Cross posted @ Voices in the Wilderness

Western nations fight wars because other countries don’t agree with the freehand of capitalism. How ironic is it to hear the members of the nations who most adamantly promote capitalism complaining when capitalism is at work.

Much more below the fold
If tomorrow morning gas prices were to spike to $15 dollars per liter I would not consider it price gouging. If the market cannot support $15 dollar gas then energy companies could not sustain growth and thus prices would come down in order to promote buying. As long as people continue buying gas the market will rise. This is how a free market works (for those of you familiar with the concept of supply and demand). It is the role of the company (energy companies included) to make as much money as they possibly can. They do not have to answer to consumers; they must answer only to their shareholders.

Do I think this is fair and just? No, but this is capitalism. This is how I know that propaganda works wonders. The same people fighting energy companies over ‘price gouging’ will shout, “pinko commie!” to those who advocate a more fair and balanced system under the name of socialism or communism.

The truth is, Americans, Canadians and other `capitalist’ nations want socialism, even if they disguise this desire under a new name. Medicare/Healthcare for all is not a pure capitalist concept. Neither is it the ideology of capitalism to advocate governmental control over gas companies. `Controlling spam’ on the internet certainly does not leave much room for free market cooperate creativity yet millions of `capitalist’ want the heads of those who proliferate and justify spam.

Hugo Chavez, for example, has been coined a threat to democracy because he is spending billions of dollars from oil revenue to subsidize anti-poverty programs in Venezuela and other Latin-American countries (ironically the very same sorts of anti-poverty programs advocated by millions of capitalist around the world).

Those who fight socialism abroad and demand it at home are either grossly unjust, ignorant or among them who have falling to governmental spin.

Stop complaining about gas prices. Remember that the market is at work. Any price that you and your colleagues around the globe are not willing to pay will not be they price for very long. The buying power of the consumer in a capitalist system is, from time to time, their ability to, “not buy”.  

As always, sounds great on paper and works in theory but as millions of people are finding out, allowing the free market to work its magic isn’t always the solution. If this is true for capitalist loving nations why won’t they allow it to be so for socialist and communist nations without the threat of economic sanctions or military strikes?

Just a thought