I spend alot of time slamming do-nothing Dems and it’s a real pleasure to applaud a Democrat who stands up and acts like one. Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano just vetoed 8 (Count ’em 8!) bills passed by the Republican lawmakers there. The thorniest of them are immigration criminalization and 2 abortion bills and here’s the rundown:
Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed a bill that would have criminalized the presence of illegal immigrants in Arizona, citing opposition from police agencies that want immigration arrests to remain the responsibility of the federal government.
The proposal would have expanded the state’s trespassing law to let local authorities arrest illegal immigrants anywhere in Arizona, the nation’s busiest illegal entry point. Congress also had considered criminalizing the presence of illegal immigrants in the country.
In a letter to lawmakers, Napolitano said she opposes automatically turning all immigrants who sneaked into the state into criminals and that the bill provided no funding for the new duties.
“It is unfortunate that the Legislature has once again ignored the officials who are most directly affected by illegal immigration and instead has passed yet another bill that will have no effect on the problem but that will impose an unfunded burden on law enforcement,” Napolitano wrote Monday.
More below on the other bills vetoed.
From the East Valley Tribune, here are Napolitano’s other vetoes:
Two legislative efforts to place new restrictions on abortions and a third that would have made criminals of women who sell their eggs for cloning research.
- One measure that would have required parents to notarize any statement permitting their minor daughter to have an abortion.
- Legislation that would have barred state and local governments from providing health insurance coverage to employees that includes abortion.
- Making it a crime for women to sell — or for doctors or researchers to buy — human eggs that would be used for cloning research. “I am persuaded that this bill represents an unwarranted intrusion into the medical decisions of women — and only women,” she wrote in vetoing HB2142.
The pro-lifers are already screaming for her head here.
If it wasn’t for Janet we would be in the middle of a catastrophe here in Arizona. They have passed numerous bills over the past couple of years that are enough to spin the grave of Barry Goldwater. She is our only line of defense at the moment, and with her hard track right on immigration, it will be interesting to see if she will pick up Pima County again. Thanks for writing this up, wilfred.
Hey Manny, more than happy to.
I don’t know alot about Arizona state politics so thanks so much for your input.
Appaud? I am giving here a standing ovation! read this early today. Thanks for writing about it here!
you would think it would be getting alot more attention.
i’ve seen almost nothing about this nationally in the media and almost nothing on the blogs either.
with all the do-nothing Dems out there, it’s so nice to point out one who is standing up (besides my boy Russell) to these cretins.
wow! I applaud her. Thanks for seeing that we get a look into her strength/greatness as a Gov. Wished more govs were like her.
Congratulations to all the residents of Arizona today!! I only hope we can join you in about 6 months and elect a strong woman governor in Minnesota so we have something to be proud of as well. Go Becky Lourey!!!
Thanks Wilfred! Great to see a bright spot on a dark day, and a Democrat who isn’t afraid to stand for her principles against the wingnut tide. My only question (and this might better be posed to Maneegee) is are her vetoes override-proof? I sure hope so, because if (and I hope she does!) prevail in her vetoes, it would give us all more hope to halt the Regressives’ medieval agenda.
I agree with you on our man Russ… I’ve been a fan of his for years and I only get more impressed with him all the time (except for that sore spot of voting to confirm Abu Gonzales). Unless Al Gore runs in 08, I’m Russ all the way. Was talking about that earlier w/my hubby and we both agreed that a Gore/Feingold ticket would be to die for…
that met her stamp are veto-proof, luckily we have enough sane Democrats that will hold their ground. more info here
Thanks, maneegee! I knew you’d be on top of that question, and what a relief to hear that. Even more reason to rejoice at her stand against wingnuttery. I appreciate the speedy response, mi amigo!
Hope all is well with you and Bud!
Thanks for that link Manny, that is great news!