Hi SN, are you in the middle of preparing dinner for family. I am gloriously alone today, most of family went to mountains for the weekend, they wanted me to go , but I don’t do the mountain thing anymore, especially I don’t like the drive.
Beautiful Flowers!!!!! Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!! The dogs are driving me absolutely nuts!!!!! I found out what got in the screen the other day- a rat- they chased it out this am but I am scared there must eb another one still there as the little dog has not calmed down since. I guess I will find a store open today and buy some rat poison to put in the cabinets.
Hi refinish, have you tried the glue traps, I don’t use poison after our dear dog buster found it years ago and nearly died. The glue traps work really well for me.
I am having a great day although its not even 8 am here, and soon I will watch the morning talk shows and that will get me off to a good start.
Don’t you know I am busy, busy cooking for ya’ll, how many can I expect for the dinner….
In real life I am going to have something like a white pizza with mushrooms for my dinner today.
Just saw a spot on local news and the strawberry crop has been hurt by all the rain, oh dear not strawberries.
I just stopped by to say a quick hello on my way to Easter services, after which we’re going to my son’s place for dinner. So, unfortunately I don’t have time to do a report on my SF convention activities yesterday (not that there’s much to tell), and I may not be back until quite a bit later.
George is not a happy camper at the moment. We, and I do mean we, got our bath on the patio. As I said, it’s like a water park experience bathing him. Here’s some before, during and after pictures. Still need to brush him out, which he hates as much as the bath.
I love that look he’s giving you in the bottom picture. It’s one of those looks that if he was your wife it would be saying ‘don’t even think about having sex for a loooooong time.’
Hi I’m back from the brushing. He is totally pissed right now. How do I know? He ignores me, even when I have food. He’s out on the living room couch at the moment and won’t even come into my room. This will last a day or so.
SN get out from that heat up stairs! Now let me see, if I remember right HEAT RISES!
Or better yet, crank the AC downstairs to sub zero and hope it’ll come upstairs. What’s a $10,000 power bill anyway. 😉
Bu loves the water so I take her swimming a lot….ergo: regular baths not required. She also really likes being brushed, so she’s pretty easy in those respects.
Here’s a great piece from The Guardian:In Praise of Boredom that made me think of you…:{)
Hey dada. I read the article and loved it. I’ve found a kindred spirit.
I can so relate to that article because I remember when my kids were small, they would say the same thing. There’s nothing to do. Like I was supposed to stop laying on the couch watching TV and find something for them to do. Kids can be so selfish sometimes. 🙂
However, I do disagree with the writer in some respects. Boredom while having good points is not the same as lazy. As the writer said, to some boredom is unpleasant, but lazy. Come on now. That’s the height of self indulgence.
Shinobi, our big black labbie, doesn’t like the water. IMAGINE!!! She’s afraid of the sound of the surf, even. I used to corner her on the top deck of our old house and hose her off that way. Now.. I have to get her “groomed” at PetCo.
I would not let a dog looking at me like that sleep in my bed or sit on my lap until after several feedings. Lorana Bobbitt probably looked less pissed.
Happy Eater, All! It’s been raining and now the sun is peeking out for a look around. I’ve been doing my laundry and just generally goofing off, but just submitted my UI application online. Fun, fun, fun!
Lovely flowers, diane, I’m looking forward to the 9 course dinner!
I just found out that Markos is coming here on the day that I’m leaving to talk about his book. Damn! It would have been so great to meet him. Well, that’s fate for you…
That looks so refreshing. It’s 92 here and I’m hiding out on the first floor with the shades drawn except for brief forays up to the computer. Just talked to my mom in Cleveland where it’s 49. Ahh.
Danni was the Creative Arts Consultant yesterday at the CodePink work party. We’re making “bombs”, “rocket launchers” and “missiles” for an upcoming Mother’s Day/War Receipt demonstration.
Just finished the damn taxes — we’re in hock $3600 to the feds and $1200 to the state, mainly due to a major fuck-up in the distribution of Mom’s IRAs. (Warning to all adult children who might face similar circumstance: make sure it’s a trustee-to-trustee transfer; DO NOT allow them to cut you a check for the money!)
This year I used Turbo Tax, and it walked me through everything, plus it’ll carry over all the important stuff for future years — if I’d tried to do all this by hand, it would’ve taken me about 4 hours and two quarts of tequila…
I think I’d feel better about the whole damn process (a) if I didn’t have the creeping crud (about to go back to bed for a while…gotta rest up for the Sharks regular season finale tomorrow!) and (b) if I didn’t feel like 90% of my tax money is being wasted on a daily basis…
Beautiful flowers, Diane. Happy day to you too!
Hi SN, are you in the middle of preparing dinner for family. I am gloriously alone today, most of family went to mountains for the weekend, they wanted me to go , but I don’t do the mountain thing anymore, especially I don’t like the drive.
Beautiful Flowers!!!!! Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!! The dogs are driving me absolutely nuts!!!!! I found out what got in the screen the other day- a rat- they chased it out this am but I am scared there must eb another one still there as the little dog has not calmed down since. I guess I will find a store open today and buy some rat poison to put in the cabinets.
Hi refinish, have you tried the glue traps, I don’t use poison after our dear dog buster found it years ago and nearly died. The glue traps work really well for me.
I am having a great day although its not even 8 am here, and soon I will watch the morning talk shows and that will get me off to a good start.
I will look for them instead. I am totally grossed out as I hate mice or rats of any kind.
Some hints about using the glue traps, use tongs and plastic bags if you catch any,
Wonderful as always Diane. Looking forward to having you back with that meal. I’m hungry. 😉
Don’t you know I am busy, busy cooking for ya’ll, how many can I expect for the dinner….
In real life I am going to have something like a white pizza with mushrooms for my dinner today.
Just saw a spot on local news and the strawberry crop has been hurt by all the rain, oh dear not strawberries.
Well lets see, I think there are over 3000 of us isn’t there?
But I won’t tell them if you’ll share your pizza with me.
Hate to hear about the strawberry crop, but I’m not a big strawberry fan. I know it sacrilege not to love them, but as a kid I got burned out on them.
Now white pizza is another thing. 😉
Just like you, FM! Always think of your own stomach first! 😉
Happy Easter! It’s a gorgeous day here. Perfect for napping on the patio….
Same to you!!!!! Enjoy the naps
Nap, did someone say nap?
ROTFLMAO!!!! of course you would hear that one.
I still haven’t figured out how to type and sleep at the same time.
Once I do, I will have reached my slackers dream.
Huff, grunt, groan, back with some more flowers.
Beautiful!!!! as always.
Here I am in my Easter Bonnet!
Diane you always find the most beautiful pictures.
As much as I’m not looking forward to it and I know George is even less. I’m off to give George a bath.
It will be a slipping, sliding, whinning (both of us) and general waterpark on the patio experience.
I’ll check back later.
I just stopped by to say a quick hello on my way to Easter services, after which we’re going to my son’s place for dinner. So, unfortunately I don’t have time to do a report on my SF convention activities yesterday (not that there’s much to tell), and I may not be back until quite a bit later.
George is not a happy camper at the moment. We, and I do mean we, got our bath on the patio. As I said, it’s like a water park experience bathing him. Here’s some before, during and after pictures. Still need to brush him out, which he hates as much as the bath.

LOL!!! Poor baby!!!!! He looks upset.
He ain’t none to happy right now, and he’s letting me know it.
That’s the reason I’ve been holding off on the brushing.
But I guess I just as well get the whole thing done so he’ll get over it sooner.
Wait until I get him a haircut. He goes from, so ugly he’s cute, to just plain ugly. 🙂
Still he’s my buddy.
I love that look he’s giving you in the bottom picture. It’s one of those looks that if he was your wife it would be saying ‘don’t even think about having sex for a loooooong time.’
You know, I’m tired of bathing myself. I wish someone would take me out to the patio, hose me down, rub shampoo all over my body and then dry me.
Or maybe it’s just being upstairs here with no AC.
Hi I’m back from the brushing. He is totally pissed right now. How do I know? He ignores me, even when I have food. He’s out on the living room couch at the moment and won’t even come into my room. This will last a day or so.
SN get out from that heat up stairs! Now let me see, if I remember right HEAT RISES!
Or better yet, crank the AC downstairs to sub zero and hope it’ll come upstairs. What’s a $10,000 power bill anyway. 😉
Bu loves the water so I take her swimming a lot….ergo: regular baths not required. She also really likes being brushed, so she’s pretty easy in those respects.
Here’s a great piece from The Guardian: In Praise of Boredom that made me think of you…:{)
Hey dada. I read the article and loved it. I’ve found a kindred spirit.
I can so relate to that article because I remember when my kids were small, they would say the same thing. There’s nothing to do. Like I was supposed to stop laying on the couch watching TV and find something for them to do. Kids can be so selfish sometimes. 🙂
However, I do disagree with the writer in some respects. Boredom while having good points is not the same as lazy. As the writer said, to some boredom is unpleasant, but lazy. Come on now. That’s the height of self indulgence.
He likes being clean, though!
I’m sure Bu does, but George could care less. Just as long as you don’t take him near water.
George looks like my old dog Teddy. He was part pomeranian and part poodle. Great GREAT GREAAAAAAT dog. Little dog with a big person soul.
Great photo! So cute and funny, but also almost made me tear up thinking of my old poodums.
Janet you just bought back good memories to me also. I’ve only had one big done before and he was the most gentle, good natured dog I’ve ever had.
His name was Teddy.
Should have been one big dog.
Shinobi, our big black labbie, doesn’t like the water. IMAGINE!!! She’s afraid of the sound of the surf, even. I used to corner her on the top deck of our old house and hose her off that way. Now.. I have to get her “groomed” at PetCo.
You can’t even get her near the tub.
That’s one reason I thankful George is small. It’s still a job to get him done, but it’s manageable.
RE: After
I would not let a dog looking at me like that sleep in my bed or sit on my lap until after several feedings. Lorana Bobbitt probably looked less pissed.
LOL Jim.
Thank God he can’t get his little paws around a knife.
Happy Eater, All! It’s been raining and now the sun is peeking out for a look around. I’ve been doing my laundry and just generally goofing off, but just submitted my UI application online. Fun, fun, fun!
Lovely flowers, diane, I’m looking forward to the 9 course dinner!
Hey MM. Goofing off. A woman after my own heart. 😉
You are my role model, FM!
Thank you MM. I try to be a shinning example for everyone. 🙂
But that washing the dog thing… You were slipping up a bit there. Don’t go and get ambitious on us.
Just imagine to what heights of laziness I could go if I won the lottery. It even boggles my mind.
You never know! It could have the reverse effect. Maybe better not to take the risk!
I have great faith in FM. No matter the temptation to unslack, his strength of character will triumph.
Thank you Andi. Your faith in me makes me want to redouble my efforts in slackdom.
That doesn’t sound right for some reason.
ah a zen coan — can one work at being a successful slacker?
ah a zen coan — can one work at being a successful slacker?
To obtain enlightenment, one must merely be.
I am slackdom, so I embrace my inner self.
Therefore, doubling my efforts to be myself is obtainable by doing nothing.
you have attained wisdom.
No I haven’t, because I had to google my butt off finding out what zen coan was. 🙂
woulda been easier if she spelled it correctly…koan…<ducks> :{)
that they don’t know how to spell cohen.
MM you forget to whom you are talking to.
The Southern Sage of Slothful Slacking. 🙂
Some more Easter flowers to add to the ambiance.
I just found out that Markos is coming here on the day that I’m leaving to talk about his book. Damn! It would have been so great to meet him. Well, that’s fate for you…
Ok, I have been working all morning and finally it’s ready, enjoy!!!!! Thanks to all for the lovely flowers they brought to the dinner and cafe.

Yea Diane. I’m famished.
OK now everyone has seen the picture, lets eat the pizza. 😉
I could only wish for that.
Admittedly Sniff does this on his own but you could always try throwing George in the pond.
George has never bitten anyone, and I would hate to tempt fate. Plus I’m not sure if he can swim.
Can you imagine if I had to go out after him and I saw a snake. Adventures in Slackdom doesn’t include heroism.
Nope, it’s the garden hose.
That looks so refreshing. It’s 92 here and I’m hiding out on the first floor with the shades drawn except for brief forays up to the computer. Just talked to my mom in Cleveland where it’s 49. Ahh.
Just get Mr Nature, go to the backyard, strip down and frolic under the water hose.
Not only will you cool off, but your neighbors will have a day they won’t forget. 😉
That would surely scare children and small animals…if there were any out and about. Everyone is inside in the AC.
Definitely don’t want to scare anything.
How’s the headache?
Bad again. 🙁
go take a sleeping bag and a pillow and lie down in front the ac vent.
I just got back from the farm.
SN do what Andi said.
Food not bombs!
Danni was the Creative Arts Consultant yesterday at the CodePink work party. We’re making “bombs”, “rocket launchers” and “missiles” for an upcoming Mother’s Day/War Receipt demonstration.
Great picture Janet.
Just finished the damn taxes — we’re in hock $3600 to the feds and $1200 to the state, mainly due to a major fuck-up in the distribution of Mom’s IRAs. (Warning to all adult children who might face similar circumstance: make sure it’s a trustee-to-trustee transfer; DO NOT allow them to cut you a check for the money!)
This year I used Turbo Tax, and it walked me through everything, plus it’ll carry over all the important stuff for future years — if I’d tried to do all this by hand, it would’ve taken me about 4 hours and two quarts of tequila…
I think I’d feel better about the whole damn process (a) if I didn’t have the creeping crud (about to go back to bed for a while…gotta rest up for the Sharks regular season finale tomorrow!) and (b) if I didn’t feel like 90% of my tax money is being wasted on a daily basis…
Hope you get to feeling better Cali.