This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hope this morning finds everybody feeling fine or at least not suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous house or work problems.
Morning Andi!!! I am hoping to day will be better than yesterday. We had roving black outs all afternoon yesterday across Texas as they were doing maintenance on power plants and we hit over 100 degrees. Today will be a very busy day as I have two political events tonight. I will leave home at 6 am and get back tonight some time between 11 and 12 and then do it all again tomorrow.
Refinish I was thinking about you yesterday when I heard about the blackouts.
Hope it’s better today.
Yeah it was rough. I missed all the traffic mess luckily when the stop lights went out. I was in a book store when the power went out for 45 minutes. Needless to say I did not get a lot accomplished last night. LOL
If it happens again take care of yourself.
I will. The heat doesn’t bother me but the inconvience drives me nuts LOL
I guess here without the AC, besides my Mom, the one I worry about most is George. He still has his winter coat.
I’m just getting back into his good grace after his bath, so getting him near water is out of the question.
Poor thing, traumatic experiences those baths.
As I know only too well, power outages are in a pain in the butt.
Hope today goes much, much better.
Thank you!!!!
Morning Andi and Refinish.
Are they coming back to finish the AC today?
I don’t know. We called their answering machine yesterday and never got a reply.
They aren’t the kind of people that leave you hanging. So I’m sure they are just waiting on the part.
Good morning everyone.
Woke up at 3, could not sleep again š
Grouchiness a distinct possibility today.
Ask grouuchy? It’s a concept I’ve never pictured. š
A (not so) well hidden talent.
Morning to you too.
You seem to have quite a schedule today.
Hope the events tonight are interesting.
Maybe you can take a nap at lunch time.
Management is not sympathetic to having cots in our cubicles (daytime, that is – for overnighters in the office, exceptions are made)…
I just have to teach you the secret of sleepling while standing.
Altogether not an unpleasant experience. Having extremely big feet helps in this endeavor though.
when in military training (more than 30 years ago) there were times I fell asleep while walking sentry.
Ask I’m amazed. Showing such potential at such a young age. I see great things in slackdom for you.
killing time in airports helped me perfect the art of sleeping in uncomfortable chairs — I would have thought you would be even better at it.
Ah yes, sleeping in uncomfortable chairs.
When the mysteries of sleeping standing up have unfolded to you, uncomfortable chairs are like clouds of soft down waiting to embrace you.
Aren’t you poetic this morning!
Morning SN. Don’t really know.
How’re you today?
I can nod off at the most surprising times and places, just ask curly š
But it was easier before, age is setting in.
I’ve found age to complement my naps/nodding off.
However, I do think it’s an ability only a very lucky few are born with. š
but Hopeful (our coonhound) has on more than one ocassion actually fallen asleep while going up the porch steps.
I have a picture of my oldest son, about age 3, dressed in a homemade angel costume (he always wanted to wear some kind of costume, usually a clown, and now, at 24, he’s afraid of clowns) standing up with his top half resting on the arm of the couch, totally asleep.
You need to post that picture! (If you don’t have scanner, take a picture of the picture with your digital camera.)
I should have said ‘somewhere, in a huge Rubbermaid container I have this picture…’
You should do as I did and get every picture and start scanning them in. Then make cd’s.
At your kids ages right now they probably don’t pay to much attention to them, but once they get older, to have all the pictures would be a treasure to them.
Those pictures are so precious to me! There are thousands of them and they’re in my closet and I keep promising myself that I’ll organize and label them all. I do want to store them on CD, but my scanner is crap and makes them look like grainy. Anyone know the most inexpensive way to put pics onto a CD or DVD? I wonder if Kinkos does that.
and can’t open the box and look through it?
Are you chanelling your mother? Every time I look through those pictures I cry.
my mother, my grandmother, my Aunt Sylvia, my Aunt Nancy, my Aunt Sarah, my Aunt Neoma, my …
I am jealous. I haven’t perfected the art of falling asleep while moving.
Hopeful is the slowest moving dog in the universe; he has to carefully think about each step before he takes it.
What a beautiful sunrise. Almost makes me forget it’s on the way to Cincinnati!
Morning everyone. It’s cool and sunny and sparkly and the baby bunnies are out in the backyard hopping around.
And Precious, the little Yorkie next door, started yapping before 6 AM – I want to drop kick him into the next time zone.
Morning. Sorry about your rude awakening.
(It wasn’t cincy that was the problem with that sunrise for me — it was that I spent the rest of that day moving furniture in a downpour.)
I love these chilly nights when I can leave the window open. I actually had to snuggle with Mr. Nature to keep warm, which is always nice.
LOL I should ship George to you for awhile.
Started yapping before 6:00 am?
Try 24/7, with taking just a few breaks while he’s eating.
Somehow it’s better when it’s your dog and not the snotty neighbors. They have a landscaping crew that comes twice a week and their yard is perfectly manicured and then they let Precious over to poop in ours. Grrr.
You should tell them how happy you are that you live by someone who has such a lovely lawn. You can see the crew working on it and if they wouldn’t mind. Would they have the crew come over and pick up the poop from their damn dog.
Of course smiling the whole time. A southern thing.
I need to develop talents such as yours, but I’m a complete wimp when it comes to confrontation.
Actually I am too. I hate confrontations.
I’ve seen you show righteous anger before. You just haven’t been pushed far enough yet.
Righteous anger is easy in print. š
It’s hell being nice, isn’t it. š
Be glad Precious is a yorkie and not a big black lab named Ozzy…
He does leave compact little packages, but it still pisses me off. I take the passive agressive approach and flick them with a hand trowel back onto their lawn.
Since our neighborhood is open and no fences we have the same problem. However it has gotten better.
A new neighbor moved in a year ago and got tired of dogs doing everything in her yard and flower beds. She call the dog catcher who set up traps. When one was caught it was taken to the local vet. You then had to pay $100 to get your dog back.
In this neighborhood if you don’t like dogs and kids roaming through your yard, going from one house to the other, you don’t need to be here.
Country living, that’s for me.
My kitten is literally making out with me at this moment, petting my face, licking my neck, purring, nuzzling my neck. Most action I’ve seen in months.
Didn’t you say when that happens your allergies set in?
Then again, action is action. š
I’ll take a Claritin and just enjoy it!
You were just telling us what a nice snuggle you had with Mr. Nature. What is he, chopped liver (still channeling)?
We men are always so under appreciated.
Put my football helmet on before I wrote that one.
Ok, I overstated it as a snuggle when it reality it was me ending closer to his back for some warmth, him thinking I wanted some action and then me popping out of bed for a cup of coffee. LOL?
I meant ‘edging’ not ending…although it was probably more of the latter.
that you are really making out like a bonobo but you don’t want the rest of us too feel bad so you pretend like you’re a not quite failed novitiate.
I imagine a race to Google ‘bonobo’ by me and Family Man. And now that I know…LOL!
It was. š
Family Man, our vocabular is going to totally rock after a few months hanging out with Andi!
I would say something about,
Poor Mr. Nature. To be woken up with high expectations.
But I won’t, nope, won’t say it at all. š
I would say something about men who always think a bid for warmth, or god forbid, a backrub, is a plea for sex, but I won’t.
Oh, how sad for Mr. Nature…
Doesn’t anyone feel sorry for me?….
Hey, you got your coffee… š
And he got up early for work. Your point is? š
Um, perhaps we have different priorities? š
Ya think?
Maybe it’s that married versus single thing…
it could be a don’t-kiss-me-till-you’ve-brushed-your-teeth kind of thing. Of course, being forgiving about bad breath could be a single versus married kind of thing.
Not to mention a ‘why don’t you try coming to bed before 3 AM instead of playing Civ 4 on the computer’ kind of thing.
Maybe it’s just that I’m not a morning person…in that particular way.
Ah yes, the bonobo. š
Apparently you’ve read more about the bonobo than I have. I just saw the picture and laughed. š
If it contains the word sex I read about it.
Actually I saw about them on the Animal Channel, but had forgotten.
I know Andi makes us google on purpose. š
Of course we do! Poor SN.
To be searching for just a little warmth.
You poor baby. š
BTW have you heard of blankets?
So, you’re saying that unless I want sex with the boys in the kitchen eating breakfast right underneath our bed, I better not even touch Mr. Nature? I see how it is.
Just don’t know how to even reply to that. š
Getting ready to start my “Monday” — lots of meetings all day. Papers to write. In other words, no slack time… š Hope you all have a great day!
You have a good day Olivia and slack whenever possible.
How ’bout you — busy day? (Did you get the email*s* btw?)
lots of meetings all day, I break out in hives and remind myself to be more properly grateful that I work from home.
Hi Olivia.
I’ll be thinking of you in your wonderful nature setting w/ all those new buds and your dogs while I’m sitting in the boardroom… š
Andi, I just remembered the Tuesday flower… Oops. I forgot all about it.
last night while I was lying in bed waiting to fall asleep. Do you want to do this every week, every other week, once a month? I can set myself a reminder for any interval to send you an email asking for a link.
I can send you the links — what size do you need for the box?
I just set a weekly reminder for Monday mornings.
Hopefully not as busy as yesterday.
email yes and thank you. Now to put your wisdom into action.
The neighbor’s big black lab bit CBtY in the hand in OUR YARD this morning while he was waiting for the bus.
They have an electric fence, but rarely ever have his collar on him, so he comes over and tears up my yard, pees on my stuff, and now this. I’ve called and let them know numerous times that I don’t like this, but it only seems to resolve the problem for a week or 2 at the most.
I’ve already called them about the bite. If the dog is over here again, I will go absolutely batshit loopy insane and scream at my neighbors. Why the hell can’t they keep their dog at home? I have 3, and keep all mine home…
I hate people like that. Aren’t you obligated to report dog bites and get proof that the dog’s rabies shots are up to date? Maybe that little bit of oversight will make them take responsibility.
Well, they are getting a firm face-to-face talking to this afternoon about what will happen if the dog is loose in my yard again. My children have a right to play in their own yard without fear of the neighbor’s dog coming over to bite them. I might add that these are the neighbors with the little girl who comes over to help herself to my eggs. What is wrong with these people? They’re not bothersome otherwise.
I am pissed. The dog has been a problem for a long time, but this is the last straw. They need to put the collar on him and keep it on him. End of story.
Yes SN is right. I totally agree.
Having their dog in (can’t spell the word), but caged up and them paying the vets for it will make them think a hell of a lot longer then two weeks.
I hope you’re right. Of course, I can’t understand why they don’t realize I don’t want their dog here in the first place…
Some people have to be beat over the head numerous times before a light bulb goes on.
Sounds like you’ve been using a rubber mallet for this. Pull out the sledgehammer!
I’m ready to throw bricks at them right now…
Is he okay?
You definitely should make them prove that the dog has had its rabies shots. And I’d tell them that if the dog comes near your house again, you will call Animal Control in order to protect your children.
It left teeth marks, scraped the top layer of skin, but no bleeding, thankfully.
I just want the dog to stay at their house. I guess I’ll call the SPCA this morning and find out what the rules are in my township, so that when I talk with them later I can back up my threats with facts. Just what I feel like doing today.
Peeing and pooping is one thing — but biting is another plane altogether.
It does cross the line from nuisance to legitimate safety issue.
… talk about sex.
Okay, I’m off to open a new cafe.
So stay here and talk about sex or visit the new cafe and …