This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Wow, why do bonobos have so much more fun than we do?
BTW…I just wanted a long thread about sex to have the heading ‘For you, Family Man’ since it’s the only excitement you’ve had in a long while. š
That’s my gift to you. Now I’m off for some RL. Have a good morning.
Thanks I’m off to RL too.
Actually didn’t realize what RL meant until a couple of days ago. The fog lifts occasionally.
You are so bad.
ejmw has new petals diary up at dKos. It is getting some recommends. So if anyone wants to assist. Now’s the time.
Already have. Thanks EJ and BostonJoe.
16 recs total as of a minute ago.
If only the U.N.. . .
Morning All! I have to take my car in for repairs in a little while.
Flowers courtesy of Trader Joe’s.
That is such a lovely picture!!!!!!!! Thanks for brightening up my morning…hugs
Thanks and Hugs back to you {{{Brenda}}}.
Glad you are putting your slack time to such lovely use.
Thanks, AndiF! I wish I knew where there were more flowers to photograph around here!
It’s a beautiful day here in these parts. I’m on vacation and it’s great.
I just wanted to stop by and say hello before I ran off to do some errands.
HI, TT! Where are “these parts”? š
I’m in the Detroit area.
Congrats on losing that bad workplace.
Thanks, Teacher Toni! Glad you are having some great weather for your vacation.
Have a great day everyone!
OH!!!! how cute! I want to just take them up and squeeze them.
Too adorable, yikes!!!!
blueneck and Boston Joe have PETALS FOR PEACE: BLOGGERS UNITE IN BIG PROTEST, 2nd attempt at orange. It looks like they could use some help if you’re so inclined.
Jim and I wanting your help last night while watching the antique road in Bismark. One of the people on the show, upon hearing about her antique, exclaimed “Garsh!” and Jim and I wanted to know if that was authentic North Dakota-ese.
authentic North Dakota-ese?
Nope! Never in my life have I heard anyone say,”Garsh!”
Must have been some furiner visiting from another state.
I don’t know if you watch either of these episodes but there were a lot of wonderful pieces and interesting family stories — made a great counterargument to all the stereotypes of the northern great plains.
I don’t think I’ve seen that one.
…”stereotypes of the northern great plains…”
A fairly high percentage of farmers I know have Univ degrees. And if not that went to a trade school.
As far as stereotypes, that’s what bugged the locals about the movie, Fargo. “We’re not like that.”, well, yes and no. The brogue was pretty heavy in that, but I know a couple of town where people sound like that, especially if they’re telling jokes. I can imitate it pretty well! Just you wait till we meet somewhere.
…”stereotypes of the northern great plains…”
Why NDD, when I saw Fargo I thought everyone up there was like that. š
Ha ha! I saw Fargo in N CA, and my gf at the time was blond, and obviously of Swedish extraction. So as the movie progressed, and the brogue got t’icker, and t’icker, we sunk farther, and farther down into our seats, LOL.
Good thing we were in the balconey.
Scandavavian, so “Garsh!” could be in use in the Germans-from-Russia community, who are probably the majority of the population in the Bismarck area of the state.
I’m from Warshington.
you know how it issss, den!!
I’ve heard there used to be neighborhoods of Seattle that were nearly all ex-NDs. Although that may be a generation or two ago, so more than likely the progeny of those are more diffused.
ejmw has new petals diary up at dKos. It is getting some recommends. So if anyone wants to assist. Now’s the time.
My grandfather was ‘a german from russia’ and he certainly never said garsh. OTOH, the german part was way in the past (maybe late 18th or early 19th century) and all his exclamations were in yiddish.
who are more familiar with W ND, and at the earliest opportunity report back.
I appreciate your diligence.
These guys are too cute.
ejmw has new petals diary up at dKos. It is getting some recommends. So if anyone wants to assist. Now’s the time.
Accccck! Accccck! Cuteness attack! Must resist . . . will . . . growing . . . weaker . . . must . . .
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE
Yawn. It’s 10:30 here. Why am I still so sleepy?
Ran across a great poem I’d forgotten about. Too impatient to wait for the Daily Grief Diary, so here it is:
Great Find…. WW must have had a time machine. LOL
Good Morning from the great state of Tennessee. [cst, :o)] Nothing unusual in my morning today. Had a great sunrise….by the way, what a lovely either sunrise or sunset picture, to start the diary off.
The cats did not one thing different today than they usually do; however, one occasionally does some window hopping. They are now back to napping. I have the window in my office open and enjoying the loveliness of the day. Fresh air! We down this way have almost shut our heat off to turning our AC on.
Please allow me to brag a bit, if you will. My oldest grand-daughter, a freshman in hi school, went to state for speech. She won first place and now off to California she is a going…for nationals. I am so proud of her.
I can tell you I am so disturbed about he state of the nation….so we can win back congress. We need to start now…
I hope that our news media will finally awaken to the reality of facts and the world. It depresses me so to hear them lie so much.
I just love Spring. All the rebirth of everything. I get so engrossed in things like flowers, making new things, getting outside…I have this huge old tree outside my office that I watch bud and bloom and it is so exciting to watch it each year. The birds are singing their famous tune….what ever it is they do, anyhow…:o) I have some redbirds out back in a row of trees that eventually make it up to my house occasionally. They are so lovely.
As off Friday of last week, my daughter has been gone for 7 years now. Seems just like yesterday to me….however, there are times it seems like an eternity ago. Anyhow, ……….
Hugs to all and wishing you all a great week…stay well and safe and enjoy life to its fullest.
Brenda congratulations on your granddaughter going to Nationals! My daughter went in 2002. It’s such a great confidence builder to be involved in speech and forensics in high school.
We were all thinking of you during TN’s bad weather. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, does it?
Thanks, SN. I can honestly say you just know it has made her feel so much of that self esteem that she needs to fulfill her goals in life. I just know she will do well in what ever she decides to do with her life.
Yes the storms were not good and they do make me very nervous. I have to admit, the least little wind and I am up and walking the floors..:o(
It’s always wonderful to have you drop by the cafe. I’m glad you enjoyed the sunrise.
Spring is a wonderful. Everything is coming to life here in the woods. The dogwood flowers have just turned bright white today:
Oh andif, you give me such pleasure from your pictures. Thanks, greatly appreciated. I love the looks of the bartlett pear trees too. Arent they the most wonderful thing to see in bloosom? Our dogwoods and all the flowering trees are just so beautiful here. That is one of the things I like here. Of course there is a lot of lovely areas around me here, but there is one street in my town where I work that is just full of this kind of growth. I go out of my way to go down that street to see the loveliness of it. Again thanks for the picuture. hugs….
I wasn’t able to attend yesterday’s CP support of Physicians for Social Responsibility in Portland. I got sick AGAIN Sunday night. My friend who called me yesterday morning to see if I wanted her to pick me up… got on the noon news. She handed out our CP War Receipts. I am so happy for her. She and I live fairly close to each other and it’s been fun going to events and meetings with her. Two happy, energetic, blondes š
This month is going to be hella busy. Her and I are the ones going into a Sentators office and demanding our money back from this illegal occupation.
Still feeling icky and why is it that when I get the flu my poison oak breaks out?? Not as bad this time as when I first got it last year… but damn… it pisses me off. It’s one thing to be sick with the flu – it’s another to be itching and it takes longer for this poison oak crap to go away.
So what’s up with the poison oak??? Anyone Anyone? I’m not stressed. Maybe it’s immune system down it flares up??? Doc says I’m allergic to it so it’ll come back several times – each times less severe.
Janet I’m sorry to hear you weren’t able to attend and are feeling bad.
Poison Oak. I wish I could tell you. The last time I caught it bad, I had it for over a month. I bought and tried everything imaginable.
Thanks Family Man. Yeah, the first time was horrific. They had to give me steriods. I was worried I’d end up sounding like the Terminator LOL. I never knew people could be allergic. I thought everyone was… but that is called “reactions”.
It flares up bad around my face, hands and right under my breasts (eek) and my neck.
ejmw has new petals diary up at dKos. It is getting some recommends. So if anyone wants to assist. Now’s the time.
I’ll send him some poison oak š
Aaaargh Janet! I hope you get to feeling better soon. That sounds miserable.
Drink lots of chicken soup.
I’ve upgraded from dehydration to Sierra Mists and Saltines.
Feeling mucho better today. Just dealing with the itchies. I think I could possibly pretty myself up enough to go ogle Oleg š But that would mean a shower and getting dressed and getting myself to the car LOL
sorry your poison oak is back. š
but I’m sure you’re the Queen of the Itchy Bitches.
Naw, I become meek and mild. How can I be bitchy when I have a black pootie sleeping at my head or feet or right on my stomach… with a big black poochie with her head on my side of the bed as she wiggles and waggles which causes the bed to shimmy which causes me to toss pootie off and step on poochie as I stagger stagger, roll roll to the john.
That reminds me – Oleg or no ogle I must take a shower. LOL
Tell Wyden if he doesn’t cooperate, you’ll breathe on him… š
Sharks game last night was enough to make anyone sick…but that’s another story…
You take care of yourself, sweetie, pleeeeeeze…. š
We were going to go in as Stepford Wives meet June Cleaver… pink hoop skirts… but that’ll be the outside protest. We’ll be going in all serious and shit. I have to find a black suit/type of outfit. All my crap doesn’t fit any more. (wheee)
I have a orange diary up.
As promised yesterday, here’s the final product of the poetry seminar I went to on Saturday. It’s a bit rough and could use some editing, but that just means my fellow frogponders get to see a work in progress.
Pretty adequate for a ten minute rush job.
You also have to understand that at the time I wrote this I was looking out the window at the rain, which at about 4:15 on Saturday in Seatac was “falling” sideways.
The seeds will bloom again… unless they are Monsanto seeds. Genetically Modified to NOT re-seed.
I don’t think they can do that yet, but I’m not sure. So instead they make farmers sign draconian contracts that they won’t save any of the seed they buy for the next year, and won’t allow any seeds from this year’s crop to be inadvertentlly planted to grow next year.
All of which makes me glad my wife grew up in potato country. Caribou County (where she grew up) provides most of Idaho’s seed potatoes. If Monsanto has gotten their mitts into the potato business, I haven’t heard about it yet.
There were many organic farmers in N. Calif who were sued by Monsanto. Monsanto would buy up land around or next to the organic farmers. Not only did this ruin the organic farmer’s soil but Monsatnto sued them for stealing their patent when they wind carried their hybrids over to the organic farmers land. Each and every time – the organic famrers farms were ruined and they lost the suit.
I’d find someone who would take the case on a contingency fee and file a class action. Sounds like none of these farmers wanted the Monsanto seeds, none of them signed any kind of contract with Monsanto, and if they got put out of business because they can’t sell “organic” produce because their crops were contaminated with non-organic seed, that seems to me to be a basis for a lawsuit.
But all I know about it is what you just told me, so there are no doubt other extenuating circumstances, one of which has to be Monsanto’s deep pockets.
This kind of action, where the little guy with no resources gets shafted by corporations who can afford better justice, really frosts me. The RIAA does the same thing, suing music downloaders who have little recourse but to pay their extortionate “settlement fee” because they can’t afford a court battle. So I’m always glad to see a story where someone decides to fight back.
I like this, Omir.
Thank you, very kind of you. Someday it will be even better.
I especially like poetry that captures an outdoor/nature scene and the emotions of it.
When I’ve done my own, a later reading of the poetry always replays the actual event for me… like having my own personal video of it, only in many ways it’s better than a video, ’cause the actual memory is more “real” in a way that’s hard to explain.
I’ll look forward to seeing the “final” version… please be sure I don’t miss it.
I want a pond. I want lilypads. And fish. And a couple of wittle frogs.
Where is that pretty pond?
It’s at the nursery where I go to just sit in the shade sometimes and write. They don’t mind although today they tried their best to sell me some “Knock-Out” roses they claimed I couldn’t kill.
Oh, and I want this guy. I’m thinking of wrapping him up and giving him to myself for Olivia’s birthday on Thursday!
He reminds me of the Luck Dragon from Neverending Story
you definitely should never get dogs — the desire to pee on him would be irresistible
I loved him so much I wanted to pee on him. His cuteness doesn’t come through in the photo as so often happens with one’s children.
It’s those sad eyes, radiating the message ‘love me, love me’ that are doing you in.
Speaking of photos showing the cuteness of one’s children — aren’t you supposed to be busy with that rubbermaid box?
Andi, Andi, Andi. Right now I’m busy avoiding the thought of what to make for dinner. It’s been 25 years and I’m just out of inspiration. It’s the worst part of my day.
Well, it’s been 34 years for us and it ain’t improving with age. Our ‘solution’ is to sit down and figure out all our meals for the week at once. It doesn’t make it any less painful but it gets it all over with at once.
How about salmon marinated in a balsamic dressing and some lemon juice and then grilled out?
Part of the pain is figuring out who likes what and compromising. Some of us won’t eat fish of any kind. I’d just as soon have a PB&J or cereal most nights. I’m just burned out on making decisions and I feel guilty when I leave everyone to fend for themselves or order pizza. I’ll think of something. Salmon sounds great to me.
Have I taught you nothing yet?
Teach them the joys of cooking. Have one night where each makes their favorite meal.
That way you can lay on the couch and slack while they’re thinking of how much fun they’re having and how proud they’ll be of what they’ve learned to cook.
my mother’s line when any of complained about not liking something she made for dinner: “I’m not running a restaurant.”
I don’t cater to them but I try to make something that most of the family likes. They’re always free to have a sandwich. But like Colin is only home for dinner about once a week so I try to make something he’ll like for that night, which is tonight.
— that way you’ll know that your children will all reach adulthood without having developed a talent for being able to swallow food without actually chewing it.
You’re too good of a Mom.
I’m just making sure they take care of me in my old age. š
I can hear it now.
Mom this is the best nursing home we could find.
Don’t mind that puddle of pee over there. š
I honed that particular talent on lima beans, if I remember correctly.
Are you talking about butter beans?
I don’t think they’re the same thing. Aren’t butter beans those enormous yellow ones? I used to peel the skin off the lima beans and swallow them whole like a pill when my mom would make me eat them.
Lima beans/butter beans we’ve always called them the same.
To give you an example. When I was a kid my Dad was going into the store to buy me a soft drink. He asked me what I wanted.
I told him Coke. He came back with a coke, but I thought he knew I wanted an orange nehi. I told him no, I said I wanted a Coke.
I would have said I want a pop. I’ve heard that even ‘souther’ than here everything is a coke. In NC it’s soda, in Ohio it’s pop.
Yes I know. Moving around the country I always heard the difference.
I’ve always found it interesting just the different English dialects that are spoken around the country.
What I would really love is to be able to speak every language to see the difference how they are spoken around the country.
You live in the south, just cook breakfast again.
Better yet. Pizza. Order out.
Heh. I do this about once a week and they love it.
Brickman, friend of Rockman from The Point…for those old enough to remember that…:{)
must be this guy,
was that on an album cover, or what?
being one of my favorites.
I always set the CD player to repeat that one a half dozen times, before I can move on to the rest of the CD.
just a connection I made when I saw it originally…it’s a ‘ceramic’ sculpture.
As for The Poin,t, I have, or rather my son has the original album with the full size, color story book insert. My kids loved it when they were little…now it’s his kids turn…damn, writing that makes me feel old.
Need to make shopping list, which means menu planning for the week. Spouse was going to go up to SF for the quake centennial events, but we got to bed too damn late. š
Sharks game sucked (lost 4-0), and what made it worse was a guy behind us doing running commentary the whole freakin’ game to his companion du jour. Spouse could ignore him, but his talking grated on me by about middle of second period. Olivia — the Senators better shut out Jagr or I am going to be highly pissed with them! š
Okay, off to shower and try to be productive…
My oldest son called and said he bought tickets to the Indians game for when I’m up there this summer. Good seats.
Now I need a nap. Later everyone.
If there’s anybody awake, you can drag your sorry ass over here.