Tom Cruise is so compassionate. Britney Spears’s baby has a skull fracture. Gwyneth Paltrow’s baby is a treasure.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
BooMan, I wanted to mention that I’ve again noticed a mismatch between the time provided by your site and my local time. I suspect when summer time started recently your server’s clock was advanced by an hour but the server’s time zone setting in the scoop software was not changed. As a result I think all the times users see displayed for zones other than the server’s are out by an hour.
you can adjust the time in your preferences.
Booman, thanks for responding in the earlier thread. My user setting correctly reflects my local time zone. What I’m saying is that I think the server setting was not changed to reflect the move to summer time. The server clock was advanced (probably automatically by Windows) but not the time zone setting in scoop. As a result I think others will confirm that users outside the time zone the server is on will be getting times one hour later than their local time.
We’ve had this occur a couple of times in the year since BT started. It’s solved by you or Andy changing the server’s scoop setting to daylight or summer time.
You cannot call Tom Cruise Compaasionate because Bush has trademarked COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE.Just like his buddy Grover has trademarked the K-Street Project.
I actually wish there was some celebrity news vibrant enough to sustain my interest. I sorely need distraction from the Iranian situation…
Tom Cruise has been jumping a series of sharks; this morning I read a headline and opening words on Google News suggesting that he intends to eat the placenta that accompanies his newborn. I did not click the link to discover why he may intend to do so. The opening blurb was quite enough info to determine that the man has fucking lost his mind. I will probably wait until they are on broadcast tv before I ever watch any more of his movies.
With all of her money, you would think Britney could afford to hire good help. I guess you can take the trailer out of the park but you can’t get rid of the trash.
I might, just might, develop interest in Bradjolena except they have gone to Nambia and are being protected by the whole government thereby preventing the visual content I need to whet my appetite.
No, they don’t produce celebrity soap operas like they used to… Elizabeth Taylor has retired from the limelight and no one has taken her place. Nick and Jessica — who cares? Anniston and Vaugh — yawn. These days I don’t even pick up the celebrity mags at the check-out line to see what’s inside.
See my other comment. Why should he need that boost of energy?
Already depleted from that sperm loss, Tom will have his hands full making sure Katie’s delivery conforms to Scientology silence standards. After the baby is born, he may even find that his hands have been silently bitten. He will need placenta nutrients to help those tissues heal.
Also remember that while Katie rests in comfort with the baby, Tom will have to face the cameras much sooner than she will.
Because Scientology is open and tolerant, Tom was permitted to consult with a Yanomani shaman who revealed to him that placenta makes even better hair gel than Paul Mitchell.
So reports that he will be eating the entire placenta are nothing but sensationalism.
I had a friend back in 1973 who took natural childbirth to the extreme: As her labor pains began, they drove up into the mountains, climbed one, and pitched a tent on the top. After the birth, he fried up the placenta over an open fire and she ate it. And they didn’t even look like hippies. She was a RN, he was a medical supply salesman and they drove a BMW! But, they were from California… 😉
I can see the advantage in the mother absorbing all those vitamins and nutrients. One can imagine that Mother Nature had just that idea in mind; a kind of ready-meal after the exertion of labor. The father? Um, no. But, in this case, I guess Tom will need the energy to go out and face the flashbulbs.
No Cruise or Britany news from me – but maybe something even more interesting. I have recently been seeing some possible openings in my own family brand of kool-aid drinkers. That 30+ group that seems to not budge on their support for King George. And what are the issues that are getting through you might ask? Well, one of them is a bit obscure – my grandfather built a road for the Peruvian government back in the 50’s and for the past several years my dad has been working to try to get payment for it. He got caught up in the Republican corporate interest in approving a South American Free Trade Agreement. So he needed the Dems to oppose approval as leverage for getting the payment. He lost – the corporatists had bigger fish to fry.
They are also really upset about gas prices, have had to weigh in with the perscription drug benefit (my dad’s been getting some of their meds from Mexico) and will feel some angst with the anti-choice crowd if they start going after birth control.
I just thought some of you might like to know whats getting through to the true believers.
of her medications from Mexico. I was wondering if they have been stopping those shipments from coming in country also as they have shipments from Canada.
thing I have read more on it and it really doesn’t sound “bad” anymore to me. Unnecessary noise and idle chit chat is what is discouraged….doctors talking about their golf games and critical nurses are just a few snippets of the idle chit chat I surely would have tossed out of my birthing room if I had been given the chance. I remember my daughter’s natural father attempting to encourage me to “push” when I had her also……because he attempted to “boss” everything I did for the short time we were together I also remember thinking that I needed to slide off of the bed and punch him in the face as hard as I could at that precise moment! I ain’t pissed at Tom anymore now. If my mom had named me Moses though I would have had a serious problem with her……and the Britney thing is just too much self absorbed parents on the positive assumption side and too much horror on the negative assumption side.
Please, everyone who still has a Dkos ID go over there and recommend my reposting of BostonJoe’s “Petals for Peace” diary at about 10:50am EST.
Pretty please?
here’s the link.
Thanks, BooMan. It looks like we got about 25 recommends over there this time, thats about 80 less than the egg-roll diary got over there. Sheesh. Well, We will keep trying. The ones who have participated so far have done an awesome job. Something to build on as the week progresses….
I actually checked the diary out after taking a break from Petals for Peace. The egg-roll diaries deserved to be there. It was, after all, activism just like ours, except these brave people put their bodies behind their funfest-protest and had to endure those ugly signs outside the White House fence.
I’m just hoping for stronger numbers for the stop the war movement and for BostonJoe’s excellent activism.