds of things coming out of the mouths of such men. Never. Here’s a sampler:
*”[Donald Rumsfeld] has proved himself incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically. Mr. Rumsfeld must step down.”
–General Paul Eaton, who oversaw training of Iraqi army troops, 2003-2004*“I really believe that we need a new secretary of defense because Secretary Rumsfeld carries way too much baggage with him. Specifically, I feel he has micromanaged the generals who are leading our forces there.”
–retired Maj. Gen. Charles Swannack, former commander of the 82nd Airborne Division.*”I think we need a fresh start … We need leadership up there (the Pentagon) that respects the military as they expect the military to respect them.”
–Maj. Gen. John Batiste, commander 1st Infantry Division in Iraq, 2004-2005**We won’t get fooled again … Rumsfeld and many others unwilling to fundamentally change their approach should be replaced.”
–Marines Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold, director of operations of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2000-2002*“The problem is that we’ve wasted three years … absolutely, Rumsfeld should resign.”
–Marines Gen. Anthony Zinni, former chief of U.S. Central Command*”A lot of them [other generals] are hugely frustrated. Rumsfeld gave the impression that military advice was neither required nor desired” in the planning for the Iraq war.
–Lt. Gen. Wallace Gregson, former commander of Marines forces in the Pacific Theater*“Everyone pretty much thinks Rumsfeld and the bunch around him should be cleared out. [Rumsfeld and his advisers have] made fools of themselves, and totally underestimated what would be needed for a sustained conflict.”
–Army Maj. Gen. John Riggs
From Peace Takes Courage
The National Catholic Reporter
… is shouting to be heard
To reach the website of the festival click HERE
Also read:
The World Is Burning: Africa
by Soj
Question Asked: Does anyone care?
I Do Too!!!!!!!!!
Governor: 41 “Taliban” killed in battle:
Forty-one Taliban and six police officers were killed in a battle in southern
Afghanistan in an area where the Taliban’s leader once lived, a governor said on
A quote:
Caring, Kindness, Love, Understanding, Tolerance, Concern……..Considered Terrorism?
Aid workers fear America now sees them as terrorists:
International help for the occupied territories was close to paralysis
yesterday because aid workers, including many Britons, fear that the United
States now sees them as terrorists.
Good Friday
GEOFFREY MILLARD, a member of Iraqi Veterans Against the War (left), marches past a small group of counter-protestors on his way to the next of 12 Stations of the Cross on Good Friday with about 70 pro-peace marchers from the Crawford Peace House. Millard was arrested later in the morning for violating a new McLennan County ordinance that prohibits living on the right-of-way of county roads.
–Staff Photo By Nathan Diebenow
The Lone Star Iconoclast
Thanks for sharing this Jim. It brought back all my memories of my trip to Crawford last August.I hope Cindy keeps making her point. Sometimes it just seems like there is no protest against the illegal occupation of Iraq.
I hope Sidney Blumenthal is right when he writes in Salon that Bush is in a Slow-motion trap.
“His presidency was built on secrey and, we now know, on lies. The more Bush struggles to free himself, the more his past deceptions bind him..
This is the bit that warns my heart. Have not seen it picked up or discussed.
Now, wouldn’t that be lovely? Looveely, Looveely. All I want is a…..somewhere.
SVP, sing along with me and feel free to fill in the blankety blank with your own discriptive.
Blumenthal is a guy who knows a thing or two. Since no one is above the law, I’m just saying how is it, this U.S. Code ‘legal exposure’ has not been seized or acted upon?
Is there a lawyer in the house?
besides my Hopefull Side, that with All Focussed on whittle bush&cheney, Little Is Said About ‘That condi Is The Most ‘Ineffective’ Secretary Of State’ this Country has Ever Had!!!
No one needs to even lookup other SofS’s to realize Nobody On The Freakin Planet is listening to Anything she, jr., vp, are saying or Threatening {except of course those here who are worried, rightly so, about the Idiots Dropping The Big One}, NOBODY!!!!!!
Too bad we the people can’t just march into the WH and do a spring cleaning of the entire administration from top to bottom.
If there’s no June or October surprise attack on Iran -November nears.
We couldn’t march in to the WH. They’d shoot us all. They’d continue shooting us.
Of that I have no doubt.
And you know what… American News wouldn’t give a shit.
what, if 700,000 marched on WH, kept on coming, every day. You think they’d shoot us? Carry us all of to Concentration camps..Oops that’s a secret, it’s called immigrants’ detention camps built by Hal.
Did the US not underwrite and fund Ukraine’s orange revolution? We have democracy for export, none for home?
And I bet that the chicken media -CNN and Fox- would be doing wall to wall coverage. Beats a missing white woman.
We’re in serious serious trouble. If we can’t march on the WH let’s declare the republic dead.
So many don’t realize that there are many out there protesting. Our “freedom of the press” news is a Bush whore.
The news here in the USA is what is getting so many injured, arrested and what is allowing more and more disasters to happen. Environmental, political and social.
Fuck the USA news. They’ve got blood on their hands – same as those who “believe” in Bush.
Thank you Jim
My heart is in Crawford today…..