I say, I listen to all voices, but mine is the final decision. And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He’s not only transforming the military, he’s fighting a war on terror. He’s helping us fight a war on terror. I have strong confidence in Donald Rumsfeld. I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I’m the decider, and I decide what is best. And what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense.- George Dubya Bush, April 18, 2006.
I’m the President, so fuck off, you stupid fuckers!
Spot on.
I’m surprised he didn’t throw a ‘neener neener neener’ in there.
When I was a kid, it was “nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo” and maybe he didn’t want to mention doo doo on television. Who knows.
OMFG! I simply cannot understand why some people (like abour 30%) hear this kind of baby-talk and think it endearing and/or charming. I don’t want a president who is inarticulate and idiotic. Does he use a crayon to write with? I am also so sick to death of the meaningless catch phrases. “transforming the military”? What does that mean? “I read the front page”? You, mean you glance at the headlines and then bury your head in sand. Arggg! Please, make it stop. I can’t take three more years of this fool.
“I make the decisions,” or “I am the decision-maker.” When I read “I am the decider,” I thought of a petulant six-year-old. I feel so embarrassed to have this dolt for a president.
Sounded like my Dad after a binge when he’d come home three days later all stinking and trying to be “the man” and set down “some laws”.
As soon as he’d stumble off to his room, we’d all flip him off.
I heard this this monring and about hurled. Not from the flu but from disgust. The Decider??? Yeah, right – fuck you George.
“And what’s best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense.”
My question for George is Best for who? The soldiers being killed and mamed every day for your f’ing lies? The innocent men, women and children of Iraq? Or best for your f’ing wallet Shrub, you f’ing moran!
Bushies Day Out
Once again, listening to the voices in his head. Is it any wonder that this country has sunk to its present state?
Found this thought in a book of Native American thoughts and beliefs….when we need a laugh!
Heyokah = Lakota for clown
This sort of sums of my thoughts about Bush hearing voices…
the rumsfeld problem: check. and mate
but thats just me.
Now girls,….. lets take him literally at his word..he looks at the front page. Does he actually read it??!! That is an obvious NO..for if he did, he would be even more angry at the press, now wouldn’t he?…:o)
PS: I am the decider on that one..hear me??!!! That is what my voice says….<wink, wink>:o)
Actually in the dictionary the word decider is there. But not as a noun…:o)
I say, I listen to all voices
Even when he’s alone in the room. Unfortunately, he can’t tell when Satan mimics Gawd’s voice. . .
There’s an article in the WaPo today on female amputees returning from Iraq. My (now) wife lost her dominant arm in a mountaineering accident 20 years ago & this piece speaks so loudly to me even today that I’m not really able to talk about it, but there’s a lot of good stuff in it. Ittook place on the NW border of Yosemite — Jack Kerouac’s Dharma Bums has a fantastic description of the route & terrain as they climb Matterhorn Peak. We returned last summer to do some ritualistic healing. The accident happened as we were descending a talus slope & a boulder came loose, pinning & crushing her elbow. The artery was severed & it’s a miracle she walked out on her own steam — lucky to get back to the trail, let alone the trailhead. The rural, community hospital in Bridgeport down the road from the trailhead is now shuttered up — a victim of Bush budget cuts. She was too severely wounded to be treated there, but a helicopter was called to take her to Reno. She’d likely be dead without it. Anyhoos, here’s WaPo:
In 1985, Prosthetic technology hadn’t gotten much further than it had developed after WWII — a mechanical hook, operated by a bulky body harness system. Functional — or one could get a purely cosmetic device. (“Thye look really good,” therapists would say.) There are also high-tech bionic arms (The Utah model was prominent then) costing tens of thousands of dollars, very heavy, & with limited applications. She chose to do without.
How manly that he reads the front page. Probably just the big, decisive headlines at that.
He meant he has the front page read to him. He just looks at the pictures. 😉
I can only imagine which voices he is referring to. Could be the same ones that tell him not to “rule out” a nuclear strike against Iraq. Sometimes he makes me wonder if I should brush up on Revelations. The Anti-Christ and all of that, you know??
Dubya is the poster boy for the hubris of fucking ignorance.
My fucking God, our President is only six fucking years old and it’s his sandbox. George HW and Babs should die from shame for raising such a stunted little human.
Plus, if you were to look at the interview closely, the little man’s jaw was really busy today..Now does he do that when he NEEDS his daily fix or just when he is MAD or something like that…inquiring minds want to know….:o) Just a little rumor here is all…;o)
too good not to pass on to others
I happen to think this is way tooooo funny to ignore..Fits like a comfortable shoe…YOu know the drill….;o)
Very appropriate link. It`s the incompetence, not the incontinence.
Booman, thanks for responding in the earlier open thread. My user setting correctly reflects my local time zone. What I’m saying is that I think the server setting was not changed to reflect the move to summer time. The server clock was advanced (probably automatically by Windows) but not the time zone setting in scoop. As a result I think others will confirm that users outside the time zone the server is on will be getting times one hour later than their local time.
We’ve had this occur a couple of times in the year since BT started. It’s solved by you or Andy changing the server’s scoop setting to daylight or summer time.
This little tidbit my colleague just pointed out to me is appropriate here:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agathidium bushi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Leiodidae
Genus: Agathidium
A. bushi
A. cheneyi
A. rumsfeldi
A. vaderi
and 61 others Miller & Wheeler, 2005
Agathidium bushi, Agathidium cheneyi, and Agathidium rumsfeldi are species of slime-mold beetles named after George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, respectively, by two former Cornell entomologists, Dr Kelly B. Miller (now at Brigham Young University) and Dr Quentin D. Wheeler (now at the Natural History Museum). According to Miller and Wheeler, the naming of the beetles (who were three of 65 species to be named) was done in homage to the political figures. Other namesakes for species in this genus include Darth Vader, “who shares with A. vaderi a broad, shiny, helmetlike head” and Pocahontas.
(I see that Susanhu posted about this last year but I missed it the first time around so maybe you all did too.)
Just in case you haven’t yet seen this Street Kid;
One of the aspects of my country I’ll never understand is this boastful love and appreciation for those who are NOT educated, where people of knowledge are “egg heads” and people who aren’t become “someone I’d drink a beer with” and thusly somehow superior in an undefined way.
Think about this. In any democracy in the world, from Canada to Japan to France to Peru, no one speaking the native language as poorly as Bush would ever be elected president (or PM). Never.
You can hate Blair (or his policies as I do) but the man has to debate the opposition regularly in parliament. He can’t sit there and waggle his finger and say “I’m the decider”. Unbelievable that this kind of crap emerges regularly from Bush’s mouth. Does he talk like that during his private staff meetings too??
I wish to hell America had some kind of system like in Britain and elsewhere where the President had to answer questions from the opposition on a REGULAR basis. I really do. The current system we have where the only time the president answers an unscripted question is when he wants to and when he’s running for (re)election is ridiculous.
American mythology loves the common man, the idea that any person off the street would be able to fill an important role in government or any other institution in the country. Of course, the myth is both true and untrue. True in that it sometimes happens, as exemplified by a person like Lincoln or even Eisenhower. Untrue in that it happens very rarely, with most of the positions of power falling to those with ties to big money and sometimes old money.
The marketing of Dubya projected his “common man” image, which was true and untrue as well. He is a man and he is common, but he is no “common man.”